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3-1. Determine the magnitudes of Fy and Fy so that Particle is in equilibrium, aay 3-3. Determine the magnitude and angle @ of F; so that particle P isin equilibrium, Equations of Bquiibrium ; 5 5) + 80en820°— Feat 0 0 ca a2 1725-0; so22)-¢smin20--Rsn 020 Raw 0=12301 a ‘Solving Bye1) and (2) yields (1) ses in r=0 ‘OBR 0.86608; = 2000 a +1220 somear=n(3)-fover 0 eh +085 60 a Seve yt Reese Rome Am 32, Detemine the magnitude and cretion @ of Fso thatthe parle iin ulm eee, ; : ™ on ston ah-s-raee x "34, Determine the magnitude and angle 8 of Fso that the particle is in equilibrium. Fcos8 + 225 emo" ~ 45-75 an30"= 0 3 Find ~ 225 ansor ~ 75 ooe20 F ano = 2 ss ae i’ rd 7 0 = 48 a ase Feu Ane 3S. The members of a truss'are pin-connected at joint ©. Determine the magnitudes ‘of Fr and Fy for equilibrium, Set 9 = 60%.- quations of Bilibriom AE #0, Fie 6765 ste 30--1(5) =0 05 +a92015 =95501 a 21950 erro Rsnere sie 2)n0 205-66 «70 ta eS 3-6 The members” of a truss are pin-connected at joint O. Determine the magnitude of F; and its angle @ for equilibrium, Set Fy = 6 KN. Eoatons of Egllbrom : SUA Rew o+6sin 1 Senn30-~7(5) 0 Fos 0= 42920 0 TER 0; 6008 70"—Fsin 0+ Sen 30° Risin =0352t a Sobing Eg] an 2) it On4er Re 4stN Ans 3-7. The device shown is used to straighten the frames of wrecked autos. Determine the tension of each segment (of the chain, ie AB and BC, if the force which the hydraulic cylinder DB exerts on point B is 350 KN, a8 shown, Equations of Equilibrium : Arslan fo Fea be bine by summing forces slong they a. TER 0; 35s aa 3 Resin 99" 20 Fic = 2953 sou Au ‘Using there Fe = 2.993 LN and suming fore along x ais, weave 2h 0; 3506 4859°+299%0066095"— fy #0 Fg a3 Ane "38 Determine the force in cables AB and AC ‘ecessary to support the 12-kg traffic ight. Equations of Equliriom ' Supeo, fysortet-ne(H)=0 | Fug =098Ahe m Fe | 2 eh eg 2125-0; pase one 5 020g +028%¢= 11072 a {0} we 2 ys Sobing Ea reevey)eur72 Fie BON Re 2ON Ans 39 Cords AB and AC can each sustain a maximum tension of 800 Ib. If the drum has a weight of 900 Ib, determine the smallest angle @ at which they can be attached to the drum, ate soe 900 ~ 2(800) sine = 0 te imu 3410, The 500-Ib crate is hoisted using the ropes AB and AC, Each rope can withstand a maximum tension of 2500 Ib before it breaks If AB always remains horizontal, determine the smallest angle 6 to which the crate can be hoisted. Cate: Asus Tuy = 25002 SER 2500- Te cord 0 +TER =O Te sine - 50020 nt seo Sowing enna Tie = 28950 > 250% (N.C!) (Case? Assume Tie = 250018 4125-0 r0sne = 5000 0 ose aie |, fig 2 ote" = 0 as iy = 2uW9m < 2000 Tha ermabstnges @= 11 Ane SIL Two electrically charged pith balls cach having a mass of 02 , are suspended from light threads of equal length. Determine the resullant horizontal force of repulsion, F acting on each ball ifthe measured distance between them is r = 200 mm, Smee reno 7s aaa +135 0 £ a= |- exvancey 0 o T= 226410) 9 n2caliN FeiismN Ame {3:12 The concrete pipe elbow has a weight of 400 Ib and the center of gravity is located at point G. Determine ‘he force in the cables AB and CD needed to support it, Free Body Diagram : By oberon, cable AB bat suppor te ‘nie weight fe over pipe. Tha, Fa=40m Ane ‘The tension fren cable Dis the same throughout he able, tas Fic fo: Equations of Equllibri EHO; Rypsinast—Resinase=0 fem hue=F +725 90; 400-270 45°=0 Fio= Foy = 283 8 Ane 313, Determine the stretch in each spring for equilibrium of the 2-kg block. The springs are shown in the equilibrium position. Rio = X98) = 04808 m 3-14. The unstretched length of spring AB is 2m. Ifthe blockis held in the equilibrium position shown, determine the mass of the block at D. 3m 4m 4 Te ke = S00 F FOS - 9) = T.05N FSISN ne Fata 05-0) « 90N ¥ haew hum fa reaus—s0h= 0 eke | T= 10182 * | oN ST weiss += 0 " we mow imuo Bente ae 318. The Sring AC bas snes of 0D Nin and an unsteiche lng of 6m. Detemine the horizontal ee F Applied tothe ord whichis ataced tothe nal ply Bo thatthe displacement ofthe ply rom the walled 13 FIND) ~ F = 0 4 we ; 3-16. The spring ABC has a stiffness of 500 Nim and ‘an unstretched length of 6m. Determine the displacement d of the cord from the wall when a force F = 175N is applied to the cord. Smee ms- arm Teno = 975 ‘tasal-” Pa bs = S0q/E TH - 9) ae eed = 0175 By tial and err. Prods. $15/16 317._Determine the maximum weight of the flowerpot that can be supported without exceeding a cable tension of 50th in either cable AB or AC. Equations of Equilibrium + DRE =0, Resin 0°~ Ral Fe = 120K, am e135 0," Reoes0rena()-W 08608 = W a Since Fic > Fy re wil oor fiat at able AC with Fc = 507. ‘Then solving Ea. and (2 yes Ra = 41.6710 7661 Ans 3.18 The motor at B winds up the cord attached to the sp— A de end 65-b crate with a constant speed. Determine the force in "7 "® nemo - 68(5)= 0 cord CD supporting the pulley and the angle 6 for equilibrium. Neglect the size of the pulley at C. ie Fog sin ~~ 6x = rs = rar Fe are 3:19. The cords BCA and CD can each support a maximum load of 100 Ib. Determine the maximum weight of the crate that can be hoisted at constant velocity, and the angle 6 for equilibrium, onmr Ww stow *3.20, Determine the forces in cables AC and AB needed to hold the 20-kg ball D in equilibrium. Take F = 300 N and d Bqussions of Equilibrium : 06247F,y #089448, =300 0 5 fal Gi 0:700F,4 +04472F,¢ = 1962 a Sobving Bs. (1) and 2] yields Fa =986N Fyc=207N Ane 260961)"1962 0 321, The ball D has a mass of 20 kg Ifa force of F = 100 N is applied horizontally to the ring at A, determine the largest dimension dso thatthe forcein cable ACis zero. equations of Equilibrium : & Supee sWo-kyor9-0 Fycwdaio aTER 0; Apsind-19620 Fysind=1962 (2) Solving Et {1 and 2 yids ons ae 2088)91962 4 Frome povery, sis-mosr d=20m Ane “ie 3-22, The block has a weight of 20 b and is being hoisted at uniform velocity. Determine the angle @ for equilibrium and the required force in each cord, Pat A Sam 0; Tyco - one = 0 Tenconso? = min +125 = 0; Tysnsor— 20-20-00 = 0 * Tgsingo = 20(1+c080) 208 a omar Ane wb AOR =O) Ty = UDDea") = 0 Ig = How Aa 3-23. Determine the maximum weight W of the block that can be suspended in the position shown if each cord can support a maximum tension of 80 Ib. Also, what is the angle @ for equilibrium? on 1 Assume Ty 472 = 0, aOsn60" - W— Wore Bsa = W186) o S25 = 0; occ = Wane = 0 0 cua = W sno @ reeme ma landorine = 146080 enor km Tea = 46188 < 50% (O.KI) w= 2 Assume W = 6016 +T2R = 0; Tensor - 30 soca Tsin60” = 200140008) o SIE =o Tees sia8 = 0 Tomar = 50:00 o ener = 140088 ‘ansiPsine = 140000 one = ism> mm ae Tm, WH 462m Ane to gy 3.24. Determine the magnitude and direction 8 of the equilibrium force Fay exerted along link AB by the tractive apparatus shown. The suspended mass is 10 kg [Neglect the size ofthe pulley at A. Free Body Diagram : The wnsion inte cod se sme thoughout be cond, ats 109-81) = 9.81 N. Equations of Equilibrium : SER 20, Aycoud~98.teas 75" igc080 = 94.757 a STE =O; 98 ain 15°98. ein as Figtin = 25.390 a Solving Ean 2 yikts O=180 Fy =981N Am + 101982) 1009 81)=961N 3-25. Blocks D and F weigh 5 Ib each and block E weighs 8 Ib. Determine the sag s for equilibrium. Neglect the size of the pulleys ptt tn pe sunss = 5230 ane 326. If blocks D and F weigh 5 Ib each, determine the weight of block £ if the sag s = 3 ft. Neglect the size of the pulleys x0) ee i 3-27. The lift sling is used to hoist a container having a ‘mass of $00 kg. Determine the force in each of the cables AB and AC as a function of 8, If the maximum tension allowed jn each cable is 5 KN, determine the shortest lengths of eables AB and AC that can be used for the lift ‘The center of gravity ofthe container is located at G. rom yan, foe, Mas he creat cco as R= 00981) = 5, Equations of Equilibrium: Fico08 0 Figo 0-0 SE | rasooge0 +125 <0; 4905-2Fxin 0-0 34905 Tas, Ficsfus 2 F=(245ac0) 40 Ams te maximum alowabl tension ne cable 5 te 24s2.Sxe 0 = 3000 e=203" me poner = 5 md 80830 hoe 15 an 3 o-ine ole "3-28 The load has a mass of 15 kg and is lifted by the pulley system shown. Determine the force F in the cord .a function of the angle 6, Plot the function of force F versus the angle @ for 0 = @ = 90°, Free Body Diagram : The easion forces tbe save thoughout he cod. Equations of Equilibrium : Tre =0; Fing-Fsind=0 (Sailefed) 4725 =0; 2Feos 0-14715=0 P= (73.6006) N ‘Ans 30" iscaeyerars6 A 3-29, The picture has a weight of 10 Ib and is tobe hung, ‘over the smooth pin B. Ifa string is attached tothe frame at points A and C, and the maximum force the string can support i 15 Ib, determine the shortest string that can be safely used. ‘Free Body Diggram :Sace epi s smoot, te ension fore te cons the seme trouphout cord Equations of Equilibrium Seo Tes o-tasoe0 (Saisie +125 =0, W-2ine=0 T=. iad 1 ension in he cord canna exe 15, then 3.30. The 200-b uniform tank is suspended by means ‘of a 6-f-long cable, which is attached to the sides of the {tank and passes over the small pulley located at O. Ifthe sable can be attached at either points A and B, or C ‘and D, determine which attachment produces the least ‘amount of tension in the cable. What is this tension? Free Body Diagram : By oburaton, te orcs F has to supper te tke weigh of te unk Ths, F= 200. The nso a cable the vane ‘troughout fe cable, eons of Etiam: Sine Teretenono atiradn step 20 smaninsno re a ‘rom thefuncin otined above, one waza ht in der to produce te ‘east amount fasion in heel, sin @ hence O mut bea gets otrle, Since the tachment ofthe ableto pat C and D produces & rote ( @ = cot"j = 70:3") a compared tote atcha of ie cable pois d sod (Om cast} = 4819*), ‘The attachment of the cable te potat C and D will produce ‘he least amount of tension tn the cable ane Ts, uk "3-31. A vertical force P = 10 1b is applied to the ends of the 2-ft cord AB and spring AC. If the spring has an lunstretched length of 2 ft, determine the angle @ for equilibrium, Take k = 15 Ibi heap Teta ” a ATE Pants Range i9= 0 = ABTS OTITIS = afta fae ma ~Y nies. _ate-as0) Rom ays Te mi TTaR neatly pee REE EE na ccan, , MRE pg TS vig 8 *3-32, Determine the unstretched length of spring AC if a force P= 801b causes the angle @ = 60° for equilibrium. Cord AB is 2 ft long. Take k = SO bIft ne 1 I RRR om x -ve wa fia ae ~ cing 6 se ae I & Onda 105-0 riers puro * SE <0 -revr + neute = 0 ‘vag ef neon = 0f8- P2268 An 53.33, _A “scale” is constructed with a4-f-long cord and the Id-tb block D. The cord is fixed to a pin at A and passes over two smalt pulleys at B and C. Determine the ‘weight of the suspended block E if the system is in equilibrium when 1S ft Free Body Diagram : Tae tension force in the cond is the same throughout es ‘Sect tt Fm te wemey, 428 9p Saunton of yar Sth 20 losartan <0 (Setedn oY oe stro, supese-m=0 oar Yrgonassee W183 Ame 3-34. A car's to be towed using the rope arrangement shown, The towing force required is 600 Ib, Determine the minimum length / of rope AB so that the tension in either rope AB ot AC does not exceed 750 Ib. Hint: Use the equilibrium condition at point A to determine the required angle @ for attachment, then determine / using trigonometry applied to triangle ABC. Pe cae: Aaveme zy 0 (Cae 1: Astume Fe 7502 = 110" PO ITT) * Hae In 2658 SEE = 0; Tye cun20"-750c000= 0 STE = 0; 0 Te uO" -750sno= 0 30" ~ 150m = 0 301000 + 75080 = 600 An nay approach othe soon it flows (433.01/ T=" = (600 ~ 750 sn? 172500 ~ 990 dosin + 750 00000 = 0 Solving hs quadratic equation fort rot of @ that gives a postive vale foe o nase BO ootsase Tie = HOS > 750 Tm, 2688 43-35. The spring has a stiffness of k = 800 N/m and ‘an unstretched length of 200 mm. Determine the force in cables BC and BD when the spring is held inthe position shown, Phe Fore in The Spring : The sping see = =f =05-02 9m. Aging Ea3~2, weave fy sts =800103)=2008, Equations of Egailoriam : SE =o, Face 48+ o(g)-240=0 A707 ¢+08%y =240 0 +7 ER =O; Aesnas-fo(2)=0 Fic = OMA a Ssvng (1 an (2 yt, Fes IIN ee USN Ane *3-36. The sling BAC is used to lift the 100-1b load with fonstant velocity. Determine the force in the sling and plot Spee 7 (ordinate) as a function of its orientation 8, 4t s5 = o where 0 = @ = 90°. : "3-37, The 104b lamp fixture is suspended from two Springs, each having an unstretched length of 4 ft and stifiness of k= Slbyft. Determine the angle 6 for equilibrium. Sm = reo - reono= 0 +7250; arame-10= 0 ne Tino = 5% how Te SS 3-38. The pail and its contents have a mass of 60 kg. If the cable is 15 m long, determine the distance y of the Dolley for equilibrium, Neglect the size ofthe pulley at A. ‘ree Body Diagram : Since he pulley i not, the enton ite cable the ume tuouphou ecb Equations of Bqulibricm : Sth 0; Tino-Tang 20 omg Geometry + AMC SG-B ayaa Sine 9 6, wo eng sine (oo low Ao, Aahats Woo=sF soma Yates fo oe Fats b+ 1om— Diigo sides of (3 by YTS ys 2.8 x= oy From B31) 5 Goa ¥ tm omg) LOEB 1° r + $16 ARS) Fas 8 2 7 600881) * 566-6 3-99. A 4g sphere rests on the smooth parabolic surface. Determine the normal force it exerts on the Surface and the mass mp of block B needed to hold it in the equilibrium position shown, Geometry : The angle 0 which eric make wit the horaonal 12 te decal frst. Hse a =200 ones [Free Body Diagram : Th enon nh cori te same trowphou he cod and au the weigh of lock , Wy = my (81). Bauations of Equilibrinm ER =O; my 0.81)00 "Nein 8.45" 0 N= Stbdng o TER =O; my(981)sin P+ Neos 64.45°~39.2400 495Imy +0.4472N 03924 a Solving. (1) an 2) yess mea35tg N=192N Ave le (oe # AGG 38280 F340. The 30k pipe is supported at A by a system of five cords Determine the force in each cord for equilibrium, +7 RE = Tyatnsor- say981)= 0 ol 538 = MON Ane aa sett Seno Ane 3, +125 = 0, io) ~ s3083en60 To x - = 905-408 Ane uf we A= 0; wos + s9983 couot — Hea 0 he 3441. Determine the magnitude and direction of F; required to keep the concurrent force system in ‘equilibrium, Cartesian Vector Notation: FAR eR She = (-s00p W 14.291 ~32. 86+ 171.434) nai [Dero , = 300{cos 30%}+ sin 3074) N = (250.81}+ 150.0%) N B= (-4504) Equations of Equilibria EF=0; +h sh +R oF =0 11429) 4+(f, ~$00-34286+29981)5 (a +(F, 4171434 1500-450) ko yeaing Jan capone, weave A 1142900 5 stn K.-M0-3028602981~0 5, = 583058 7U4361800-480=0 Fw 12RSTN ‘Te maguite of F, is AVATAR, eT 1500789 N= 608 8 Aue 3-42, Determine the magnitudes of Fj, F;, and Fs for equilibrium of the particle. = (0651 ~ oan pN B= (coer ~ sinso4y {0.866053 - 055) yx 3-43. Determine the magnitudes of Fj, F:, and F; for ‘equilibrium of the particle. Bh =O Renso—28—0 R= SON Ae 2» Bh =O BSeosis FOR = 0 Ra asse Ame ae 20 5 Stews -nsnehy - asits'=0 94ND 3.44, Determine the magnitude and direction of the {orce P required to keep the concurrent foree system in equilibrium, (15m.3m 3m) Fe0seN Carterten Vector Notation : Fj, = 2(cos 45+ 0s 60%) +08 120°) KN = {1.414 + 1.00)~ 1.00) 8 4 ron[ RS) -ansasosssosm PS Equations of Equilibrium: IF =0; +R +ReP=0 (2, +1414-0250)1+ (8, +1.004050~050) J+ (%-1.004050)% =0 Equating i and component, we ave 7+ 1414-0.250=0 BaHL16 B+100+050-050=0 BR =-LO0KN 2100405080 R= 050K ‘The magninde of Fis P= RR A eLI6 1.00)" 5007 = LOM # LON Ans ‘The coordinue dresion anges ae 3-45. ‘The three cables are used to support the 800-N lamp. Determine the force developed in each cable for equilibrium, Fe = 12000 Ane 7 2 Fu, eo 2am + he <0 Ae Fic=040N Ans ted 2 oon (a2 +5, -0 Fie =00N km 3-46, If cable AB is subjected to a tension of 700 N, determine the tension in cables AC and AD and the ‘magnitude of the vertical force F. Cartesian Vector Notatio (2001+ 300) 600) N naam ates Teaco, ( a151+2)-66 =-o2200h, +0307 2009 (8.0 Fe = 089m w= 6aser8 2 Aamo Bue = 500% fo = AON > 300" 8.69 ay = 42857 > SOON (N.C) 9) Aamme Fg = 308 3:52. Determine the tension in cables AB, AC, and AD, required to hold the 60-Ib crate in equilibrium. aon weprelie diode : 1 ~o7osre + osayes + aamitek 7% 2, 5 Brac tied ao = ~as8s7ml ~ o2ser) + 04297: BOT - 0706 - 085TH =0 BE sO 0+ 047K + 0825m= 0 10 Aw Resid hee memo he 346%. The boom supports a bucket and contents. which have a total mass of 300 kg. Determine the forces developed in struts AD and AE and the tension in cable AB for ‘equilibrium, The force in each strut acts along its axis. Cartesian Vector Notation (eats | Beate role Sk IDES, Bs3i+6e ) 2, 3p sed fart Oe) ht Fal Fn (290) N Equations of Equiibriam +Hiythaet Fad (Stee Stee tap 3 «(Sta Star Siu-s95)e ao a a Soin Bs), (2 and 3) yk Fog Fig= M20 76N=1428N Ane SIS2BN=132KN Ane 3-$4. Determine the force in each of the three cables needed to lift the tractor which has a mass of 8 Mg, Cartesian Vector Notation: 0.3276, 07861 fmt: Zaz ) FECT H, e125 -3 B+ 28+ (-3, (Th48k) 1 Equations of Bauilibriam TPH0; Ey tRiethiyt P20 (OSU fig +05241Fic O31 (OSIM #032160) + CarU6iFiy = 07061 ¢~ O9487Fi9 +788)N= 0 Egoaing i, j and componens, we have 05241h 4 +05261F¢~ 0.31625,» =O a = 03216Fg +3276 ie = i O7N6IF,, ~0.7061F,c-O9487F, +7848 20 a Solving Ea, (2} a3) ie shen t66N Rye 582K Ane 3-5. Determine the force acting along the axis of each of the three struts needed to support the 500-kg block 150.1890 Fe t= 0.8865 Fe) ~ 0.4482 Fe * Ls 54-250 nS) “7 50003 21IN 0.2182 Fy | ~ 0.5729 Fy j ~ 0.4364 Foe a W 2500981) = 505 EP =0; ekeem ew ad EA = 0; 01S0R ~ 021% #0 ER 20; 07682 Fy - 0486S Fe ~ 0.8729 % = 0 ER 20; 0602 F - 0.82 Fe = 06368 Fy= 4505 = 0 fee 92kN Ane Few 1G Ame Fo asst ke "3456. The S0-kg pot is supported from A by the three cables. Determine the force acting in each cable for equilibrium. Take d = 2.5 m. nent Sues J. VDT, af 61+ 25+ 2, 3, §-Fhael* Hck Solving Bt, 2 sn yt Spetaged Fae) He Pate heshaonan F = (19058) Equations of Equilibrium : Fy =SI0N Au PHO Bag thyct Riot FeO fia Fett a003)e=0 4905=0 6 3457. Determine the height d of cable AB so that the force in cables AD and AC is one-half as great as the force in cable AB. What isthe force in each cable for this case? ‘The flower pot has a mass of $0 kg. Cartesian Vector Notation: Fas (Eu), +E yew fa( cathe) 2 eoreane, haf 652100) 3, tp 3 Foe =e Ste hak (aes) Fete Fe(o0s Eaaations of Egalbriam Bat ByshycthigeP=0 teed pret ita +( in. Hat Yi o0s)ene ‘Equaing |, Jande componens, we have a a 7 (han. = $1. =Hs39N hin -J(s92 =20.088 of ae Lo ant 22273) = 31.008 on nue pm an 0 = Gon 31.00" =3.61 Fesog6i)=4305 01 3-58. The 80-1b chandelier is supported by three wires as shown. Determine the force in each wire for equilibrium. fin 359 ro Fem Fin = 254m Ane 3-59. If ach wire can sustain a maximum tension of 120 Ib before it fails, determine the greatest weight of the Chandelier the wires will support in the position shown, fl » 0: Phuc gghncots” = 0 « et . e fee a0, -dyfia + ihinsnesr = 0 Fee , w=0 @ Y 245, 4 34 fue + Eitio + hin Assume Fe = 120, From Ba.) 1 1 (20) - Lycos = 0 20% - ba Fyg = 108.71 > 12018 (N.G some Fay = 1201. From Bye. (1) a (2) 1 5. Eeaamcoots") = 0 Fyfe ~ F120 Fie = 94859 < 1201 (O.KD) tpt reo efie + Zomenes Foo = S853. < 1200 (0.1) we Bee fo Rin) = 2742 = 57 Ane "3-60. ‘Three cables are used to support a 9004Ib ring Determine the tension in each cable for equilibrium, Cartesian Vector Notation: nw Fafa 065, 1-08F, sk (eS) 2 eo 30% ~ Jen 307 — a, ) em =0.5196F,ck- 0.3%} O.8F ck ag eA Sn 37 0 ee San DOT, = -DSI96hof-O3Figh- OA ok = (9004) Equations of Equi TRO: FyytRict Rpt F x0 OS96Fe-05196%,—)1+(06Fy 03-030) + OBy 08%; 08F;9 +900) =0 Equaing i and component, we have 05196F,--05196F, = O6%4 03% ¢-03h.9 =0 084 -08F;c-08h5 +500=0 Solving Bs. (1, (2) an (3 ike 375% Ans Fathom Fo a a 6 ‘This problem soca be easly solved fone reais ta due o symmetry ll ses we ‘subjected toa fame ese fore, that iy = Fue = Rp =F. Summing Forces songs as Yel 3461. The 800-1b cylinder is supported by three chains as shown. Determine the force in each chain for equilibrium. Take d nf pe) A707 000T ge Nene EM Jeonmtconiger (geste Fannin -tsashy arn rca Book BO; pthc hy 1 Commps+ar0ngh Or0rim eto) (05th 9059} + 0707 gH) (008) <0 (Orme -O5%,)i+(-A00T1R, +055,)5 ODOTIR SOON +0707 gS) BEG an0Mhc-05h,=0 Bo -07MIhy 05h, =0 BEG O7ITIRg 0707 +A7071Ky 209-0 Sig Eo ed yk: Fy tm ew fy = 331m Aa 3-62. A small peg P rests on a spring that is contained inside the smooth pipe. When the spring is compressed so that s = 0.15 m, the spring exerts an upward force ‘of 60 N om the peg. Determine the point of attachment A(, ¥, 0) of cord PA so that the tension in cords PB and PC equals 30 N and 50 N, respectively. Cartesian Vector Notation: Fog =a d+) SF tn peas an tos so Jroare ory, se ‘ -031+02)-0158 = so {-384'¢ 2564-19218) N Trosreans ois? P= (ou) N Equations of Equilibria : me Ruth hc oF = [ea -384n]i+[ 6, 2809425.) *[060),-1059-1921-00}e« using, jd component, we have (fu), “3841 20 (Fu), = 3841 (), -7809+25.61 =0 (yy #248 (fy), -1053-1921460=0 (Fy), #3026 ‘The magniade of Fg is 2G = {384184 24 + (3026) = 48.96 ea [$e] ear (Heats sea] a )-ver Fa ree See loew ‘The wire PA ae alent of -o1s 7 SrA 000m = Peas c= 0.242708 38.32" «0.190 8 Ane 363. Determine the force in each Suppor the 3500b platform. Set = 4a oe deity Bay Aw vin * Yan” Yas 4036980 pf + 00924579} ~ 0524 oK) = {02873F cj ~ O9578F,ck) 43 Wy, Bas “ali! Fig) 7h = (03578 yh ~ 02689F J ~ 08944, 44) I> BE +0; 036009 + 03570%, BE = 0; O0USFig+ 02873h¢ ~02683%, = 0 BR = 0; ~ 09S - 095TH. ~ 029445, + 3500= 0 Soteg. 3G The 80-1 ball is suspended from the horizontal ring using three springs each having an unstretched length of 1S ft and stiffness of 50 Ib/ft. Determine the vertical distance hs from the cing to point A for equilibrium, Equation of Equilibrium : This problemas canbe ety slved i one ‘elas hat dt symmeny al springs ae wb to a same ee for of Ey. Suing force songz ais ye BE =O; 3h, 7-8-0 on Spring Force: hopliog &3:3~2, we bre r=t(tn4) =50) a Sbsiing (2) ine [1 yess 2 spoay-0 (Ze -r)Juey-t020 3465. Determine the tension developed in cables OD and OB and the strut OC, required to support the S0-kg crate, The spring OA has an unstretched length of 8 m and astifiness kg = 1.2 kN/m. The force in the strut acie along the axis of the strut. ‘Free Body Diagram: The sping success = 1b = I~ ‘he spring fees = br = 12(032) #024 EN w DN. Cartesian Vector Notation atin Let repel 4 Je —Lnat 22h en ee 3 sft fick ats) Geeere Vol Hl Shon Foo wt, Epa (-MN Pe (-wosyN Equations of Equilibrium : RO; Ray tye + Fog +B + Jollee fap +GiacdteeFeo-ons) Suing jan componens, we have m a o Solving Es. (1, (2 and (3) yes Foy 10N Rye @150N fey = 4908 An 3-66. The pipe is held in place by the vice. If the bolt exerts a force of $0 Ib on the pipe in the direction shown, determine the forces F and Fy that the smooth contacts at A and B exert on the pipe. Fm 0 Fy Romeor— a) «0 5 41D 0) Rane + 506) = 0 nomen aw hest3m ne 3-67. When y is zeto, the springs sustain a force of 60 1b. Determine the magnitude of the applied vertical forces F and —F required to pull point 4 away from point B a‘! *peagewe distance of y = 2 ft. The ends of cords CAD and CBD Aime *3-68. When yis zero, the springs are each stretched 15 ft. Determine the distance y if @ force of F = 601b is applied to points A and B as shown. The ends of cords Fase +20 CAD and CBD are attached to rings at C and D. steps armor stent= See Fi Ba Pont seceh s 1.5 + 0.268 = 1.7688 ate attached to rings at C and D.. aa Baise stu readnee rer saree cpendBree 00.70 = 1230" o Fn 415 42-200) 15 +2 = Dey = 0 3469, Romeo tries to reach Juliet by climbing with constant velocity up a rope which is knotted at point A. «125 ‘Any of the three segments of the rope can sustain a ‘maximum force of 2 kN before it breaks Determine if a = 73620 < 20008 Romeo, who has a mass of 65 kg, can climb the rope, and 3 if'so,can he along with his Juliet, who has a mass of 6 kg, ‘limb down with constant velocity? Tue = 36RISN < 20008 sition ~ 608-0 The ~ 7962900460" = 0 wh) ‘Yex Ronocancimbuptierope, Ans +125 = 0 Tysinsor ~ 125.981) « 0 tet Tig = MIS9SN < 20008 "ey 12523008 SBE =; Te ~ 1e1ssseoar = 0 The = 7088 «20008 Yer Rome nd nlm cli ren Ane 83-70. Determine the magnitudes of forces F), Fa, and Fs necessary to hold the force F = (—9i ~ 8 — Sk} KN in equilibrium. Aewtirensor + peas: $590 arsah ~0701%, + 06618 = 9 0250, + 0500 + 04675 = neat + 500m ~ 02335 « 5 Ream am Ras ae DEE = 0; fat ome ~Fesinetr=0 ATER = 0; Seine -Fcors = 0 Rye = 10sin0 a fen 1 sm eat «hy + tomo snacoinh «Ug «sno fie = head - teat 4 Fix «sms + sone «0 in usoud + tind “me. - os ew [28] - ar Fog = 1386siN120? ~ AOeasl20" = 160 1 Ame 3-72. The cing of negligible size is subjeced 10 vemical force of 200 Ib. Determine the reuired length {of cord AC such thatthe tension ating in AC is 160 1b. Also, what isthe force acting in cord AB? Hint: Use the equilibrium condition to determine the required angle 8 or atuchment. then determine {using teigonomesry applied to ABC, Fuacont ~ 1606010 =0 Ty Fae 6008 +rEK, Fata + sin 200 0 a Solving Bg (1 amd 2 vel anae paerr Fans ts Rages os SGeomery: Ati ow ses, we fave Sa % mar" wae won ans 3473, Determine the maximum weight ofthe engine that can be supported without exceeding a tension of 450 Tb io chain AB and 480 Ib in chain AC. Foor" ~ Fay =0 u esate Wn a eft, ton Assuming cil A recht maxim enon From Ey [I] Fyeoi “$800 Fic S196 b> 40 GD ‘Asiaing cable AC reaches he sai tension Fc = $80 rae (lens — Fag 0 Fug = 4157 184508 (OAK) rem Ba (21 480550" — We m01 Ane “374. Determine the force in each cable needed ‘support the S00-Ib load. ° Equation of Equilibrium: Fyn 65 Ans Using tees Rap = 625 and then swing ores along andy axes. olabelale se ht Yea Foy = Fo 19810 Ane 3418, Thejoint ofa space frame is subjected to four member forces Member OA lis in the x — y plane and member OB fies in the » ~ z plane. Determine the forees acting in each of the members required for equilibrium of the joint. BR=o, Rsinds Reo Ave BA=0, Rsindd—20000 AR eS1L4be St Ane Using te retus F =O and f = 311.14 and hen summing foes slong they wis, wehave Bh =O, K-MLMeoe a0 5 a2 Ans

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