CHAPTER 4 (Force System Resultants)

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41. If A, B, and D are given vectors, prove the Consider re wecrs: wi A vere Now abd is perpendiole w . od = A <0) + DY = [Alls Dh sin, ob = IA BI = Alb in@, ad = Wl = Lab sind ‘Ao, hese te cross produc al eine plane ‘bd since ty areal perpendicular A. AS ood (to rmagnine of ach ous potas propria ‘othe gt of ec seo th ang ‘Te tee veo rut produc as form shoved angle 00 whic nar ange ob. That from te gue, AX@+D)eAxBsAxD QED) 4:2. Prove the tr AXB-C. le scalar product identity A-BxC = ‘As shown inte Spur ‘Ava = B(Cen8) = IB x cl Tas, Volume of prepped i 18 CA Wo eased «fe (PES Volume = IA: Bx Cl Since WA XB Cl represen tis sme volume es ABXC#AxB-C (QED) Nowe, Am ALS ALTAR Ba nisgie ae Da Die as eae soy Ax@eme] a 4 Ineo B+ a +a = yh + O)~ AB +B TAG +) ~ A+ DD +A +2) 4, + DL) HIB ABN~ AB ABU AB, - AB) SUD ~ADN- AD = AD + AD, ~ 4D) Med te hae deba . 8 Bi 2 Bl = (ARB +AxD) QED) ‘A, Us = A BxC tak = Als Ad raw [BB Bl le g al TABG - BG) 4G - BG) + ARG ~ 86) TABG-ARG -4BG ¢4RG ARG ~ABG AHS = AXE. nae “hee re = GUR-AB)-GUR AB) + GAB —4 8) SABG-ARG - ARG *4RG TABS ~ABG i+ Gis Tou, LS » HS ABKC#AXB-C (QED) 4-3, Given the three nonzero vectors A, B, and C, show that if A.(B x C) = 0, the three vectors must lie in the same plane, cone, 1A: x1 = LAU C1 cod on = (Alcos8)1B x C} af = Ac ang lamp. WA. (Bx .0) = 0, en te volume eqs mo, 20 at A,B, und C ae expan "4-4. Determine the magnitude and directional sense (Ce Me 5 40s 3078) ~ asin 30°) ‘Taam Nm =237EN-m (Coumerclockwise) Ane ofthe moment ofthe foree at A about point. ti, 3m (Mo doce 30"(5) ssi 30°) a L * santm T2isierm (Coumerclockwise) Ans 00 < Lam 448, Determine the magnitude and directional sense ofthe moment of the free at A about point P y [—‘m—4, | 4-6. Determine the magnitude and directional sense of the moment of the force at A about point ©. =2880N.m=2884N-m (Coumterclockwise) Ant 47, Determine the magnitude and directional sense Of the moment of the force at A about point P G 92062-5530) a08-a SASEN-m (Coumterclockwise) Ane {ER Determine the magnitude and directional sense of the resultant moment ofthe forces about point O. (4M = doounsory + aneaasosy 5 20Bv6 TRIN» 357i Any 49. Determine the magnitude and directional sense of the resultant moment of the forces about point P. SMe = 22065510) + 082) — aoninaory corso) TOIT 315K) Ans 4-10, “The wrench is used to loosen the bol. Determ the moment of each force about the bolt’s axis passing through pint fosemm—t 0m oe © (i) = Wo 025) i =UINm (Coumerclockwite) Ame Fitton FStON G+ (at), = sonia 65102) S14SNm (Counserclockwise) Ana ScUL Determine the magnitude and directional sense ofthe re sultant moment of the forces about point 0, ae Rowe 2 See 7 7 i. [a sn oe de ara ay = 2508 3 7 € Mo = 20c$aouinser + 22)c10ea209 + 30n30(6) ~ sotcosr) Mo = 21962 A = 242 Lip) Ame *4-12, Determine the moment about point A of each of the three forces acting on the beam. RaMsp 0016 GG), --3950) 3000 f= 300%ip-At (Cloekwize) Ane G (4), --20(8)a9 s-MotD e898 (Clekw le) — aw GF (46), =-160(00 309119) + tne 90°03) -25930b-= 259kip-f (Clockwise) Ans ‘84-13. Determine the moment about Bofeach of the thre¢ forces acting on the beam, £ O%),=27509 SH2Se-Qedinsup 8 (comnts) — Am © (as -30f8)o 200 neue (Coeneieteie) Am Ge (4) = toxin 30"(0 5) ~ 160505 30°(0) 40.0} (Coumerclockwice ) Ane 414. Determine the moment of each force about the bolt located at A. Take Fg = 40 Ib, Fe = 50 lb. aN 0758 A=Msm Fe=s00% (4th = ocorse(25) = 506) Ame (4Me = S0eo20%029 = 141 mA Ane 41S. If Fy =30Ib and Fe = 4516, determine the resultant moment about the bolt located at A. (tM = 20 ca25%(25) + a5e0130(3.25) 19500) Am *4-16. The power pole supports the three lines, each line ‘exerting a vertical force on the pole due to its weight as shown. Determine the resultant moment at the base D ‘due to all of these forces If itis possible for wind or ice to snap the lines, determine which line(s) when removed create(s) a condition for the greatest moment about the base. What is this resultant moment? Gm =nre m,=70085)-490) 4019 ~S001- f= S0018-A (Clockwise) Ans ‘Wien the cable at Ae removed i will create the greatest moment at point. Ae, Gan Bre (a) ae #85003) = 4004) 29501. f= 295 kip: (Clockwise) — Ana 4:17. A force of 80 N acts on the handle of the paper ‘cutter at A. Determine the moment created by this force bout the hinge at O. if @ = 60", At what angle ® should the force be applied 30 thar the moment st creates abut point O is a maximum (clockwise)? What is this maxi 4M, = ~0.m0-a8 + 320800) Nem = (0.800608 + 32.05in0) Nm Cloke) A= OO, Mm 00cone" + 320sin 60" =281 Nm (Clotries Ane To cree opie he maxima and ina swam ost it a Meno iM, oa shs6H 386° ns Ms Ondo ~ 32.008 omy Since HM DM cos88 66" ~ 520.n Sea" 32.0 ina native value, indeed a = BES, he 80 N pr 4 matimumnclckbise momen st Ti ation Seni men (Mone 0.800088. 56H" + 32.050 508° = 120.N-m (Cockney Ans 418. Determine the direction 0(0° < 0 < 180°) of the force F = 40 Ib so that it produces (a) the maximum ‘moment about point A and\(b) the minimum moment about point A. Compute the moment in each case t—»—_ Faso 0 fon SEse In I jo) 400, awe te — or = 6" Aa Ane ot 74-19. The hub of the wheel can be attached to the axle either with negative offset (left) or with positive offect 1 (ight). Ith tire is subjected to both a normal and radial load as shown, determine the resultant moment of these loads about the axle, point O for both eases 005 0 o4m Forcate | with neguive oft, we have Hy =900(0.4) - 40001005 pe = 12DN-m (Coumtercloctwise) Ans hn ky For case 2 with postive fie, we have G+ Me = 2000.4) + 4000005) =SI0N-m (Countercockwise) Ant 420. The boom has a length of 30, a weight of 800 Ib, and mass center at G. If the maximum moment that can be developed by the motor at A is M = 20(10°) lb-ft, ‘determine the maximum load W, having a mass center a G", that can be lifted. Take 8 = 30°, BIG) sooct6e0e307) + WE a0e0N30 + 2) Wasim Ane 421. The tool at A is used to blade stationary while the nut is, wrench. Ifa force of 50 in the direction shown, about the nut at C. Why so that it creates the told @ power lawnmower being loosened with the N is applied to the wrench at B determine the moment it creates iat is the magnitude of force F at ‘opposite moment about C? (© C484 = 50 ansox03) -19 + nay «0 Peasan an 4-22. Determine the moment ofeach ofthe three forces about point 4. Solve the problem fist by using each force 5 whole, and then by using the principle of moments. “The moron am measured prpendilar teach oe rom pot A is 4 =a 6 = LTH Using each force where My = Fd, weave & OH), 280(1.732) =-BNemadGBNem (Clockwise) Ans (Clockwise) Ane © OM, M0 N-m=800N-m (Clockwise) Ans Using precip of momen, we have (WG), #280008 307) Sendo (Clckee) Ane 6 (g)g=sornar ce Sinem 20m (Cleese ™ Py nal! (+ (64), =) 0-503) =-HON m=BOON mn (Clete) Ane Auesoen 4.23, As part of an acrobatic st ports (unt, a man sup a girl S whos Weeh of ID bands eons of the pole. If her center of gravity is at Gr endn P oF tlt, 8 which will not allow the git to fall, hese tes clockwise moment about A does not exceed 250 Ihvie, {n oro proven he gl fom faling down, he clackorse momen by te its wagh mst oterodad 901 fe rate 4% 120( 16s 6 $250 sins 0.1302 o=7ae i 424 The two boys push on the gate with forces of F4 = 30 Ib and Fy = 50 Ib as shown, Determine the ‘moment of each force about C. Which way will the gate Totate, clockwise or counterclockwise? Neglect the thickness of the gate, © iJe=-s0G or SIG 12B-A (Clockwise) Ane © (i) = 50a 607.6) =2608 8 (Countercockwise) Ans Sis (y.)<>(86,)es te pe wiloa Coumtercleckvire, Ane 4-28. Two boys push on the gate as shown, Ifthe boy at B exerts a force of Fy = 30 16 determine the magnitude Of the force F the boy at A must exert in order to prevent the gate from turning. Neglect the thickness of the gate inorder w preven he gu fom ming. te ‘sala woment bout point C mut be oa 20 shot My ctcsmmeeronn()n Ra290 Ane 426. The towline exerts a force of P = 4kN at the end of the 20-m-long crane boom. If 8 = 30°, determine the placement x of the hook at A so that this force creates a ‘maximum moment about point 0. What is this moment? ‘Maximum ment 1. A C4odam = 00 own ane “4 Fhineare) — aMelens(5) = 80 wm x= 20m Ane 427, The towline exerts a force of P = 4 KN at the end of the 20-m-long crane boom. Ifx = 25 m, determine the position @ of the boom so that this force creates a ‘maximum moment about point O. What is this moment? = 0x20) 10000 m= 908K Ane 4000 wa9(25) ~ 4000 ag) = 80000 Bay — 15 cop = 20 sae = 90 5545" = 22 ane A, asteeny 2aseeayt Star weg Bey ate ay sy are IVETE) + 22562 = see 229m ye2mm on wt 2B) ose + ot BS, oo ane 44.28. Determine the direction 6 for 0 @ 180 of the force Fo that F produces (a) the maximum menec about point and () the minimum momen show pen A.Calelte the moment in each se ° GM = OVC « wm Men seem km a Fs food 29. Determine the moment ofthe force F about point A asa function of 0 lot the results of M (ordinate) versus 8 (abscissa) for 0° = @-= 180°, +a» 400003) +400 co. 92) 1200s 800c050 Ans (16 nae * 1300 sn $63" 800608 56.3° = HON 4:30. The total hip, replacement is subjected to a force ALES J20N Determine the moment of this force abou the neck at A and at the stem B. SGTEM About Point 4 Tesh been be ine of so of oad ‘and the mock axis is 20° — 15° m $*, a - (xt 000 =O4I8N-m (Counterclockwise) Ans a ae im About Point B. The dimension Ican be determined ising the aw a ae oe ‘150° woreay inemncainun te + My 12069 150.1584) SASINm=492Nem (Clockwise) Ane “43115 The crane can be adjusted for any angle O° = 6= 90° and any extension 0= x Sm. For a suspended mass ‘of 120 kg, determine the moment developed at A as a function of x and 8. What values ofboth and 8 develop the maximum possible moment at A? Compute this ‘moment. Neglect the size ofthe pulley at 2, (+ Me =-1998n 0543606 (U7 2008 00756) Ne (1180s 6(7.5+5)) EN-m (cleckwize) Ang ‘Teemasimom moment stA occurs when O=(°andz=Sm Ane (Odea s Curran 10545) Ho iaisiem TT (uetoue am *4:32, Determine the angle @ at which the SOON force ‘st act at A so thatthe momen of this Force about point Bis equal w zero {$ite = BPE Me 20=Sonen0102 sna Ako note tithe ie a ono te $0 N fore pases hw Po ipraices sro moment sb pin Hees, fa the seme 4.33. Segments of dail pipe D for an oil wel are tght- peda prescribed amount by using a set af tongs T. which atip the pipe. and a hyraulic eylinder (not shown) 10 Fegulate the force F applied «othe tongs. This force acts along the cable which passes around the small pulley P. 1) the cable is orginally perpendicular othe tongs as shown, determine the magnitude of force F which must be applied 0 thatthe moment about the pipe if = 2000 Ib ft, In order to maintain this same imoment what magnitude of Fis required when the tongs rotate 30° t0 the dashed Position? Note: The angle DAP is nat 90" in tis position This problem reir tat the momen rnd by and tat thesis e200 MM = 200 rus) Fe 19983 b= 133 kip aoe ie (Sas) naa ESE, = 103 tip Ams eesi0F 434. Determine the moment of the force at A about Point O. Express the result as a Cartesian vector. Postion Vector OJ (4-O)K) w (3-448) m Moment of Force ¥ About Poi 0 doping 64.4~7, we ave My =toyxP ek +2 3 ‘| lo = (20400) bee 4.35. | Determine the moment of the force at A about Point P. Express the result as @ Cartesian vector, esiion Vector 3-914(-7- 9 414~ (T1340) m 2} ‘Moment of Force F About Poin 0: hoplying Eq 4~17, we have Mysto XP Tay * (401+ 220)4904) Nm Ane 436. Determine the moment of the force Fat A about point O. Express the result as a Cartesian vector. far = (“1514 4.28) m tn ATF ETE » 65m One My ass a Han 09 aos] My = (48-398) em ne 437. Determine the moment of the force F at A about point P. Express the result as a Cartesian vector. Soak Mo ta x F At HOD S09) Ady My = (116 +165 ~ 154) as e 438. ‘The curved rod les in the x-y plane and has a radius Of 3 m, Ifa force of F = 80N acts at its end as shown, ue = (ME = 3) a4) m determine the moment of this force about point O. ne VOTH » 57600 1 4 ® 4 ° = Ista8O) ~sFex(80 ~ 4000) Mo = (-1281 + 128) 29m) Nm Ane My = tue B= 439. The curved rod lesin the «-y plane and has aradius of 3 m. Ifa force of F = SON acts at its end as shown, determine the moment of this force about point B. te = (1-34-28) m te VTP IR » 37m Mem suxte [rons o-adany © a8 rin) cco] Me = (3761+ 9075 ~ 1554) 0m ane 440, “The force F = {600K + 300] ~ 600K) N acts at the end gf the beam. Determine the moment of the force about point A. f= (02+ Lay m Be Sl = !00 300 My = (720 120) 6608) Nm ns 441. The curved rod has a radius of§ ft. Ia force of 60 tb acts at its end as shown, determine the moment of this force about point C. ‘Position Vector and Force Veet Fox = {Sain 60-0 (Sot 60? =5)} 2 = (4330)~2504) « (5-0) = Sa 605+ (0~ S08) ) [6-0 + (= Sia OY + (O- see OF = (512311422. 797)~21.464) Moment of Force Ey About Point C: Applying E447, weave Mem rea, rk +0, 3 22 lian am ah 23544 t2aj-z204) b- ro 4-42. A force F having a magnitude of F = 100 N acts along the diagonal of the parallelepiped. Determine the ‘moment of F about point A, using My = #.xFandM, = ' rexR a . 109 (BSts 06)+026 reat) . 1 Fe (535i a02) 62670 7 + toy ok MestexPel 0-06 Gfe(-1601-321K)N-m Awe S33 002 281 Aso, meowsreldy f Sferumenine ae Hae - 443. Determine the smallest force Fthat must be applied Foy = (43301) ~ 254) 8 ‘long the rope in order to cause the curved rod, whieh has @ radius of 5 ft, to fail at the support C. This requires a May = gl SP $007) — Somsare Imonen SM = Solo tie be eelged v0 tal Tea) Hag = Re 085001 + 0.3799 035568) Me = Fox * Far yk Mew fis] 0 43101 25 loasss 0319-0: Me = Fa (-03500 + 2.135) — 69m Me = EN TROT CRIT TTR 80 = (4310) fia = Boe = 1008» Fe~ 186m ‘4-44, The pipe assembly is subjected to the B0.N force. Determine the moment ofthis force about point A. Postion Vector And Force Vector: Fe = {(O55-0)14(04-0)5+(-02-0)8) m =(055i+04)-0.2) m = 908 0in 40°14 coe 308 Asin 3°) N = (4.551 + S807}—400K) N ‘Moment of Force F About Point A: Applying Eq.4~7, we bre My =neXF bk =}os; 04 0a] l4is3 307 a0 = (52014 13.y4 1148) Nw An 4-45. The pipe assembly is subjected to the 80-N force. Determine the moment ofthis force about point B, otltion Vector And Force Vector: Fre *{(055-O1+(04-04)}4(-02-0)4) m (0551-02) m F = 8008 30 sin 4° ne 30s 40) - sin 3K) N = (4531+ 5307}- 40.04) N ‘Moment of Force ¥ About Poin B : Applying £a.4~7, wehwve My eext yk lass 3 M3 san = (06+ 4429.2) Noe An 446, Stat AB ofthe Lmrdiameter hatch do et hatch door exer a fore of &0N on point Determine the momen era foes about pom 0. Position Vector And Force Vector: Fou ®{(O~0}+( eos 30"=0)}+(Iin 30°=0)&) = {08660} +0.54) m og * (OSs 30° ~04+(0.5 60.500 30°=0)}+(0=0)4) m = (0280+09330)) m roa = (9h s3.54) 497604) 8 ‘Moment of Force ¥ About Point 0: Aplyng Ea.4~7, we hve Motanxt Tae ue ‘Ls, me lima Ons am =ODI-S9j010I) me o Momtaxt i cam 8 | “se ame = 015999541780) om ——, (00.5 30°)1-+ [1s 30° ~(05 +0638 3071} + (18a 20-9 [= 05sin 307+ {cos 30°= (05 +0Sos 7) (Ia 5 -OF, 4.47. Using Cartesian vector analysis, determine the resultant moment of the three forces about the base of the column at A. Take F, = {400i + 300j + 120k} N. p= (1001 ~ 100) 60% )N « ta] = Gate iap erm io abe Slonim Mu = 26412405 = -190000 My = 48612 = 60000m My = (1906+ 600) v.20 448. A force of F = (64 ~ 2j + 1k} KN produces a moment of Mg © (4i + 5j ~ 14k) KN-m about the ‘origin of coordinates, point O. Ifthe force acts ata point My sexe having an x coordinate of x = 1 m, determine the y and z coordinates sor 449. The force F = (6i +8) + 10k)N creates a moment about point O ofMg = (—141 + 8} + 2k} Nem. If the force passes through a point having an x coordinate of lm, determine the y and z coordinates ofthe point. Also, realizing that Mo = Fd, determine the perpendicular distance d from point O to the line of action of F. r=3m Am Mo = ACES PTE « 1625 Nm P= SOTO = aay 162s tn itsm aw i ea a 84-80. Using a ring collar the 75-N force can actin the vertical plane at various angles @ Determine the ‘agnitide of the moment it produces about point A, plot the result of Mf (ordinate) versus 6 (abscissa) for 0° = B= 480°, and specify the angles that give the maximum and. f tok | ‘minimum moment, Much iso 10 75058 75s 1S enoi- 50nd + 150 cos Mi ACSF Aaa ca « (TTT D (12 686.25 iat @ +22 500)" 12 656.25) sind cox) =0 0; =O, 0", 180 Ane Mau = ISTSN mo On 90" 1g =150N- mw or 190 451. Determine the moment of the force F about the (Oa axis, Express the result as a Cartesian vector, B= (501-205 + 20K) (Mandy * Clea og cia = mds 30 ody = (218) + 160K) Now me %4.52. Determine the moment ofthe Force F about the A ‘ua ani, Express the result a Cartesian vector j Feo aye smn Poiton Vector: a (2-014 9-094 2- kine [EMEA a Unt Yctor Aloe 6-012 4-0) te GoM oor paren VE=OF FA OF : Maman of Fre ¥ Abo «0 Ast Wi d+) oni te LIL wet wean) Jom asa 9 eae ig » 4% = 070T1(32) —40@ ~ 87071-2420 — 39-1 +0 2 5660-m Ans May = Mate 5651070710701) 10k AON Ae 483. Determine the resultant moment of the two Forces ‘bout the Ou axis. Express the resul asa Cartesian vector, By AQ cnt cond) = fA + + 8508) 1 Fe = 50M 1 = sin 0+ Gon" 0) + 6-0 esas soy Hrs Sein = [2 Mya) efi tna . bok 2 sit 6 [ec2sn xeon 40 “" s6se0] 56 60) — 46,8 26.00) ~ (0) +240) — 403.46 128 1.4 — 35.138} + 218 Sm) sia 30°} = 086601055, (@at60 —05))-(-1 084 ~ 353.1095 + 21808) = (03H) 10.04) + (-03)-35.138) + 0118.40) =n m8 ag = tere = 3ITRO RH 0.59) = otis At 4-54, Determine the magnitude of the moment of each of the three forces about the axis AB, Solve the problem (a) using a Cartesian vector approach and (b) using a scalar approach, 1) Vector Analysis Postion Vector and Force Vector: HeCLe ane Ra(HON Re (SN R= (45) Unit Vector Along AB Axis 2-01+0-159) onog Pe Om ts Moment of Bach Force About AB Asis : Aplying By.4~1, we have (Mads ©8404 *,) oe fey 3 le ° deo an fy os 1) Scalar Anaiyate: Since momen: arm from fore F a F, i ua er, Hence (lands = (Ba), =O An Moment arm dfrom fore Fo ais AB is d= 1S $3.19°= 120m, Hence (gg), = Rade 60(1.20) «720-1 Ans 4-85. The chain AB exerts a force of 20 Ib 8 force of 20 Ib on the door at B. Determine the magnitude of the moment of this force along the hinged axis x of the door. Postion Vector and Force Vector Fou # {3-4 4(4-0)) R= (31444) fom = ((0=O)t+ (Seas 20" -0))+(3sin 20° -0)K) = (2niotj+ 1026e} pao GOI Ome 94+ 4-20) JS=OF (Om Sean 27) oa Fin OY, = (11 Btek— 1403} 11.7128) B Moment of Force © About x Axle "The wit vero ong tex ais 1. Anplying E4411, wehave Mair. x re yo lds a’ «l nave ioe 17% =10(11713)-(-11400)40)-040 en ta Matte xD ieee jo, aia te] ute “ihioa tat = neasis1(a172)~ Hat (1.0260) -0+0 *456. The force of F=30 N acts on the bracket as shown. Determine the moment of the force about the ‘a2 axis of the pipe. Also, determine the coordinate direction angles of Fin order to produce the maximum ‘moment about the a~a axis. What is this moment? = 30( con 01 con | + coe 4S") 151+ 15) 02LatN Fe (01+ 01sey@ hae weft o ols| ase e am Fet0N ts aa a F uttered nt * OS yo eum] 5! * Bs om = oss2tt + ossere a= cor'Ogs2 = 3377 Am Ba cor'0= 9 Ane yo cor! 08867 = 562° Ane Ma 200.1003) = S4IN- Ane 457. ‘The cutting tool on the lathe exerts a force F on the shaft in the direction shown, Determine the moment Of this force about the y axis of the shaft. ew texm ot 8 = Joasccssor ose 64S 4 = T1657 Nam = 0277 Ang 458 The hood of the automobile is supported by the- strut AB, which exerts a force of F = 24 1b on the hood. Determine the moment ofthis force about the hinged axis y. Fe (dpm roa Be yew TB Oe (9801 + 930) + 196m) etait: «=| 4 ° a] - name Iso sto 1 My C-Map me Ane 4°59. Determine the magnitude of the moments of the force F about the x, y, and z axes, Solve the problem (a) using a Cartesian vector approach and (b) using a scalar approach, 1) Vector Analysis ‘Postion Vector : < “ae Q a Moment of Force F About x, ¥ and s Axes: Theonit veces song 15 yd ate al, and respectively. Applying Ea-4~ 11, we have Hua = (4-04+(3-0944 (2-09) Mite eo a4 he =1003)-02-2}-0F0 1808-8 Ane Fe (2h4 13)—24) My =h ee PD eg k 34 Rae 2 0-1156-9)=(4)6-29140 4008-8 Ane 1) Scalar Anetysis Me trae FY MoI: 12@)-30)=150-8 Ans Mang: My (2)+3(4) = 4008-8 Ans MAT: Mm 43)+1200)=360-A Ane "4-60., Determine the moment ofthe force F about an axis extending between A and C. Express the result as Cartesian vector G Pevion Vier Pe ea = (0K) {A-O46(-0)}+(-2-0)k) Re (Abe 3}—2e} Unit Veelor Along AC Axi: Mac telus xP) 2 LO 3-04 wie asie04 mao ‘ [ % 9 Pettis 13-24 eo Moment of Farce ¥ About AC Aste; Wi F = (84+12}—3e) =O83)6-3- 121-2) -06t4¢-5)-40-2) 40 senting &24~ wee samen Mac =040-4fcr XF) npting Myc a Caen tr yl os os -|2 © Mic eMetne ‘op saeco =08((0)-3)-12(-2)-06(0(-3)~4(-21 40 rire a = Mae 4-61. ‘The lug and box wrenches are used in ‘combination {o remove the lug nut from the wheel hub. {the applied force on the end of the box wrench is (di ~ 12) + 2k} N, determine the magnitude of the ‘moment of this foree about the x axis which is effective in unscrewing the lug nut Position Vector and Force Vector. F = ((Q7S~0)}+(03-0)4) m= (0075}+038) Moment of Force ¥ About x Axis Teunlt vor songs xis Wid = (4 12}424) applying Ea.4~ 1, we have M ce xP) ar) sp ons | Re = Hoasi2}-(-110391-0+0 =275N-m Ane 4-62 704 force acts vertically on the “2” bracket Determine the magnitude of the moment of this force about the bolt axis (z axis), Position Vector And Force Vector: Fou = ((-6-0)1+(60))} in. = (646) F = 70(sin 1"1 cos 15%) B= (181171 ~67.6154} Moment of Force F About Azit : To unit ects slong ass. ‘Appia B.A 1, webave 465. If 3 torque or moment of 80 Ib in is required to Toosér the bott at A. determine the force P that must be applied perpenclclr 1 the hue ofthe lexcheaded ratchet wrench, 1075. Lorinser’) pa ansow am 4-66, The A-frame is being hoisted ito ‘an upright pos ion by the vertical force of F = 80 Ib, Determine the ‘oment ofthis force about the y axis when the Frame is in the position shown, 10401240 ”, Coons a pit = Bain? Gon Sco 0F w 352 = Seu" + Gem sa c= 6st roe = ASO SY 1594 Pana o 1 o 352 530 135|—290-8 Ans . ow 467. A horizomal force of F = (—SOi)N is applied perpendicular to the handle ofthe pipe wrench, Determine the moment tha this fore exert along the axis OA (2 axis) ofthe pipe assembly. Both the wrench and pipe assembly OABC lie in the y-z plane. Suggestion: Use 8 scalar analysis Ree ee yea M,o (354K) Ane "4-68, Determine the magnitude of the horizontal force P= ~Fi acting onthe handle ofthe weench so that this force produces a component of moment along the O4 xis (¢ ats) ofthe pipe assembly of M. = (SKIN i. Bath the wrench and tie pipe assembly, OABC, lie in the y-2 lane. Suggestion: Use a scalar analysis, 469. Determine the magnitude and sense of the couple 7 About pit, GM = $e00507125) + Sin 040) Me = 183.N-m aes am 470. Detennine the magaitude and sense ofthe couple ‘moment, Buch force has a magnitude of F = 63 Ib | Gera tis Mens ($) 62 (8040 = 6501b- (Connterclakiie) Am 4-71, Determine the magnitude and sense ofthe couple ‘moment Each force has a magne of F = § KN. GiMertins wear(2)isen-a(Soen =ITORNm (Coutercoshvise) ae 472 If the couple moment hay a magnitude of 300 Th determine the magnitude F ofthe coupe forces 4.73, A twist of 4N- misapplied to the handle ofthe Serewdrver. Resolve this couple moment into pac of Souple forces F exerted on the handle and P exerted on ‘he blade, oe he ane Fawn ne Fete le Mem Em: rooms) =4 4-74, The resultant couple moment created by the to oupies acting on the disk is My = (TOk}kip in. Deter. tine the magnitde of free T. T+Ta) 4:75.’ A device called a olamite is used in various ways to,eplace slipping motion with rolling motion. Ifthe belt, which wraps between the rollers, is subjected toa tension of 15 N, determine the reactive forces N of the top and ‘bottom plates on the rollers so thatthe resultant couple acting on the rollers is equal to zero. (424 +0, 150504 Sonn 307-2 s0201305 20 Ne260N Ane 4-76. The caster whee! is subjected to the two couples. Determine the forces F that the bearings create on the shaft so that the resultant couple moment on the caster (240, s00450)-F140)=0 Feasn Ane 4-77. When the engine of the plane is running, the vertical reaction that the ground exerts on the wheel at A is measured as 650 Ib. When the engine is turned off, however, the vertical reactions at A and B are S75 Ib each, ‘The difference in readings at is caused by acouple acting ‘on the propeller when the engine is running. This couple tends to overturn the plane counterclockwise, which is ‘opposite to the propeller's clockwise rotation, Determine ‘the magnitude of this couple and the magnitude of the reaction force exerted at B when the engine is running. When the engine of te planes tamed on. he essing coop moment exer a adiional fre of F = 630-575 =75.0 on wheel A and ese the ect freon wheal B of P= 75.015 a well. Hence, 900 Avs Ry =575-750= 5001 Ans 478 ‘Two couples act on the beam, Determine the magnitude of F so that the resultant couple moment is 450 Ib ft, counterclockwise. Where on the beam does the resultant couple moment act? Urlle=1Me 450~ 200015) Fen304125) Fen9% ane ‘Terenas couple momest ie vec. can ct ay poi cbe bea 479. Express the moment of the couple acting on the Pipe assembly in Cartesian vector form. Solve. the © Me = raxam problem (a) using Eq.4-13,and (b) summing the moment a ofeach force about point O.Take F = 25k) N. “He by 2 Men eS 687 Ne ane Om rant tc “fee Me hle de) Men t-S 8750 Nm Ane ‘4480. Ifthe couple moment acting on the pipe has a magnitude of 400 N-m, determine the magnitude Fof the Vertical force applied to each wrench, Me = ra xcH seed Me = (02M + 03869) Nm Me = ACURA CSF = 40) © eae 4-81. The ends of the triangular plate are subjected to three couples. Determine the plate dimension d so that the resultant couple is 350 N-m clockwise. oN C+ My =28%: ~380=200(de08 507) -600(de 30%) 1004 4atstm Ase ‘482. Two couples act on the beam as shown, Determine {hi magnitude of F so that the resultant couple moment i 2001b- ft counterclockwise. Where on the beam doce the resultant couple act? 20018 b+——«a—_} 483. Two couples act on the frame. If the resultant couple moment is to be zero, determine the distance d between the 80-Ib couple forces. +0634 = Bo Sr ~ ame = 00 Foie Ane Reman nope can atimywier, Ang "4-84. Two couples act on the frame, If d= 4, it as a ek Soe . I-Lbs of ‘components about point A. oF Fee 80) Me anexE 3 o q I-50 nso" $0 exasor 4 Me = (02) a Ang _ © (oe =~) + Sane + soem «soca eon Pig - Me = 126 1-n Ans Tate wf ; nia . 485. Two couples act on the frame. If d=4h, (a Me =X rx) determine the resltant couple monet Compu oo oe testy sing ech ae ir sed slow ndoe Théo dof and (a) finding the moment of each couple (Eq, 4-13) J-sormsor -s0.evesor ol” [480 30 ee - Components about point me = 1 4, 4 2) G4Me = 50.06307@) ~ 50083015) ~ Scancry + Seams) Me = 608 Ane £86. Determine the couple moment. Express the result 8a Cartesian vector + = (501-20) sok} tesition Vector: faa = O~(H}44(-3-9 4418) = aio tagy & Couple Moment : With F = (501~20}+ 80k) B, sopving Eq 4~18, wehive ag ls a4 “F=(-so8an sou Me. (36014 300j+ 3208) Bf Ane 4-81. Determine the couple moment. Express the result 8 a Cartesian vector. Each force has a magnitude of F = 1201. ‘Fotition Vector and Force Vector: 4 CI-DIVIE = (Siem) & Fe of B2CON+4~O1+0-39% VO= COPE OFSO-TE , = (10286.~3426)-51.4634) (DU+G-He) & Couple Moment: AopiyingEq.4~ 15, we have senna i ial liu abe “48K The gear reducer is moments. Determine the ‘couple moment and its coor is subjected to the four couple ‘magnitude of the resultant dinate direction angles. (Ml) = 18s (0); #38450=85 08m (ie), = ENG; (My), =306 108 400K m ‘The magnindeof he reuhantcouple moment is Me = Veg) + eaae 93981 N-m=939 Nm 4-89. ‘The main beam along the wing of an airplane is swept back at an angle of 25°, From load calculations is determined that the beam is subjected to. couple ‘moments M, = 17 kip:ft and M, = 25 kip-ft. Determine the resultant couple moments created about the 2" and axes The axes al ie in the same horizontal plane (Medes Uy) eon 28°25 25° 48 ip Ane 6), 2s tag Vin 25° 25608 25° = BB kph Ane 490. If F = {100k} N, determine the couple moment 2 that acts on Pe al Expressthe resultasa Cartesian # = "(3-7 « agge vector. Member BA lies in the x-y plane, onope ae vm F360 3007 + 006 03074) = (23201 + 398) oe 01D ose 80 1 (O24 S961 + r4eusiser = (99821 + 29979) em Ment enpae 8 Heed Me = (0H $ 24) Now 491. Ifthe magninae ofthe resultant couple moment is : 15 N-m determine the magnitude F of the forces applied (0 the wrenches sae Go 1 (B60 + en Gsm 26079) 1-23.20 43998 am seurs(Z) ems = HO2.4in 961 + 9246095296 = 09821421851 mm Mea tes =n) xP £ a. toy k sella Se 4214 TH 9} oe 4 Me = (007F4 0.0165) Nom Me = SOOT TORR. Tiare oa = Ala ig an og A, Gee : Aon Me = -FO0Isi + FOF mea? aE Fain me 492. The gear reducer is subjected 10 the couple ‘moments shown, Determine the resultant couple moment and specify its magnitude and coordinate direction ans, sees ach Couple ment ata Crean Vector: My (509) Nom Ma.= (co 30" + 30%) Non = (5.965 300K Nan esata Couple Moment Mes EM MyM 4M ‘he count desta ges re 191.964 +500) + 3004) Nowe “The masa of he resale cop monet is amcort (S88 Mg = THEO SOT )= 883 Ans =PRIOD N= 788m Ans 493. The gear reducer is subject to the couple moments shown, Determine the resultant couple moment and Specify its magnitude and coordinate direction angles. | Mea 801 aprass Bach M2601b-n M, = (608) Bt My» 20(-cos 30°sin 45% —cos 30°20 4%} — sin OPH) If oe {88 991-48.99}~40.04) Bf Resultant Couple Moment Me= EM; My +My = (0 ~ 4895) 48995-4004} 1.01 48, 9) ~ 40.04) Bf 1.0 49.0) <0.0K) Ans ‘The magne of he resukan coeple moment is My = {TD 895)" AF 264208 Rw G42 ‘The coordinate don angles ae 4-94 The meshed gears are subjected to the couple moments shown. Determine the magnitude of the Fesultant couple moment and specify its coordinate direction angles. M, = (508) Nom IM, =20(-cos 20'sin 30° ~ cot 2c 30%-+-sn 2074) Nm = (-9.3971~16276}+6.8408) Nm Resultant Couple Me My=EME My =M, 4M, = (9397-16276 +(S046844) Nw = (9397—16276)+ 568404) Nm ‘Te magne fe eschant couple moment i Ma = Vea 6 Ase = 5980 N-m=599Nim Ane ‘The coon deion angles ae 495. A couple acts on each of the handles of the ‘minidual valve. Determine the magnitude and coordinate direction angles of the resultant couple moment. 4, = ~381035) ~ 2035) cxe60" = — 16605 My = -26039)sn60" = 75977 om Wl = TERS CITE 82705 = 183. Nom %4.96, Determine the resultant couple moment of the ‘0 couples that act on the pipe assembly. The distance from A to B isd = 400 mm, Express the result as a Cartesian vector. Vector Analysis Portion Vector 4g * {(035-0.35)i 40.4605 30"-0))+(0.4sin 30" =O) = {-03464j+0204) m Couple Moments : Wit F, Eg d-15, wehsve (35k) Nand F, ={-501) N, spying (Me), saa XR, ek pode obf ini wm p Ton (Me), =a XE, ‘ so 50 ie aan edu af (toni w on sian ‘Resultant Couple Moment: Ma =EM: My = (Me), +(e), (1211 100)-1734) Nem Ans Scalar Analysis: Summing momen shots, y and ae, we have 0G), 9284; (My), = TG; 04), =-S0( 0. 30%) = (My), igs (iy), = 500.404 3) = [Express My ata Caresan vecur, weave My = (-1211-100)-17.38) N-m 497. Determine the distance d between A and B so that the resultant couple moment has a magnitude of Mx 20N-m, Postion Vector: = (038-035)4 (dos 30-0) + (i 30" =O) f= (-066nd J+ 0.504 &) Couple Moments : With wehive (05) Nand , = (+501) spying Ea 4— 15, (0 # ee, yk vfo -etoe ode] (te nom oo , 8 -assioe 050g oS Resultant Couple Moment: My #2 My = (Me), +(Me)y (303d 1-250 j~49.304 k) Nom ‘The mapa of Myf 20 Nm has 20= Yaad Casas mF 4203021 m=342 0 ‘Ans 498. Replace the force at A by an equivalent force and couple moment at point 0. ab—2m— (Me = 375 corre) ~ 375 snsorey A * 7 499. Replace the fore at A by an equivalent force and ab—2n—| couple moment at point P Fen A= 35N Ans 4a FEN (My = 375 eos ~ 375 snr) My TN Ame ol 4-100. Replace the force and couple moment system by . an equivalent force and couple mornent acting at pint i : A | Biya ths fyenttonse | hh $1.96 N= 51.96 N= SD Fy ER: Fy = dana 149 =-1700N=790N4 Ane May = i 3070) + 0 O43) =220Nm (Comurctctniey Am 101. Replace the force and couple moment sytem by > ap equivalent force and couple moment acting at point P. sonny TP Brn = ER: Fm ~teorM0" = S196 N= S196 N = Tr] atk +f i tthe Fa, = ~sin30 = 40 von (r Ths ter Fem JFL AFL = VSISO SFO = 178 Ans Ane LHe, = EM: Me, = 60s WII 8) 6603") 4404 400 +12) 22516 Nem (= 208 Am UCountrtctwite) Ane #102. Replace the force system by an equivalent force ‘and couple moment at point O. 1 = nerd) sear “sms PR = is By 200018) — a caesar

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