CHAPTER 11 (Virtual Work)

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1-1. Use'the method of virtual work to determine the tensions in cable AC. The lamp weighs 10 Ib. ‘Free Bady Diagram : The ensionin cable AC canbe determine by resting sable AC. The sytem has only on depres of fedom defined by dependent ‘sworn 4, When @ undergoes pov displacement 5 only Fue and te ‘eh ofp (101 ore) do work VirtwatDitplacements: Fore Fyc se 101 fre ae locas fom the sed oi 8 este posion coos yy ands, Agehe bsg = ohn 088 m Ye nhin® 854 = koe 050 a Vinal - Work Equation; When yan, undergo postive vital laplacenenss 5, and &s,, the 101 fore and horizontal component of Fc, ‘Ficeae 30° do posite work whe the verical component of Fre, Fes 9° oes negative work. su 105, ~Fjesin 0°54 + Foo 3G, =0 13) ‘Swbssinng E-1] and (2) (3) yee (100s 6~0.5F cco 0 0.8660F, sin 6) 1500 Since 1600, then eT) Wee" Tass on 08a Ac eibqum parison 0 = 4%, 1s 45° “creek ‘ees ocean ae 7! “ he 11-2. The uniform rol OA his a weight of 10, When the rod is in vertical poston. @ = O's the spring is un stretched. Determine the angle @ for equilibria if the end Of the spring wraps around the periphery of the disk a= the disk tm. [Fre Body Diagan: The syste bs ony one degre of freon [ete by be alpen corte. Wen 9 wheres oes [aon 3 aly he sping fe andthe weight af od C0 > fore) dow. VinwatDiplacomets: The 0 one is ted fom the ed pet ‘sing te poston core vy, a the viral placement of pom C ive ya Leoe @ dup = msn 080 “1 fre = 0580 er Virteat—Mork Equation: When pins 8 ad C undergo pave ira apace yy and Sug the (08 fence ad he sping foro Fy do pote wrk aw lobsy + Fite =0 br Substring (and (2 i (5 ede (10sin 0+ 15% 9) 19=0 “a Elowever, fom the sping. forma, Fy = Ax 300.0) = 10 Societe mo [A yiee -tosin @4750 19 =0 Since 88 £0. } 10sin 047.0 / a {I 02 SMB. Delrmine the free developed ree developed in the spi Fequitedtokeep the 1D uniform rod Ain enaoes ‘Free- Body Diagram : Te system has oly one degre of tedom defied by tte independent coordinate @. When @ undergoes postive diplcenent 58, only te spring force the weight of he rod(101) andthe 1b: couple moment o work. Vireual Displacements: The spring fre andthe weight of he od (401) are oe fom te ined point sing positon coordina 8nd se, respectively p= Go 8 By =n 950 a Yor Isin Bye = Son 058 a Virtual Work Equation: When pone B xd C undergo postive viral fepacomens Bry and By, the sping fore Fad he weet ofthe red (101) do negative work: The 101b- ft oeple moment doe epive work ‘when ro AB anderpoe postive viru ron 58 suo, a ‘Sobsiing Ea.) an (2 ne 3 its (6, sn 830008 Sine 600, en (6s 0~ 30008 0-100 Sco 810 = Meese ein ‘At the elite positon, #238, Then 30200 35° 10 p, = OST toon Am 119. Detefmine the angles @ for equilibrium of the 4b disk using uting the principle of the virtual work. Neglect the weight of the rod. The spring is unstretched when 0 = 0° and alivays remains in the vertical position due to the roller guide Free Body Diagram : Te sytem bs only one degre of redo defn by the independentcoormate 0. When 8 soderocs postive daplacement 50, ‘only the spring fore Fad he weight ofthe dik (41) do work. Virtual Displacements: The sping force and te weigh of te disk (4b ae oct fom the ie pint B using positon coords ye andy, respectively yer tsin® Bye =ex0 050 a ye 23sin@ By, = eos 50 a Vinual- Wotk Equation : When pits Cand A undergo postive vial lapacerene By and 5, be sping fore Fi, does negnive work while he elec of be dik (41) do postive work BU =0; 4554 -Fy by 8 ‘Sbseasing E51) and 21 in 3 yes (12-5) eo 08020 w Howover, fromthe sping formula, f= x= 50(1sn 6) = On 6 ‘Subang Hs vaue me Es (8) ys (12-S0sn Byes 060 = 0 Since 69 #0, en 12-S0ein 8=0 Ane cor 820 Ane ALO. If gach of the three links of the mechanism has 1 weight of 20 Ib, determine the angle @ for equilibrium of the spring, which, due to the roller guide, always remains hotizontal and is unstretched when 8 = O° Peet Ben tome 50 He teme, by, = ~2m00 80 Y= Aeon, yy = tao 80 r= 200 wv =0, {204 alas) + 120,200) ~ 52 ot0)180 «0 160 sno ~ rdndoon0150 = bh = 52 ane) = 1005 Mec, sino = 0; LI-UL. When 0 = 20°, the 50.10 uniform block com presses the two vertical springs $ in Ifthe uniform links AB and CD each weigh 10 Ib, determine the magnitude of {he applied couple momenss M needed to maintain eq librium when @ = 20°, ree Boiy Digram: The syem as ony one deyce of elo deine bythe inependent corn When 9 vedere 9 pine place 3, cyte sping Fas Fy th wei of te Sk (30h, the weighs ohn 1018) and he couple monet U3 rat Diplacemena The spn ces Fy the ight he ck ($0 by aed the weight th ike (1 1) at ot fom eed fin Csing poten coarse say sepestvely. Belts 8 bn tsa 048 a Seon 6 dye = sino el 208 8 by -2sin a 8 rave Work uation: When. andy under pov vid placement dy San ing fates Pathe wel he ‘ck (50 1) ard te weighs ofthe ks (1 1) do opie werk ‘he coople moment M dace negative work wh tei Une 8 ve tal aon 8 wy Showing (1 (2) an (3 ho (yee smso=0 " = 2F hy — S08 ~ 20, (Wen + 24s = 240 See 80 0, the Shin 04 203i @ Mm sin 148 +120) Al the equilib pion 9 20. Mim sin 2018) 4120) = 520 Ane *HL-12. The spring is unstretched when 0 = 0°. If P= 8 }b, determine the angle 9 for equlibium. Due to the foller guide, the spring always remains vertical. Neglect the weight ofthe links ED sind, by 22 cow 0 Md sab 4, Bp = cot 56 Fes 502 int) = 10 sa Wao -F ins Pin=o = Hsin e201 80) + done 60) = 0 Asume © < 90, 1 96 #0 20 sino o=920" ane 11-13, The thin rod of weight W rest against the smooth wall and floor. Detertiine the magnitude of force P needed to hold it in equilibrium for a given angle 0. Free Bod} Diagram : The system has only one dere of fredo defied by the dependent corinne 0, When @ undergoes porive Spleen 50, coaly he weghtof he ed W and oer P do work. Virrual Digplacements : The weight ofthe rod W and fore Par lcied from te ft pins A and Busing position sorta ycand x, rape mo a Virtual Work Equation : When pons Cand Aundergo posive vist duper 5yca0d Sey the weight oft rod W and fore Fo negative wok, BU=0; -WSye-P5y, =0 o ‘SebacsingE-(1) and (2 in (3 yds Hage) 4d ‘the 44 members of the mechanism ae i cee I geconc vetialfoees = P= 2008 sete sawn, deine the onde @ 1 a Se wen ote members y= tame, x= sooo by =Acos0 68, Se = —tam0 50 AU =O, —RBe-08y - 20560 (sao) ~ adoney}d6 = 0 ‘See HCAs — Acts) = 20(4en8 — dents) (ened = so(ens0 ~ eds Hd = 150" Ane amd 8235.34 Ans MoAS. The spring has an unstretched length of 0.3 m. Determine the angle for equiv ifthe uniform inks each have a mass of 5 kg. Free Body Diagram: The sytem is oo one degre of edo ket byt idependt cove 9 When eres a postive \iglceent ony the pis farce Fan the meg teas (8908 Nya west Vr placement: Te pon of pit Dad Gare mes ‘ed tom te fel pit A ting oon err sy a fs ‘espn. Ly = O.1sa 8 Bey = O.1c0 088 " tp =O: 6) =O. sin @= LAsin 8 bay = 1.3608 089 (2) yo POA c06 9 Bry = -038sn 567 8 Mrual—Work Equation: When points 8 D and G vere fs five viru dpicements dey Stp sad Sythe spate Pp iat sat pon B does patine wor we heaping foes Fp tose t point D an the welt of Bak AC od CE (ID. N) Go BU =O; 19.0584) + Fyldey ~ Asp) 0 i Substring Bs (1 2 an (no ys (4335sin 9 — LaF eon 40 <0 is However. tom te sing eras, Fp kx = 4012106sn 0) ~ (931 = osina = (3, Sutcaing tk a eB (1 eds (4355s 0 S760 Yoo #4 Ledcon 8) 0 Since 500, ten MSine = $7oun dood Leen & onus Ane wants Are “L116. Determine the force F aceded to lift the block having weight of 100 Ib. Hit: Now thatthe coordinates 5, and sy can be eelated to the constant vertical length | ofthe cord, Thang 2te Wynd Wing + Fheg 0 100hsy + F260) «0 Faw Ans 11-17. The machine shown js used for forming metal plates! te consists of two Toggles ABC and DEP which face operated by hydraulic cylinder BE. The togeles push the moveable bar FC forward, pressing the pte pinto the cavity. Ifthe force which the plate exerts on the head is P = 8 kN, determine the force F in the hydraulic cylinder when 9 = 30", Free By Diagram: The sem ay only one dees feo atin bythe inependent corte 8. When # nerves pire Uglacement oly he forces Fan P wok ral Diplacement: Te fre Fang ont € ud 8 an once se ocd om he fa pst and wing postion ecrnes 3 andy, respecivly. The heaton fr fore Pi sie om (eed pon A sing poston cor ve=O2se 9 dye = 0200 088 u 28a 0 Spy m2 080 8 ” 84 = 202e08 40 deg Odo 850 br Viuat—Work Equation: When pets Band G vege potive vihoa aspen Sr, Sse and hi. force F and Peds hers te wor B00; — Pipe Fig Pheg =0 rT Sng Bs, (1), 2 a(n 3} yt (040 sin 9 ~04F 4 6) 50 «0 Since 38 0. tn O8P sin 0-O4F eas 0m0 Fm Pen # [iri poston @ = 3 set? = 8 AN, We have Fp tent = 462 08 Ane 11-19, The scissors jack supports a load P. Determine the axial force in the screw necessary for equilibrium sw Leesa, ae when the jack isin the position @. Each of the four links fncbilia de has a length L and is pin-connected at its center. Points» = 22 ne, ¥ =2Lea0 80 B and D can move horizontally. 8090; Pay Fea FOL co 56) ~ Lind 66 Fe2Poxo Ame n= 3sa9 - 75000 “11-28, Determine the mass of A and B required to hold the 400-g desk lamp in balance for any angles @ y= 7San@ + 7Sang ~ 5800 = 254g and 6. Neglect the weight of the mechanism and the size of the lamp. yy = 1508 ipsa 89 (cy) fy, = -25 cn 0 ineo by = 1500 80 $= 0 Win Mbp + Myby)=0 aT e8 20) ~ 0+ HSe0 80) = 0 ms 5 ws hae w= Bagoan «wan ty Ane Dien (nh) by = Meas 8 iy = eg by -0 BU =O Was, = Mab, + Mn = 0 20 cnt 54) — Mend 5) + 0% 0 = v= Banoay «1308 IL2L,. The piston C moves vertically between the two smooth walls Ifthe spring has a stiffness of k = 1.5 kN/m and is unstretched when 8 » OF, determine the couple M that must be applied to link AB to hold the mechanism in equilibrium; 0 = 307. Free Body Diagram : The system bas only one dere of rnd defn by he independ coordinate 8, When 9 undergoes posi dplcement 8, oly te sping fore Fan couple moment Md work. Virwal Displacements: The spring fre F, ict from he xed point ‘hing te postion coon Using he aw of eosines OG myb08-2¢ye)(04)c086 0 Diferentiing the above expression, we have 0=2y¢5ye~0.85ycos0+08yin 058 Oyenn 8 0" Tien Oe a Virtua- Work Equation : When pont C undergoes postive views placerat reste seine fre, des postive work. Th comple moment M does positive ‘work when lk AB undergoes posite vital aon 5. J bus Src MB0=0 a ‘Sebi Ea (1 imo (2) ys & Oyen | eas Baye *M =O Otyecind MO Tate 7 ‘Ace cut psn, 6.37. Subang B+ Theig ech = 1-091 = 0.0890, The ese on y= hr | += 1500(0.08790) = 131.86 N. Subsomating the above resubs into Eq, (6), we have 0.6 = ¥8-+04*~2(y)(0.4)c08 0" - onosi2yaso ye #09121 m a ASN Ane oo Ge Rousse as a 11-22. The crankshaft is subjected to a torque of Mf = 50b-ft. Determine. the vertical compressive force F pplicd to the piston for equilibeium when = 60" Fre Body Digrams The sytem bas only one dee of teed ‘tina by the independent cornu & When #sndrses pe redone aly he fase Fin snl tet Mo iat Displacements: Ftc sect fro te Bie let ing ‘he pol sane Using the a of cin Habe 20crcemo0" — " However cos90" — 0) snd Then By (1 become 25 y? +9 = (yen Dilereiaing he expeson we hve rebte~ bby snd ~ byecoe 80 dye = SEE ao ea Viraat—Work quaton: Yen point € vod positive virus placement 3, foe F des naive werk Te couple men postive work when lk AB wares a nivel ton @ fwa0 —Fiye+Mso=0 1 Sting (21 io (1 ykbe Since 300, tn SS 1 40st pation, # =" Sebing fw Ewe Fat F-20100 268 a Siting the above reves [a ting = 50 T- wehive posmcamer =f ene mesm eae 11-23, The assembly is used for exercise. It consist of four pin-connected bars.each of length Land a spring of stifness k/and unstretched length a (<22). If horizontal forces P and ~P are applied to the handles so that @ is slowly decreased, determine the angle @ at which the ‘magnitude of P becomes a maximum. ‘Free Body Diagram : The sysein has oly on Sgro freedom define by tbe lndependent coordi @. When @ undress psive duplacmomn: 88, ‘he spring (ore Fyand fore P do work, Virtual Displacements: The spring fore fan fore Par locaed ‘om te inept Da A using posidon cordate y and +, reece, uw a Virtua~ Work Equation: When poi A, C, 8 and D undergo postive ‘eal place yard, the sping face End force Pd egave work, bu. 2h, 8-275 =0 8 ‘Sebscining Eg] and (2 ino (3 yi (2, sa 0~2P008 6) £50=0 ta From te geome, the sping seches x= 2Le000-—a Then, the ping fore fy = be = (2Leon0 0) = Loe ba Subsining tis value to [Attain on 0~ hatin 02908 )L69%0 Since 150-0, hen tLsin Geos 6~ 2hsin 0~2Fcos 00 “1-24 Determine the weight W of the crate angle @ = 45°. The springs are unstretched when Neglect the weights of the members. Potential Hunctlom The dau is exublished spot A. Sine tect of avy of he ru it below the an, ptetal energy i negative. Here, 7 = (sin 64 2sin 0) = Gin ft and the springsteen = 2(2sn @~ 25a 30°) amo = ia +6 atria Perio ye nein 0. atm emerruoeviveneeo a ‘A equ positon, @= 4%. Subsonong fs vale into Eq), we have Bain 4°08 45+ hens 45° 6Weon AS" = 0 WaLs6n Ane 118. Rods AB and BC haved cent of mass located at their midpoints. If all contacting surfaces are smooth * and BC has mas of 100k, determine the appropsate ims of AB requied foregut 25 cos; Bax = 2.5 e008 3-125 cosg = 25 cose 125 sing 59 = -25 sind 60 075 1s 125 T53)56 = ~25(52)80 0.1569 = - 1560 + - | g Ya = 125 sind 5), = 0.625 cos@ 66 by, = 1.25 cos 50 8U = 0; —m(9.81)5y, - 9818y, = 0 ~m(9.81)(0.625 cos 59 ) ~ 981( 1.25 cos@ 50) = 0 (981)(0625)(—4-)(-250) ~ 981(1.25)(2.)50 = 0 ~M(981)(0625)(F55)(-256) ~ 981(1.25)(5). [m(9.81) -981]60 = 0 m=100kg Ans 11-26. Ifthe potential function for a conservative one- Segecotiicelom sutem b= (Bere De 10) eee where x is iven in meters, determine the postions for - Cautoufand investigate the stalin cach of ese Sant -an0 positions ‘UL27. It the potential function for a conservative one- degree-o-freedom system is V = (12 sin 20 + 15 0s 6) J, where 0°<0< 180°, determine the positions for o, Suble ‘Ans we 411-29. If the potential function for a conservative two- degree-of-freedom system is V = (9y? + 18x") J, where + and y are given in meters, determine the equilibrium Position and investigate the stability at this position, M31, The two bars each have a weight of 8 Ib, Deter mine te required sf ies & of the spring so thatthe tw0 bars are in equilibrium when = 30°, The spring has an nstetched length off By in) + dco = 18 F = tease + temo ~ Isai) v, o en 30" — Asem 3" = 10" m0 “132. The two bars each have a weight of 8 Ib. Determine the angle @ for the equilibrium and investigate the stability atthe equilibrium position. The spring has an unstretched length of If. ‘Potential Function : To dats eoblabed u point A Since the cater of rai of i ae se below the da, he ptt nerdy i negive. Hee, 17 loos Of, = 2208 8+ cos 8 = Sot @ and the ping siccs =2(2c08 9) 1 = (ens 8-1) vensy, dee 20 det nmy omc a0) ssa Equilibrium Portion : The vem sia equim if =O. 80a Boos 0+ 152in = 0 sin 20+ 15dsin @= 0 BSS Sobving, one oaniseane Ans ev, £.. ene 8 ton 204 152208 = ~A00ene 0+ 152206 = -328-<0 ‘Tras, he semis in unstable equities 0 =O Ane 2a eto a= LET “Tha, te sym isin stable equiibriam a = 71.54 ‘Ans 11-38, The truck has a mass of 20 Mg and a mass center at G. Determine the steepest grade 8 along which it can park without overturning and investigate the stability in this position ‘Potential Fenclon : The danas esnbishal spol A, Since te cents of ‘rv forte tucks above he dazu, i penal energy is positive. Hee. 1 =(LStin 843 $008 8) m. Va, = Wy = WLS 043.508 0) eatin Peton + aan 0 aw <0 Thus, the tucks in unstable equilibrium a: 6=23.2" ‘Ans 11-34. ‘The tar supports a weight of Wi = S00Ib at its end. f the springs are originally unstretched when the bar is vertical, determine the required stfiness ky = ky = k ‘of the springs so that the bar isin neutral equilibrium ‘when iis vertical y=90m0 ay = dane a= Gane pean + Seam «Sa Ys veut + nase a" & - ~sso0eno + ne255020) w Roni Fw 0; ~Astonine + HA uindooe) = 0 wee ono ev + 1500 ce + 14520020) 1-38. The cylinder is made of ewo materials such that it ‘has a mass of mand a center of gravity at point G. Show that when G tes above the centoid C of the cylinder, the ‘equilibrium is anstable, Potential Punction: The dato ic eblihed tpi A, Slee be sete gv of te ners aove the tn ea ey ng {spotise He, 9 = + don. f= Wem mate den 6 ‘Ths the yn is im uate equiioaom at 9 = 0° (QE) 111-36. Determine the angle 9 for equiibriom and in- vestigate the stability at this poston. The bar each have mass of 3 kg and the suspended block D has a mass of| kg. Cord DC has a total length of Im, pre t421 cont) 910 2080) = Wisin Wot 2eont) w sso casd—2Wosia 90 oo Ma 28D gis = ae * aoa pene Ane peer, 2 sag-s9snut2r-woanent201 ae m2<0 — Umaabe Ane 11-37. The cup has a hemispherical bottom and a mass ‘Determine the position ft ofthe center of mass G50 ‘hat the cup i in seta equilibrium. onl Panton: The dao sesh pit A. Sie the (Goto gray the cape atone the datum spatial emery it othe. Hee, ta Pon enn ion ” mphin 8 =0 11.38, If each of the three links of the mechanism has a weight W, determine the angle @ for equilibrium. The sing, which lays remains veri seth ben, Pisa asind bpp macosd Dye Dating =Aacond BU = G00 = Fin + Wan + Win wd (tesa dracond 504 Wuconl 30+ W090 80 Aman ¥

10mm (N.61) 1142, |A homogeneous block rests on top of the cylindral surface. Derive the relationship between the radius of the cylinder, % and the dimension of the Block, , for stale equilibrium. Wine Establish the poten energy function for a small angle #, ice Approximate sin 8 = a, and cos = 1~ #2 ‘Potential Puncton : Th dati i eoabisha x pin 0, Sige be exer of rity forthe bock it above the dam, potent ney i pose Hee, 7a(therme vew, = w wf (e-8)ox erm Forsmal angle 6, sn = and cos 8 Ge 11-43. The homogeneous cone has a conical cavity cut into it as shown. Determine the depth of d of the cavity in terms of h so thatthe cone balances on the pivot and remains in neutral equilibrium, favo on actme Md 3 Potential Function : The dau is esublshd point A. Since the centr of rv of be oe above te dat, poses energy piv. Here, y=0-ta bel Licamdfer oe Hasoone vev{s-t9e0 a euibriam Porton > The sysem sin quent =9 9 sbadng d= * io Ea 1}. one cee tat he flea mast be at een of ry or nea, "U4. The triangular block of weight W rests rests on the ‘smooth comets which are a distance a apart. If the block has thee equ sides of length etenne the for equilibrium. weenee AP = ADs © AD sir -0) aoe” eae a0 = iatanar + 0) Ar = ZEglallar + yar) + gigiomsereaasutn wee m-057748) snd Requse sing = 0 ole st 057d — Eel-ae0) ~ 0 on etihy 14S. Two yniform bars, each having a weight W, are pinconnected at their ends If they are placed over a smooth eylingrcal surface, show that the angle @ for equilibrium must satisfy the equation cos @sin*@ = afr. 11-446, The uniform links AB and BC each weigh 2 Ih and the éylinder weighs 20 Ib, Determine the horizontal force required to hold the mechanism in the position When = 45°. The spring has an unstretched length of 6in Free Body Diagram : The sysera hs only os degre o redo defo by te indepen coordi 8, When @undergoce a psive displacement 8, ‘ont the spring ore the weight of Unk (28), 201 fre and fore Po work, Virvaat Displacements: The positions of poins B, Dand C a measured fom the fied pint using positon coontinaes 4, and xespectly. By = 108 050 nm B50 = Seo 058 a Ke=2(l0o06 0) Bre =~20ia 058 a Virtuat- Work Equation : When pois B,D and C undergo potive wil dpltcemens 84, Bypand Bx, sping force E, at cs poi C, te weigh inks (21) and 20 By force do negaive work whe fore P docs poste won BU=0, Fy Brg 2659)~-205y,+PBne=0 tah Ssh (1, 2a nt eds (204s 0-20min 022001 8) 500 8 However, rm th sping formula, fy = kx =2{2(105010)~6] = Aocos 612, Subetcing hs vale in Eg (5) yes (in Geos 0~240Kn 8~ 22000 6-20Psin 8) 50=0 Since 500, ten Pe dos 45° 11eot dS? 12= 5.38 Ans 41-47, ‘The spring attached to the mechanism has an 2" unstretched length when @ = 90°. Determine the postion @ for equilibrium and investigate the stability of the Me ‘mechanism at this position. Disk A is pin-connected to he the frame at B and hac » weight of 20, 2” Potential Function: The dans sesblshot pont C: Sine te cer of eri of thd i elow the datum. i potent encry i egaive. Here. = 2Seae 0) = 2 Ses 6 ead the spring compress = (2.5~2.Sxn ) veney, = 0025-256 67-2002 8) 1 SiO 108in 0 Soe 02 50 2 an 0 te in d= a x SF = soxin 20-t0cos 8+ 505n B= 0 Solving by sa and eo, Stability £¥ seco 20+ 10sia 9+ S008 8 Ege HTS TT ss" Ans ‘Ths, se sym sin stable equllbeium a. ithe compressive force F it creates on the | A een taj te a eet | Dien ef uiform beam AB weighs 1001. bot springs RE ind BC are unsreiched when 0 = 90°, determine te anak ¢ £0" equiiriue using the principle of potental Satt Invetigate te sabilty atthe equilibrium pesos Seth sPrngy always actin the horizontal postion tonne, ‘of the roller puides at C and E- ethene fren y= Lane a Lena 80 z 80-0; 75 Farag ~ R-abaneye0 « 0 Pome + 2708 = 0 The dam is established a poi A. Since the center of avi of he beam is above the dan, is potent energy i pov Hee, 9 = (Gain) We spans aD atectes xp = (2e08 8) fand the sping a8 ‘compresed = (60s @) fe Hooch ea? = 912.048 +S00Kn @ J --1820in eos 0430006 00 & =-s121in 26430008 020 | | | | | | w aera Prion: ase wn tv 0, | @ | | On90% oe ono. a ore 8240s 28~300in 8 ‘Thos, he syria in unstable eguilbeium at @=9.47° Ave Ans says "7 H2408 18939" ~300in 9.467 = 17747 <0 Ane 11.50, The uniform bar AB weighs 10b. Ifthe attached spring is unstretched when = 90", use the method of Virtual work and determine the angle @ for equilibrium. Note that the spring always remains in the vertical position due'to the roller guide Bune, 1087+ Ray 0 +21 -ney(tcosd 6) = 0 wo 10-29am0 = 0 ne LSL. Spive Prob 1-5Busing the principe of potent nergy. lvestigate the stability of the bar when itis in y = same the equlipriom poston ~ W = tangy + He14~tninoy? 5 + Md—dsin8)(-4orn6) Fo sao + 54d -4o08) « Regie, = 0 Aosmed ~ 244~ ince cut =0 o -Rl-ta «0 baw, onar am EE. come + xe-tmninn + Xtnnytea) 60 ome + ttn «el sa, Sha-mee tint am tem, SEee>o ae am "11-82. The punch press Coma ofthe ram R, connecting fod AB, and a flywheel If a torque of M = 50N-m is applied tothe flywheel, determine the force F applied atthe ‘am to hold the rod in the position & = 64°, Free Body Diagram : The system bus only one degree of eciom defined by be coordina 8. When @ undergoes a posiv displacement 8, only fore F and 306m couple moment do work, Virtual Displacement : To force Fi cate rm heft pola A using he Psion coftinae s,. Using he law of easins, 04 24 +0202, 0.) 6 a Diterentaing te above expreston, we have Om 2, Bry ~O28,c080+0.2 sn 050 b= gpm 58 a Yirtuals Work Equation : When poin A andergcs postive viral dsplacement ‘Bs fore F dons nega work The 50N-m couple moment cs negtive work whe the Ayhel undergoes positive viral oon 58 8U=0 —F5x,-5050=0 a ‘Seba Ha (2 ino (3) ye tain (aSSefAErs)ono Seen sare vs, 4 ‘Sobaiaaing te above rerun By. 4), we have OF ar} 01-265, (0)err aware pa 2010-208 0" ~2(0.405)) 02048an or =542N ad

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