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Written by Huy – Teacher Dan

From TD English – Tiếng Anh Giao Tiếp
Phone: 0963313959


▪️ Are you working or studying? ▪️ I am working / I am learning / I am a
▪️ Are you still a student? Studying student / I am a graduate of ABC university.
▪️ You’re still studying or you working? ▪️ I am working now / I have graduated
have graduated already? from my university in 2019.

Studying ▪️ I am learning at ABC university.
▪️ Which grade are you in?
▪️ Which year (of university ) are you in? ▪️ I am in (the) tenth grade of high school /
I am in year 10 of high school.
▪️ How many years do you have to study ▪️ I am a first/second/third/fourth/final
to graduate? year student at ABC university.
▪️ How many more years do you still ▪️ I am a
need to learn to graduate/finish your freshman/sophomore/junior/senior at ABC
study? university.
▪️ What job do you do? ▪️ I need to learn for N years to finish my
▪️ What kind of work do you do? study and I still have M more years.
▪️ I will graduate in 2021 / I will finish my
▪️ What university did you learn? study in 2021.
▪️ What university did you graduate Notice: you can replace “university” by
from? college/vocational school/high school/etc.

▪️ How many years did you have to Working

study at your university? ▪️ I am working for ABC company as a/an
▪️ How many years did you need to doctor/teacher/accountant/etc.
finish your study at ABC university. ▪️ . . .

Graduate(n) /ˈɡrædʒ.u.ət/
A person who has completed his/her study in a
GRADUATE FROM university/college.
▪️ I graduated from BK university. ▪️ I am a graduate of BK university.
▪️ I will graduate from my university in the ▪️ Many university graduates in VN don’t have
next 2 years. jobs.

▪️ What are you studying? ▪️ I am studying for / doing a + Loại bằng
▪️ What is your major? About cấp + Lĩnh vực
▪️ What do you major in? your
▪️ What is your field of study? major
Bachelor’s degree in ABC(Bằng cử nhân)
▪️ What major are you studying in your
Master’s degree in ABC(Bằng thạc sĩ)
university? Doctor’s degree/PHD in ABC(Bằng tiến sĩ)
▪️ . . .

Major (n) = field of study ▪️ I am studying for a

/ˈmeɪ.dʒɚ/ bachelor’s degree in IT.
Main subject you study in university.
▪️ My major is IT.
▪️ I am studying to become . . .
Eg: I am studying to become an English
Major in (phrasal verb) teacher.
▪️ I major in IT = My major is IT.
▪️ My major is . . .
▪️ I major in . . .
▪️ My field of study is . . .
▪️ . . . is my major/field of study.
Games time ▪️ I’m studying about . . . in my university

Information technology Accounting Biomedical engineering Business management

(Công nghệ thông tin) (Kế toán) (Kĩ thuật y sinh) (Quản trị kinh doanh)

Brand management Business English Chemical engineering Hotel management

(Quản trị thương hiệu) (Tiếng Anh thương mại) (Kĩ thuật hóa học) (Quản trị khác sạn)
Banking and finance Human resource management Telecommunication Mechanical engineering
(Tài chính ngân hàng) (Quản trị nhân lực) (Kĩ thuật viễn thông) (Kĩ thuật cơ khí)

Textile and garment technology Tourism and hospitality Control engineering and International payment
(kĩ thuật dệt may) management automation (Thanh toán quốc tế)
(Quản trị dịch vụ du lịch (Điều khiển và
Và lữ hành) tự động hóa)


About your school

▪️ Why did you choose your school / ▪️ I chose my university to study because . .
university / college? .
▪️ What made you choose to learn at + It was famous in Vietnam about IT.
ABC university? + It was a top university in Vietnam.
▪️ . . . + My parents chose it for me.
Opportunity(n) ▪️ The education quality of my university is
/ˌɑː.pɚˈtuː.nə.t̬i/ so good and . . .
▪️ You have an opportunity to work ▪️ Because the degrees from my university
for facebook. are so valuable / quality so I can have many
opportunities for jobs in the future.

What do you Is your What do you

like and university think your
dislike about quality and university has
your good as you to be better
university? thought? than others?
About your studies
▪️ . . . (tiếp tục nói thêm về cái major ▪️ I chose it/my major/to learn ABC because . . .
mà phần trước đã nhắc tới) + I liked it / I loved it / I thought it would be hot
▪️ Why did you choose that major? and trendy in the future.
▪️ What made you choose to study for a + I had no ideas, I chose it randomly.
bachelor’s degree in IT? + My parents chose it for me / I chose it following
my friends. . . .
▪️ What subjects do you have to learn
at your university? ▪️ I have to learn many subjects like A, B, C, etc.
▪️ What do you have to learn for a What to ▪️ I am learning about how to create an app and a
bachelor’s degree in IT? website by my laptop, . . . / I am training to be able
to teach English to high school students.
▪️ Do you like/enjoy what you are ▪️ I need to learn math, English and many skills.
learning? Why? about teaching and communication, . . .
▪️ Do you find your major interesting? or
▪️ What do you think about your major? ▪️ I really like/enjoy/love my major/what I am
studying because it’s . . .
▪️ What do you hope/expect to have Interesting Useful/helpful Suitable for me
after learning?
➔ I hope that after I graduate I can work ▪️ I don’t like/dislike/hate my major because it’s
as an IT engineer at a famous tech . . . Boring Too hard +
So stressful
company and make a lot of money every impractical

▪️ I chose my major because my friend chose

EXPECT TO + V / EXPECT it, so I just followed him.
▪️ I learn about programming languages, the
(mong đợi làm điều gì đó)
internet and computer at school, those are so
▪️ I expect to make a lot of money after
learning. useful
▪️ What do you expect after you graduate? ▪️ I don’t really like What I am learning because
it’s so hard and stressful.

/treɪn/ Your answers
to prepare someone or yourself for a job, a
test, etc. by learning skills, health, etc.
▪️ I am training to be an English teacher.
▪️ I need to train my students for a
speaking test.
What majors do Do you plan to
What majors do
you think are work in what What are some
you think are
suitable for you learn after top majors at
trendy now?
girls/boys? you finish your your school?
Why? study? Why?

Tuition fees
▪️ How much tuition fees do you have to ▪️ I have to pay 20.000.000 VNDs each year
pay each year when learning at your when learning at BK university, and the tuition fees
university? increases by 20 percent every year.
▪️ How much tuition fees do you have to ▪️ I have to pay more than 100.000.000 VNDs for
spend on 5 years of learning at your 5 years of learning.
▪️ What do you think about your ▪️ I think that’s too expensive . . .
university’s tuition fees? + I think it’s worth it because . . .
Expensive, cheap or reasonable? Do you + I think it’s not worth it because . . .
think it’s worth it?

Increase by N
Tuition / Tuition fees(n) Tăng thêm N
▪️ The price increases by 10.000.
the money paid for being taught, esp. at a (Giá tăng thêm 10 nghìn)
college or university.
▪️ I have to pay 2000$ for my tuition
fees this year. Increase to N
▪️ My school doubles the tuition fees Tăng tới N
every 3 years. ▪️ The price increases to 10.000.
Tobe + Worth it(adj) (Giá tăng tới 10 nghìn)
Đáng / Đáng giá . . .
▪️ The tuition fees is 10 thousand dollars Can you name some universities that have the
per year, that’s too much and I think it’s not most expensive tuition fees in Vietnam?
worth it.
Your answers

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