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1. Please give your detailed reasons for not applying for the certificate to be renewed on time.

2. Have you been working in the method for which the certificate was granted YES/NO
since the date upon which renewal became due?

If YES to Question Number 2

Did you need a valid CSWIP Certificate during this period? YES/NO

How have you been able to continue working without a valid CSWIP Certificate?

a) What other evidence of Competence was supplied?
b) What is the nature of work you have been undertaking since the expiry of your Certificate?

What is the nature of the work you have been doing in the period since the certificate became

The Information above can be verified by:

E-mail Address

If your request is turned down you will need to apply to retake the initial examination to obtain a
valid CSWIP Certificate

I understand that my Certificate has ceased to be valid and that any work conducted since the
expiry date does not have the backing of the CSWIP Scheme. Should I be involved in any disputes
involving the quality of my work I will not be able to claim that I held a valid certificate at that

Signed: Date:

Questionnaire for Exceptional Case Review for Late CSWIP Five Year Renewal

Certificate Holders Name

Certificate Number
Expiry Date


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