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Nguyễn Đức Thiện – 10423171

Topic 4 : what happens when people do not get enough sleep?

The vast majority of adults demand equal or more than seven hours of daily sleep, so
sleep deprivation is a circumstance in which humans get less than seven hours of sleep
on most nights. More and more people suffer from sleep deprivation in contemporary
society because of overwhelming business. However, lack of sleep may cause some
severely negative effects,and humans have to attempt to search for solutions. --> What is
your thesis statement?
The immediate impact of sleep deprivation is the exacerbation of cognitive flexibility.
The capability to think and function properly will decrease substantially, and humans
would have trouble with decision-making matters. Accidents happen more often with
individuals who did not sleep well in the previous night because they make mistakes.
The place where the immediate effect of sleep deprivation is illustrated explicitly is on
the road. Drowsy driving is involved in various fatal car crash occurrences throughout
the world annually. Those drivers confess not to reacting timely because they cannot stay
awake.Therefore, sleep deprivation can interfere with ordinary tasks and manners in
daily life because humans cannot retain their conscious mind like when they are at
wonderful strength with fulfilling rest. --> Good!
Furthermore, emotions or mental health will be partially impacted if humans do not get
enough sleep in the short term. People who sleep inadequately tend to be more absent-
minded, tense, and frustrated, and for this reason, they risk being in a state of acute
depression if it continues more regularly. Individuals who spend overnight handling their
workloads, such as students, doctors, and security guides, are usually under intense
pressure and easily damaged by stress and madness. Thus, a perfect slumber is not only
the key to happiness but also the time to refresh the mind that supports human memory
and concentration. --> Good!
Besides food and water, sleeping also plays a fundamental and crucial element in each of
the body’s life, and long-term sleep deficiency can lead to serious physical health
problems if humans do not tackle it rapidly. Sleep deficiency is linked to many chronic
health problems, including heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes,
stroke, and obesity. --> GOOD!
Sleeping is an indispensable part of human life, so behaviors, emotions, and health will
become awful but for standard sleeping. With the vast drawbacks of sleep deprivation,
strategies have to be established to avoid this situation as soon as possible. --> Well-

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