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SKILLS TEST 6 Standard

1 Read the article. Match the questions (1–8) with the answers (a–h).

My name is Sofia, and my best Nura’s father doesn’t work, so her comes to my house, and uses my
friend at school is Nura. She’s tall, mother works a lot. Sometimes laptop. I’m happy to help because
with curly black hair, and she’s got she’s very tired at home. It’s I like Nura a lot. Sometimes she
a very nice smile. But sometimes, difficult for her, but she’s strong. helps me too.
I’m happy She because
to help cooks greatI likefood
she’s sad because she isn’t always They haven’t got nice gadgets, like with
Nuraher mother.
a lot. Sometimes
Sometimes she helps I go
happy at home. She lives in a small laptops or tablets. They haven’t got to
too. house and eat.
She cooks greatI’m never
food with
house with her mother, Nazia a lot of money. I always give Nura a hungry afterSometimes
her mother. that! I go to their
and her father. She hasn’t got any hug when I see her, and help her do house and eat. I’m never hungry
brothers or sisters. Now, her father homework. I don’t want her to get after that!
has got an illness, and needs help. a bad mark in her tests. She often

0 Who is Nura? 0 She’s Sofia´s best friend.

1 Nuralook
What does she looklike?
like? a Her mother and father

2 Who is Nazia? b Because she likes her.

3 Who does Nura live with? c Because he is ill.

4 Why doesn’t Nura’s father work? d She’s tall, with curly black hair.

5 Why doesn’t Nura’s family have a lot of nice gadgets at home? e Nura’s food

6 Why does Sofia help Nura? f Sofia’s laptop

7 What does Nura use? g She’s Nura’s mother.

8 What does Sofia like? h Because they don’t have a lot of money.

2 Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

0 Nura is short. F
1 Nura has got straight hair.

2 She never smiles.

3 Nura hasn’t got a big, expensive house.

4 She often uses gadgets.

5 Sofia never helps Nura.

6 Sofia has got a laptop.

7 She loves Nura’s food.

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Name Class Date

SKILLS TEST 6 Standard

3 Listen to the news item. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

0 For many children school is A . 5 School is not for James.

A great B difficult C boring A easy B difficult C hard

1 After class you can play games or with 6 His friends help him .
your friends.
A in class B in the breaks C in class and in
A do homework B chat C eat the breaks

2 The story is about a school in . 7 James and his friends love .

A the
UK UK B the
UAEUAE C the USA A maths B English C sports

3 The children in the story are in grade. 8 They love playing .

A 1st B 4th C 5th A baseball B video games C football

4 James is .

A 11 B 12 C 13

4 Listen again and complete the sentences with words from the list.
hang happy hobbies students great friendly lunch difficult

0 For many children school is great .

1 After class you can out with your friends.

2 For some students school is .

3 The story shows that being is important.

4 The lessons are difficult and some of the are not very kind.

5 James always has with his friends.

6 James and his friends have many .

7 James is very with his new friends.

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Name Class Date

SKILLS TEST 6 Standard

5 Think about an actor or singer you like. Think about his or her appearance and personality. Write about
him or her (about 30 words). Use the questions below.
• What’s his/her name?
• What does he/she do?
• What is he/she like?
• What does he/she look like?
• Why do you like him/her?


6 Work in pairs. Talk about the photos. What can you see? What do the people look like?




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