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Discuss how globalization may influence behavior-

 To what extent does globalization influence behavior?


Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people of different nations. It is driven by
international trade and investment aided by modern information technology. One result of this is the reduction of
barriers to commerce and international agreements to promote trade, investment and services. In line with this, the
term 'cultural globalization' has been suggested for the process marked by a common consumption of cultures as a
result of access to the Internet, popular culture media and international travel. Cultural globalization contributes to
increasing international connections among different people and cultures because it involves the formation of shared
norms and knowledge.
The globalization nowdays affect the identity in such way that we do not only have cultural identity that is developed
because of the influence of our own culture, but we develop global identity. Psychologists argue that today most
people worldwide now develop a bicultural identity that combines both the local culture and the global culture.

One of the most influential 'global values' is individualism, which encourages people to pursue personal achievement
and creates competition between individuals.

Ogihara & Uchida (2014) wanted to investigate the relationship between individualistic values, subjective well-being
and the number of close relationships in Japan and the USA. The sample consisted of 114 students from a university
in Japan and 62 students from a university in the U.S. The students answered questionnaires related to individualistic
and collectivistic orientation, subjective well-being and the nature of their relationships. The results showed that in
Japan having an individualistic orientation was negatively related to subjective well-being and fewer close
relationships; but this was not the case in the sample from the U.S. The researchers wanted to know whether this
negative result was due to a conflict between individualistic orientation at a personal level and the collectivistic
social structure in the Japanese society. In order to find out, they carried out a follow-up study.
They investigated the effect of individualistic work on on the subjective well-being of Japanese women. The sample
consisted of 34 adult Japanese women who worked for a large insurance company where performance and
achievement-oriented goals were posted on the walls of the offices. Participants were given questionnaires related to
individualistic and collectivist orientation, and subjective well being of their relationships.The results suggest that
even in the study's achievement-oriented environment, Japanese participants who were achievement-oriented scored
lower on subjective well-being and had fewer close friends. The lower levels of well-being in the Japanese sample
may be due to the transition that Japan is currently experiencing, where globalization is leading to a movement
toward individualism in the workplace while maintaining the traditional collectivistic values in general society.

The researchers argue that a limitation of the study is that they were unable to directly test the causal relationships
between an individualistic orientation and decrease of number of close friends. Therefore, it could be that be that
those who have fewer friends were the ones that were drawn to working in such an environment. Consequently, it is
difficult to establish a cause and effect relationship between the effects of globalization, identity and one’s well-
being. Could it also be that people who are working in international companies - or working in Japanese companies
that have adopted Western values - experience some kind of identity confusion because they have internalized
Japanese values of collectivism during their upbringing but are now exposed to Western ideas and values of

Buchan et al (2011) wanted to see if identification with a global culture could motivate cooperation in the context of
a global collective. Sample consisted of 1122 participants aged 19-70, from 5 different countries (mix of
individualistic and collectivist societies with 200 participants representing each country; italy, usa, russia, argentina,
iran) Two items were measured, social identity (either local, national or worldwide) and concern for global affairs
(on global warming; the spread of pandemics and the world gap between rich and poor). In addition, participants
allocated funds to either a personal, national or global investment. Global accounts paid back the contribution
multiplied by 3, national investments paid the contribution multiplied by 2 and personal investments paid back the
contribution amount. In other words, participants could be guaranteed a small payout if they deposited into their
personal accounts but maximum benefit would occur if all participants paid into the global account and then shared
out the return. This requires a shared identity with global partners as well as trust in those partners. Results showed
that women, older people, and higher educated people reported higher GSI (Global social identity) It is showed that
if someon has higher level of identification with global community, they show the higher level of cooperation with
global others. If people show more cooperation and generosity that contribute to economic growth of countries.

To sum up everything previously said, these studies showed that there is a certain influence of globalization on the
behaviour of individuals.However, the limitation of the first study is that researchers were not able to test the
relationship between individualistic values and number of closer friends directly. It could happen that those with
fewer close friends were drawn to work in such environment. Consequently, no cause and effect relationship was
established between effects of globalization on behaviour and subjective well- beingthor. No individual differences
were taken into account. But as this study was replicated and follow up study had the same reslts it is concluded that
Japanese individuals are influenced by globalization. In the second study the sample was diverse and large so that
increases the external validity of this study because the results were checked crossculturally. Also it is suggested that
individuals that are more included in the global network of interaction, are more likely to choose cooperational
strategies that prioritize globel over local. The higher level of cooperation and generosity increase the economical
growth of countries. Globalization is the important factor that must be included when the behaviour of individual is
analyzed through sociocultural approach.

limitations - only correlation, no causation

- social identity is difficult to measure through questionnaire
- subject to compliance bias as they knew they were being observed

strengths - diverse and large sample increases validity

2. Discuss one or more effects of the interaction of local and global influences on behavior

Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people of different nations. It is driven by
international trade and investment aided by modern information technology. One result of this is the reduction of
barriers to commerce and international agreements to promote trade, investment and services. In line with this, the
term 'cultural globalization' has been suggested for the process marked by a common consumption of cultures as a
result of access to the Internet, popular culture media and international travel. Cultural globalization contributes to
increasing international connections among different people and cultures because it involves the formation of shared
norms and knowledge.
The globalization nowdays affect the identity in such way that we do not only have cultural identity that is developed
because of the influence of our own culture, but we develop global identity. Psychologists argue that today most
people worldwide now develop a bicultural identity that combines both the local culture and the global culture.
That intergration can lead to problems and they may feel marginalized and anxious in their local culture. From a
local perspective due to globalization tehey can be either exclusionary or intergrative due to the interactions between
local cultures and global cultures which can lead to behaviours that try to exclude the foreign culture or intergrate it
with local culture norms this leads to individuals having an us vs them mentality thus meany people will struggle and
feel displaced with their global identity and feel excluded from the local group.
Chen et al- method correlation study

chen et al investigated hoiw bicultural identity intergration was related to psychological adjustments in globalized
cultural environments. Particpants were from 3 different bicultural populations all found in Hong Kong
1. Mainland Chinese immigrants to Hong Kong
2. Filipino Sojourners employed as domestic workers in Hong Kong
3.Bilingual college students in both Hong Kong and mainland China employed as domestic workers

Although the cultural context is constant, each of these groups faces different acculturation pressures, and the groups
have different statuses and sociocultural backgrounds. Each group was given questionaries to asses cultural identity
and their psychological wellbeing. They were asked about their cultural identification given a bicultural identity
intergration test depression and anxiety scales for happiness and lonliness. It was found that biculural dientity
intergration was correlated with higher psychological adjustment in the chinese immigrant and college student
samples those who scored higher in bicultural identity intergration also has a hgiher score in their pychological

It is concluded that the individuals that has a lower bicultural idenitty intergration meaning the individuals
maintaining their local culture while also participaning in a global culture was low. They had lower psychological
adjustment such as higher feelings of depression and anxiety they felt thus way because due to global influences they
felt displaced in the local hong kong culture an us vs them mentality was created and thys they couldnt intergrate into
the Hong Kong culture.

chen et al strength

they used a single cultural contezt this mean that all participants were grappling with identity in the same context
also the researchers were able to control for demographiic and psychological variables such as stress and self

chen et al limitations

since its a correlation study cant draw any causality also its only limited to Hong Kong thus the results cant be
generlaized to the wider population

Cheng et al

Aim to investigate the effects of globalization on identity development

cheng et al method

sample of undergraduate students from china india and columbia and US surveys were adminstered measured
attitudes and behaviours towards their local and global culture also measured psychological ajustments

cheng et al results

greater identification with the local culture was associated with few psychological symptoms and less identity

cheng et al conclusion

use this data to develop a new typolgy for global identitiy catergories were relabelled to reflect local and global
identitiy this study again indivcated the influences that the local and global culture can have on behaviour as seen in
this study the individual that has a greater identitification with local culture then they wont deel displaced and are
included in their local community and dont dele the stress that may arise diue to social catergorization

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