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Writing Task 01 – Writing Draft

Course: Advanced English Reading and Writing 1 (ARW I)

Student: Gonzalo Miguel Moreano Vargas

Professor: Jessica Moreno

Brainstorming List – Geniuses that we know of
 Leonardo Da Vinci
 Stephen Hawking
 Mario Vargas Llosa (Selected Genius)
 Nicholas Tesla
 Charles Darwin
 Isaac Newton
 Marie Curie

Mario Vargas Llosa’s Notetaking List

1. Mario was born in Arequipa, on March 28th, 1936.
2. After his birth, during his first ten years he lived in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
3. Then he went back to Perú, where he took classes in different schools.
4. After graduating Primary and High School, he decided to enroll in university San
Marcos to study Law and Arts.
5. By the time he had graduated, he received a scholarship to study abroad and extend his
studies in Madrid.
6. He had participated in different roles and works for almost 9 years.
7. By the time he had finished working for 9 years, he started purchasing his passion for
8. In 1994, he received the Miguel de Cervantes award for its literacy performance.
9. By the time he reached 74 years of age, he had received the Peace Nobel Prize for his
very contribution to literature due to his books.


Summary Paragraph – Mario Vargas Llosa

Mario Vargas Llosa is a literary prodigy and genius for its constant artistic performance
and remarkable visual creations and its eye-catching books. First, Mario was born in
Arequipa on March 28th, 1936, and during his childhood he lived in Cochabamba,
Bolivia. As soon as he had reached the completion of his basic education, he decided to
purchase his passion and enrolled in UNMSM to study Arts. Mario had worked in local
journals before graduating, so he already had some press skills. And as if this weren’t
enough, he had already published his first two tales (Los Jefes and El Abuelo) before
graduating from Arts. By the time he reached 74 years of age, he had received the
Peace Nobel Prize for his very contribution to literature due to his books and, the icing
of the cake is that by the time he entered as a writer in the Real Academia Española, he
had already elaborated a speech towards Azorín, a Spanish writer and a fair
representation of the Spanish literature.

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