English Final Exam Revision

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English Final exam revision

Section A M.M:130

Q1. “You’ve only two hours you know. You wouldn’t want to get caught out.”

A) Why did the teacher ask the children to not go too far? 2
B) describe the reaction of the children on the rising of the sun. 2
C) how did margot look like? Why did the children dislike her? 2
D) Vocabulary- vital, bore, tumultuously, savoured, solemn and pale2.5

Q2. Answer the following questions.

a) Who is monsieur G-? Why did he come to Me. Dupin? 2

b) What strategy did Dupin use to figure out where the letter was? 2
c) What does purloined letter and royal personage mean? 2
d) Vocabulary- sinister, boudoir, gauged, Atreus, thystes 2.5
e) Idioms- acid test, a blow by blow account, a bundle of nerves, beat about the bush, bring to
the book, nineteen to the dozen. 6
f) 1. Don’t ___ tell me the truth. 0.5
2. Out of nervousness, he started talking ____ in front of inspector. 0.5
3. When the inspector started quizzing the witness, lily became ___. 0.5

Q3. “Peru is on the bucket list of most world travellers.” 10 +2.5

a) What is the meaning of bucket list? Why is visiting peru on people’s bucket list.
b) What was the most special thing the writer found out on visiting machu pichu?
c) Why did the Spanish conquerors make lima the capital?
d) Describe cuzco in your own words.
e) Do you think writer enjoyed her visit to peru? Which lines tell you that?
f) Vocabulary- jet lagged, balmy, befalls, aqueduct, verdant

Q4. A) Describe how the writer’s feelings change from “tingly and excited” to “dread”? 2

B) what would you prefer to do? Listen to ghost stories or read a book? Do you agree with what
writer says about books? Quote lines from the poem which tell you so. 2

c) Why does the writer cover herself up from feet to head? 2

d) vocabulary- jumbie - 1

A) Q5. A1. What feelings does the ‘narrow fellow’ invoke in the speaker? How is that feeling
different from how he feels about ‘several of nature’s people? Find lines.(2)
2. What does the poem tell you about the speaker’s attitude? (2)
3. what does the speaker mistake the “narrow fellow’ as? What does it do when the speaker
comes to close to him? (2)
4. who Is addressed to with the pronoun ‘your’ in stanza 2? What closes at “your feet”? (2)
5. write the meanings of shaft, cordiality. (1)
Section B (MCQs) 25 marks
1. What closes at “your feet”?
a) Readers.
b) The grass
c) Field divided as a shaft
2. What does speaker mistakes narrow fellow as?
a) Ribbon
b) Strange animal
c) Whip lash
3. What does boggy acre mean?
a) Wet grassy field.
b) Droughted land
c) Forest
4. Who likes boggy acre?
a) Speaker
b) Narrow fellow
c) Readers
5. What does tighter breathing and zero at the bone mean?
a) Unable to breath because of fear
b) Scared
c) Heavy breathing
6. How old were the children?
a) 6
b) 9
c) 10
7. What was the sun compared to?
a) Gold or yellow crayon
b) A small coin
c) Flower
8. Where was the story set up on the planet venus?
a) Ohio
b) Echoing tunnels of the underground city.
c) Jungle.
9. When was margot brought up on venus?
a) When she was 5
b) When she was 9
c) When she was 4
10. Who is the narrator of the story ‘purloined letter’?
a) Monsieur G-
b) C auguste dupin
c) Minister D
11. Why did minister conceal the letter?
a) He wanted the secret information so he could blackmail the person in the
b) He did not like the royal lady.
c) He wanted a revenge from dupin.
12. Who asked for an advice from dupin?
a) Minister
b) Monsieur g
c) Prefect of Parisian police
13. Monsieur g promised to write a cheque of ___ francs to anyone who would bring him
a) 20k
b) 100k
c) 50k
14. Then you can write a cheque to me and quickly too. who said this?
a) Minister
b) Dupin
c) Royal lady
15. What did dupin purposely leave on minister’s table?
a) Gold snuff box
b) Fake letter
c) Pile of lettersc
16. Where is the home of narrator of the story ‘land of incus’.
a) Northern California
b) India
c) Peru
17. How many strangers had signed up for the trip in bus?
a) 25
b) 30
c) 20
18. When was peru invaded by Spanish?
a) 15th century
b) 16th century
c) 18th century
19. By whom was the adobe pyramid built?
a) spanish
b) Incans
c) Pre incan tribes
20. Which is the 3rd largest industry in peru?
a) Tourism
b) Fishing
c) Mining
21. For how long did the Incas rule peru?
a) 100 years
b) 150 years
c) 70 years
22. What was the highlight of the trip?
a) Peru
b) Lima
c) Machu picchu
23. What is the age group of the writer?
a) Primary
b) Middle school
c) High school
24. Who wrote the poem I like to stay up?
a) Emily Dickinson
b) Grace Nichols
c) William Shakespeare
25. When does the speaker feel a dread?
a) When she reads book
b) When her mother says time for bed
c) When it is very cold.

Section C (grammar)

1. Sunita confessed that she had been very stupid.

Begin: She said ………………………
2. As soon as Mr. Das had seated himself, he called for coffee.
Rewrite: the sentence using ‘no sooner’.

3. The student is studying the course. (Begin with-the course)

4. The teacher arrived.The class started.(join without using and, but or so)
5. She read the letter. She started crying. (begin the sentence with 1.
Hardly 2. No sooner 3. Scarcely
6. She was too shocked to do anything. (use so… that)
7. ‘Where is the post office?’ asked the stranger. (begin: the stranger said.)
8. The speaker said, ‘Be quiet and listen to my words.’ (change into
9. Heena said, "Alas! My house on fire." (Heena exclaimed)
10. She said, "Hurrah! I have passed the examination." (begin: she exclaimed)

11. She said, "May God bless Neha with a child !" (change into indirect speech)
12. They are walking ___ bridge. (fill preposition)
13.I am smart. I am multitalented. ( Begin with not only)
14.No other place in India is as cold as Jammu. (write in comparative and
15.Dog is more loyal than most other animals (write in positive and
16.Write synonyms (6)

Dazzle, zest, deficit, delicate, dignity, tangible

Q17. Write antonyms 3 marks

Abundant, ally, bravery, captivity, conceal cellar

Q18. Write an application to your Principal asking him to sanction you medical leave for 2 weeks.
Give reasons, why you need the leave.

Or, Write a letter to your friend asking him about his trip to Manali and also inviting him for your
birthday party. 7 marks
Q19. Write an essay on benefits of reading. 7 marks

Q20. Read the comprehension and answer the questions. 10 marks

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plans to leave the house
building business and live a more leisurely life with his family. He would miss the pay
cheque, but he needed to retire. The employer was sorry to see his good worker go and asked
if he could build just one more house as a personal favour. The carpenter said ‘yes’, but in
time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship
and used inferior material. It was an unfortunate way to end his career.

When the carpenter finished his work, his employer handed over the key of the house to the
carpenter— “This is your house, my gift to you.”

What a shock! What a shame ! If he had only known he was building his own house, he
would have done it all so differently! Now he had to live in a poorly built house. So it is with
us. We build our lives, a day

at a time, often putting less than our best into the building. Then, with a shock, we realize we
have to live in the house we have built. If we could do it over, we would do it much
differently. But, you cannot go back. You are the carpenter, and every day you hammer a
nail, place a board, or erect a wall. Someone once said, your attitude, and the choices you
make today, help build the “house” you will live in tomorrow. Therefore, build wisely!


1. What did the carpenter tell his employer? (1 x 5 = 5 Marks)

2. What favour did his employer ask from the carpenter ?
3. What surprise did the employer have for the carpenter ?
4. Why was the surprise a’shame’for the carpenter?
5. Which word in the first paragraph means the same as ‘art of skill of a workman’

Write synonym of elderly

Write antonym of advance

Write the summary

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