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C.exccllent D. advantage
B. powerful C.electric
Question 2. A dangerous B. develop D.govemment Question 3.A negative B.
countryside C.position D. dissussion Question 4. A motorbike B. another C. bicycle
D.imptovement: Question 5.A. disaster B. enormous C. natural D. limited
Question 6.A. musician B. plentiful C. dangerous D.continuous Question 7.A effective
B. artificial C. unfortunate
Question 8. A renewable unced diferentty from the D. others like
Choose the word whose underlined port is pronounce C. light D.deer
Question 9. A limit B.wear C. appear D. plan
Question 10. A. checr B. lane C. planne
Question 11. A. late C. area D. train
Question 12. A share B. stairs D. entertain
B. pavement C.traffic
Question 13. A giavy C. measure D.defeat
Question 14.A. ahead B. dead D.hoped
B.calculated C. needed
Question 15. A lifted
II/VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: et to indicate the correct answer to cach of the
Mark the letter A, B, Cor Donyour answer sheet 10
folloring questions:
1 run out because they are
Question 16. Non-renewable limited energy sources will C. run harmful outbe D.
A helpful B. limited energy source
Question 17. Solar energy is a green, clean, and C. renewable D.
: Question A polluting 18. Hydro power B. non-renewable is the most efficient way to B
non-renewable electricity in many countries B. waste C. generate D. tum
Question A create 19. Renewable energy waste sources are better for the environment and
they will not
A run outt B rely on C. tum off D. put on
Question 20. 1can much energy by turmning off the TV when not watching it.
A. use B. make C. spend D. save
Question 21. Do your parents col as well as wood to make a fre for cooking? A bum B.
heat C. reserve D. produce
Question 22 People need to find some other means of to deal with traffic jams A transport
B. vehicle C. travelling D. living
Question 23. If Thomas is late for the bus, he will a taxi to go to the train station A. take B.
ride C. stop D. have
Question 24. , Instead of using clectricity from , my future vehicle will run on solar energy
A generators B. bateries C. chargers D. power plants Question 25. Although tlying in a
pilotless sounds impossible, it will come truc one day
A motorbike B.hyperloop C. airplane D. ship
Question 26. Because vchicles using fossil fuels cause pollution, scientists want to find a
cheaper and replacement

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