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EMPOWER 2nd Edition


Test 5

Time 50 minutes

Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer all the questions. Write your answers on the question paper.


There are five parts to the test.
Part 1 is a listening part.
All questions carry one mark.
There are 40 questions.

© UCLES 2022
Part 1
Questions 1 – 8

You will hear eight short recordings. For each one, choose the best answer. You will hear each
recording twice.

1 You hear a man talking to a colleague about leaving his job.

What disappointed him about the job?

A He didn't think there were any chances to progress.

B His departmental colleagues weren't any good at communicating.
C He had no opportunity to work outside the office.

2 You hear a woman talking about the difficulties of finding a job.

What is she speculating about?

A taking unpaid work

B getting a further qualification
C moving abroad to work

3 You hear two people talking about their first jobs.

What do they both recall about their first jobs?

A They weren't paid very well.

B Their colleagues weren't very helpful.
C They weren't very good at them.

4 You hear a man talking on the radio about a crime.

What does he particularly remember about it?

A the way it was reported in the media

B the changes that resulted from it
C the person who had been wrongly arrested

5 You hear two people talking about credit card fraud.

When does the woman think the incident might have happened?

A when she bought something online

B when she left her bag somewhere
C when she called about her account

6 You hear two people talking about a lawyer.

Why may the man dislike the lawyer?

A because of some remarks he made during a trial

B because of his attitude towards the members of his team
C because of the way he dealt with the media

7 You hear a man and a woman talking about the office where they work.

What is the woman speculating about?

A who the new manager will be

B where the new office will be
C when the changes will take place

8 You hear a man talking about using social media.

What is he speculating about?

A the motivation of people who post unpleasant comments online

B the action the social media sites could have taken
C the chances of finding the people who were responsible

3 Turn over ►
Part 2
Questions 9 – 16

Read the sentences about employment and fairness.

Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) for each space.

9 Following a short trial, the man was ............ possession of stolen goods and sent to prison.

A banned for B sentenced to C convicted of D arrested for

10 Think very carefully before you make ............ of unfair treatment against the police.

A a testimony B an allegation C a prosecution D a sentence

11 The two men have been ............ in custody at the local police station since their arrest.

A set B held C sentenced D received

12 Some employers were reluctant to give Jane a job because she'd been ............ guilty of a
crime and served a prison sentence.

A committed B made C accused D found

13 Jobs in the ............ sector are often extremely well paid, especially for investment bankers.

A financial B retail C transport D energy

14 Conditions for workers in the ............ sector, such as cashiers in supermarkets, need to be

A financial B energy C agricultural D retail

15 The ............ sector deals with the exploration and development of oil and gas reserves.

A energy B financial C agricultural D transport

16 Opportunities in the ............ sector, particularly in dairy farming and fishing, are predicted to
decline in the next decade.

A agricultural B retail C transport D financial

5 Turn over ►
Part 3
Questions 17 – 24

Read the sentences about employment and fairness. What are the missing words?
Some letters are already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word.

For questions 17 – 24, write the words.

17 The accused decided to p _ _ _ _ g _ _ _ _ _ to speeding on the motorway and left court

with a fine.

18 Charges of bribery and c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ were brought against the company director for
accepting money illegally.

19 Mark agreed to give t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in court that he had witnessed the incident.

20 The judge decided the criminal would benefit more by doing c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ ,

such as cleaning up a park, than going to prison.

21 Temporary contracts are becoming more common in the i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sector because

factory owners are struggling to make money.

22 The m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sector has suffered due to the decline of some heavy
industries, such as steel and coal.

23 Matthew worked in the c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sector all his life until he was injured on a
building site.

24 Do you think it should be illegal for p _ _ _ _ _ sector employees, like government workers
or the police, to go on strike?

7 Turn over ►
Part 4
Questions 25 – 32

Read the text about Naomi's work as a hotel receptionist.

Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) for each space.

Working as a hotel receptionist

Naomi made her way through the entrance of the hotel and mentally prepared herself for work.
The reason (25) ………… she'd taken the hotel reception job was because there was nothing else
available. There just didn't seem to be any vacancies in the field (26) ………… she was trained –
that of an events manager. Having signed a contract for three months, she was (27) ………… to
work there until the end of the summer. After that, she (28) ………… look for a more suitable job.
If she didn't find one, she'd decided that she'd go travelling. The friend (29) ………… flat she
shared had said she'd go with her.

The worst thing about the job was the night shifts she had to do, as a result of (30) ………… ,
some weekends, she was no longer free to go out with her friends. She was also (31) ………… to
look fresh and alert through the night! Of course, her boss (32) ………… by law to give her short
breaks, but even with these she still found the night shifts hard.

25 A which B that C whose D this

26 A that B where C in which D all of which

27 A obliged B allowed C better D advisable

28 A would be B wouldn't have C didn't need D would be free to

essential to to to

29 A whom B that C who D whose

30 A that B which C this D what

31 A expected B allowed C permitted D called

32 A had better B was required C had no D was mandatory


9 Turn over ►
Part 5
Questions 33 – 40

Here are some sentences about employment and fairness.

For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence,
using the word given.
Do not change the word given.
You must use between three and six words, including the word given.
Write only the missing words.

33 If the guilty person confesses, the witnesses can leave.


The guilty person may confess, ……………………………………….. the witnesses can


34 The only thing we can do is ask Mark to resign.


We ……………………………………….. ask for Mark's resignation.

35 Legally, the name of the youth in custody cannot be made known.


The youth, ……………………………………….. for legal reasons, is in custody.

36 Talk to the person who has the job of dealing with complaints.


Talk to the person ……………………………………….. to deal with complaints.

37 The rules say that all employees should wear helmets.


The rules say that ……………………………………….. worn by all employees.

38 Staff may choose to work overtime, but there is no requirement to do so.


Staff are ……………………………………….. work overtime, but they may choose to.

39 In this company, employees decide whether they get paid weekly or monthly.


In this company, it ……………………………………….. whether they get paid weekly or


40 The suspect was accused of three burglaries, but did not admit to any of them.


The suspect was accused of three burglaries, ……………………………………….. he

admitted to.


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