Possible Questions 1

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• What is your research all about?

The main focal point of the conducted study is to coherently and rationally narrate the
lived experience of a certain individual who underwent COVID Treatment, the study is basically
divided into three major parts; Part 1 basically narrates the Background details of the
respondent, covering from the respondent’s age down to its educational attainment. Part 2
narrates the information and details of the respondent’s with regard to the respondent’s
experiences or happenings During, Before, and After getting infected; lastly, Part 3 tells the
necessary additional information that are immensely necessary to the study.
• What is the purpose of your study?
The sole purpose of the study is to basically utilize it as a medium of awareness to the
general public with regard to the necessity of knowing/ applying the safety protocols to one’s life
especially to our current time where adversities continuously arise out of the blue and in a
careen manner. Moreover, this study will also serve as an eye opener to the public about how
the trait of complacency should never be manifested and applied to our life.
• What is the background of your study?

• What’s your motivation for conducting this study?

To render humanitarian aid in terms of academics and literature.
• How did you validate your questionnaire?
The concurred interview questions were scrutinized and reviewed by individuals who
are highly relevant to our study. A DSWD employee since it caters to the marginalized and aims
for humanitarian aid; also checks the appropriateness of the questions to the expected
respondent. an Attorney in case some questions may go against the right of civilian, and an
English teacher so that the construction of questions is ethically correct.
• What is the scope of your study?
The scope of our study would only be to the individuals who underwent Covid treatment.
• What are the highly significance of your study?
the results and findings of the study are one of the highlight of our study since each
person would certainly have a unique answer. The results and findings of our study may
somewhat agree with other infected individuals or the other way around.
• What are the basis of your recommendation/s?
Probably one of the basis of our recommendation would be the recommendation given
by one of the individuals who scrutinized our study, stating that if various individuals who
underwent COVID treatment were interviewed, it would’ve had a different kind of findings since
each individual react to situations uniquely.
• How did you gather data?
Gathered data by opting to conduct a face-to-face in-depth interview. Since it is much
• What are your findings?
that the education of the respondent was highly affected.
• What are the limitation of your study?
The study is limited only to a single respondent wherein the received result cannot be
compared with other victims.
• Who will be most interested in your research?
Citizens who are affiliated with medical matters.
• What are the dependent and independent variables in your research?
DV – Lived Experience
IV – COVID 19 Pandemic
• Why do you think your research is reliable?
the study is certainly reliable given the fact that it was reviewed and scrutinized by
various individuals and will undergo a process of another scrutinization.

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