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Brazil 1 12 a country in South America noun
Ecuador 1 12 aa country
country in South America
consisting of a group of noun
Indonesia 1 12 islands
a country consisting Asia
in southeast of a group of noun
Japan 1 12 islands near the east coast of Asia noun
Mexico 1 12 aa country
​country in
in North
​Europe and ​ noun
Russia 1 12 northern ​Asia noun
South Africa 1 12 a country in southern Africa noun
Spain 1 12 a country in western Europe noun
Sudan 1 12 aabbreviation
country in Africa
for 'the United noun
the UK 1 12 Kingdom'
abbreviation for 'the United States noun
the US 1 12 of
a ​cAmerica'
ountry in ​southeastern ​ noun
Turkey 1 12 Europe and ​western ​Asia noun
an expensive car 1 17 a car that costs a lot of money phrase
a big hotel 1 17 a large hotel phrase
a fast train 1 117 a train that travels quickly phrase
a football that you have not owned
a new football 1 17 or usedthat
a train before
travels without much phrase
a slow train 1 17 speed phrase
a small hotel 1 17 a little hotel phrase
a dirty T-shirt 1 17 a T-shirt that is not clean phrase
a football that has existed for a
an old football 1 17 long
a cartime
that does not cost a lot of phrase
a cheap car 1 17 money phrase

clean trousers 1 17 trousers thatwhere

at the place are not dirtystop so
trains phrase
at the station 2 20 that you can get on or off them phrase
at the building where you go to
at the cinema 2 20 watch
it, used for playing and phrase
at the stadium 2 20 watching sports
at the place where you go for phrase
at school 2 20 education phrase
at home 2 20 at
at the
the place
shop thatwhere you
sells live
computer phrase
at the computer shop 2 20 equipment
making you want to shout at them phrase
angry 2 22 or hurt them
something is not interesting or adjective
bored 2 22 because you have nothing to do adjective
cold 2 22 having a low temperature adjective
excited 2 22 feeling very happy and enthusiastic adjective
hot 2 22 having a high temperature adjective
hungry 2 22 wanting
unhappyor orneeding foodfeel
making you adjective
sad 2 22 unhappy adjective
thirsty 2 22 needing to drink
feeling that you want to rest or adjective
tired 2 22 sleep
about problems or unpleasant adjective
worried 2 22 things thatofmight
very bad, happenor
low quality, adjective
awful 2 25 unpleasant
unpleasant; causing difficulties or adjective
bad 2 25 harm adjective
excellent 2 25 extremely
making yougood feel very happy and adjective
exciting 2 25 enthusiastic adjective
funny 2 25 making you smile or laugh adjective
good 2 25 enjoyable, pleasant or interesting adjective
great 2 25 very
very good bad, of orlow
importantor adjective
terrible 2 25 unpleasant adjective
son 3 32 a male child noun
daughter 3 32 athe female
man that someone is married noun
husband 3 32 to
the woman that someone is noun
wife 3 32 married to
mother, or the wife of someone's noun
aunt 3 32 uncle
a man or boy with the same noun
brother 3 32 parents as another person noun
cousin 3 32 a child of a person's aunt or uncle noun
father 3 32 athe male parent
father of a person's mother or noun
grandfather 3 32 the mother of a person's father or noun
grandmother 3 32 mother noun
mother 3 32 aa female girl or woman who has the same noun
sister 3 32 parents
the brother as another
of your person
mother or noun
uncle 3 33 afather, room or withtheahusband of your
bath and/or aunt noun
bathroom 3 35 and often a toilet noun
bedroom 3 35 aa smallroom building,
used for sleeping
often next in to a noun
garage 3 35 house, that you can
house, where flowers and other put a car in noun
garden 3 35 plants
door ofare grown which leads to noun
a building,
hall 3 35 other rooms
prepared and cooked and where noun
kitchen 3 35 the
sit todishesrelax are for example, watch noun
living room 3 35 television noun
armchair 3 35 a comfortable chair with sides that noun
bath 3 35 athe container
piece that you
of furniture thatsityou
or lie
sleepin noun
bed 3 35 on
by putting the food inside or by noun
cooker 3 35 aputting it on the top
large container that uses noun
fridge 3 35 electricity to keep food cold noun
shower 3 35 aa piece
large, of bathroom seat
comfortable equipment
for more thatnoun
sofa 3 35 than one person
when you get rid of waste noun
toilet 3 35 substances
an open area from
withyour body around noun
square 4 38 it, often in the centre of a town noun
palace 4 38 a very large building where a king, q noun
statue 4 38 a model
can borrowthatmoney,
looks like
savea person
money,or noun
bank 4 40 etc.
medicines, make-up and products noun
chemist 4 40 used formaterial
written washingthat you can read noun
library 4 40 or
important objects connected with noun
museum 4 40 art,
city history,
or town,orwherescience
people can noun
park 4 40 walk and enjoy themselves noun
post office 4 40 aa place
place where
where stamps
you canarebuysold
andandeat f noun
restaurant 4 40 aa meal
large shop that sells food, drink, noun
supermarket 4 40 products
where trains for the
stophome, etc. to get noun
for people
train station 4 40 onor
at andto off
the back of someone or noun
behind 4 41 something
in the space that separates two preposition
between 4 41 people,
close to places,
the front or part
of preposition
in front of 4 41 each other with nothing between preposition
next to 4 41 them preposition
at a point where two lines,
on the corner of 4 41 surfaces,
in roads
a position etc.something
facing meet or preposition
opposite 4 41 someone but on the other side preposition
rose 4 44 a flower with a pleasant smell and s noun
a large area of water that has land
lake 4 45 all around it noun
cable car 4 45 aa structure
vehicle that hangs from thick
that forces water up cables
and carries people up hills and mounta
fountain 4 45 into
road,the etc.airsoasthat
a decoration
people or noun
bridge 4 45 vehicles
to can to
give food go aacross
person, it group, or noun
feed 4 45 animal verb
listen to music 5 48 to useasyour
such ears or
football to swimming
hear musicthat phrase
play sport 5 48 need
computers, which canand
physical activity move skill
and do phrase
build robots 5 48 other
to usethings that people
the internet to talkcan
to do phrase
chat to friends online 5 50 friends
to move your feet and body to the phrase
dance 5 50 rhythm
to do work of music
your teacher has given verb
do homework 5 50 you to do at home phrase
go shopping 5 50 to visit shops in order to buy things verb
hang out with friends 5 50 to spend
to time with
play games friends
designed to be used phrase
play computer games 5 50 on a computer
allows you to read books on a phrase
e-reader 5 53 ascreen
piece of equipment for playing noun
games console 5 53 computer
the position of a person or thing by noun
GPS 5 53 using signalswhich
ear through from satellites
you can ​listen to noun
headphones 5 53 be carried around and used where noun
​m usic
laptop 5 53 you arecomputer
a small sitting and that noun
smartphone 5 53 connects to the internet
a small, flat computer that is noun
tablet 5 53 controlled
computer as byiftouching
they were thepart
of noun
VR headset 5 53 real life (VR = virtual reality) noun
someone whose job is to teach in a
teacher 6 56 school or college noun
the long part at each side of the
arm 6 58 human
the wholebody, ending
physical in a hand
structure that noun
body 6 58 forms a person or animal
one of the two organs on your noun
ear 6 58 head
one ofthat
twohear with
organs in your face noun
eye 6 58 that you use to see with
the front part of the head, where noun
face 6 58 the
one eyes,
of thenose
two and mouthonare
flat parts the noun
foot 6 58 ends arms
your of your legs
that thatfingers
have you stand
and aon noun
hand 6 58 thumb
human or animal that is used for noun
leg 6 58 standing
the and
part of face that is used for noun
mouth 6 58 eating
the part of your face through which noun
and speaking
nose 6 58 you breathe and smell noun
the colour of the sky without
blue 6 60 clouds on athat
the colour bright
is aday
mixture of black adjective
grey 6 60 and white
having a large distance from one adjective
long 6 60 end to the other adjective
curly 6 60 having curls or a curved shape adjective
short 6 60 small in length
the colour of the sky on a dark adjective
black 6 60 night adjective
describes hair which is a pale
blonde 6 60 yellow colour adjective
describes hair which is an orange-
red 6 60 brown colour adjective
brown 6 60 the colour of chocolate or soil adjective
wavy 6 60 with slight curves adjective
straight 6 60 not curved or bent adjective
green 6 60 the colour of grass adjective
beard 6 61 the hairof
a piece that grows on
jewellery thata man's chin
you wear noun
earring 6 61 on
frontyour ear eyes to help you see
of your noun
glasses 6 61 better
a line of hair that some men grow noun
moustache 6 61 above their mouths noun
short 6 61 small inthe
which height
corners of your mouth adjective
smile 6 61 curve up
having a greater than average noun
tall 6 61 height adjective
cycle 7 68 to
to ride
water, with your head verb
dive 7 68 and arms going in first verb
do gymnastics 68 to do physical
Korea, in whichexercises on the
people fight floo
with phrase
do Taekwondo 7 68 their
try tohands and feet
win points by throwing a ball phrase
play basketball 7 68 through
use theirahands
high net
to hit a ball over a phrase
play volleyball 7 68 net
move forward by pushing one foot phrase
skateboard 7 668 on
to the
over snow on a pair of verb
ski 7 68 long, thin pieces of wood or plastic verb
The time is exactly on the hour
(three) o'clock. 7 69 (3.00).
The time is thirty minutes after the phrase
half past (eight). 7 69 hour (8.30).
The time is fifteen minutes after phrase
quarter past (ten). 7 69 the hour (10.15).
The time is fifteen minutes before phrase
quarter to (one). 7 69 the
the hour (12.45).of the year, after phrase
sixth month
June 7 71 Mayfifth
the andmonth
beforeof the year, after noun
May 7 71 April
the third month of the year, after noun
and before June
March 7 71 February
after and before
October April
and before noun
November 7 71 the ninth month of the year, after noun
September 7 71 August
the tenth and before
month ofOctober
the year, after noun
October 7 71 September and before
the first month of the year, November
after noun
January 7 71 December and before
the fourth month year, after noun
of the
April 7 71 the second month of the year, after noun
March and before May
February 7 71 January
the seventhand month
before ofMarch
the year, noun
July 7 71 aftereighth
the June andmonth before August
of the year, after noun
August 7 71 the twelfth and last month of the noun
July and before September
December 7 71 yearcoldest season of the year,
the noun
winter 7 71 between autumn and
weather becomes warmer and spring noun
spring 7 71 plants
spring start to grow when
and autumn, again the noun
summer 7 71 weather
summer and winter, when leaves noun
is warmest
autumn 7 71 fall from the trees noun
fifth 7 71 5th written as a word ordinal
ninth 7 71 9th written as a word ordinal
first 7 71 1st written as a word ordinal
thirtieth 7 71 30th written as a word ordinal
eighth 7 71 8th written as a word ordinal
thirty-first 7 71 31st written as a word ordinal
twelfth 7 71 12th written as a word ordinal
second 7 71 2nd written as a word ordinal
twentieth 7 71 20th written as a word ordinal
seventh 7 71 7th written as a word ordinal
fourth 7 71 4th written as a word ordinal
third 7 71 3rd written as a word ordinal
sixth 7 71 6th written as a word ordinal
tenth 7 71 10th written as a word ordinal
eleventh 7 71 11th written as a word ordinal
thirteenth 7 71 13th written as a word ordinal
concert 8 74 a performance of music and singing noun
pieces of electrical equipment that
lights 8 74 produce brightness noun

singer 8 74 someone who sings noun

the raised area where musicians
stage 8 74 perform
the body and hangs down over the noun
dress 8 79 sleeves which is worn over other noun
coat 8 79 clothes, usually for
cotton material, whichwarmth
are worn noun
jeans 8 79 informally
body and is pulled on over your noun
jumper 8 79 head
fastened with buttons down the noun
shirt 8 79 front
usually made of a ​strong ​ noun
shoes 8 79 material such as l
​ eather
a very short pair of trousers that noun
shorts 8 79 stop above
girls that hangsthe knees
from the waist and noun
skirt 8 79 a ​pair of coverings made from ​soft ​ noun
does not have legs
socks 8 79 material
top part of that the​cover
our ​feet
short noun
T-shirt 8 79 sleeves
a ​pair ofand no ​ccollar
​light, omfortable ​ noun
trainers 8 79 shoes that can be w
​ orn
legs and has a separate part for for s
​ port noun
trousers 8 79 aeach legclothes that people in a
set of noun
traditional costume 8 81 society have worn for a long time phrase

spin 8 81 to turn round and round quickly verb

sweetfor themade
food legs that
fromlook clean,
smart trousers 8 81 tidy
flour,and stylish
sugar and eggs mixed phrase
carrot cake 9 84 together
works in aand baked
hotel or restaurant, noun
chef 9 84 especially
been mixed the most
and important
fried, often withcook noun
omelette 9 84 other foods added
from tomatoes and other noun
tomato soup 9 84 vegetables
sometimes eaten with meat, noun
salad 9 84 cheese, etc. noun
steak 9 84 a thick, flat piece of meat noun
chicken 9 86 the meat of a chicken noun
beef 9 86 the meat of a cow noun
lamb 9 86 the meat
meat of a young
or other sheep into a
food pressed noun
burger 9 86 round, flat shape
a long curved fruit withand fried
a yellow noun
banana 9 86 skin
orange skin and a centre that is noun
orange 9 86 divided into many
a hard, round fruit equal parts
that has a green noun
apple 9 86 or red skin and is white inside
at the top and small, brown seeds noun
strawberry 9 86 on its surface
yellow, or red skin that grows in noun
potato 9 86 the ground noun
a long, thin orange vegetable that
carrot 9 86 agrows
soft, in the ground
round, red fruit eaten in noun
tomato 9 86 salad or as a vegetable
a hollow green, red or yellow noun
pepper 9 86 a hot drink made from dark beans noun
coffee 9 86 which are made
a hot drink intomake
that you a powder
by noun
tea 9 86 pouring waterproduced
a white liquid onto driedbyleaves
cows noun
milk 9 86 and other female animals noun
orange juice 9 86 the liquid
a basic that
food comes
made from oranges
by mixing flour, noun
bread 9 89 water and
cream thatsometimes
you put onyeast
bread or use noun
butter 9 89 in cooking
usually eaten with milk, especially noun
cereal 9 89 in the morning
especially chickens, and which is noun
egg 9 89 eaten as food
bush, contain seeds, and can be noun
fruit 9 89 eaten
a sweet,as sticky
food food that is made by noun
honey 9 89 a sweet food made with fruit and noun
jam 9 89 sugar that you can put on bread noun
bread that has been heated to
toast 9 89 make
a thick,it liquid
brownfood with a slightly noun
yoghurt 9 89 sour taste which is made from milk noun
astronaut 10 92 someone
try to win who a prizetravels into the
by being spacebest, noun
competition 10 92 fastest,
large etc. of goods are made noun
factory 10 92 using
piece of cloth that allows you to fall noun
skydiving 10 92 slowly
a vehicle to which
the ground)
can travel outside noun
spacecraft 10 92 the Earth and
you buy and stick onto into spacea letter or noun
stamp 10 92 parcel
during beforepart oryou all ofpost it
a period of noun
in 10 94 time
used to show the time something noun
at 10 94 happens preposition
last 10 94 the one before the present one preposition
yesterday 10 94 on the day before today adverb
It's cloudy. 10 97 There are a lot of clouds in the sky. phrase
It's cold. 10 97 The temperature is low. phrase
It's hot. 10 97 The
Drops temperature
of water areis falling
high. from phrase
It's raining. 10 97 clouds.
Small, soft white pieces of ice are phrase
It's snowing. 10 97 falling
The weather is bright because of phrase
from clouds.
It's sunny. 10 97 light from
The temperature the between cool phrase
It's warm. 10 97 and hot. phrase
It's windy. 10 97 There isthe
around a lothead,
of wind.
usually to keep phrase
headband 10 99 your hair or sweat
the two parts of your outbody
of your eyes noun
shoulders 10 99 ayour arms
jacket and join your neck
trousers that are made noun
suit 10 99 from the same material noun
rock 10 99 awith
handsof stone
in order to help noun
tools 10 99 you do something
a large, strong, wild animal with noun
bear 11 102 thick fur that has wings and
an animal noun
bird 11 102 a small animal with fur, four legs noun
feathers, and is usually able to fly
cat 11 102 and a tailbreathes
the sea, that is kept
air, as pet like noun
anda looks
dolphin 11 102 a large,
tail, smooth,
especially grey
kept byfish
people as a noun
dog 11 102 pet
a very large, grey animal with big noun
elephant 11 102 aears
big,and a very
black, hairy long nose like a
animal, noun
gorilla 11 102 large
a large animal with four legs, which noun
horse 11 102 people ride on noun
a large wild cat that has yellow fur
tiger 11 102 with that
ears blacklives
linesinon it in the
a hole noun
rabbit 11 102 ground
a farm animal whose skin is noun
sheep 11 102 covered with
a long, thin wool with no legs noun
snake 11 102 that slides along the ground noun
take a break 11 104 to stop an activity for a short time, uphrase
have a good time 11 104 to enjoy yourself phrase
make a mistake 11 104 to do something that is not correct phrase
make a noise 11 104 to make a sound, often a loud, unpl phrase
have a shower 11 104 to washsomeone
against your bodywho while
get angry 11 104 badly or something you do not like phrase
go away 11 104 to
to leave
start toa place
feel happy and phrase
get excited 11 104 enthusiastic
to do work your teacher has given phrase
do homework 11 104 you
to gototodoa at home
place away from where phrase
go on holiday 11 104 you live, for pleasure phrase

take photos 11 104 to produce pictures with a camera phrase

do something 11 104 to take an action phrase
beautiful 11 107 very attractive adjective
boring 11 107 not interesting or exciting adjective
clean 11 107 not
able to learn and understand things adjective
clever 11 107 quickly
If someoneand or
something is adjective
dangerous 11 107 dangerous, they could harm you. adjective
dirty 11 107 not clean adjective
horrible 11 107 very
because they are unusual, exciting, adjective
unpleasant or bad
interesting 11 107 or have a lot of ideas. adjective
lovely 11 107 pleasant
not or enjoyable
in danger or likely to be adjective
safe 11 107 harmed adjective
stupid 11 107 silly or not intelligent adjective
ugly 11 107 unpleasant to look at adjective
bike 12 110 a bicycle noun
boat 12 110 aa vehicle
large vehicle in which people are noun
for travelling on water
bus 12 110 driven
and one
for ato another noun
car 12 110 number of people
a train that travels in tunnels noun
underground train 12 110 beneath
passengers a city
and often vehicles noun
ferry 12 112 across
thin an area
parts on topof of
it that turn noun
helicopter 12 112 round and round very fast noun
a vehicle with two wheels and an
motorbike 12 112 engine
a vehicle that flies and has at least noun
plane 12 112 one
a carengine
with a and wings
driver who you pay to noun
taxi 12 112 take you somewhere
along metal tracks and carries noun
train 12 112 people
much larger or goods
than a hill, the top of noun
mountain 12 115 which might
an area of sand be or
covered in snow
small stones noun
beach 12 115 next
the sea
the land and into a noun
river 12 115 sea, lake, or another river noun
sea 12 115 aanlarge
areaarea of salt
of land usedwater
for growing noun
field 12 115 acrops
keeping animals
of water which has noun
lake 12 115 land all around it
and/or keeping animals as a noun
farm 12 115 business noun
a large area of trees growing
forest 12 115 closely together noun
cable car 12 117 a vehicle that hangs from thick cables
and carries people up hills and mounta
moving stairs that take people
from one level of a building to
escalator 12 117 another noun

submarine 12 117 a boat that travels under water noun

Flavia is from Brazil. brə.ˈzɪl Brasil
We're from Ecuador. ˈek.wə.dɔː Ecuador
I'm from Indonesia. ˌɪn.dəʊˈniː.ʒə Indonesia
He's from Japan. dʒəˈpæn Japón
They are from Mexico. ˈmek.sɪ.kəʊ México
Cape Town is aiscity in Russia.
a city in South ˈrʌ.ʃə Rusia
Africa. ˌsaʊθ ˈæf.rɪ.kə Sudáfrica
I'm from Spain. speɪn España
We're from Sudan. su.ːˈdɑːn Sudán
She's from the UK. ðəˌjuːˈkeɪ Reino Unido
He's a singer from the US. ðəˌjuːˈes EE. UU.
Cenc is from Turkey. ˈtɜː.ki Turquía
a big hotelcar.
in the ən ɪkˈspen.sɪv ˈkɑun coche caro
city centre.
There is a fast train from ə ˌbɪɡ həʊˈtel un gran hotel
Paris to Strasbourg ə ˌfɑːst ˈtreɪn un tren rápido

I want to buy a new football. ə ˌnjuː ˈfʊt.bɔːl un nuevo balón de fútbol

It's a slow train. ə ˌsləʊ ˈtreɪn un tren lento
We're in a small hotel. ə ˌsmɔːl həʊˈtel un hotel pequeño
That's a dirty T-shirt! ə ˌdɜː.ti ˈtiː.ʃɜːt una camiseta sucia
ən ˌəʊld
an oldtofootball.
buy a cheap ˈfʊt.bɔːl un balón de fútbol viejo
car. ə ˌtʃiːp ˈkɑː un coche barato
I need clean trousers to
wear tomorrow. ˌkliːn ˈtraʊ.zəz pantalones limpios
We're at the station. ət ðə ˈsteɪ.ʃən en la estación
I'm at the cinema and I'm so
excited! ət ðə ˈsɪ.nə.mə en el cine
You're at the stadium. ət ðə ˈsteɪ.di.əm en el estadio
Conner is at school. ət skuːl en el colegio
I'm at the computer shop
Lizzie is attohome.
with Dad get my new ət həʊm en casa
phone! ət ðə kəmˈpjuː.təen la tienda de informática
Your mum is angry with you. ˈæŋ.gri enojado
Are they tired or bored? bɔːd aburrido
cold weather kəʊld frío
I feel excited! ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪd emocionado
a hot sunny day hɒt enfadado
I'm not hungry. ˈhʌŋ.gri hambriento
I'm sad. sæd triste
Are you thirsty? ˈθɜː.sti sediento
Are they tired or bored? taɪəd cansado
I'm a little worried. ˈwʌ preocupado
an awful actor ˈɔː.fəl horrible
a bad film bæd malo
an excellent actor ˈek.sə.lənt excelente
an exciting computer game ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪŋ emocionante
a funny film ˈfʌn.i divertido
a good book gʊd bueno
a great country greɪt excelente
a terrible singer ˈter.ə.bl̩ terrible
George is Kate's son. sʌn hijo
Charlotte is Kate's daughter. ˈdɔː.tə hija
William is Kate's husband. ˈhʌz.bənd marido
Kate is William's wife. waɪf esposa
She's my aunt Mary.
James is Kate and Pippa's ɑːnt tía
brother. ˈbrʌð.ə hermano
She's my cousin. ˈkʌz.ən primo
William is George's
Prince Charles father. ˈfɑː.ðə
is George's padre
His grandmother is Queen ˈgrænˌfɑː.ðə
grandfather. abuelo
Elizabeth. ˈgrænˌmʌð.ə abuela
Kate is George's mother. ˈmʌð.ə madre
She has a sister called Pippa. ˈsɪs.tə hermana
He's my uncle Richard. ˈʌŋ.kl̩ tío
an ensuite bathroom
There is a great poster on ˈbɑːθ.rʊm baño
your friend’s bedroom wall. ˈbed.rʊm dormitorio
The car is inin
garden theTom'sgarage.
house ˈgær.ɑːʒ garaje
isn't very big. ˈgɑː.dən jardín
with twenty bedrooms and hɔːl
telephone is in the hall. salón
three to music in the ˈkɪtʃ.ən
They listen cocina
living room. ˈlɪv.ɪŋ ˌrʊm sala de estar
Sit down in the armchair. ˈɑːm.tʃeə sillón
The bath is in the bathroom. bɑːθ baño
I like your bed. bed cama
an electric cooker ˈkʊk.ə cocina
The fridge is in the kitchen. frɪdʒ frigorífico
He likes to sing in the shower.ʃaʊə ducha
Take a seatis on
The toilet the sofa.
in the ˈsəʊ.fə sofá
bathroom. ˈtɔɪ.lət inodoro
a famous square skweə plaza
a famous palace ˈpæl.ɪs palacio
a famous
The chemiststatue
is next to the ˈstætʃ.uː estatua
You buy medicine at a bæŋk banco
chemist. ˈkem.ɪst químico
You read books
You look at interesting in a library. ˈlaɪ.brər.i biblioteca
things in a museum. mjuːˈziː.əm museo
You play football in a park. pɑːk parque
You send letters
eat lunch or in a postinoffi
dinner a ˈpəʊst ˌɒf.ɪs oficina de correos
You buy milk in a ˈrest.rɒnt restaurante
You get on a train at a train ˈsuː.pəˌmɑː.kɪt
supermarket. supermercado
The chemist's is behind the ˈtreɪn ˌsteɪ.ʃən estación de tren
The restaurant is between bɪˈhaɪnd detrás de
the post
The museumofficeisand the park.
in front of bɪˈtwiːn entre
The restaurant is next to the ɪn ˈfrʌnt əv
the library. delante de
park. ˈnekst tuː junto a
corner of Green Street and ɒn ðə ˈkɔː.nə
The Street.
is opposite the rəv en la esquina de
post office. ˈɒp.ə.zɪt frente a
There's a lovely rose garden i rəʊz rosa

You can get there Park has a lake. leɪk
by cable lago
There are beautiful ˈkeɪ.bl ˌkɑː teleférico
Everyone knows in the park.
the Golden ˈfaʊn.tɪn fuente
Gate Bridge. brɪdʒ puente
People feed the iguanas. fiːd
I usually listen to music on ˈlɪs.ən tə alimentar
my own. ˈmjuː.zɪk escuchar música
I like to play sport. ˌpleɪ ˈspɔːt practicar deporte
He helpschat
I always us build robots.
to friends ˌbɪld
ˌtʃæt ˈrəʊ.bɒts
tə ˌfrendz construir robots
online after school.
I often dance in the living ɒn.ˈlaɪn chatear con amigos en línea
I never do homework in the dɑːns danza
She sometimes goes ˌdu: ˈhəʊm.wɜːk hacer los deberes
We often with hangher
with ˌgəʊ
hæŋ ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ
ˌaʊt wɪð ir de compras
Ifriends in thecomputer
never play park. games ˌpleɪˈfrendzkəmˈpjuː.tə pasar el rato con amigos
in the morning.
I use my e-reader to read ɡeɪmz jugar a juegos de ordenador
use my games console to ˈiːˌriː.də
Ibooks. lector electrónico
play computer games.
I use my GPS to find out ˈɡeɪmz ˌkɒn.səʊl consola de juegos
I use my way to go.
headphones to ˌdʒiːˌpiːˈes GPS
listen to music.
I use my laptop to do ˈhed.fəʊnz auriculares
I use my smartphone to talk ˈlæp.tɒp portátil
to my friends. ˈsmɑːt.fəʊn smartphone
II use
use my
my tablet to shop.
VR headset to play ˈtæb.lət tableta
computer games. ˌviːˌɑː ˈhed.set Auriculares VR

This is my English teacher. ˈtiː.tʃə profesor

Wherean arm.
on your body is your ɑːm brazo
She's got an earring in her ˈbɒd.i cuerpo
right ear. ɪə oreja
My eyes aren't very good. aɪ ojo
I hurt got
my aleft
footthin face.
playing feɪs cara
football. fʊt pie
Put your hands up. hænd mano
The dog has got short legs. leg pierna
Open your mouth. maʊθ boca
He's got a big nose. nəʊz nariz

She's got blue eyes. bluː azul

She’swaiter hasshe’s
tall and got grey hair.
got long greɪ gris
black hair. lɒŋ largo
It’s short and it’s curly. ˈkɜː.li rizado
tall and
and it’s curly.
she’s got long ʃɔːt corto
black hair. blæk negro

long, blonde hair blɒnd rubio

red hair red rojo
My eyes are brown. braʊn marrón
wavy, red hair ˈweɪ.vi ondulado
straight, brown hair streɪt recto
green eyes griːn verde
earring in her bɪəd barba
right ear. ˈɪə.rɪŋ pendiente
She wears glasses. ˈglɑːsɪz gafas
She'sgot a moustache.
quite tall, she's not məˈstɑːʃ bigote
short. ʃɔːt corto
She's got a very
She's quite nice smile.
tall, she's not smaɪl sonreír
short. tɔːl alto
He cycles to school. ˈsaɪ.kəl ciclo
I can swim but I can't dive. daɪv buceo
We do gymnastics at school. ˌdu: dʒɪmˈnæs.tɪk
ˌdu: taɪ hacer gimnasia
Can you do Taekwondo? ˈkwɒn.dəʊ
ˌpleɪ hacer taekwondo
I like playing basketball. ˈbɑː.skɪt.bɔːl jugar al baloncesto
I can't play volleyball. ˌpleɪ ˈvɒl.i.bɔːl jugar al voleibol
He can skateboard. ˈskeɪt.bɔː.d patinete
We often ski in winter. skiː esquí

It's eleven o'clock. ɪts (θriː) əˈklɒk (tres) en punto.

It's half past six. ɪts ˈhɑːf ˌpɑːst (eɪ (ocho) y media.
It's quarter past nine. ɪts ˈkwɔː.tə ˌpɑːst(diez) y cuarto.
It's quarter to two. ɪts ˈkwɔː.tə tə (w (una) menos cuarto.
the 24th of June dʒuːn junio
the 30th of May meɪ mayo
the 26th of March mɑːtʃ marzo
the 5th of November nəʊˈvem.bə noviembre
the 23rd of September sepˈtem.bə septiembre
the 22nd of October ɒkˈtəʊ.bə octubre
the 1st of January ˈdʒæn.jʊ.ri enero
the 20th of April ˈeɪ.prəl abril
the 27th of February ˈ febrero
the 22nd of July dʒʊˈlaɪ julio
the 13th of August ˈɔː.gəst agosto
the 23rdis of
Winter December
from December to dɪˈsem.bə diciembre
Spring is from March to ˈwɪn.tə invierno
Summer is from June to sprɪŋ primavera
Autumn is from September ˈsʌm.ə verano
to November. ˈɔː.təm otoño
The fifth
ninthfloor of of
letter thethe
building fɪfθ quinto
alphabet is I. naɪnθ noveno
I live onis the
Today my first floor.
aunt's thirtieth ˈfɜːst primero
He finished eighth in the ˈθɜː.ti.əθ trigésimo
thirty-first Maths eɪtθ octavo
Today is the twelfth of ˌθɜː.ti ˈfɜːst trigésimo primero
September. twelfθ duodécimo
Her birthday
Our is on the
school’s Sports Daysecondˈsek.ənd
is on segundo
the twentieth of June.
It's the seventh (of May) ˈtwen.ti.əθ vigésimo
My birthday is on the fourth ˈsev.ənθ
today. séptimo
of December. fɔːθ cuarto
the third
I have road onmy
to return thelibrary
right θɜːd tercero
My sister's birthday is July).
on the sixth (of on the sɪksθ sexto
We'reof a wedding on tenθ
going décimo
the eleventh
We're on the of June.
thirteenth ɪˈlɛvnθ undécimo
floor. ˈθɜːˈtiːnθ decimotercero
Lucy is at a concert. ˈkɒn.sət concierto
The stage is dark because
the lights aren't on. laɪts luces
Jess Glynne is Lucy's
favourite singer. ˈsɪŋ.ə cantante

Jess is on stage now. steɪdʒ escenario

She’s wearing a red dress. dres vestido
Paul isawearing
coat today,
blueit's cold.a
jeans, kəʊt abrigo
white T-shirt and trainers. dʒiːnz jeans
like wearing
your purple
trousers ˈdʒʌm.pə jersey
and a green shirt.
I hate wearing shoes and ʃɜːt camisa
trousers. ʃuːz zapatos
Wear shorts
skirts that aretoday, it's hot.
different ʃɔːts pantalones cortos
colours. skɜːt falda
Paul is where
my jeans,
socks?a sɒks calcetines
You T-shirt
can't wearand trainers.
trainers to a ˈtiː.ʃɜːt camiseta
He’s wearing grey trousers ˈtreɪ.nəz zapatillas deportivas
and awear
They greentraditional
shirt. ˈtraʊ.zəz pantalones
costumes with big skirts. trəˈdɪʃ.ə.nəl ˈkɒs traje tradicional
The dancers spin around in
circles. spɪn centrifugado
I'm wearing
This time hesmart
salad, steak and ˌsmɑːt ˈtraʊ.zəz pantalones elegantes
carrot cake. want to be a
Harry doesn’t ˈkær.ət ˌkeɪk pastel de zanahoria
star chef when
omelettes he’sbest
and the 20. ʃef chef
soup, some salad, steak and ˈɒm.lət tortilla
carrot cake.and the best
omelettes təˌmɑː.təʊ ˈsuːp sopa de tomate
soup, some salad, steak and ˈsæl.əd ensalada
a chickencake.
and tomato steɪk bistec
sandwich ˈtʃɪk.ɪn pollo
roast beef biːf carne de vacuno
Lamb is delicious! læm cordero
a burger and chips ˈbɜː.gə hamburguesa
I’ d like a banana, please. bəˈnɑː.nə plátano
fruit juice (orange or apple) ˈɒr.ɪndʒ naranja
fruit juice (orange or apple) ˈæp.l̩ manzana
strawberry ice cream
boiled/baked/fried/roast ˈstrɔː.bə.ri fresa
potatoes pəˈteɪ.təʊ patata
soup, some salad, steak and
OK, cake.
first we need to add the ˈkær.ət zanahoria
tomato sauce.
Can I cut the peppers for təˈmɑː.təʊ tomate
you? ˈpep.ə pimienta
Would you like some coffee? ˈkɒf.i café
Coffee and tea are drinks. tiː té
a glass of milk mɪlk leche
a glass of orange juice ˈɒr.ɪndʒ ˌdʒuːs zumo de naranja
a slicesome
Have of bread
bread and bred pan
butter. ˈbʌt.ə mantequilla
aa hard-boiled/soft-boiled
bowl of cereal ˈsɪə.ri.əl cereal
egg eg huevo
fruita every
cup ofday.
tea and fruːt fruta
toast with honey. ˈhʌn.i miel
strawberry/raspberry jam dʒæm mermelada
I always have toast for
breakfast. təʊst tostada
a low-fat strawberry
astronaut and to go intoyoghurt ˈjɒg.ət yogur
There was a big competition ˈæs.trə.nɔːt astronauta
to find
Her new astronauts.
mother was a factory ˌkɒm.pəˈtɪʃ.ən competencia
worker. ˈfæk.tə.ri fábrica
The hobby
name of was herskydiving
spacecraft ˈskaɪˌdaɪ.vɪŋ paracaidismo
Her face was on stamps in ˈspeɪs.krɑːft
was Vostok 6. nave espacial
In the countries.
year 2000, there was stæmp sello
big celebration
was at the in London.
park at ɪn en
She waspast at theeleven.
cinema with æt en
her mum
past elevenlastyesterday
night. lɑːst último
morning. ˈjes.tə.deɪ ayer
It's cloudy today. ɪts ˈklaʊ.di Está nublado.
It's cold outside. ɪts kəʊld Hace frío.
It's very hot today. ɪts hɒt Hace calor.
It's raining now. ɪts ˈreɪ.nɪŋ Está lloviendo.
It's snowing outside. ɪts ˈsnəʊ.ɪŋ Está nevando.
It's nice and sunny
It isn't very warm this today. ɪts ˈsʌn.i Hace sol.
morning. ɪts wɔːm Hace bueno.
It's very
She windy her
is wearing outside.
famous ɪts ˈwɪn.di Hace viento.
He’s sitting on the shoulders ˈhed.bænd
white dress and headband. diadema
of ansitting
He’s emptyon suit!
the shoulders ˈʃəʊl.dəz hombros
of an empty suit!
The statue shows Rosa suːt traje
The two a rock.are holding rɒk
onfigures roca
Erin knew there were bears tuːlz
tools. herramientas
in the woods. beə oso
This animal was a bird
such as dogs and cats to the but it cbɜːd ave
Dolphins are very intelligent kæt
island. gato
such as dogs and cats to the ˈdɒl.fɪn delfín
We saw elephants, tigers, dɒg perro
and snakes at the zoo. ˈe.lɪ.fənt elefante
year-old boy who was on his gəˈrɪl.ə
a gorilla at the zoo. gorila
horse. hɔːs caballo
We saw elephants, tigers,
and snakes at the zoo. ˈtaɪ.gə tigre
This has a petis rabbit.
cheese made from ˈræb.ɪt conejo
sheep's milk.
We saw elephants, tigers, ʃiːp oveja
and snakes
I always takeatathe zoo.when I
break sneɪk serpiente
I have a good time at the ˌteɪk
gʊd tomarse un descanso
I don't often make mistakes ˈtaɪm pasar un buen rato
with my homework.
The bear made a terrible ˌmeɪk ə mɪsˈteɪk cometer un error
I have a shower in the ˌmeɪk ə ˈnɔɪz hacer un ruido
I get angry when my brother ˌhæv ə ˈʃaʊə ducharse
takes amy
After things.
while, the bear went ˌget ˈæŋ.gri enojarse
I always get excited when I ˌgəʊ əˈweɪ desaparecer
go on holiday.
I didn't do my homework ˌget ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪd emocionarse
last night. didn't go on
My family ˌdu:
ɒn hacer los deberes
holiday last year. ˈhɒl.ə.deɪ irse de vacaciones
Last week I took a lot of
We need with mysomething
to do phone. to ˌteɪk ˈfəʊ.təʊz sacar fotos
help thought
Erin him! Tonk was a ˈdu: ˌsʌm.θɪŋ hacer algo
beautiful horse. ˈbjuː.tɪ.fəl hermoso
a boring TV programme ˈbɔː.rɪŋ aburrido
a clean white shirt kliːn limpio
Both children
Sometimes wereare
snakes clever. ˈklev.ə ingenioso
dangerous. ˈdeɪn.dʒə.rəs peligroso
a dirty car ˈdɜː.ti sucio
Dan! Don’t be
they didn’t sayhorrible!
anything ˈhɒr.ə.bl̩ horrible
interesting. ˈɪn.trəs.tɪŋ interesante
a lovely
safe meal/evening
going out alone at ˈlʌ encantador
night. seɪf seguro
How could you be so stupid? ˈstjuː.pɪd estúpido
a big, fat, ugly spider ˈʌ feo
One presenter
speedboat went
up the by bike.
River baɪk bicicleta
Thames. bəʊt embarcación
I go to school by bus. bʌs autobús
One went
He took thebyunderground
car. kɑː
ˈʌn.də.graʊnd coche
train. ˌtreɪn tren subterráneo
a carinjured
The ferry were flown to ˈfer.i ferry
hospital by helicopter. ˈhel.ɪ.kɒp.tə helicóptero

and,cousin rideswe
of course, a motorbike.
go by ˈməʊ.tə.baɪk motocicleta
I took a taxi from the station pleɪn avión
to the hotel. ˈtæ taxi
We always gojourney
My favourite by to treɪn tren
beaches and we always have ˈmaʊn.tɪn
the mountains to ski. montaña
a great time. biːtʃ playa
on morning
holiday to a Ismall
walk town
across thˈrɪv.ə río
by the sea. siː mar
corn fields
Lake Titicaca is a large lake fiːld campo
between Peru and
school is about oneBolivia. leɪk lago
kilometre away. fɑːm granja
mountains and forests go
past. other forms of public
than ˈfɒr.ɪst bosque
transport. ˈkeɪ.bl ˌkɑː teleférico
Escalators are usually inside
a shopping centre or an
airport. ˈes.kə.leɪ.tə escalera mecánica
Now you can travel in a
submarine! ˌsʌb.mə.rˈiːn submarino

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