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INDEX NUMBER: 0323043023


Q 1: Morden healthcare environment demands nurses/midwives to be skilled not only in their clinical practice
or specialty area but in the use of technology tools that improve practice and lead to better patient care. Basic
and advance technology competences are required and expected as technology increasily touches and changes
the job of every nurse/midwifery. In this discussion, identify the role informatics plays in your professional

Answer: As a professional nurse/midwife, informatics plays a crucial role in various aspects of my

responsibilities. It helps in managing patient data efficiency, accessing electronic health records (EHRs) for
comprehensive information, facilitating communication among healthcare team members, utilizing clinical
decision support systems for evidence based practices, and enhancing patient education through digital
resources. Also, informatics enables me to stay updates on the latest researches best practices in healthcare,
improving the quality and safety of patient care delivery. Below are few roles:

 Data Analysis and Researches: Informatics allows nurses/midwives to collect, analyze and interpret data
to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in patient care outcomes. This data-driven approach
support evidence-based practices and contributes to clinical research initiatives.
 Workflow Optimization: Informatics tools helps streamline workflows by automating routine tasks, such
as medication administration or appointment scheduling, reducing manual errors, and increasing efficiency
im delivering patient care.
 Quality Improvement: Informatics support quality improvement initiatives by providing a real-time access
to performance metrics, allowing for timely interventions and adjustments to improve the quality and safety
of care provided.
 Patient Safety: Informatics systems include features such as barcode medication administration and alerts
for potential adverse events, enhancing patient safety by minimizing medication errors and ensuring
adherence to best practices.
 Telehealth and Remote Monitoring: With the increasing adoption of Telehealth technologies, informatics
enables nurses/midwives to deliver care remotely, monitor patients’ healthcare nd provide timely
interventions, especially in situations where in-person visits are not feasible.
 Education and Training: Informatics facilitates ongoing education and training for nurses/midwives by
providing access to online resources, virtual simulations, and e-learning platforms allowing for continuous
professional development and competency enhancement.
 Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Informatics fosters interdisciplinary collaboration by enabling seamless
communication and information sharing among healthcare professionals, leading to better coordination of
care and improved patient outcomes.

Overall, informatics are essential for nurses/midwives in modern healthcare settings, enabling them to leverage
technology effectively to enhance patient care, streamline workflows, and drive continuous improvement in
clinical practices.

Question 2: Examine your personal feelings, towards computers and healthcare technologies. Evaluate your
skill survey.

Answer: I feel so much comfort and confident, about integrating technology into my practice, seeing it as a
tool to improve efficiency and patient care. In evaluating my skill, my proficiency in using electronic health
record (EHR) systems is on the high level. I am very familiarize with medical software applications, and very
comfort when using digital devices for patient care tasks. When it comes to computers and healthcare

By the end of this course, I seek to enhance my technical skills, gain more proficiency and experience in
specific software or application relevant to my practice as a nurse/midwife, learn about emerging technologies,
shaping the future of healthcare, or develop strategies for effectively integrating technology into patient care
workflows. Ultimately, the goal of such course is to empower healthcare professionals to leverage technology
effectively to improve patient outcomes, streamline processes, and enhance the overall quality of care.

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