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Submitted by

1. Miss Wipada Khaisaengjan Student ID 64040102110

2. Miss Phatcharapa Promluang Student ID 64040102119

Program: English program, Bachelor of Education

Presents to Mr. Burajt Phoodokmai

EG25402- Content and Language Integrated Learning
Academic Year 2/2023
English Program, Faculty of Education, Udon Thani Rajabhat University
เรื่อง หน้า
หลักการ เหตุผลและความเป็นมา
CLIL Checklist
CLIL Unit Plan Animals
Animals graphic Design
Lesson plan 1: Types of Animals
Lesson plan 2: Animals body parts
CLIL Reflections
CLIL Appendix
หลักการ เหตุผลและความเป็นมา
ในสังคมโลกปัจจุบัน ภาษาอังกฤษคือภาษานานาชาติ เป็นภาษากลางของโลก โดยเฉพาะ
ความสามารถในการสื่อสารด้วยภาษาอังกฤษจึงเป็นปัจจัยสำคัญ ดังนั้น การจัดการเรียนการสอน
ภาษาอังกฤษเทียบเท่าระดับนานาชาติ จึงเป็นการยกระดับความสามารถ ด้านภาษา และเป็นพันธ
กิจที่สำคัญของการพัฒนาการศึกษาเพื่อพัฒนาผู้เรียนในระดับการศึกษา ขั้นพื้นฐานทั้งในระดับ
ประถมศึกษา และมัธยมศึกษา ให้เป็นผู้ที่มีคุณภาพทั้งด้านทักษะ (Skill) คุณลักษณะ
(Characteristic) และสมรรถนะ (Competency) ทีส่ ำคัญต่อการเป็นประชากรโลก (Global
Citizen) ในศตวรรษที่ 21

ในปัจจุบัน มีการเรียนการสอนตามแนวคิดการจัดการเรียนรู้บูรณาการเนื้อหาและภาษา
หรือ CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) เป็นแนวคิดที่จะช่วยพัฒนาให้
ผู้เรียนเกิด ความสามารถทางด้านภาษาดีขึ้น โดยเป็นแนวคิดในการ จัดการเรียนการสอนที่
สนับสนุนให้ครูใช้ ภาษาต่างประเทศเป็นสื่อกลางในการดำเนินการเรียนการสอน ซึ่งครูสามารถนำ
เนื้อหา ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับ สาระการเรียนรู้อื่น และการเรียนภาษาเข้าด้วยกัน ดังนั้นจึงส่งผลให้ผู้เรียน
สามารถพัฒนาทักษะ ด้านภาษาอังกฤษ ได้อย่างเป็นธรรมชาติ และส่งเสริมให้ครูและผู้เรียน
สามารถใช้ภาษาต่างประเทศ ในการทำกิจกรรมการเรียนรู้ ผู้เรียนสามารถ ถ่ายโอนความคิดใน
รูปแบบของภาษา จากการนำ เนื้อหาสาระวิชาอื่นมาประยุกต์ใช้ในชีวิตประจำวัน เพื่อให้เกิดการ
บรรลุเป้าหมาย ของการใช้ ภาษาต่างประเทศในการสื่อสารได้

ระดับของการจัดการเรียนรู้บูรณาการเรื้อหาและภาษาคือ Level A1 อยู่ในระดับ

ประถมศึกษาตอนต้น คือ ประถมศึกษาปีที่ 1-2 เนื้อหาหลักเป็นการสร้างความมั่นใจและการ
แนะนำแนวคิดหลักให้กบั ผู้เรียน โดยคุณครูใช้เวลาในการสื่อสารกับผู้เรียนในห้องเรียน ซึ่งครูมีการ
สอนเนื้อหาที่เป็นในรายวิชาอื่นๆ เช่น วิชาวิทยศาสตร์ สังคมศึกษา ศิลปะ การงานอาชีพ ควบคู่
กับการใช้ภาษาอังกฤษเป็นตัวกลางในการส่งสาร ความรู้ ให้กับผู้เรียน ผู้เรียนอาจจะเป็นนักเรียน
ต่างชาติที่เป็นเจ้าของภาษา หรือคนไทย คุณครูมีบทบาทในการสอนเนื้อหาโดยใช้ภาษาในการ
สื่อสาร จัดประสบการณ์ให้กับผู้เรียน ซึ่งคุณครูยังมีการใช้ในภาษาแม่ หรือภาษาที่1 ของผู้เรียนใน
การสื่อสาร อธิบายสำหรับการจัดกิจกรรมการเรียนการสอนควบคู่กับการใช้ภาษาอังกฤษ
CLIL Checklist
CLIL Unit plan
Goals: Improve learners’ vocabulary and develop listening and speaking skills
Unit 1: Animals
Level: grade 2 Time: 2 hours/ 2 credits
• To present the content of each units such as types of animals and animals body parts
• To introduce the concept of the animals
• Be able to classify types of habitat animals
• Be able to describe diagrams of animals body parts
• To help learners understand the new vocabulary
• To help learners improve their listening and speaking skills through game
activities such as “Water Air or Land game”, “Slap the word game”
matching the words the with animals body parts pictures

Criteria for assessment

Teacher and Self-assessment process will be used to assess how well learners:
• Understand meaning types of habitat animals
• Classify types of habitat animals
• Pronounce the animals vocabulary
• Recognize meaning of the vocabulary
• Describe diagrams of animals body parts
• Be able to tell about animals by using sentence structure
• Participate the classroom activities.

(What I plan to teach)
Content Cognition
• Types of habitat animals • Enable learners classify types habitat of
• Animals each animals
• Animals body parts
• Grammar: Singular noun / Plural noun • Enable learners describe diagrams of
Wh-Question: Where/ Which animals body parts
• Encourage learners communicate in class by
using sentence structure
• Vocabulary building, learning and using.

• Identify the national animals of foreign countries
• Identify the meaning animals body parts of national animals foreign countries.
• Understand that they can learn, which language they are using.

Language of learning Language for Learning Language through
Key vocabulary: Learning
• Types of habitat animals: • Asking each other questions: • Distinguish language
- jungle, ocean, forest, Q: Where does the (animal) live? needed to carry out
grassland A: The (animal) lives in the…… activities
• Name of animals : • learn new words
-Lion, Dolphin, Elephant, Q: Which of these animals has the which arise from
Bald Eagle, Falcon, (Animals body parts)? activities
Dugong, Sea turtle, Bull, Ex: Q: Which of these animals has
• Animals body parts : the wings?
- legs -ears -shell Q: Which of these animals has
- horns -tails -wings the longest legs?
-ivory -trunk -flippers Q: Which of these animals has
• National animals of the biggest ears?
foreign countries Q: Which of these animals has
the shell?
• Speaking with short dialogues
1. I am an elephant. I have big ears.
I live in the forest/grassland.
2. l am a bull. l have beautiful horns.
I live in the grassland.
3. I am a falcon/Bald Eagle. I have
wings. I can fly anywhere. I live in
the forest/jungle/grassland.
• Describing diagrams of animals
body parts
• Classification types of habitat

(What learners will be able to do by the end of the lessons )
By the end of the unit learners will be able to:
• Classify types of habitat animals
• Describe diagrams of animals body parts
• Give some examples of national animals of foreign countries
• Recognize meaning of the animals vocabulary
• Ask and respond basic questions correctly

CLIL Lesson plan – Teachers ’notes

Lesson 1: Types of animals
• Warm up: Playing a “Quiz Animal Sounds” game by listening sound from the teacher. After
listening to the sounds of animals, looked at the pictures of animals and their habitats from
the teachers. And asking students to think about what kinds of things animals might need to
• Presentation: Learn vocabulary about type of animals (Lion, Dolphin, Elephant, Bald Eagle,
Falcon, Dugong, Sea turtle, Bull, ( jungle, ocean, forest, grassland) and learn the sentences
• Practice: Pair up with their classmates and do the animal habitat worksheet by match the
picture and their habitats and stick a picture of animals to put it on the habitat worksheet.
• Production: Playing a “Water Air or Land” game by The students were divided into three
groups, where they distributed papers with animal names and told them to listen to animal
vocabulary from teachers. Then they raised their hands to answer questions, asking: Where do
the (animal) live? And they have them say The (animal) lives in the (water, air or land) and
then they put the paper on the board. Which group has the most points is the winning group.
• Wrap up: Students pronounce the words and ask and answer by using sentences structure
about type of animals together.
Lesson 2: Animals body parts
• Warm up: The teacher leads learners to sing a song and dance together for stimulate their
interest before class. (Sit down Stand up song). Then, the teacher shows animals picture board
and leads learners to guess animals body parts together.
• Presentation: Presenting Animals body parts, - legs -ears - horns -tails -wings -ivory -
trunk -flippers -shell Give example about the different kinds of animals bodies.
• Practice: Providing learners communicate with classmates by using short dialogue
Activity: Role play
1. Learners choose animals body parts models for role play. (-ears/horns/wings)
2. Learners present characters of animals by using short dialogue.
Providing learners choose the words with animals body parts by using animal pictures
board. 1. Learners pronounce the word together.
2. learners choose the words with animals body parts.
3. Learners tell meaning of the animals body parts
• Production: In order to check their comprehension, playing a “Slap the word ” game
1. Learners are divided into 2 groups by using counting numbers 1-2.
2. Learners receive a swatter to slap the correct word from the teacher. Then,
the teacher puts flashcards on the floor.
3. The teacher pronounces the word out loud and a member from each group
slaps the correct picture. After that, learners pronounce this word together.
4. Any group have the most score is the winner.
• Wrap up: Teacher and learners review animals body parts by using pictures board.
Have learners help each other answer.
Ex: The teacher shows the picture and asks a question.
Q: Which of these animals has the longest legs ?
A: …………………
• Learner’ pronounce the words. (pronunciation rubric)
• Teacher monitors group work and pairs work. (Activities in class)
• Learners’ participation in each activities. (Observation form)
The focus of the unit is on language:
Language for the teacher Language for learners
1. Where does the (animal) live? 1. The (animal) lives in the……
2. Which of these animals has the 2. I think……
(Animals body parts) ? 3. (say name of animals)
Ex: Which of these animals has the
longest legs?

• Handmade teaching materials (Animals flashcards, Types of habitat animals,
Animal body parts board etc.)
• Worksheet
• Animals pictures, Video
• Materials for games activities
If the learners are familiar with the provided contents, teacher can skip the
unnecessary point and emphasize the difficult part of the lesson but still priority.
Lesson plan 1
Lesson Plan 2: Animals body parts
Name of School: Ban Nongkham (Seni Uppatham) school
Level: Grade 2
Lecturer: Wipada Khaisaengjan 110, Phatcharapa Promluang 119
Time: 1 hour Credit 2.0
1. Objectives:
1.1 Terminal objectives:
learners will be able to describe diagrams of animals body parts and identify
meaning of the words correctly.
1.2 Enabling objectives:
By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:
1. describe about the different kinds of animals bodies correctly (K)
2. pronounce the body parts of animals accurately. (P)
3. participate in class actively. (A)

2. Indicators:
Indicator 1.1 Grade 2/3: Choose the pictures corresponding to the meanings
of words, groups of words and sentences heard.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 2/1: Speak in an exchange with short and simple words
in interpersonal communication by following the models heard.
Indicator 3.1 Grade 2/1: Tell the terms related to other learning areas.
Indicator 4.1 Grade 2/1: Listen/speak in simple situations in the classroom.

3. Procedures
Stage Contents
Warm up activity. CLIL 4Cs (Content)
( 5 minutes) The teacher greets and leads learners to sing a song and dance
together for stimulate their interest before class.
(using Sit down Stand up song)
Stage Contents
Introduction to content. The teacher shows animals picture board and leads learners to guess
( 10 minutes) animals body parts together.

Presentation 4Cs (Communication)

( 15 minutes) ( language for learning, language of learning, language through learning)

Key vocabulary: Lion Dolphin Elephant

(Lesson 1) Bald Eagle Falcon Bull
Dugong Sea turtle
Key vocabulary: legs ears flippers
(Lesson 2) shell wings tails
horns trunk ivory

Question: Which of these animals has the (Animals body parts)?

Examples: Q: Which of these animals has the wings?
Q: Which of these animals has the longest legs?
Q: Which of these animals has the biggest ears?
Q: Which of these animals has the shell?
Short dialogue:
1. ears = I am an elephant. I have big ears. I live in the
2. horns = l am a bull. l have beautiful horns. I live in the
3. wings = I am a falcon/Bald Eagle. I have wings. I can fly
anywhere. I live in the forest/jungle/grassland.

1. The teacher presents the animals body parts vocabulary by showing

2. The teacher pronounce the vocabulary 1 round and have the
learners pronounce it twice.
3. The Teacher check their comprehension, asking a question.
“Which of these animals has the (Animals body parts)? “
Practice 4 Cs (Cognition)
( 15 minutes) Understanding: (describe diagrams of animals body parts.)
Remembering: (tell meaning of the animals body parts.)
Skills: Speaking and listening (communicate by using role play)
Activity: Role play
1. Learners choose animals body parts models for role play.
2. Learners present characters of animals by using short dialogue.
Activity: Funny animals body parts
1. Learners pronounce the word together.
2. learners choose the words with animals body parts by using animal
pictures board
3. Learners tell meaning of the animals body parts

Production 4 Cs (Culture)
(10 minutes) -Identify meaning animals body parts of national animal foreign
-Understand that they can learn, which language they are using.
Activity: “Lucky ball” game
1. Learners sit in a circle. Then the teacher gives a lucky ball to
2. The teacher plays a song after that students pass a lucky ball to their
friends until a song stops.
3. 2 lucky learners in each round ask and answer a question.
4. The teacher holds up a picture. Learners ask and answer by using the
Student 1: What animals have the wings?
Student 2: butterfly
Wrap up 1. Teacher and learners review animals body parts by using pictures
( 5 minutes) board. Have learners help each other answer.
Ex: The teacher shows the picture and asks a question.
Q: Which of these animals has the longest legs?
A: …………………
4. Materials and equipment
Animals body parts boards flashcards: Animals body part

Canva presentation: Animals body parts

Short dialogue: Role play

5. Assessment and Evaluation

Objectives Measurement Tools Criteria

1. Learners will be able to Observe for answering Activities in 80% of students can
describe about the questions in classroom classroom. describe the different
different kinds of animals and doing activities in kinds of animals bodies
“Slap the word
bodies correctly (K) classroom. correctly.
“Funny animals
body parts”

2. Learners will be able to Observe student’s Pronunciation 80% of students can

pronounce the body parts pronunciation. Rubric. pronounce the vocabulary
of animals accurately. (P) correctly.

3. Learners will be able to Observing the behavior Observation form All students participate in
participate in class actively. during the activities. learning, enthusiastic in
(A) answering questions and
do activities.
Pronunciation Rubric

Pronunciation criteria point Techer

1 2 3 4 5

Pronunciation phonetically correct

pronunciation, intonation and natural

Fluent English pronunciation and
1 = nonperforming 2 = weak 3 = normal 4 = good 5 = excellent

Observation form

No. Observing aspects Yes No

1. Raises his/her hand to ask/answer a question.
2. Pronounce the words fluently and enjoyably.
3. Pays attention in class.
4. Do his/her worksheet thoroughly and well.
5. Participate actively in discussion and activities.
CLIL Reflections

1. Have the objectives of the lesson been achieved?

Answer: Teaching activities were achieved according to the objectives of the lesson.
Students could participate in activities according to the lesson plans as follows:
-Students could classify types of habitat animals such as grassland, ocean, jungle,forest.
-Students could recognize meaning of the animals vocabulary.
-Students could describe diagrams of animals body parts.
-Students could ask and respond basic questions correctly such as “Where does the Sea
turtle live”: Sea turtle lives in the ocean.

2. Has the 4Cs framework properly been integrated in each stage?

Answer: The 4Cs framework has properly been integrated in each stage because
we followed the 4Cs framework according to the instructions or unit plan.
The production game was modified in Lesson 2 because the experiment in Lesson 1
saw the chaos, we adjusted the game to focus on animals body parts vocabulary selection,
but added: "Which animal has + (External parts of animals) “and includes an example of
each country's national animals.

3. Have the classroom activities been engaged by students at all time?

Answer: The classroom activities have been engaged by students at all time
because students participated in activities according to our lesson plans. In addition,
there are Asking and response to be answered to check the students' understanding
4. Have the activities been provided the opportunity for learners to produce spoken
Answer: The are several activities in which students express their opinions, speak and
communicate in the classroom for instance: -Role play activity; students are allowed to be
individual animals and present their characteristics according to the students' understanding
of what animals they are. -Questions and answers were made to allow students to
differentiate and analyze the animal's body parts such as -Legs, ears, tail, ivory, trunk.

5. Have students enhanced the subject content and also language?

Answer: Students enhanced their subject content and language because students learned
new vocabulary such as dugong has the flipper which was the national animal of Cape
Verde. Moreover, there are many national animals for instance Macedonia: England, lions.
Spain: Bull, and the United States of America: Whitehead Eagle

6. Have learning materials been generated students' ideas and encouraged them in
collaborative learning?

7. How did the assessment tools provide the successful learning in CLIL classroom?

8. Have you allocated enough time for one lesson?

9. Have you thought about what you might change in this unit?

10. Have you thought about what you might add or leave out from this unit?
Student information
Level: Primary 2, Grade 2

Member of students: Twenty Students

School: Ban Nongkham (Seni Uppatham) school

CLIL Level
Level: Model A1

Theme: Animals

Content: Science
( Habitats of Animals and Animals body parts)
Pictures of Classroom Environment

Lesson plan 1: Types of Animals

Lesson plan 2: Animals body parts

Clip of classroom activities
Students’ works or tasks
Evaluation Results of each tool
Lesson plan 1 Types of Animals
Evaluation Results of each tool
Lesson plan 2 Animals body parts
Pronunciation Rubric
Date of Evaluation: 31/01/2567
Topic: Animals body parts
Observers: Wipada Khaisaengjan and Phatcharapa Promluang
Number of students: 16

Pronunciation criteria point Techer Feedback

1 2 3 4 5

Pronunciation phonetically correct -Some word, stress incorrect

pronunciation, intonation and natural

Fluent English pronunciation and


Number of students: 10
Pronunciation criteria point Techer Feedback

1 2 3 4 5

Pronunciation phonetically correct Students cloud pronounce

and stress words correct.

pronunciation, intonation and natural

Fluent English pronunciation and
1 = nonperforming 2 = weak 3 = normal 4 = good 5 = excellent
Observation form
Date of Evaluation: 31/01/2567
Topic: Animals body parts
Observers: Wipada Khaisaengjan and Phatcharapa Promluang
Member of students: 20 students

No. Observing aspects Yes No

1. Raises his/her hand to ask/answer a question. 15 5
2. Pronounce the words fluently and enjoyably. 13 7
3. Pays attention in class. 15 5
4. Do his/her worksheet thoroughly and well. 17 3
5. Participate actively in discussion and activities. 15 5
Total 75 20

Observation form
Number of students: 5
Topic: Animals body parts
Observers: Wipada Khaisaengjan and Phatcharapa Promluang

No. Observing aspects Yes No

1. Raises his/her hand to ask/answer a question.
2. Pronounce the words fluently and enjoyably.
3. Pays attention in class.
4. Do his/her worksheet thoroughly and well.
5. Participate actively in discussion and activities.
Total Passed Failed

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