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Table of contents

1. Descriptive Essay…………………………………………………………………………………………………………2

2. Cause and Effect Essay………………………………………………………………………………………………7

3. Descriptive Essay ………………………………………………………………………………………………………15

4. Descriptive Essay………………………………………………………………………………………………………23

5. Descriptive Essay………………………………………………………………………………………………………29

6. Process Analyst Essay………………………………………………………………………………………………33

Subject: Writing Skill II

Topic: Writing Essay


Prepared by: PHAL PHOEURN

Corrector`s name…………………

Descriptive Essay
Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gauthama, was a great teacher and the founder of

Buddhism. Siddhartha Gauthama was born into a royal family in what is now Nepal. He lived in

ancient India during the 4th to 6th century BCE. According to Buddhist tradition, the term

“Buddha’’ means awakened or enlightened one, who has attained supreme wisdom and insight.

There are three main characteristics of the great life of the Buddha.

To begin with, Siddhartha was born on Friday, the 15th of the full moon, in the month of

Visaka (May) of the year of the Dog. It was in Lumbini park between the two kingdoms of

Kabilapostu and Tevataha, which is now located in northern India in present-day Nepal. Also, He

was the son of King Suddhodana Gautama Thantattha and Queen Sirimaha Maya. When Siddartha

was at the age of 16, he married a princess Yasodhara (Bimbia), the daughter of King Sobbabhod

and queen Bhamita. Furthermore, when at the age of 29, he went out to be a monk.

Next, he finally attained enlightenment and became a Buddha on Wednesday, the 15th of

full moon of Visaka (May) of the year of the cock. After, he enlightened as a Buddha there was

only Buddha himself, not yet other Buddhists. In addition, the Buddha spent the rest of his life (45

years) teaching the various methods of his enlightenment so that the human race could be aware

of the true Dhamma. At that time, he taught to all without discrimination or prejudice against

people of other races or religions.

Finally, the Buddha completed Nibbana on Tuesday, the 15th of the full moon of May

(Visaka) of the year of the Snake. He died at the age of 80 under both Salapreks in Kushinagar,

India, during the reign of King Ashoka. After his death, Buddha's body was cremated, and his

bones were divided among eight different kingdoms. His relics were then enshrined in stupas,

which became important pilgrimage sites for Buddhists.

In short, Buddha, Siddhartha was born into a royal family, and attained enlightenment as a

Buddha there was only Buddha himself and the death of Buddha at the age of 80 under the

Salapreks of both in Kushinagar.

Corrector`s name: ………………………
Signature: ……………………………….

Cause and Effect Essay

Social Media Effects on Teens

In the 21st century, social media is the most popular for human beings all over the world.

Social media is a common new platform (Facebook, Chat, Telegram, and IG, etc.), which it is easy

to communicate with one another and from one place to another. It can facilitate your work a lot,

and it is currently popular for Cambodian people as well, especially teenagers. These are several

bad effects of time, health and communication.

First, excessive use of social media can adversely effect on time. By the time people spend

excessive amounts of time on social media without their responsibilities. As a result, they may not

have enough time to contribute to their studies and work. On the other hand, spending too much

time on social media is a bad point that cannot lead you to progress. Thus, you should spend the

right time if you do not want to regret later.

Second, one of the most prominent effects of social media impacts on mental health. Social

media platforms can contribute to feelings of loneliness, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

Constant exposure to carefully curated and often idealized representations of others' lives can lead

to negative social comparisons and feelings of inadequacy. In the other hand, spending excessive

amounts of time on social media often leads to bad health. Therefore, the impacts of using social

media effect on mental health badly.

Third, using social media can have detrimental effect on communication. If you waste too

much time on social media, it is not a good point and even affects your relationship or

communications. For illustration, when you are obsessed with playing Facebook, Messenger, or

TikTok, without spending time going out or meeting your friends and others, you are to lose a

good connection with them. It, in addition, can also make you feel lonely, for you love staying in

your bedroom with media. So, having a communication is important for all people.

In conclusion, using social media may affect social time, health, relationships, and it is also

about to deprive you of many good opportunities. Thus, using the right amount of time is the most

important thing for those. If you spend the wrong time and do not take responsibility for it, you

will suffer in the future.

Corrector`s name: ………………………

Signature: ……………………………….

Descriptive Essay

My Beloved Pet

A dog is one of the most popular pets in the world. They are mammals and animals that

are loyal to those who feed and care for them. It is also an animal, representing an animal loyal to

its owner and also an animal with a special intuition and intelligence. My dog, Pito, is a pet who I

love because he has some special features which is very interesting.

My dog, Pito, has the most attractive appearance. He has a small enough body, black eyes

and long white sleeves. Moreover, his ears fluttered and wagged with swing back and forth. In

addition, he has long fingernails and teeth, four sharp jaws to bite, and a shape that fits the body,

which is nice. Also, his tail is long enough, and has long hairs that look like a fox`s tail. That is

why Pito`s appearance is so attractive.

Pito would rather eat meat than vegetable. Meat is the first and best choice for him (Pito)

since he prefers them the most and Pito`s favorite meat is good types of meat and delicious.

Moreover, He eats a lot of food per day, but he eats less which is why Pito is so cute and lovely.

He, however, can also eat vegetable when there is no meat. Also, Pito will be delight to see new

food for him. Therefore, meat is still the first choice for him.

More interestingly, he is always a friendly animal all the time at home. No matter what the

situation, Pito never indicated to behave crookedly or bite the owner. He always shows a

welcoming gesture to me and also indicates gentle activities, by showing intimacy and warmth

with the owner. Furthermore, he is also friendly with my family members who care for and play

with him. And the friendliest time for him is when he gets a new meal.

In conclusion, my dog, Pito, is a beautiful animal and likes to eat to his preferred food and

he is friendly with me. Although he is an animal, he is loyal to his master and also shows welcome

activities to the owner at all times. One more thing, he acts his activities from time to time as

though he was a person. I do love my Pito.

Corrector`s name……………………

Descriptive Essay
Daily Meal
Meal is very momentous to support general human health. Eating three meals per day is a

traditional eating pattern that has been followed by many cultures around the world for centuries.

… pattern typically includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with each meal serving a specific

purpose in terms of providing nourishment and sustaining energy levels throughout the day.

First of all, breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day as it

kickstarts our metabolism and provides us with the energy needed to start our day. Also, it is

recommended to consume a balanced breakfast that includes a combination of carbohydrates,

protein, and healthy fats. Moreover, this can include foods such as whole grains (e.g., oatmeal,

whole wheat bread), lean proteins (e.g., eggs, yogurt), fruits or vegetables, and healthy fats (e.g.,

avocado, nuts). Individuals who regularly consume breakfast are meant to get good health.

Next, lunch is typically consumed in the middle of the day. It may provide a balance of

macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) along with vitamins and minerals. A well-

rounded lunch can include foods such as lean proteins (e.g., chicken breast, fish), and so on.

Furthermore, it provides sustained energy throughout the afternoon and helps prevent the mid-

afternoon slump. It also supports brain function and concentration, making it important for

individuals who need to stay focused during work or school hours.

Finally, dinner, also known as supper, is typically the last meal of the three meals. It might

be lighter than lunch but still provides the necessary nutrients to support overnight repair and

recovery. A balanced dinner can include a variety of foods such as lean proteins (e.g., tofu, lean

cuts of meat), whole grains (e.g., quinoa, whole wheat pasta), vegetables, and healthy fats (e.g.,

nuts, seeds). So, dinner could provide essential nutrients for muscle repair and growth during sleep.

In conclusion, three meals a day consisting of breakfast, lunch, and dinner provide the

necessary nutrients and energy to support daily activities and overall health. Each meal serves a

specific purpose in terms of nourishment and sustaining energy levels throughout the day.

Corrector`s name……………………

Descriptive Essay
Angkor Wat Temple
Angkor Wat is a complex temple located in the city of Siem Reap, Cambodia. It is one of

the most important archaeological sites in Southeast Asia and is considered a masterpiece of

Khmer King Suryavaraman II in the early 12th century as a Hindu temple dedicated to the god

Vishnu. This magnificent ancient structure has many special characteristics left by Khmer


This temple is an important place of shrines to the deity. One of the main shrines within

the Angkor Wat complex is the central temple, also known as the Angkor Wat Temple. This temple

is dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu and is considered the largest religious monument in the

world. It features a series of concentric galleries, towers, and courtyards, all adorned with elaborate

carvings depicting scenes from Hindu mythology.

The magnificence of the sculptures is on the temple walls. One of the most significant

aspects of Angkor Wat is its intricate carvings and bas-reliefs, which depict scenes from Hindu

mythology and everyday life in the Khmer Empire. These carvings provide valuable insights into

the culture and beliefs of the Khmer people and are considered some of the finest examples of

Khmer art.

Angkor Wat is also a popular tourist destination for local and foreign guests. Tourists

visiting Angkor Wat of both nations and foreign can expect a mesmerizing experience filled with

awe-inspiring sights and rich cultural heritage. Visitors can also climb to the top of Angkor Wat's

central tower to enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. The sunrise and sunset views

from this vantage point are particularly breathtaking and attract photographers from all over the


All in all, Angkor Wat temple is an important site shrine to the deity, dedicated to the

Vishnu god and the magnificence of the sculptures on the walls is the most interesting considered

the finest example of Khmer art. Also, Tourists visiting Angkor Wat can watch the sunrise and

sunset views from this vantage point are particularly breathtaking and attract photographers from

all over the world.

Corrector`s name: ......................

Signature: ..................................

Process Analysis Essay

Khmer New Year

The Khmer New Year, also known as Choul Chnam Thmey, is the most significant

traditional festival in Cambodia. It is celebrated annually in mid-April (13,14,15) and marked the

end of the harvest season and the beginning of the new year. Is is a time for Cambodian people to

pay homage to their ancestors, enjoy family gatherings, and participate in various cultural

activities. The specific period of the celebration lasts for three days.

The first day of the Khmer New Year is called Moha Sangkran (New Year`s Day). It has

marked the end of the old year and the beginning of the new one. On this day, Cambodian people

wake up early to visit their local monasteries to make offerings and receive blessings from

Buddhist and Samner monks. Moreover, they also pour water over Buddha statues as a symbolic

act of cleaning and purification.

The second day of the Khmer New Year is known as Vireak Vanabat (Day Two). It is a

day dedicated to giving back to parents, elders, and those in need. Cambodian people, in addition,

visit their parents` homes or invite them over for a special meal. Also, they offer gifts as some

money, and various materials and express gratitude for their love. This is the day that people can

gather relatives and eat together with smile and happiness on that special day is day two.

The final day of the Khmer New Year is called T`ngai Leang Saka (Day Three). This is a

day that Cambodians pay respect to their old people by visiting pagodas and offering prayers.

Furthermore, they bring food, candles, and incense to honor their deceased relatives. At the same

time, it is one which Buddhists are about to mark the watering ceremony of the Buddha as well.

In the evening, furthermore, Cambodian people usually gather for traditional games (A`ngkhunh,

Chhoung, Tanh Brot…) and dances, music, act performances, and so on.

All in all, the Khmer New Year (Choul Chnam Thmey) is a time of joy and unity for the

Cambodian people. It is an opportunity for families to come together, strengthen bonds, and

celebrate cultural heritage. I, in my opinion, suppose that it is a good ceremony for human beings

of Cambodia to gather one another and commemorate their ancestors.

By Phoeurn PHAL

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