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Nama : Nissy Yulia Putri

NIM : 2010711002
PRODI : Ilmu Sejarah
Dosen Pengampu : Yenny Narny. . SS, MA, Ph.D
Tema : Mesir Kuno (Ancient Egypt)
Essay Argument!!
Ancient Egyptian Civilization and Its Relics
Ancient Egypt or Egypt, of course none of our ears let alone create millennials now. Far from
our present life this civilization existed centuries ago and now that civilization has also disappeared.
However, that will not diminish the evidence and influence of that civilization. For centuries, we who
lived after the ancient Egyptian civilization enjoyed the fruits of their civilization and used it for today's
technology. With regard to Ancient Egyptian Civilization. What is Ancient Egyptian Civilization?
Egypt is a country that has the longest history dating back thousands of years BC. Many
scientists from various disciplines joined together to uncover the results of ancient Egyptian culture.
Ancient Civilization in Egypt is interesting to discuss in discussions because there are still many
historical remains that have not been fully revealed. Egypt is synonymous with the Pyramids and the
Sphinx statue. To Egypt, not only with extraordinary buildings, but the river that is located there, the
Nile River, is the longest river in the world. The Nile River is the biggest supporter of cultural
development and the life support of the Msir people in ancient times. Ancient Egyptian Civilization or
also known as the Nile River Civilization. Ancient Egyptian civilization was a civilization that was very
advanced in various fields at its time.
What were the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians? The belief held by the people of Ancient Egypt
was Polytheism, which is the belief in many gods. More than a thousand gods and goddesses worshiped
by the ancient Egyptians. The highest god, Ra, is the sun god. The gods in Egypt were often represented
as an animal, half human, or half animal. The Egyptians believed that Pharaoh was the leader of the
Egyptian nation who was protected by the god Horus who was the son of the god Osiris (god of death,
the ruler of hell) and the goddess Isis. However, there are other opinions saying that the development of
the natural world of thought of the ancient Egyptians, who strongly believed in myths and still
considered that a person was an incarnation or incarnation of a god. Here (Ancient Egypt) also appeared
the most famous "antagonist" in all time and around the world, namely Pharaoh who claimed to be God.
Who is Pharaoh? Pharaoh is a title that is used in modern discussion of all the rulers of ancient
Egypt of all periods. In the past, this title came into use for rulers who were the religious and political
leaders of the unity of ancient Egypt, only during the New Kingdom, specifically, during the middle of
the eighteenth dynasty. For simplicity, there is general agreement among modern writers to use this term
to refer to Egyptian rulers of all periods. Pharaoh also claimed to be God, namely King Ramses II.
Pharaoh is often depicted wearing a kind of Nemes scarf and an ornate kilt (short skirt). When he died,
Pharaoh was buried with his belongings in a tomb decorated with hieroglyphic writing, his body was
preserved with a special herb, oil and salt, then wrapped in an airtight cloth tied with a jusa called
Mummy. Since Pharaoh was considered the representative of the Egyptian nation before the gods, his
peace in the afterlife was the hope of all members of society.
What is the curse for the people who dismantle the pyramids or the tombs of kings? The
pyramids are the tombs of the kings of Ancient Egypt. Besides the pyramid there is also another building
as the tomb of the king, namely Mastaba. Mastaba is the oldest building before the pyramids appeared.
Then, what is the curse? The curse of pharaoh refers to a curse that is believed to have happened to
people who were thought to disturb the mummies of the Ancient Egyptians, particularly the pharaohs. A
donor to the demolition of tombs in Egypt or Egyptologist Lord Carnarvon, died of a mysterious disease,
leaving terrible scars on his cheeks, there is a story that says that when Lord Carnarvon died, the whole
of Cairo went dark, his beloved dog barked without cause and died afterwards. When Pharaoh's mummy
was opened, he found scars on his cheeks, as well as those on Lord Carnarvon's cheeks. The people
involved in the demolition of Pharaoh's mummified tomb also died unnaturally. Some even end their
lives by committing suicide. Some leave death notes that they can't stand the mysterious terror that is
How was the development of Science and Technology in the days of Ancient Egypt?
Hundreds of years ago long BC. Ancient Egypt used symbols as writing. Ancient Egyptians used
cuneiform letters written on papyrus reeds or carved them with stone. Papyrus simply cannot be used to
write characters. Processing papyrus reeds as paper can last up to three thousand years and takes a long
time. The ink used for writing on papyrus reeds is made from a mixture of water with jegala or colored
minerals. There are various professions owned by Egyptian society, namely as a doctor, astronomer,
artist, scribe, farmer, trader and others. This has shown that science has advanced. Especially if the
means of transportation for the people of Ancient Egypt were for trade and shipping. There are various
types of boats as well as various materials for making these boats, including papyrus reeds, wood which
is used to transport beautifully carved goods.
Regarding the mastery of science and technology where both of them are inseparable from
belief, the position of priests or priests will rise after they are able to prove their expertise in predicting
crops based on calendar knowledge. Priests occupied the upper social class in the social stratification of
ancient Egyptian society who were highly respected and freed from manual labor. They have great
opportunities in technological, mathematical, social and political development. The uniqueness of the
people of ancient Egypt was that of the upper class people above their houses, on which there was a
large terrace with a variety of beautiful clothes with sewn beads and wigs from sheep's hair as well as
human hair, and wearing leather sandals. Meanwhile, the poor live in very small houses. Another
uniqueness that shows that Ancient Egypt had a very advanced civilization is seen from the calendar.
The calendar that functions for the planting and harvest matching period, the astronomical calendar, the
lunar calendar that is kept by priests based on the movement of the moon.
What are the relics of Ancient Egypt against this time? Based on some of the explanations
above, I have concluded that there are several relics of Ancient Egypt, one of which is science. The
sciences that can be seen are astronomy, social sciences, art, and the architecture of the surrounding
buildings. Although there are many other relics, we can feel the benefits of some of these relics. One of
them is that we can feel the science of astronomy which is contained in the calendar which is based on
the movement of the moon, namely in 1 year there are 12 months 365 days.

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