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Factory Acceptance Testing

(FAT) for Management

Information System(MIS-Web) for
S&T Network (IndianRailway)
Project ID – 201701-IR-MIS-P1

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Tender Ref: AGRA-ST-2017-13

Product: Management Information System(MIS)

Location: Bitcomm Technologies Private Limited

115, Udyog Kendra 2, Ext-1, Ecotech III,
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201306

1. Objective of FAT...................................................................................................................3
2. Procedure...............................................................................................................................3
3. Product delivery....................................................................................................................3
4. Requirement Specification of MIS(Phase-1)....................................................................4
5 Non-Functional Requirement Specification of MIS(Phase-1).......................................26
6. Hardware and Software Requirement.............................................................................28
7. Acceptance and signatures...............................................................................................29

1. Objective of FAT
Object of acceptance
The objective of Factory acceptance tests are to verify that the software to be supplied shall meets
requirements outlined in the Latest version of Software Requirement Specification (201701-BTPL-IR-
MIS-P1-RDM-SRS.docx) based on MIS Tender(Reference : AGRA-ST-2017-13).

2. Procedure
With fully functional configured software, a test team will execute the approved tests, driven by
available input data. During the FAT each test will be executed by a project team member and
observed by the project Leader. The Project Managers/Leader will note the Pass/Fail status of each
test and make appropriate notes for each failure. The failure issues will be resolved and only those
tests re-executed. Upon successful execution of all tests, the testing is considered complete and the
system is ready to be sent to the customer for Site Acceptance Test activities. Indian Railway can
choose to attend the FAT, If Indian Railways does not attend, the FAT results will be provided upon

All the test cases will be providing to Indian Railways for approval. The test results will be reported to
Indian Railways (S&T team of NCR – Division - Agra )

3. Product delivery
The Project Manager/Leader confirms that all offered software products have been available to meet tender
specification. All deliverable are stated below.

Products Delivered yes / no

Software and Modules:
Employee/Manpower Register Yes
User Level / Access Management System Yes
Employee/Manpower Attendance Register Yes
Assets/Inventory Register Yes
S&T Assets/Network Map/GIS Viewer Yes
S&T Maintenance Schedule Management System Yes
S&T Joint Inspection Yes
S&T Asset Maintenance Register Yes
MIS Reporting Tool/Utility Yes
SMC Record Management System Yes
SFR Management System Yes
Vendor Management System Yes
AMC Management System Yes

4. Requirement Specification of MIS(Phase-1)

Pass/ Remarks

Description MIS – Web-Interface Functional Test Case Fail


1 MIS is required to be developed for effective monitoring and management of Web-Interface

following main
activities of Signalling and Telecommunication fields of Railways.
1. Signalling Assets Maintenance
2. Joint Inspection of Point and Crossing
3. Signal Incidences Monitoring
4. Remote Information Monitoring
5. Telecom Assets Maintenance
6. Asset Register
7. Statistics of Signal & Telecom
8. Alerts for Midlife Rehabilitation
9. MCDO, Periodical/Annual/Monthly/Weekly Achievements
10. Drawing and Documents Monitoring
11. Inspections Monitoring
12. Action Plan/Prime/FAP
1 Signalling Assets Maintenance Web-Interface

1.1 This shall be GPRS based system and signalling supervisors or Technicians Web-Interface - User Access Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
shall use hand Management IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM –
held i-pad or Tablet to access MIS application for entering Maintenance
schedule done or
parameters measured only when they are in the close vicinity of concerned
gear being
maintained by them.
1.2 At Station also a desk top PC will be connected to MIS through dedicated E1 Web-Interface Connectivity tested through PC Pass
stream used for Client.
networking station desktop.
1.3 It shall be possible to fill up maintenance schedule or measurements at Web-Interface-User Access Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
station desktop also, in Management IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM-TR2
the event of GPRS failure, but it shall be possible to do it only when access
is permitted by Incharge
ADSTE/DSTE. To achieve this station system on request of maintenance
staff shall send
auto generated SMS with OTP to concerned ADSTE/DSTE, who in turn if
permits do manual
entry will advise this OTS on phone to the concerned station staff to access
MIS. It shall be
possible to generate report of such instances.
1.4 In case of station PC link failure, the data shall be stored locally and Web-Interface Applicable for Mobile Pass
automatically updated on application only
resumption of link or whenever PC is switched on.
1.5 Name and number of gears shall be selectable options so that there are no Web-Interface – User Access Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
mistakes in the Management IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM –
reports being generated. To achieve this data of all gears of the stations have
to make in the
form of Data Form, which shall be regularly updated by Divisional HQ
immediately after any
changes are done. Previous Data sheet shall be automatically stored in the
history folder and
new data sheet shall be in use. It shall be possible to generate report of such
highlighting the changes done and authority who did it.

1.6 On opening of MIS display option shall come On Main Screen “Activity to Web-Interface -Asset Inventory Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
be Done” – IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM-TR4
Replacement per Codal Life or due to failure or MLR/Maintenance. On
selecting of Maintenance
further forms shall open up as detailed in next paras. On selecting option of
replacement, the
EDIT menu shall appear to edit all the details and keeping the previous
records.. Name &
designation of official making this entry should also be entered. Reports
shall be generated as
per required format which will be given later.
1.7 Following format to fill data-Form be adopted all from Drop Down Menu Web-Interface -Asset Inventory Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
unless specially IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM-TR4
mentioned otherwise and data sheet has to be made for each of these -
i) Select –Railway
ii) Division
iii) Station/Section
iv) Type of assets – Sig or Tele

1.7.1 For signal Type of gear – Afterwards in MIS while filling maintenance Web-Interface -Asset Inventory Pass
forms these gears have Test Cases of this Modules –
to be selected at site by the staff doing maintenance. Latest version – 201701-BTPL-
a) Signal IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM –
b) Points TR4.1
c) Vehicle Detection Devices d) Control Panels/VDU
e) EKT
f) Relays
g) Power Supply
h) Fuses
i) DG Sets
j) Solar PANELS
k) Apparatus cases/location boxes/Cables
l) Earthing
m) Axle counters
n) Block instruments
o) Block Panels
p) Level Crossing Gates
q) Electronic Interlocking
1.7.2 Further Drop Down Menu for each of the above gears has be made like for Web-Interface -Asset Inventory Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
Signal a) Signal – Main/ Shunt/ Subsidiary Signal: IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
b) Next Selection under Subsidiary Signals Calling –ON/ A Marker/ AG
Indicator/Stencil /Numeric Display/Theatre Type.

c) After Selecting from the above two next sheet shall appear depending up Web-Interface -Asset Inventory Latest version – 201701-BTPL-
on selection to fill up IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM-
following data for main signali)
Signal Number form DDM, only numbers to be selected, later on display
prefix shall
automatically come like S for Main Signal, SH for shunt, CO for calling On,
A for A Marker,
AG for AG marker, Route for Route Indicator and so on.
ii) Type of Unit – From DDM – Metallic/FRP
iii) Number of Aspects No. =1 to 4 from DDM
iv) On selecting number of Aspect display next sheet to select Aspect 1-
Red/Yellow/Yellow/Green form DDM, Aspect 2 and so on. For each aspect
selected further
details like LED make from DDM linked to RDSO approved sources list,
specifications Type,
Month of Manufacturing, Serial No. and Date of Installation, Mid Life
Rehabilitation – Yes/No
v) Mileage - Kilometer of Signal along with Latitude & Longitude
vi) Location – through DDM Left Hand/ Right Hand/ Extreme Left Hand/
Extreme Right
vii) Either Side Implantation of Signal
viii) Sacrificial Mast – Provided or Not Provided.
ix) Installation Date – Signal Base
x) Installation Date – Signal Post
xi) Installation Date – Signal Unit
xii) Installation Date – Route Indicator
xiii) Installation Date – Shunt Signal
xiv) Installation Date – Calling On
xv) Installation Date – A Marker
xvi) Installation Date – AG Marker
1.7.3 Points – This form is simple and following details shall be entered to be used Web-Interface -Asset Inventory Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
i) Point Number – In MIS P shall get prefixed automatically only number to
be entered from

DDM and point means each turnout of a crossover if it is.
ii) Line on which point is provided, It shall be selectable from DDM ie. ML
A Route/ML Other
Route/Other Portion of Yard
iii) Type of Turn Out: from DDM -Single Ended/ X-Over/Derail Switch
/Single Slip/ Double
Diamond Slip
iv) Kg.: from DDM- 52Kg/60Kg/Thick Web Switches
v) Type of Curve – from DDM -1 in 8 ½ , 1 in 10, 1 in 12 & 1 in 16.
vi) LH/RH Curve – LH/RH
vii) Type of Sleepers – PRC/Wooden/Steel
viii) Nos. of Gauge Tie Plate -1/2/3/4-
ix) Nos. of Gauge Tie Plate insulations sets -1/2/3/4-
x) Nos. of William Stretcher Bars– 1/2/3/4
xi) Nos. of William Stretcher Bar Insulations sets– 1/2/3/4
xii) Spring Setting Device- Provided/ Not Provided.
xiii) Type of Point Machine: IRS/Siemens ( 143 mm or 220 mm stroke shall
get automatically
selected from selection of Kg
xiv) Point Machine LH/RH – LH/RH
xv) Pont Machine Make – Selectable from RDSO List of Manufacturer
xvi) AC immunization – From DDM -300V/400V
xvii) Pont Machine Date of Manufacturing
xviii) Pont Machine Date of Installation
xix) Serial No. of Point Machine
xx) Point Motor – Make,
xxi) Pont Motor Date of Manufacturing
xxii) Point Motor Date of Serial No.
xxiii) Point Motor Date of Installation.
xxiv) Installation dates of following shall automatically appear for following
with date edit option to
facilitate entering of Replacement details while retaining the previous entry:
a) CH Box,
b) Detection Trolley,
c) Friction Clutch, Slides –
d) Normal Detection Slide,

e) Reverse Detection Slide,
f) Throw slide
g) Lock slide normal
h) Lock slide reverse
i) Mechanical fuse
xxv) Ground Connection – Date of Installation (Editable).
xxvi) Similar to point machine, Installation dates of following shall
automatically appear for
following with date edit option to facilitate entering of Replacement details
while retaining
the previous entry, this may be linked with track circuit field:
a. Normal /Short Detection Rod b. Reverse/Long Detection Rod
c. Throw Rod
d. Normal Lock Rod
e. Reverse Lock Rod
f. Clamp Lock –
g. L Bracket
h. P/D Bracket LH
i. P/D Bracket RH
j. Insulation of P/D Bracket – LH,RH;
k. Insulation of L bracket,
l. Insulation of Clamp lock,
m. Insulation of William Stretcher (WS) No. 1,
n. Insulation of WS2,
o. Insulation of WS3,
p. Insulation of WS4, ,
q. Insulation of Gauge Tie Plate 1
r. Insulation of Gauge Tie Plates (1, 2, 3, 4) of Crossing with
1.7.4 Vehicle Detection Devices: Web-Interface -Asset Inventory Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
i. Track phases provided at the station: IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
a) FM-FM, TR4.1.3
b) FM-BSL St.
d) FM-Home Straight,
e) FM-Home T/O,

f) Loop Line1.2.3……
g) Other goods line 1, 2, 3, --, 30. (Fixed Display)
h) Sidings 1.2.3…..
ii. Details Track Circuits Provided at the stations and for each Track Circuit
a. Track Circuit No.
b. Type of Vehicle Detection Device – DC/ AFTC/ SSDAC/ MSDAC/
HASSD/ UAC from Drop
Down Menu (DDM)
c. Redundancy – Provided or Not Provided.
d. If provided –then type of redundancy. DC/ AFTC/ SSDAC/ MSDAC/
HASSD/ UAC from Drop
Down Menu (DDM)
e. TC Line – UP Main, Dn Main, PF1 (Line No.--), PF2 (Line No.--), ----
Other Lines. from
Drop Down Menu (DDM)
f. TC Location (Km.) - Relay End, Feed End, Bx Jumper Location 1, Bx
Jumper Location 2, Bx
Jumper Location 3
g. Length of TC –
h. Track Feed Battery Charger- Make (As per RDSO List), Month of
Manufacturing, Date of
Installation.Date of Replacement (Editable).
i. Choke- Make (As per RDSO List), Month of Manufacturing, Date of
Installation. Date of
Replacement (Editable). j. Regulating Resistance - Make (As per RDSO
List), Month of Manufacturing, Date of
Installation. Date of Replacement (Editable).
k. TF Battery Set - Make (As per RDSO List), Month of Manufacturing,
Date of Installation. Date
of Replacement (Editable).
l. Track Relay - Make (As per RDSO List), Month of Manufacturing, Date
of Installation. Date of
Replacement (Editable).
m. Track Feed End Fuse Holder - Make (As per RDSO List), Month of
Manufacturing, Date of
Installation. Date of Replacement (Editable).

n. Track Feed End Fuse - Make (As per RDSO List), Capacity, Month of
Manufacturing, Date of
Installation. Date of Replacement (Editable).
o. TF End PPTC Fuse - Make, Capacity, Month of Manufacturing, Date of
Installation. Date of
Replacement (Editable).
p. TF End- Auto Change Over Fuse System – Make, Month of
Manufacturing, Date of
Installation. Date of Replacement (Editable).
q. Track Lead Junction Boxes (TLJB) – Made of cast iron/FRP, TLJB No. –
1, 2, 3 ,4, 5 Date of
Replacement (Editable).
r. Type of Track Lead Wire – GI Wire/ PVC Jacketted Wire Rope/
Signalling Cable
(Editable) Date of Replacement (Editable).
s. Nos. of Track Lead Wires - Double/ Single Date of Replacement
t. Date of Installation of Track Lead Wires – Feed End, Relay End, Bx1,
Bx2, Bx3 (Editable)
Date of Replacement (Editable).
u. Date of Replacement of Track Lead Wire - Feed End, Relay End, Bx1,
Bx2, Bx3 (Editable)
Date of Replacement (Editable).
v. Insulation/Glued Joints: For ech Insulation joints
i. No. of Glued Joint: 1, 2, 3, ----10
ii. No. of Insulation Joints: 0, 1, 2, 3, --------10
iii. GJ Nos. – 1, 2, 3, -- : Date of Installation, Date of Replacement
iv. IJ Nos. – 1, 2, 3, -- : Date of Installation, Date of Replacement (Editable).
1.7.5 Similar Data Sheet for AFTCs & Various Types of Axle Counters and their Web-Interface- Asset Inventory Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
component. IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -

1.7.6 Earthing Web-Interface- Asset Inventory Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
a. A Class protection provided or not Y/N IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
b. If provided DOI, Make, Type
c. Perimetric earthing provided or not – Y/N
d. If provided then number of earth electrode
e. Relay Room Earthing details –
i. Conventional/Maintenance Free Earth
ii. Date of Installation
iii. Initial value.
f. Signal Earthing details for each signal–
iv. Conventional/Maintenance Free Earth
v. Date of Installation
vi. Initial value. g. DAC Earthing details for each unit provided in location–
vii. Conventional/Maintenance Free Earth
viii. Date of Installation
ix. Initial value.
1.7.7 LC Gate- Electric Lifting Barrier, Mechanical Lifting Barrier It has to made Web-Interface- Asset Inventory Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
in more details in IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
the similar way
1.8 Signalling Maintenance MIS: Web-Interface Pass

1.8.1 Fill up all type of maintenance schedules as given in DSMG so that it can be Web-Interface-Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
easily seen for Schedule IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
selected gear or all. The format for filling and searching to be Type of Gera,
Schedule No.,
Periodicity and Description of the maintenance activities to be done under
each of the
1.8.2 Initial Record of Last maintenance done by DSMG/SSE Web-Interface- Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
Schedule IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
1.8.3 Based on last maintenance done record Daily schedule due including Web-Interface - Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
overdue - Daily job Schedule IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
card is to be generated for DSMG/SSE.
1.8.4 Similar Schedules shall be generated for Weekly schedule due and Monthly Web-Interface- Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
schedule due Schedule IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -

1.8.5 While filling the maintenance record it shall ask Maintenance done by – Web-Interface- Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
DSMG/SSE. Schedule IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
1.86 It Shall be possible to fill up the maintenance schedule done only when the Web-Interface- Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
staff carrying out Schedule IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
maintenance is in maximum 50 meter range of the gear being maintained.
1.8.7 Maintenance and Measurement Record which is to be filled up to selectable from Web-Interface- Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
DDM. Schedule IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
1.8.8 Provision shall be made to view various records with selectable option. Web-Interface- Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
Schedule IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
1.9 Maintenance Record Web-Interface

1.9.1 On selecting Maintenance record – select gear maintained, then from DDM Web-Interface – Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL-
schedule done. Register IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Mob-UM -
Date and Time stamp shall automatically come. Say for Point Maintenance -
TR4.7.1 NA
on selecting
type of gear as Point, the Display of the Maintenance Schedule Details as per
maintenance schedule (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 & P6) shall be selected from DDM.
1.9.2 To see the Maintenance Record on selecting Type of Gear and Date Range, Web-Interface- Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL-
the record shall Register IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Mob-UM- NA
display in the Format SMC 11A & B.
1.10 Measurement Record Web-Interface- Maintenance
1.10.1 On selecting Measurement Record Range of various parameters to be Web-Interface- Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
measured shall get Register IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
recorded in the respective format. While filling up the measurement during
the Maintenance
Schedule being done, only blank row of the format shall appear so that
measurements are
not biased but they are really done and only after submission of entry, show
complete record.

1.10.2 Test Circuit Test record Card SMC9A to made for separate data entry form Web-Interface- Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
for each of the Register IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
TC. SN 1 to 21 to be one time entry with editable form and rest of the entry
from SM 22 to 45
to measured and recorded every six months as per DSMG. Similarly for
SMC9C and other
type of TC to be made. Report to be generated for part I for all the TC and
Part II as per the
format given in DSMG.
1.10.3 Test Results of Motor Points SMC12- It shall be as per the format. The Web-Interface- Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
initial data be is taken Register IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
from the details filled earlier which is editable form and to fill measurements
operating values
and other details to be shown in the single blank row.
1.10.4 Cable Testing and Megger Measurements SMC 13A & B- These shall be as Web-Interface- Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
per the format Register IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
for each of the cable. The initial details of 13A for Sr 1 to 11 to be filled for
which data entry
form shall be designed. Table of record shall be generated automatically
after meggering is
over of each of the cable in which date of testing and defective conductors
shall automatically appear as per the date on which measurement done and
test result of meggering for the
conductors leass than 20 mega Ohm, to be shown in blue, less than 10 M
Ohm in Yellow and
less than 5 M Ohm in Red. SMC 13B report to appear as per format and for
measurements suitable data entry form shall be developed.
1.10.5 Battery Cell and Power Equipment Measurements – SMC13A for Battery Web-Interface- Maintenance Latest version – 01701-BTPL- Pass
Voltage and Register IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
Specific Gravity measurement, the first data SN 1 to 7 shall be for each type
of battery bank
provided at the station or mid section and for measurement different data
entry form to be
made. Similarly for Power Supply Equipment measurements.

1.10.6 Earth Resistance Measurements SMC15- First data entry form to be made Web-Interface- Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
like SN 1 in DDM Register IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
OF Signal/DAC/Relay Room and rest in entry filling form, these shall be
editable. Nest part to
be data recording form as per table.
1.10.7 Initial parameters or permissible limit will be entered for each kind of Web-Interface- Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
measurement for each Register IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
of the format and Exceptional report to be generated if derivation in
parameter is beyond
tolerance limit.
1.10.8 Major alarm to be generated if parameters not entered in two consecutive due Web-Interface- Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
schedules. Register IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
1.11 Replacement Record- Web-Interface

1.11.1 Record of LED Lamps & Current Regulator SMC1- This Record shall be Web-Interface – - Maintenance Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
generated for each Register IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
of the Signal, from Initial entries and subsequent entries of replacement
done. The prompts
to make sure shall be shown in the data entry format for replacement also.
Similarly SMC2
shall be generated as per DSMG instructions for each type and make of LED
signal aspect
and automatically calculating life hours based on replacement hisotry. Index
shall for all the
signals shall be automatically made so that to view the record of concerned
signal, it can be
1.11.2 Record of fuses SMC5 & 6 shall be developed as the details contained in DSMG Web-Interface- SMC Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
format. IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -

1.11.3 Relay Replacement Record SMC7-This shall be first entering all type of Web-Interface- SMC Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
relays installed at IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
various locations and initial record to made by providing suitable data base
entry in MIS. The
suggested fields are each type of relay or relay group
a. Select Type of Relay Main Drop Down Menu
b. Then each selected type of relay one can enter all the relays of that type
installed at that
station or in secton.
c. The other fields of this MIS be as per SMC7 and all fields be in DDM,
except Sr. No. of Relay
and Last Date of OH, Date put in , Date Removed to be from calendar, in
DOH the manu shall
also have NA. Position in relay rack or location shall be manually entered.
column to be added with DDM as per RDSO list. This will facilitate to
generate various type
reposts of relays, total number, make wise, year wise, station wise, failure
year wise, failure
from the date of Manufacture i.e. within one year, 2, 3, and so on, due for OH or
as required.
1.11.4 Replacement and Test record of GJ/IBJ to be maintained in the format Web-Interface- SMC Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
SMC10. IBJ/GJ No. to IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
be taken from track bonding plan.
1.11.5 Mid Life Replacement (MLR) SMC 17- The data entry form for each of the Web-Interface- SMC Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
equipment to be IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
made separately and equipment type shall be selectable from DDM. There
shall be table of
content to have details of equipment type, then equipment number and MLR
which shall facilitate to generate exceptional report of equipment due for
replacement as per
MLR, during the year or year wise. Next shall be to select equipment and
then number and fill
up replacement date.

1.12 Work Register SMC 18, the data entry form it to be made so that it shall help Web-Interface- SMC Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
in making tender IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
schedule for SSMC.
1.13 DCN Module: Linking of maintenance activities of Signal requiring Web-Interface NA NA
Disconnection Memos (DCN).
This Module shall be made to monitor DCN activities and acceptance of
DCN. This shall be (It is not in the
current scope of
made as under-
(Project Phase-
I), It may be
included in
Project Phase-II).
1.13.1 Select type of gear like Point, Signal, Track Circuit, Axle Counter, Complete Web-Interface NA NA (It is not in the
EI. This shall be current scope of
selectable from DDM and gear no. to be disconnected from DDM. It shall be customer
possible to requirement
(Project Phase- I),
select more than one gear so after selecting one gear next prompt shall be do
It may be included
you want to in Project Phase-
disconnect additional gear. Similar facility shall be to reconnect one by one or all II).
1.13.2 It shall then ask for Option for maintenance/ Replacement/Works/Construction Web-Interface NA NA (It is not in the
current scope of
(Project Phase- I),
It may be included
in Project Phase-
1.13.3 In case of Maintenance ask to Select maintenance Schedule No. Web-Interface NA NA (It is not in the
current scope of
(Project Phase- I),
It may be included
in Project Phase-

1.13.4 Display DCN (Disconnection Memo) Form Web-Interface NA NA
a. By default date, SN, Stn. Name, offered time should be filled up
b. Enter Gear No. from table (by default).
c. Period of DCN required in Hours & Minutes.
d. Print the DCN. (It is not in the
e. After print command, previous entries shall be fixed ie. uneditable. current scope of
(Project Phase-
I), It may be
included in
Project Phase-II).
1.13.5 There should be DCN Table for Each Station / section Web-Interface NA NA
1 Gear No. disconnected
2 Line Affected
3 Signal Affected (It is not in the
current scope
of customer
Phase- I), It
may be
included in
Project Phase-

1.13.6 There should be another table of Maintenance Schedule & Disconnection Web-Interface NA NA
required or not for
the required maintenance schedule.
1 Maintenance Schedule (It is not in the
2 DCN Required/Not required current scope
of customer
Phase- I), It
may be
included in
Project Phase-
1.13.7 If DCN is given, automatically display form for filling parameters if DCN Web-Interface NA
given as per table for NA (It is not in the
the work which require DCN. Otherwise don’t accept maintenance schedule current scope
entry & ask for of customer
issue of DCN. In rest of the schedule, automatically display DCN form. requirement
Phase- I), It
may be
included in
Project Phase-
2 Joint Inspection of Point & Crossing and Track Circuit Module – This Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile
module shall be made application only
for having the record of inspection, summarize deficiencies and monitor
compliance. The
password for opening of this MIS shall be two separately for Engineering
and Signalling
2.1 The point number shall be selectable from data, through DDM and it shall Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile
catch current date as application only
date of inspection.

2.2 Against each of the item of inspection, for each point there shall be DDM Like – Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
application only
2.2.1 Condition of LH Tounge Rail –Not Worn Out/Worn Out Requires Replacement Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
application only
2.2.2 Condition of RH Tounge Rail –Not Worn Out/Worn Out Requires Replacement Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
application only
2.2.3 Condition of LH Stock Rail –Not Worn Out/Worn Out Requires Replacement Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
application only
2.2.4 Condition of RH Stock Rail –Not Worn Out/Worn Out Requires Replacement Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
application only
2.2.5 Condition of packing of point Layout with our without MSP- Properly Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
Packed/Racking application only
2.2.6 Housing of Switch Rail with Stock Rail on LH Side (with no excessive Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
spring) if any Jimcrowing application only
required- Full Housing up to 5 sleepers/Housing up to 4 sleepers attention
Housing up to 3 sleepers attention required/ Housing up to 2 sleepers
attention required/
Housing up to 1 sleepers attention required/ Housing only at Toe attention
2.2.7 Housing of Switch Rail with Stock Rail on RH Side (with no excessive Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
spring) if any Jimcrowing application only
required- Full Housing up to 5 sleepers/Housing up to 4 sleepers attention
Housing up to 3 sleepers attention required/ Housing up to 2 sleepers
attention required/
Housing up to 1 sleepers attention required/ Housing only at Toe attention
2.2.8 Resting of Tongue Rail on slide chairs LH-Complete Resting/floating Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
application only
2.2.9 Resting of Tongue Rail on slide chairs RH-Complete Resting/floating Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
application only

2.2.10 Condition, Adequacy and Tightness of complete fittings – All fittings Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
tight/Fittings application only
Loose/Fitting Loose & Missing/Stock Bolt Loose/Stock Bolt Missing/Chair
plate broken. (This
shall be with faculty to tick the concerned field so that more than one filed can be
2.2.11 Whether Tongue Rails are in square more than 15 mm out of square to be Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
attended- In application only
Square/Out of Square by less than 5 mm/ Out of Square by less than 10 mm/
Out of Square
by less than 15 mm/ Out of Square by more than 15 mm.
2.2.12 Whether any Burr on Stock/Tongue Rail obstructing Movement of Lock Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
Bar/Housing of application only
Switch etc. (LH Side)- No Burr/Burr to be attended
2.2.13 Whether any Burr on Stock/Tongue Rail obstructing Movement of Lock Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
Bar/Housing of application only
Switch etc. (RH Side)- No Burr/Burr to be attended
2.2.14 Opening of Switch at Toe in mm (95-115 mm for BG and 220mm for Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
TWS)LH Side application only
2.2.15 Opening of Switch at Toe in mm (95-115 mm for BG and 220mm for Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Latest version – 201701-BTPL- NA
TWS)RH Side -<95mm/ IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Mob-UM -
2.2.16 The clearance between leading stretcher & bottom of Rail not to exceed 1.5 Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
mm. Nuts and application only
Bolts provided are of standard size- <1.5mm/1.5……25mm/>25mm. Nuts
and Bolts of
standard size/Standard size Nuts & Bolts to be provided
2.2.17 Gauge at the Toe of the Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
Switch-zero/>-5mm/-5…..-1mm/+5mm…..+1mm/>+5mm application only
2.2.18 Obstruction Test with 5 mm –Withstood/Required Adjustment Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
application only
2.2.19 Gauge Tie Plate is of standard size, chair plate fixing Nuts/Bolts are tight. Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
No Gap between application only
MS Strap revitted on Gauge Tie Plate and Chair Plate – Standard size/Requires

2.2.20 Switch Setting Device –Working Properly/Needs Adjustment/Pressure Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
inadequate,-Clearance application only
at JOH -<40 mm/04………..70mm, Lubrication –Proper/Needs Lubrication,
Needs replacement
2.2.21 Any Other Item – Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
application only
2.3 Track Circuits – Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile
application only
2.3.1 Ballast is clear of the foot of the rail not less than 50 mm, through out track Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
circuit- Clear/Not application only
Clear Require clearance
2.3.2 Whether track is having proper drainage and no possibility of water Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
stagnating due to application only
mud/garbage with ballast etc.?-Proper drainage available/Proper drainage
not available/Drainage needs clearance (These shall be selectable by tick for
one or more
2.3.3 Whether insulated joints are square and well packed? – In square/Not in Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
square have to be application only
provided at proper place/Properly packed/Require packing. (These shall be
selectable by tick
for one or more options)
2.3.4 J Clips are provided and not touching fish plate at insulated joint.-J Clips Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
Provided/J Clips not application only
provided/Pendrol clip touching fish plate. (These shall be selectable by tick
for one or more
2.3.5 On girder bridge with metallic channel sleepers insulation of is proper- Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
Proper/Worn out needs application only
2.3.6 Metal flow at joints is not shorting track circuit – No metal flow/Metal flow Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
& may short, needs application only

2.3.7 Whether longer fish bolts are provided at block joints & holes are of Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
standard size?-Yes/Not application only
proper & need attention
2.3.8 Whether planned fish plates are used on block joints – Yes/No & need Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
replacement application only
2.3.9 Whether the gap between the rail ends is sufficient to accommodate the end Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
post and the rail application only
ends are smooth square and clear of burrs and Battered ends at insulated
gap/gap has to be made sufficient/rail ends smooth & no burr/Rail ends need
(These shall be selectable by tick for one or more options)
2.3.10 Proper insulation of rails of L-xing provided- Provided/Not provided needs Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
attention application only
2.3.11 Nos. of defective sleepers-0/1……..20 Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
application only
2.3.12 Nos. of Liners missings-0/1….100/>100 Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
application only
2.3.13 Nos. of Pads missing -0/1…100/>100 Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Applicable for Mobile NA
application only
3 Signal Incidences Monitoring Web-Interface (It is not in the
Module should monitor signal incidences which include signal bobbing, current scope of
signal blanking and other requirement (Project
incidence monitoring in signal and to be customized as per site requirement Phase- I), It may be
included in Project

4 Remote Information Monitoring Web-Interface-SFR Applicable for Mobile Pass
The SFR module shall provide mobile application for registering faults from application only
fields along with web
based access for accessing SFR, reason of failure , date time stamp etc.
All signaling gears failure history shall be stored in the central database and
accessible from web
application as and when required. The SFR report module shall be available
for download and print .
The formats for SFR will be provided by Railways during implementation
which needs to be integrated
with Asset management system.
In addition, Codal Life notification module shall be provided for the asset for
managing codal life of
signaling gears. The gears whose codal life is likely to expire in configurable
time shall be notified to
mobile user and also shall be displayed on web based dashboard.
5 Telecom Assets Maintenance Web-Interface-AMC Applicable for Mobile Pass
Telecom asset maintenance module as per S&T guidelines and to be application only
customized as per site
6 Asset Register Web-Interface-Asset Register Applicable for Mobile Pass
application only
Asset register module will be maintain details of all S&T assets / gears
of station. Asset details include its relevant datasheet if available, asset
type, name, name of supplier and to be customized as per site
7 Statistics of Signal & Telecom: Web-Interface-MIS report Applicable for Mobile Pass
application only
Complete statistics of Signal & telecom assets in tabular form and to
be customized as per site
8 Alerts for Midlife Rehabilitation: Web-Interface (It is not in the current scope of NA
Alert generation for any gears or assets or items if it passes through its at customer requirement (For
Project Phase- I), It may be
least midlife of its included in Project Phase-II as
expiry period and to be customized as per site requirement per further customer

9 Module should have MCDO, Periodical/Annual/Monthly/Weekly Web-Interface (It is not in the current scope of NA
Achievements at division and to customer requirement (For
Project Phase- I), It may be
be customized as per requirement included in Project Phase-II as
per further customer
10 Drawing and Documents Monitoring: Web-Interface (It is not in the current scope of NA
Module shall be there to keep database of all drawings and documents of customer requirement (For
Project Phase- I), It may be
gears and shall be included in Project Phase-II as
available through searching criteria and to be customized as per requirement per further customer
11 Inspections Monitoring: Web-Interface-Joint Inspection Latest version – 201701-BTPL- Pass
Module for Gears inspection data/results and shall be available through IR-MIS-P1-PIVV-Web-UM -
searching and to be
customized as per requirement
12 Action Plan/Prime/FAP : Web-Interface (It is not in the current scope of NA
Module should be customized as per requirement customer requirement (For
Project Phase- I), It may be
included in Project Phase-II as
per further customer

5 Non-Functional Requirement Specification of MIS(Phase-1)


Description Functional Test Case Number

MIS - Web-Interface Fail

1 The system should use secure software/TCP-IP sockets in all transactions that include Web-Interface
any confidential customer information.

2 The system shall automatically log out all customers after a period of specified/ Web-Interface

defined inactivity.

3 The system shall not leave any cookies on the customer’s computer containing the Web-Interface

user’s password and other confidential information.

4 The product shall be based on web and must be run from a web server. Web-Interface

5 The product shall take initial load time depending on internet connection Web-Interface
strength which also depends on the media from which the product is run.
6 The performance shall depend upon hardware components of the Web-Interface
6.1 Response Time – The Performance of application should not be hampering and Web-Interface

totally depend on the Network users is using in the field. The ideal time of
response of the application should be in 0.1sec to 10sec.
6.2 Workload – Application should be totally tested on the high workload; the system Web-Interface

should be capable of supporting the maximum users.

6.3 Scalability – Application should be extensible as per more traffic/ User transactions Web-Interface

and feature requirement.

6.4 Application should be adaptable to the minor upgrades of the Platform. Web-Interface

There should be a provision to modify the application according to change in underlying


6. Hardware and Software Requirement
Following hardware and software would be required:
Item Note


1 Tablet – Android Tablet Complied per as Tender

2 Server – Intel Xeon E3- Complied per as Tender

3 Server UPS – UPS & Battery Complied per as Tender
back for 30 Minutes
4 PC – Desktop 202 MT core 15 Complied per as Tender
5 PC UPS – UPS & Battery back Complied per as Tender
for 10 Minutes
5 PC Modem (GSM)– Airtel 4G / Complied per as Tender
Sim Card or similar
6 Tablet O.S. - Android 5.0 or Complied per as Tender
7 Server O.S.– MS Windows Complied per as Tender
Server 2012 Standard or above

8 PC O.S. – WIN 8.1 PRO or Complied per as Tender


9 Web-Server Application (Over Complied per as Tender

Windows Server)
10 Web-Client link with User Complied per as Tender
Credentials (Over Chrome or
similar Web Browser)
7. Acceptance and signatures
By signing this certificate the project leader of the customer declares the proper acceptance of the delivered
system. The project leader declares to have no further claims towards JO Software Engineering GmbH in
context of ordered items, under reserve of the list of deficiencies and possible warranty claims.

Project leaders
Name Date/Location Function Signature






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