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The nominal level of measurement is represented in which variable below?

A .fear of crime
B. temperature
C. income
D. gender
The ordinal level of measurement is represented in which variable below?
A. fear of crime
B. temperature
C. income
D. gender

Ratio level of measurement is the only level to have: indicator of magnitude
B. arithmetic manipulation
C. exhaustive categorization
D. absolute zero

Levels of measurement refers to:

A.the stair-like process involved in measuring
B. the essence of what numbers mean
C.the use of variance to determine error in numbers
D. the difficulty involved in measuring

Measurement is
A. any time numbers are used
B. the use of numbers to represent concepts
C. the primary concern of statistical power
D. all of the above
The meaning of a number is a product of:
A . Its use in a statistic
B. the level of measurement
C. its relationship to some condition
D. all of the above

Numbers can be added if they are at the least

A. ordinal level
B. nominal level
C. interval level
D. metric ordinal level

Which of the following levels of measurement provides the most information?

A. ratio
B. nominal
C. cardinal
D. ordinal

Which of the following variables would be most difficult to operationally define?

A. anxiety
B. intelligence
C. theory
D. athletic ability

What scale of measurement has the properties of identity and magnitude only?
A. interval
B. nominal
C. ratio
D. ordinal
What can we legitimately say about the relationship between the scores of two
participants on class ranking where person A is ranked fifth and person B is
ranked fifteenth?

A. Person A and person B are different on class rank.

B. Person B is ranked higher than person A.
C. Person A is ranked three times higher than person B.
D. all of the above

What type of data will be produced if the variable measured is " A. ordered data
B. nominal data
C. score data
D. It would depend on how the variable is operationally defined.

If the capacity of short-term memory is operationally defined as the number of

single digits that can be remembered by a participant, the type of data produced
will be
A. ordered data.
B. nominal data.
C. score data.
D. none of the above

Carefully defined operational definitions

A. will assure that the measure is both valid and reliable.
B. will assure that the measure is valid, but not necessarily reliable.
C. will assure that the measure is reliable, but not necessarily valid.
D. none of the above

What is the relationship between the reliability and the validity of a measure?
A. A valid measure must have reliability.
B. A reliable measure must have validity.
C. There is no relationship between the reliability of a measure and the validity of the
D. Reliability and validity are different ways of looking at the same concept.
The order in which participants complete a task is an example of what level of
A. Interval
B. Nominal
C. Ordinal
D. Ratio

What level of measurement would be used if participants were asked to choose

their favorite picture from a set of six?
A. Ordinal
B. Interval
C. Nominal
D. Ratio

The statistical term that is used to describe a summary of information from


A description that is used for population.


It refers to the correctness or truthfulness of a measure.

It refers to the sharpness to define a measure.
A research objective of a researcher is as follows:
To determine the extent of relationship between academic performance and and
school related activity affiliations of a student.
What is the independent variable in this objective?

A research objective of a researcher is as follows:

To determine the extent of relationship between academic performance and and
school related activity affiliations of a student.
What is the dependent variable in this objective?

Refer to the research objective of q22. What is a possible confounding variable?


Refer to the research objective of q22. What is a possible extraneous variable?


If an experimenter is interested in investigating the causal relationship between two

variables, what would be the best strategy?
(a) Operationally define both measures, and carefully measure each.
(b) Define which of the variables is to be the organismic variable.
(c) Use a nonmanipulated independent variable in a differential research design.
(d) Operationally define one of the variables as a manipulated independent variable in
an experimental design.

What characteristics or mathematical properties would the variable "gender of the

participant" possess?
(a) identity only
(b) identity and magnitude
(c) magnitude only
(d) identity, magnitude, equal interval, and a true zero

Which of the following operational definitions of variables would have the properties of
identity, magnitude, equal intervals, and a true zero?
(a) IQ as measured by a standard IQ test.
(b) Driving speed measured in miles per hour.
(c) Political affiliation (classified as Democrat, Republican, or other).
(d) A person's body temperature measured on a Celsius scale.

If the capacity of short-term memory is operationally defined as the number of single

digits that can be remembered by a participant, the type of data produced will be
(a) ordered data.
(b) nominal data.
(c) score data.
(d) none of the above

Measurement error
(a) will distort the scores.
(b) can affect both the reliability and the validity of the measures.
(c) may result from a social-desirability response set.
(d) all of the above

Which of the following errors will reduce the validity of a measure of the weight of a
person without reducing the reliability of the measure?
(a) The scale is not properly adjusted so that it always gives a reading that is six pounds
too low.
(b) participants are weighed wearing whatever clothes they happen to be wearing when
they walk into the laboratory.
(c) Two different scales, each properly calibrated to give accurate readings, are used.
(d) all of the above

Carefully defined operational definitions

(a) will assure that the measure is both valid and reliable.
(b) will assure that the measure is valid, but not necessarily reliable.
(c) will assure that the measure is reliable, but not necessarily valid.
(d) none of the above
Which of the following would be a good operational definition for the manipulated
independent variable of "level of anxiety"?
(a) A person's score on a well validated measure of anxiety.
(b) A person's self-report of how anxious he or she was in a given situation.
(c) The characteristics of the situation each person was placed in as part of the study
(e.g., a performance task where the researcher has rigged the task so that some
participants almost always succeed and others almost always fail, regardless of their
actual performance).
(d) The performance of participants on the task described in (c) above.

Which of the following operational definitions of a variable would suffer from an effective
range problem?
(a) A standard IQ test administered to high school seniors in a study of the relationship
of intelligence to dating patterns.
(b) A very difficult mathematics reasoning test given to a group of college mathematics
majors in a study to determine the effects of high anxiety on test performance.
(c) A standard bathroom scale to measure the weight of chickens in a study to
determine how chicken size affects pecking order.
(d) A wristwatch with a second hand to measure the time it takes students to solve 10
anagram problems in a study of the effects of noise on problem-solving speed.

What is the relationship between the reliability and the validity of a measure?
(a) A valid measure must have reliability.
(b) A reliable measure must have validity.
(c) There is no relationship between the reliability of a measure and the validity of the
(d) Reliability and validity are different ways of looking at the same concept.

Which type of reliability would provide an index of the stability of a variable?

(a) interrater reliability
(b) test-retest reliability
(c) intersubject stability
(d) internal consistency reliability

20. Which of the following signs indicates the need for sputum examination for

a. Cough for 3 weeks

O b. Chest pain for 1 week
Oc. Hematemesis
O d. None of the above
O e. Fever for 1 week

5. What is the primary purpose of conducting an epidemiologic investigation?

O a. Identify groups who are at risk of contracting the disease
Ob. Encourage cooperation and support of the community
OcIdentify geographical location of cases of the disease in the community
d. Delineate the etiology of the epidemic
O e. All of the above

12. Which of the following best demonstrates inter-sectoral linkages?

O a. Team approach
b. Cooperation between Public health worker and public-school teacher
Oc.Two-way referral system
O d. All of the above
e. Endorsement done by a midwife to another midwife

21. Which of the following patients is considered targets for DOTS?

O a. Relapses and failures of previous PTB treatment regimens

O b. Clients returning after default
O c.All of the above
d. Patients diagnosed for the first time through a positive sputum exam
O e. Sputum negative cavitary cases

27. An 8-year-old boy was brought to the health center with chief complaint of severe
diarrhea and the passage of "rice water". The patient is most probably suffering from

O a. None of the above

O b. Gastroenteritis
O c. Ameobiasis
d. Cholera
O e. Dysentery

4. The eldest child of the Arturo family has been diagnosed with mental retardation. This
dassified as

a. Two of the above

b.Health deficit
Oc. Health threat
O d. None of the above
Oe. Foreseeable crisis
49. The network of health facilities and personnel which carries out the task of rendering
health care to the people is known as
O a. Health Care Delivery System
O b. Health Care Delivery
c.Philippine Health Care System
d. Health Care Systern

16. The method of population assignment during census that is based on the actual
location of the people is called

a. De facto method
b. None of the above
OcDe jure method
O d. Two of the above
O e. De novo method
13. Which demographic tool may be used to best describe the sex composition of a
O a. Sex proportion, sex ratio, Population pyramid and Crude birth rate
O b. Sex ratio and Population pyramid
cSex proportion, Sex ratio, and Population pyramid
d. Population pyramid and Crude birth rate
O e. Sex proportion and Sex ratio

Median, mode, deciles and percentiles are all considered as measures of

a. sample averages
b. averages of position
c. population averages
d. mathematical averages
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
averages of position

Twenty four people had a blood test and the results are shown below.
A , B , B , AB , AB , B , O , O , AB , O , B , A
AB , A , O , O , AB , B , O , A , AB , O , B , A
What measure of central tendency can best describe these data?
a. Mean
b. Percentile
c. Mode
d. Median
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:

The summation of the linear deviations from the mean for a set of data will always be:
a. Zero
the absolute value of the mean.
c. Negative
d. Positive
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:

A random sample of 121 bottles of cologne showed an average content of 4 ounces. It

is known that the standard deviation of the contents (i.e., of the
population) is 0.22 ounces. In this problem the 0.22 is
a. the standard error of the mean
b. Statistic
c. a parameter
d. The average content of colognes in the long run
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
the standard error of the mean

If a value represents the 95th percentile, this means:

a. there is a 5% chance that this value is incorrect
b. 95% of the time you will observe this value
c. 95% of all values are above this point
d. 95% of all values are below this point
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
95% of all values are below this point

A manager asked her employees how many times they had donated blood in the last
year. The results of the
survey are given below. The random variable x represents the number of times a
person gave blood and P(x)
represents the probability of selecting an employee who had given blood that percent of
the time. What is the
mean number of times a person gave blood based on this survey?
P(x) 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.12 0.07 0.04 0.02
a. 1.4
b. 2.0
c. 1.6
d. 3.0
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:

Which of the following statements about a discrete random variable and its probability
distribution are true?
a. Values of f(x) must be greater than or equal to zero.
b. Values of the random variable can never be negative.
c. The values of f(x) increase to a maximum point and then decrease
d. Some negative values of f(x) are allowed as long as Sf(x) = 1.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Some negative values of f(x) are allowed as long as Sf(x) = 1.

Which of the following are the two most commonly used measures of variability?
a. Variance and mode
b. Variance and standard deviation
c. Sample mean, and sample variance
d. Mean and range
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Variance and standard deviation

Which of the following is NOT a descriptive statistic?

a. Percentile
b. Standard deviation
c. Mean
d. t-test
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:

The median can also be described as:

a. the second quartile
b. the 50th percentile
c. All of these
d. the middle observation when the data is arranged in ascending order
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
All of these

A lab orders a shipment of 100 rats a week, 52 weeks a year, from a rat supplier for
experiments that the lab conducts. Prices for each weekly shipment
of rats follow the distribution respectively:
Price P100.00 P125.00 P150.00
Probability 0.25 0.15 0.6
Suppose the mean cost of the rats turned out to be P133.38 per week. Interpret this
a. The average cost for all weekly rat purchases is P133.80
b. Most of the weeks resulted in rat costs of P133.80
c. The rat cost that occurs more often than any other is P133.80
d. The median cost for the distribution of rat costs is P133.80
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
The average cost for all weekly rat purchases is P133.80

Which of the following is NOT a measure of variability?

a. range
b. mean absolute deviation
c. standard deviation
d. percentile
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
If the mean of a data set if 95, the standard deviation is 5, and the median is 88. What is
the skewness index of the distribution?
a. 3.2
b. 3.2
c. 3.5
d. 2.3
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:

The purpose of descriptive statistics is to.

a. determine if the sample data accurately describe the population.
b. All of these
c. help us decide whether population means are equal.
d. simplify and organize large sets of data.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
All of these

Which of the following measures of central tendency could be computed on a variable

that is measured on a nominal scale of measurement?
a. Mean
b. Mode
c. Any of these
d. Median
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:

Which of the following measures of central tendency can have more than one value in a
single sample?
a. Mode
b. none of these
c. Median
d. Mean
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:

In percentile analysis, if there are 4500 cases in a data set. How many belong to
percentile 40?
a. 60% of the data set
b. 40% of the data set
c. Upper 40% of the data set
d. Lower 40% of the data set
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
40% of the data set

Given a normal distribution with u=100 and s=10, what is the probability that X>75?
a. 0.25
b. 0.49
c. 0.99
d. 0.45
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:

A group of 920 students took a qualifying exam, if the company considers 150 qualifiers,
what is the percentile requirement of the company?
a. Percentile 85
b. Percentile 87
c. Percentile 84
d. Percentile 86
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Percentile 84

Which measure of variability could remain unchanged if one score in the sample
decreased by 10 points?
a. Standard deviation
b. Range
c. Variance
d. All of these measure would always change if one score were changed.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:

Which of the following is not a morbidity measure?

a. Incidence Ratio
b. Prevalence Rate
c. Crude Rate
d. Risk Ratio
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Crude Rate

If in a data set, there are 680 cases what is the percentile rank of top 50?
a. Percentile 93
b. Percentile 95
c. Percentile 7
d. Percentile 70

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is:
Percentile 7
The distinction between the average deviation and the variance is
a. the average deviation is the square root of the variance
b. the variance is the square of the standard deviation
the average deviation is the average distance each score is from the mean whereas the
variance in the average squared distance each score is
from the mean.
the average deviation is the square of the variance.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is:
the variance is the square of the standard deviation

What does percentile 50 mean?

a. Decile 5
b. Median
c. all of these
d. Quartile 2
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
all of these

75% If an individual claims that he belong to percentile 85 out of 500 individuals, what is
his rank in relation to the group?
a. 75
b. 75%
c. Top 75
d. top 15
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Top 75

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