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Neamin behaylu ugr/172013/12
Meselech amsalu ugr/170870/12
Dawit debelo ugr/171719/12
Nathnael alemayew ugr/171605/12
-Arbaminch city is a city and separate woreda in southern Ethiopia. Located in the gamo
zone of the south Ethiopia region about 500km south of addis ababa, at an elevation of
1285m abouve sea is the largest town in gam zone. It surrounded by arbaminch zuria
-Arbaminch received its name for the abundant local springs which produce a ground water
forest. Located at the base of western side of the great rift valley, arbaminch consists of
the uptown administrative centre of shecha and 4km away the downtown commercial and
residential areas of sikela, which are connected by apaved road. On the eastern side of
FROM THE SITE TO THE BUS STATION DISTANCE IS sikela is the gate to nechisar national park, which covers the isthmus between lake abaya to
-850 M the north and lake chamo to the south. Buses and taxis connect the uptown and downtown
- 15 MIN WITH WALK mo.
-The selected site is located at the heart of arbamnch city, where the main activity of
this kind of transportation access gives our site a good the site is predominantly commercial and religious area,
opportunities to be easly accessible from every where -Site dimensions 134m*95m
-Area =12730m2

Historical background
Historical use of our site: - according to our data
that we collected while we were on our site visit it
used to be used as a cemetery or as a burial ground
for the locals because of the reason that the site
belongs to the ST Gabriel church located right Infront
of it across the road.
Current use of our site: - currently our site is being
used as a temporary place where some of arbami-
nchs cars staying spot benefiting the church and the
city at the same time. also the site is being leveled
and ready for the use of construction of a twin com-
mercial building being constructed for the church by
the church and almost 30 % of the first half building
is being completed while our site is still being used
as a parking.

• Urban Fabric: Analyze the urban context of Arba Minch to ensure that
the hotel design fits harmoniously within the existing fabric of the city.

2016 2020

the road map are the same and the current the school behind the site is built
site is almost empity and the buildings are
more scattered and tourist was there



the shade houses are built

all of this years building activity is low
the environments became more compacted
compared to the the other place
and the site is still the same
-The analysis helps us to know the current pattern of development and serves as the frame-
work for formulating how land will used in the future.
-Our site is dominated by commercial so it is a great direction for our proposal to work on
something which is important for the commercial community.

existing land use

the surrounding of the site is growing bit by bit and that kind of growth can help our site more wanted to
visit and our project can provide lot of advantage to the surrounding area to grow fast






The east direction of the site has more desirable

view especially to the lakes and landscapes so
skyline or low rise building in that direction shows
that hotel program which needs view should be above
BUILT AND UNBUILT ground floor be above ground floor.
Most of buildings at our site is constructed at
ground level. the building which is above g+1 UNBUILT Biophilic Design Considerations:
is not to much.
and the building above g+2 and g+3 is rare. BUILT Framing Views: there are attractive lakes to
the built space has more percent coverage showcase, design elements like large windows or
than unbuilt space. balconies strategically to frame those views.
Minimizing Obstructions: If a building blocks a scenic view,
consider adjusting the hotel layout or incorporating design
elements like rooftop gardens to offer alternative viewpoints.
Complementary Design: there is interesting landscaping,
that might be considered in incorporating some subtle
design elements that complement it, creating a sense of
visual harmony.
-When we analyze the topography of site it helps us to study the natural slope of the
ground and future of the site.
B -It also allows as to see the shape, physical detail, ground form, boundary and existing
natural features of the site.
B -The site has a very little range of slope which ranges from 4055m – 4077m.
-The site is gentle slope so it doesn’t cause extra cost for excavation to prepare area for
the proposed area to be done on the area.

Arterial Road: High traffic volume and noise -The main road has hierarchy due to its location
pollution will likely be the most significant and purpose which is connected to sikella
drawbacks of your location.
Unpaved Pedestrian Road: The unpaved condition
ROAD MAP to secha and the rest 4 roads has less hierarchy
such as local roads because they have
might deter guests and create dust issues.
Collector Road: Depending on traffic volume and less traffic and it leads to the residential and to
weather conditions, this road could contribute to the commercial.
dust problems.
-There are many transportational terminal in our
Opportunities: site. It increases the accessibility of the
site from many directions.
Arterial Road Buffer: The arterial road can be turned into
an advantage by creating a buffer zone between it and -The site has strong connection to st. gebre’al church, gimash
the hotel.
square, kalehiwot church and also nechisar hospital due to
Pedestrian Access Improvement: Upgrading taxi and other means of transportation.
the pedestrianroad can enhance the hotel's appeal and encourage There is high traffic;
walking/cycling access. • 1:00AM – 3:30AM • 10:00 – 1:30p
Open Space Potential (Collector Road Side): The collector
road side presents a unique opportunity to create a serene
Adjacent to the main road around gimash there is a green
environment through biophilic design. space, it creates a beauty and
increase the quality of the road.
Biophilic Design Strategies: Materials of road: - asphalt, cobblestone, pista
Condition: - the site has enough circulation road and it has
an access for alltypes of vehi
Noise Buffer: A multi-layered approach is recommended: -
cles and pedestrians.
Arterial Road Side: Plant a dense hedge or install soundproof Problems: - the site has almost all types of road but from what
windows to mitigate noise pollution. we analyse
-The road is poorly maintained
Collector Road Side: Use a combination of shrubs, trees, and -The road is no enough signage
noise-reducing fences to create an additional barrier. -There is hilly and fold roads and places.
Air Filtration Plants: Incorporate indoor plants throughout the
hotel, specifically near entrances and high-traffic areas, to
improve indoor air quality and potentially mitigate dust issues.

Pedestrian-Friendly Access: Partner with local

authorities to upgrade the pedestrian road with:
Paving stones for a more comfortable walking surface. collector(cobble)
Lighting for safety and nighttime use.
Greenery like trees and shrubs to create a more inviting atmosphere.
Benches, and public art to encourage pedestrian activity. collector(soil)
Sun path
-Sun path in arbaminch city is slightly changeable accordance to its season.
and December the
direction of the sun path is from north east to south west direction (NE-SW).
-And the next months which are between December and march (December, January,
February and march) in this the sun path will be normal it goes east to north.
-Local is the strongest wind comes from abaya lake which have the strong potential
for cooling the town.
- The privaling wind cames from the gourge side.
-Mostly disturbing sounds are produced from vehicles and market place which is
close to our site.

• Sun and Wind Patterns: Study the sun path and prevailing wind
directions to optimize natural ventilation, daylighting, and thermal
SOUND comfort in the hotel design.
• Utilize the site's orientation and natural features to optimize
passive heating and cooling strategies for energy efficiency and
guest comfort.
• Incorporate shading devices, natural ventilation systems, and
thermal mass to mitigate the impact of the local climate conditions.

-the second one is the sound of the church whitch

makes the hotel more interesting and more
Morning Sunrise (06:25):

The sun's altitude is 0.20°, indicating that it is very close to the horizon.
This means the sunlight will be soft and gentle, creating a calm and peaceful
The sun's azimuth is -101.57°, positioning it towards the east. Consider
incorporating large windows or outdoor spaces facing east to capture
the beautiful morning sunrise and provide guests with stunning views.


Midday Sun (12:09):

Mid-morning Sun (09:04):
The sun's altitude is 82.76°, which means it is close to the zenith
The sun's altitude is 39.09°, indicating that it has risen significantly (overhead position). This results in intense and direct sunlight,
from the horizon. This will provide ample daylight and a brighter creating bright and well-lit spaces.
environment. The sun's azimuth is -136.58°, indicating that it has moved
The sun's azimuth is -100.01°, indicating that it is still positioned towards the southeast. This will influence the lighting and
towards the east. This means that areas facing east will continue to shadow patterns in your design.
receive direct sunlight. Implement shading elements such as overhangs, awnings, or
Consider designing spaces like lounges, breakfast areas, or outdoor vegetation to reduce the direct sunlight during the hottest
seating that can benefit from the morning sunlight. Use materials hours of the day. This will help maintain comfortable
and colors that enhance the natural light and create a warm and temperatures and prevent glare
inviting atmosphere

Afternoon (15:07) and Evening (18:08):

The sun's altitude ranges from 50.69° to 6.37° during this period, indicating a gradual
descent towards the horizon. The light will become softer and warmer, creating a cozy
The sun's azimuth ranges from 100.50° to 100.80°, indicating a westward movement.
This allows for spaces facing west to benefit from the afternoon and evening sun.
Consider designing outdoor seating areas, terraces, or balconies facing west to take
advantage of the warm afternoon and evening light. This can provide an enjoyable
space for guests to relax and enjoy the sunset
Existing water line Existing drainage system

Existing electric line There is enough electric, road and water supply. Abyssinia, dashen, commercial banks and
other banks are around the site. Orthodox church is also there. Including arbaminch tourist
hotel there are many hotels and restaurants. In spite of our site is located on the main road
there are many commercial centers, shops, super markets and others. There is bus station,
gas station to northern part of the site. And also, there is enough bus station, gas station to
norther part of the site. And also, there is enough bus or Bajaj transportation. There is arbami-
nch adisu gebeya (market) near to the site.

Environmental Impact: Consider the environmental impact of constructing a full-ser-
vice hotel in this location, including factors like water usage, waste management, energy
consumption, and preserving the natural beauty of Arba Minch.
Analysis of vegetation is important to prevent
deforestation of our site through the time of
construction it takes 5 years to grow and re-
place the tree so analysis help as to control

• Vegetation: Inventory existing vegetation
on the site and consider how to preserve or
incorporate greenery into the design for aes-
thetic and environmental benefits.
• Create green spaces within the hotel
premises to promote biodiversity, improve air
quality, and enhance the biophilic experience
for guests.
Architectural and surrounding context
Surrounding building types and their architectural style: - as the
site is in the center of the city there are different types of build-
ings around the site like there are modern, local and vernacular
buildings that are used for different types of commercial, residen-
tial, institutional and retail purpose.
Building height: The buildings around the site don’t have that much
bounded by school bounded by fence difference
Bounded by Under constructed
commercial building -The local residences and retail shops are G+0
-The school, college and schools have G+2, G+3
Functions of the buildings: residence and commercial service
Material used: they use local materials for their buildings Metal,
Aluminum, Concrete, Bamboo, wood, mud
Surrounding building condition: - around the site there are ongo-
ing(incomplete) buildings and also completed buildings.
Association of any heritage value to the site or near by the site: -
there is no association of heritage value at the site or near by the
Association of any religious value at the site or near by the site: -
there is an St. Gebriel orthodox tewahdo church infront to the
site. There is kalehiwot protestant church around the site. And
also, there is cemetery or a burial ground of Muslims around the
bounded by shade houses
bounded by commercial building under Association of any institutional value at the site or near by the
construction site: - there is 1-8th school behind the site.
-Cultural Sensitivity: Take into account the cultural norms and traditions of the local community in Arba Minch Association of any seasonal activity near by the site: - as there is
when designing the hotel. Incorporating elements of Ethiopian culture and heritage can help create a sense of an orthodox church Infront of the site there are different occa-
place and authenticity. sional holiday. As there is a school behind the site there are occa-
-Designing a full-service hotel in front of an Orthodox church in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, can offer a unique oppor- sional class schedule.
tunity to create a hospitality experience that reflects the local culture and environment.
-Consider incorporating local materials, colors, patterns, and architectural motifs that resonate with the cul-
tural heritage of Arba Minch.
One of known neighbor place is tourist hotel and on
the block of that line there are many commercial
centers like shops and markets. Around sikella circle
there is Bajaj station and to the west direction of the
circle there is the gate road to the main bus station
Abyssinia. On the north direction of the site there are
hibret bank, big commercial moll which dashen bank
located. There is also Noc gas station. And also, there
is St. Gebriel church is known one. On the south of the
site is arbaminch adisu gebeya it also there is a
bridge near to the site. g+o buildings
Highly active
Less active

Challenges: Biophilic Design Strategies:

High Activity in Front: Traffic noise and Noise Buffering: Focus significant noise reduction efforts on the
visual distractions from the high-activity high-activity side:
area in front of the hotel will need to be
mitigated. Dense Landscaping: Plant a dense hedge or install soundproof
Opportunities: windows along the frontage to mitigate noise pollution.
White Noise Machines: Consider offering white noise machines in
Moderate Activity to the Right: This area guest rooms facing the busy side for additional noise control
can potentially offer some privacy and a
more relaxed atmosphere. Zoning and Activity Areas: Design the hotel layout to zone areas
Low Activity to the Left: This side presents an based on desired activity levels:
excellent opportunity to create a serene
environment and capitalize on biophilic design. Quiet Zone: Locate the spa, library, or relaxation areas on the
low-activity side to maximize tranquility.
Buffer Zone: Public areas like hallways or corridors could be positioned
along the high-activity side to act as a further buffer for quieter areas.

Biophilic Haven on the Low-Activity Side:

Courtyard Oasis: Create a central open-air courtyard on the low-activity side.

This light-filled space can feature water features, lush greenery, and comfortable
seating for a truly biophilic experience.
Balcony Retreats: Design balconies or terraces in guest rooms facing the
low-activity side, allowing guests to connect with nature and enjoy the
peaceful surroundings.
Walking Paths and Gardens: Develop walking paths and gardens that meander
through the low-activity side, offering guests opportunities for exploration
and immersion in nature�



Area size 12,500m square



Tourist hotel

st.gabreal church

rohobot guest house
Addisu gebia
The odor cames from the gourg
cus people use the gourge like a trash
depository area form the environment.

The site have view to abaya lake
and for the mountaints too and
its on the good spot for the view


The noise came from the road that

the road is like the main road that
it goes to shecha.



1 : hotel’s Location: The hotel's location in the urban city center provides high visibility and accessibility, Noise Pollution: The hotel's proximity to the main road and commercial areas may result in noise pollution,
attracting both business and leisure travelers.
potentially impacting guests' comfort and satisfaction.
2 : Proximity to Market: The nearby market on the left side offers convenience for guests to explore local
shopping and dining options, enhancing the overall guest experience. Limited Space: Urban sites often have limited space for development, which may restrict the size and scale of
3 : Pleasing Views: The hotel benefits from a picturesque view on the opposite side, providing guests with the hotel or limit available amenities and facilities.
a memorable and attractive backdrop during their stay. School presence: The primary school that is located right next to our site can create a weakness in our project
4 : Adjacent Commercial Building: The presence of a commercial building on the right side may provide
opportunities for collaboration or partnerships, such as hosting business conferences or events. maybe even not now but in the future process .

Collaboration with Market: Partnering with the nearby market can create opportunities for cross-promotion,
special offers, and curated experiences for guests, enhancing the overall guest Traffic Congestion: The hotel's location next to the main road may be subject to traffic congestion, particularly
experience and attracting new clientele. during peak hours, impacting guests' arrival experience and accessibility.
Gorge as a Recreational Asset: The gorge in the middle may offer opportunities for outdoor recreation and The gorge: if not designed properly and integrated to he project it might be a threat for out project now and
leisure activities, such as hiking trails, nature walks, or picnics, which can be
including the future like a bad odour and bad view
promoted as additional amenities for hotel guests. depends tho
Community Engagement: Engaging with the local community and stakeholders can foster goodwill and Natural Disasters or Environmental Risks: The hotel's location near a gorge may expose it to environmental risks
support for the hotel, potentially leading to partnerships, sponsorships, and positive such as flooding, landslides, or seismic activity. These natural disasters could damage the hotel's
word-of-mouth referrals. infrastructure, disrupt operations, and pose safety hazards to guests and staff.

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