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Department of Master of Computer Applications

A Task Report
Second Semester Assignment, regards to the subject
Health Care Analytics
For the Academic
year 2023-2024
Submitted by:

Kshama Shetty NNM23MC069

Nikhitha V Bangera NNM23MC085
Mahima P NNM23MC072


Signature of the

Faculty Mr. Keerthi


(Dept. of MCA, Assistant Professor Gd-II)

Impact of remote work on mental health of employee

Problem Statement:

The transition to remote work has become increasingly prevalent in modern workplaces,
necessitated by technological advancements and global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
While remote work offers numerous benefits such as flexibility and reduced commuting, it also
poses significant challenges to employees' mental health. Understanding the specific impacts of
remote work on employee mental health is crucial for developing effective strategies to support
well-being and productivity in this evolving work landscape.
Collection and Preprocessing of Dataset:

Data Source
Studying the impact of remote work on employee mental health typically include employee
surveys, public health surveys, labor statistics, company HR records, and research studies.
Employee surveys offer insights into individual experiences with remote work, stress levels, and
well-being. Public health surveys provide broader data on mental health trends. Labor statistics
offer macro-level insights into remote work prevalence and its impact on employment. Company
HR records provide internal data on remote work arrangements and employee support programs.
Research studies offer detailed analyses and findings on remote work's effects on mental health.
Combining data from these sources allows for a comprehensive understanding of the relationship
between remote work and mental health.

Before analysis, rigorous preprocessing and anonymization were conducted to uphold privacy and
confidentiality standards, including handling missing values, outliers, and ensuring data integrity.

Tools and Techniques Applied:

1. Power BI Utilization:
Power BI was employed as the primary tool for data visualization, exploratory data analysis
(EDA), and the creation of interactive dashboards. Its user-friendly interface and robust
functionalities facilitated comprehensive insights generation by enabling the exploration of
complex relationships and patterns within the dataset.
2. Data Cleaning Tools Integration:

Prior to analysis, preliminary data preprocessing tasks, including handling missing values,
outliers, and ensuring data integrity, were conducted using tools such as Excel. These tools
allowed for efficient data manipulation and transformation, streamlining subsequent analysis
processes and ensuring the quality and reliability of the dataset.

3. Statistical Analysis Integration:

A combination of built-in statistical functions within Power BI and external statistical analysis
tools were leveraged for conducting descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, and regression
analysis. These tools enabled the exploration of relationships between variables and the
identification of significant associations, providing valuable insights into the factors influencing
mental health outcomes among employees in the tech industry.

4. Data Visualization Techniques:

Various data visualization techniques, including histograms, box plots, scatter plots, heatmaps,
and correlation matrices, were employed to elucidate patterns, trends, and relationships within the
dataset. Visual representations generated using Power BI facilitated the communication of insights
in a clear and intuitive manner, enabling stakeholders to grasp complex information effectively.

5. Interactive Dashboards:

Interactive dashboards created using Power BI allowed for dynamic exploration of the data,
enabling users to interactively filter, drill down, and visualize information based on their specific
interests and needs. These dashboards provided stakeholders with a user-friendly interface for
exploring key metrics and trends related to mental health risk factors among employees in the tech

6. Advanced Analytical Techniques:

Advanced analytical techniques, such as cluster analysis or predictive modeling, could be

employed for deeper insights into the underlying patterns and drivers of mental health outcomes.
These techniques could help identify subgroups of employees with distinct risk profiles and
inform targeted interventions and policies aimed at promoting mental well-being in the workplace.

1. Data Cleaning and Preprocessing

Rigorous procedures were implemented to rectify anomalies and ensure data

consistency and reliability.

2. Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive statistics were computed to elucidate distributional characteristics of key

variables, revealing prevalent trends and patterns.

3. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Various techniques, including histograms, box plots, scatter plots, and correlation
matrices, were employed to uncover underlying relationships and dependencies
among variables.

4. Visualization

Interactive dashboards and visualizations crafted using Power BI facilitated a

comprehensive understanding of the interplay between risk factors and mental health
outcomes, highlighting temporal trends, geographical differentiations, and
demographic nuances.

5. Statistical Testing

Hypothesis testing and regression analysis were conducted to ascertain the

significance of associations between variables, informing evidence-based decision-
The impact of remote work on employee mental health is a multifaceted issue that
requires comprehensive analysis and understanding. By leveraging various data
sources such as employee surveys, public health surveys, labor statistics, company
HR records, and research studies, we can gain insights into the complexities of this
relationship. the impact of remote work on mental health is essential for
organizations, policymakers, and individuals to implement effective interventions and
policies that promote positive mental health outcomes in remote work settings. By
continuing to study and address this issue, we can create healthier and more
productive work environments for all.

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