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Name: Edwin C. Pancho Jr.

Date: September 12, 2023

Course/Section: BSBA/BSCRIM BA-1D Instructor: Jay Mariel Autentico
Subject: Reading In Philippine History

Grandfather Grandmother Grandmother

Father Mother

Older Sister

Brother Younger Sister

It’s me

Christmas and new year’s celebration would always bring the most
memorable happenings to our family in every year. We celebrate Christmas full of
love, embracing each other with care because that is what a family was made for.
We celebrate new year for new beginnings, leaving the past and learning the lessons
for new development and new growth. It is my family that lights up my year, like a
torch the helps me see the importance of solidarity and peace. My family came from
a very simple family yet grateful. We helped everyone in the family to grow and feel
supported, respected, loved and even in every day.

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