Direct Adaptive Control Based Sliding Mode Observer Designed For Fractional Nonlinear Systems

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Direct adaptive control based on sliding mode observer for

fractional nonlinear systems

D. Elleuch, T. Damak

Abstract— A combination between a direct adaptive control tracking trajectory and to estimate the state when the
and a sliding mode observer is designed for a canonical unknown dead zone is present or not. In [1], the authors
fractional nonlinear system. This combination guaranties the studied the performance of a direct adaptive controller
tracking of trajectory and the estimation of the unmeasured developed for a canonical fractional nonlinear system.
state. The simulation results prove the combination robustness
in presence of unknown parameters. In this work, we will study the performance of a sliding
mode observer combined to a direct adaptive controller. The
I. INTRODUCTION combination is designed to a canonical system having a
In general, the developed control laws depend on the fractional nonlinearity.
parameters and the states of system. When these parameters
and states are unknown, a problem is presented. Preliminary [1]
To remedy this problem, in literature, controller-based
observers are presented ([6], [7], and [8]). The output Consider the fractional non linear system having a
feedback control is widely studied for various classes of triangular form
nonlinear systems. The separation principle is to design and  x i  xi 1
study separately the performance of the controller and the 

observer. It isn’t usually verified and it is limited for a linear  x n 
 f x   g x u  ; i  1 n  1 (1)
system and some class of nonlinear systems.    x 
Controllers based on observers are especially designed for 
 y  x1
uncertain nonlinear systems ([9], [10], [11], [12]) and
nonlinear systems Lipchitz nonlinear systems ([13], [14], With:
[15], [16]). The combination designed for uncertain u : the control input, x : the state, y : the output,
nonlinear systems ensures the stabilization and tracking f ( x ), g( x ),  ( x ) : the nonlinear function
For the triangular nonlinear systems, the combination is f x    T w f x   f 0 x  ;  x    T w x    0 x 
possible only under restricted conditions ([10], [17]). In [14],
the author studied the duality of an observer and a controller
and defined a sufficient condition to guaranty the quadratic
Define the vectors x d , and a filtered error  s as:
( n 1 )
stability. xd  [ y d y d  y ]T ;
The combination is made between different architectures   x  xd  [   1  n ] T ,
of observers and controllers such as sliding mode control
and observer [18], high gain observer and proportional s  (   )n1  1  [ T 1 ] ,
derivative control [19], etc .... dt
Where the constant   0 and
In ([20], [21]), the authors studied the control of nonlinear
system, converted to a canonical form, in which the   [ n1 ( n  1 )n2 ( n  1 ) ] T
nonlinear function is an unknown dead zone function. The The derivative of  s is written as follow:
combination observer-controller proved robustness to
s  [ f ( x )  g( x )u ]  
( x )
D.Elleuch. is with University of Sfax, National Engineering School of    y d( n )  [ 0 T ]
Sfax (ENIS), Laboratory of Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control
& computer engineering (Lab-STA), Tunisia B.P. 1173, 3038 Sfax-Tunisia The state x n can be written as:
(e-mail: dorsafelleuch@
T.Damak,., is with University of Sfax, National Engineering School of xn   s  y d( n1 )  [ T 0 ]
Sfax (ENIS), Laboratory of Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control
We note x  [ x1 x2  xn1 ] and
& computer engineering (Lab-STA), Tunisia B.P. 1173, 3038 Sfax-Tunisia T
 1  y d( n1 )  [ T 0 ] III. SLIDING MODE OBSERVER
The sliding technique is mainly used to construct a
Definition [1] nonlinear observer. The sliding mode observer is developed
to divers’ class of system such as Lipchitz nonlinear systems
For a bounded reference vector, a scalar function ([2]-[3]), and uncertain nonlinear systems ([4], [5]). In this
s part, a sliding mode observer designed for the fractional
V     x ,   1  d (2) nonlinear system (2) is described by:
0  x̂ i  x̂i 1  si
 ( x1 ,   1 )   ( x1 ,   1 ) ( xn ) 
Or 
 x̂ n   x̂   f x̂   g x̂  u   s n
the function V is a (WCLF) if: 
  ( x ) is a smooth function ; i  1 n  1
  ( x ) is positive definite in the filtered error  s With:
 V is a radially unbounded with respect to  s i.e e1  x1  x̂1 ; si  k i e1  i signe1  ;
V   as  s   and s n  k n e1  n signe1  ; f x̂    T w f x̂   f 0 x̂  ;
 V  0 ,   s  0  x̂    T w x̂    0 x̂ 
 ( x ) is called a weighting function (WF)
The sliding mode observer (5) is combined to the adaptive
controller ((3), (4)). The combination stability is studied in
the next section.
Consider the fractional non linear system having a
 x i  xi 1 MODE OBSERVER
 The separation principal is not usually verified for all

 x n 
 f x   g x u  ; i  1 n  1 systems. For that a stability analysis of the direct adaptive
  x  controller and the sliding mode observer is the object of this

 y  x1
The stability and robustness combination is studied under
With: the following assumptions:
u : the control input, x : the state, y : the output, Assumptions
f ( x ), g( x ),  ( x ) : the nonlinear function 1 ) W ( x )  W f ( x )
f x    T w f x   f 0 x  ;  x    T w x    0 x  , 2 )Wf ( x ) 
In [1], the authors developed a direct adaptive control 3 ) The two vectors are known sign
designed for the system (1). A Weighted Control Lyapunov g( x )
Function (WCLF) (2) is developed and used to eliminate the 4) 0
parameter nonlinearity. The direct adaptive control has the ( x )
following architecture: Let (5) the sliding mode observer designed to system (1)
 The control law is: Considering the following variable:
1  k s ˆ T   
v   y dn   0 T  ; v1  y dn 1  T 0  ; 
u    wz   hz 

g x    x   x̂ n   s  v1 ;   x̂    x̂  x̂  ;
 
x̂ n   s  y dn 1  T 0  ; x̂  x̂1 x̂ 2 x̂ n 1 
 The adaptation law is:

 s 
 f x̂   g x̂ u   x̂ sn   v
ˆ   x̂ wz  s (4)  x̂ 
The global asymptotic stability and the tracking trajectory Let the Lyapunov function
 
are proved. These results are tested throughout two
examples. V     x̂ ,  v1 d ;
The controller used all the system states but these are not 0
all measured, to ensure the controller performance, an
observer is combined to the controller.
Then the V derivative is

  x̂ ,  v1  
V    x̂ ,  v1  s  s      x̂ d  
  k s 
 s 

V   x̂  s  x̂   x̂  
0  x̂  

   x̂ ,  v1   
 T
w  z   g  x̂ u  h  z 
0 
 

v 1

s n x̂  s  T w x̂    0 x̂   
Let     ˆ the parameter error.
Or v  v1 The Lyapunov function of the direct adaptive

   x̂ ,  v1   controller with sliding mode observer is
  
0  v1
v1 d 

~ ~ ~ 
V  V   T  1  V  V   T  1ˆ
We have:
 
 
v   sj   x̂ ,  v1     x̂ ,  v1 d    k 2  k s

 ˆ T w z   g x̂ u 
  V   s
   x̂  s  x̂  
 x̂   

The V expression becames:  hz  

V   x̂    v  
  s s n s 
s   x̂  ˆ T w x̂    x̂  
 0 
   x̂ ,  v1      d  x̂  s T wz   s n x̂  s T w x̂    T  1ˆ
~ ~ ~ 
  x̂
x̂  v  x̂ ,  v1

k 2
  x̂  V   s  0
  s  f x̂   g x̂ u   x̂ s n    x̂ 
 x̂  If
   x̂ ,  v1    
  u
1  k s ˆ T

  wz   hz 
0 
x̂  v  x̂ ,  v 1  d

g x̂    x̂  

This is implying: ˆ   x̂ wz  s

V   x̂  s  T wz   g x̂ u  hz     
s n x̂  s ˆ T w x̂    0 x̂  

s n x̂  s  T w x̂    0 x̂   s n x̂  s T w x̂   0
With z  x̂ xd y dn T
Or s n  0 then t  
 w x̂ ,  v1     In sliding mode we have:
 x̂  s n  k n e1  n signe1   0
w z   w f  x̂  
 
 s x̂  0 
x̂  d
 vw x̂ ,  v1 
    kn 
n signe1 


  0 x̂ ,  v1  
s   e1 e1

h z   f 0  x̂  
1  x̂   t  e 0 k 
 s x̂  0   d
x̂ When 1 this is implies n
v 0 x̂ ,  v1   For that we conclude this theorem:
The control law and the sufficient condition for stabilizing
Which s   then: the direct coupling of the adaptive controller and sliding
mode observer for this class of system are defined by:
vw  x̂   The control law is:
w z   w f x̂  
 x̂  1  k s ˆ T 
u     wz   hz 
v 0 x̂  g x̂    x̂  
hz   f 0 x̂  
 x̂   The adaptation law is:

ˆ   x̂ wz  s
The combination performance is guarantied if the
observer gain satisfies:
ki  R pour i  1n  1 et k n   m  0.2kg ; M  1kg ; l  0.5 m ;ˆ 1 0   1 ;
ˆ 0   0.01;ˆ 0   0.3;  1 ; k  10 ;
The control and the adaptation laws have the same form
as those obtained by [1]. This means that if the observer and 2 3
the system have the same fractional form we will have the x1 0   x 2 0   0 ; x̂1 0   x̂ 2 0   1; L1  30 ;
same laws and therefore it is sufficient to study the adaptive
control based on the equation of the observer. 
L2  500 ;  1  10 4 ;  2  0.01 ; y d  sin( t );
  diag 0.04 ,0.02 ,0.03;
The performance of this coupling is tested on the example of
the pendulum treated in [1].
Although the parameters do not converge to their desired
value (Fig.1.e, f, g), the direct adaptive controller coupled to
V. SIMULATION a sliding mode observer has a good perofrmance to tracking
trajectory (Fig.1. a) and state estimation (Fig.1.c, d).
The inverse pendulum plane is described by the following
The output y
equations: 2

 x1  x 2

 1 g sinx1    2 x 22 sinx1  cos x1   cos x1  u
the reference yr
 the output y
 2 
  3   2 cos 2 x1  1


 
 1  m  M  0

 
Where    2  ml  ; -0.5

 
 3  l m  M 
 3  0 5 10 15
20 25 30

v1  y d   x1  y d  ; v   yd   x2  y d  ;

1.a. The tracking trajectory
 s  x̂1  y d    x1  y d  ;  x̂   1
The control law u
dt 20

 g sinx1   15

 
wz   v1 x 2 sinx1  cos x1   v cos x1  ;

v 
  5

h z   0 0

 Control law: -5

cos x1 

 k s  ˆ T wz   -10

 Adaptation law:

ˆ  wz  s
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

 The sliding mode observer :

1.b. The control signal
 x̂ 1  x̂ 2  L1 e1   1 signe1 

 ˆ 1 g sinx̂1   ˆ 2 x̂ 22 sinx̂1  cos x̂1   cos x̂1  u
 2
x̂  
 ˆ  ˆ cos 2 x̂ 
 3 2 1

 L e
2 1   2 sign e 1 
 The parameter simulation
Estimate the state x1 Estimate the 2nd parameter
2 1
desired state desired parameter
estimated state 0.8 estimated parameter

1 0.4



-0.5 -0.6

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
temps(s) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

1.c. Estimate of the state x1

1.f. Estimate of the parameter 2

Estimate the 3rd parameter

Estimate the state x2
10 0.8
desired state
8 estimated state 0.6

6 0.4
desired parameter
4 0.2 estimated parameter

2 0

0 -0.2

-2 -0.4

-4 -0.6

-6 -0.8

-8 -1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
-10 time(s)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
1.g. Estimate of the parameter  3

1.d. Estimate of the state x2 Fig1. Tracking trajectory, state and parameter estimation by
combining the direct adaptive control and the sliding mode
Estimate the 1st parameter observer with unknown constant parameter

In this paper, a combination between an adaptive direct
control and a sliding mode observer is studied for a
canonical non linear system having a fractional nonlinearity.
The combination stability is studied throughout the quadratic
Lyapunov function. The stability and the robustness are
guarantied under defined condition. The simulation results
desired parameter prove a good performance to tracking trajectory and estimate
estimated parameter the state.

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