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Notes vector addition and bearing #1.

notebook November 07, 2011

Section 5.1/5.2
Bearing, direction, magnitude and vector

I can use vector addition to solve

application problems involving force and

Nov 2­6:40 PM

Notes vector addition and bearing #1.notebook November 07, 2011

N35oE N87oW S78oE


Nov 2­6:45 PM

Notes vector addition and bearing #1.notebook November 07, 2011

A ship travels on a bearing of N230E for 8

miles. Then due west for 6 miles, then S70oW
for 20 miles, then S30oE for 5 miles.

Nov 2­6:53 PM

Notes vector addition and bearing #1.notebook November 07, 2011

Vector ­ Any physical quantity, like force or

velocity, which has both magnitude and
direction is called a vector quantity. A vector
quantity may be represented by a directed line
segment called a vector.
Vector Addition

Nov 2­6:47 PM

Notes vector addition and bearing #1.notebook November 07, 2011

A body is being acted upon by two forces, one

of 150 lb due north and the other of 200 lb due
east. Find the magnitude and direction of the

m = 250 lb

θ = N53 07'E

Nov 2­7:02 PM

Notes vector addition and bearing #1.notebook November 07, 2011

A river flows due south at 125 ft/min. A motorboat, moving at 475

ft/min in still water, is headed due east across the river. a) Find the
directioin in which the moat moves ant its speed. b) In what direction
must the boat be headed in order that it move due east and what is its
speed in that direction?

b. N74o44'E
a. S75o15'23"E 458.26 ft/min
491.17 ft/min

Nov 2­7:05 PM

Notes vector addition and bearing #1.notebook November 07, 2011

Marco, California is 12 miles due north of

Grover Beach. If Smithville is 4.6 miles due
east of Grover Beach, what is the bearing of
Marco from Smithville?

θ= N20 58'25'W

Nov 2­7:09 PM

Notes vector addition and bearing #1.notebook November 07, 2011

A boat travels on a course of bearing N52o40'E

for a distance of 238 miles. How many miles
north and how many miles east has the boat

N = 144.24 miles

E = 189.24 miles

Nov 7­7:15 AM

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