ISO 27001-2022 Documents & Records

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Sl Clause No.

Title Document / Record Remarks

1 4.3 Scope Document
2 5.2 Policy Document
3 6.1.2 Information Security Assessment Record
4 6.1.3 Information Security Treatment Process Record
5 6.2 Information Security Objectives Document & Record
6 7.2 Competence of persons Record
7 7.5.3 External origin document Record
8 8.2 Information security risk Assessment Record

9 8.3 Information security risk treatment Record

10 9.1 evidence of result of Monitoring Record
measurement and analysis and
11 9.2.2 Audit Plan & evidence of Document & Record
implementation of audit program
12 9.3.3 results of management review Record

13 10.2 f the nature of the nonconformities and Record

any subsequent actions taken,

14 10.2 g the results of any corrective action. Record

15 A 5.10 Procedure Acceptable use of assets Document “Acceptable use

16 A 5.26 Procedure Response to information Document We have as Procedure

security incidence
17 A 5.31 Legal, statutory, regulatory and Document
contractual requirements

18 A 5.37 Documented operating procedures Document

19 A 6.6 Confidentiality and non-disclosure Document & Record


20 A 8.9 configuration management Document

21 A 8.27 Secure system architecture

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