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Timeline of the Holy Prophet's (SAW) Life

12th Rabi-ul-Awwal (570 AD/CE) 0
573 AD/CE 4
575 AD/CE 6
577 AD/CE 8
581 AD/CE 12
584 AD/CE 15
590 AD/CE 20
595 AD/CE 25
605 AD/CE 35
610 AD/CE 40
613 AD/CE 43
615 AD/CE 45
616 AD/CE 46
617 AD/CE 47
619 AD/CE (Year of Sorrow) 49
619 AD/CE 49
27th Rajab (621 AD/CE) 51
621 AD/CE 51
622 AD/CE 52
622 CE/1 AH 52
624 CE/2 AH 53
624 CE/2 AH 53
624 CE/2 AH 54
625 CE/3 AH 55
626 CE/4 AH 56
627 CE/5 AH 57
626 CE/6 AH 58
629 CE/7 AH 59
629 CE/8 AH 59
630 CE/8 AH 60
630 CE/9 AH 60
632 CE/10 AH 62
632 CE/11 AH 62
Timeline of the Holy Prophet's (SAW) Life
Birth of the Holy Prophet (SAW)
Washing of the heart by Jibra'il (AS)
Hazrat Aminah (RA) passed away
Hazrat Abdul Muttalib (RA) passed away
Journey to Syria
Battle of Fujjar breaks out
Half-al-Fudul peace treaty is signed
Marriage with Hazrat Khadijah (RA)
Fixing of the Black Stone and the birth of Hazrat Fatimah (RA)
First revelation in the cave of Hira
The Holy Prophet (SAW) is divinely ordered to preach openly
First migration to Abyssinia led by Hazrat Uthman (RA)
Second migration to Abissinia led by Hazrat Ja'far (RA)
Boycott of Hashemites by Quraish
Boycott ended + Death of Hazrat Khadija (RA) and Hazrat Abu Talib
Visit to Ta'if
Al-Isra' wal-Mi'raj (The Night Journey and Ascension)
First Pledge of 'Aqabah took place
Second Pleadge of 'Aqabah to place + Migration to Madinah
Masjid-e-Nabawi built + Azaan + Treaty of Madinah signed
Fasting, Zakat and Eid prayer made obligatory + Sacrifice made compulsory
Marriage of his Daughter Hazrat Fatima (RA) with Hazrat Ali (RA)
Changing of Qibla + Battle of Badr took place + Expulsion of Banu Qainuqa
Battle of Uhud took place
Exile of Banu Nadeer + Prohibition of Alcohol
Battle of Trench took place + Punishment of Banu Quraiza
Treaty of Hudaibiya signed
Preeching Islam to other Rulers and Kings + Expedition of Khayber + Umrah
Battle of Mu'ta took place + Conquest of Makkah (Treaty of Hudaibiya broken)
Battle of Hunain took place + Siege of Ta'if
Expedition of Tabuk
Year of Deputation + Farewell Pilgrimage and Sermon
Illness and Demise of the Holy Prophet (SAW)

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