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Yenaissanc@: einai etter No./ACCM/2023-24/2250/ pat nf23 to “TjdoweSahakm} Dugdh Sargh Masgadit, Chanda... Talawalt, Margaliya »=tndeve 4 Madhya Psadesh 45377) steemed Institution. ‘Sub s+ Request for Permission to conduct Research Project Work in your ¢: Dear, Sir/Madam, We would li Pradesh Higher Education Department, Bhopal. It is compulsory for the studen Research Project and Submit the Report to Respective College. So we request you to please allow the following students to conduct the Research Project students to learn and ke to bring into your kind concern that as per the Government of Madhya ts to conduct a in your esteemed organization. Your Support and Guidence will enable our gain some Practical Knowledge. We shall be highly obliged if you approve our Request. ‘Thanking You. Students involved In project work nice \. sina} Singh Rypuct He eae i on ‘ 1 4. shan aire Va US. Khushf Shrivastava, > Nediva AL Guide Name-Pa0f..fagstha Khurgana SIgnAturesnnmmnnnnonl Ryton HOD Name.Ds.R¢ Shroff : \< SI ee Ren T rc 2 ignature. Reo . O\" Dr. Rachna Ghadge (Principal) 45 Anurag Nagor Behind Preéa Complax Ph : 0731-4262100-2 wit ronaissance.ediin ont Date_/_|___PageNo:_ 3 sete ps were 6 them an xetail t F athex on ald —luiere, responsible fix ae eld on the, ane blet ___Qwunex, embexs Ore, _espansible, and, uni Hee — the, pan ect goa Date__/_|__PageNo_6_ - ike. _Sanchi © pucduce, ai 5 Spx fe jel Proff. Aastha Khuzana Research Scholars Project Mentor 4 Khushi Sh#tvastava. 2 Nedisa Ali 3 Thao Shéivastava OMKALAY Page No, 3 OMKALA’ OMKALA 9 ° ° niwducbian ach dif ferent fa which fa

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