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Explain the following:
Topic 1 - The Ends of Human Act
 The Meaning of End
 Kinds of End
 End as Good, Greatest Good
 Meaning of Happiness, Natural and Supernatural
 What People Desire
 The Ultimate Purpose
Topic 2 - Determinants and Norms of Morality
 The End of the Act, End of the Doer
 Circumstances of the Act
 The Morality Good Act
 What is Law, Relevance of Laws, Eternal Law & Natural
 Binding Conscience; Types of Conscience
 Meaning of Norms
 Norms of Morality
 Basis of Moral Judgement
 Eternal & Natural Law
 Moral Relativism
 The Japanese Occupation
Topic 3 - Human Values and Filipino Values
 Meaning of Values
 Hierarchy of Values
 Social Dimension and Characteristics of Moral Values
 Moral and Intellectual Virtues
 Filipino Moral and Cultural Values
 Ambivalent Values and Double Standards
 False Norms of Morality
 Reorientation of Attitude
 Core Value of the Filipino
Topic 4 - Rights, Duties and Love of Self
 Notion, Characteristic of Rights
 Bill of Rights
 Civil and Political Rights
 Meaning of Duty and Exemption of Duty
 Conflicts of Duty
 Love and Selfishness
 Ethics of Self-perfection
 Duties to Self and Right to life
Topic 5 - Bioethics and Family
 Meaning of Health
 Personal and Social Responsibility
 Crimes against Life: suicide, euthanasia, mutilation,
contraception, sterilization, drug addiction, abortion and
 Composition of Family
 The Ideal Family
 The Family and the Child
 Rights and Duties of Parents
 Duties of Children
 Child Labor
Topic 6 - Love of Country
 State and Government
 Nature of the State
 Supremacy of the Citizen over the State
 Democracy
 Civil Disobedience
 Nationalism
 Importance of Global Understanding
Topic 7 - Peace Studies
 Understanding of Peace and Peace Studies
 Peace Studies as Transformative Education
 Faith and Spiritual Traditions as Resources for Peace
 Upholding Human Dignity
Topic 8 - Challenging Prejudice and Building Tolerance
 Research and reflection concerning the cause of war,
conflict, and violence.
 Promoting Nonviolence
 Resolving and Transforming Conflict
 Caring for the Earth
 Cultivating Inner Peace

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