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(A Monthly Bulletin of Nada Veda’dhyayana Kendra, Bengaluru)

(For private circulation only)


Chief Editor Dr. C. L. Prabhakar Editors: Dr. Anjaneya Prasad, Sri Surendra Pujar


Prajapate na tvadetannyanyno paritaa babhuva

Yatkamaaste juhumah tanno astu
Vayaggum syama patayo rayeenam : Mahanarayana Up

ANNOTATION: This is the Mantra in prayer to Prajapati, example, this mantra is included in many sets of mantras.
the father of all in the creation. Prajapati is the Deity in This mantra is in the set of Navagraha mantras for Saturn
charge of Creation at the command of Sri Maha Vishnu. We planet. He is submitted with prayer to bless all prosperity.
have to be submitting prayers to him every day since we an- It could be employed as mangalharati mantra. This mantra
nounce that the desire with which we worship you have got submits a fond prayer that ‘vayam syama patayo
to be fulfilled by you. Moreover, we have to become owners rayeenam’ meaning basically we be the owners rather lords
of richness and fulfillment. Prajapati is thus praised because of wealth which would be basis for positive happiness also.
he is the Lord who encompassed any and every object in the Also, it is mentioned that with what desire in view we wor-
creation both internal and external. ship, let that desire be granted. After all, prayers are made
Mahanarayana Upanishad is a valuable Upanishad among but the sanction is at the desire and discretion of Prajapati,
many Upanishads whose number is indefinite. Every Veda the Paramatma because he pervades all and everything. In
has Upanishads. But the Yajurveda Upanishads like Tait- fact, after every vrata and Yajna we are supposed to utter the
tiriya, Mahanarayana, Isa is on desk of many since they declaration that: Prajapateh prajaa babhuma. We indeed
are academic, ritualistic tenable for employment for various have become the true children of Prajapati.
benefits. This mantra is having many applications. For


On 19th November 23, under this series there was a talk on anameevasya sushminah pra pra daataram taarisham !
‘the status of Taste, food and hunger in the 21 st century. sanno astu dvipade soam catushpae. Annapati is Agni
The key note speaker was by Dr. kiruba Krishnaswamy. who is the Energy embodiment of Annapurnadevi the
Associate Professor in Food Engineering, MU, Columbia. Goddess of Universal power. Hunger is the signal to eat and
Concluding remarks were offered by Dr. Anjaneya Prasad, that is to be attended too. Hunger is a pain and comfort. In
Professor in MU, Columbia, USA. Dr Sistla Purushottam, 21st Century there is lot change in people. As a result, we see
NVAK Veda Student offered comments and Dr. Gopichand many problems doctors and medical establishments. But if
offered vote of thanks. Sangitanjali was rendered by Food is consumed with a spiritual tinge, it works safe for
Chi.Mahesh Duvvuri, a High School Student USA. Veda safety from illness (anameevatva) giving rise for energy and
Prayer was by Sri Siva Lingaiah, NVAK Vidyarthi. Dr C.L activity(Sushma ).The keynote talk was scientific with
Prabhakar, Director of NVAK made introductory speech clear sides to impress the scope of the food and hunger for
welcoming the Key note speaker and others. He introduced prosperity. Hunger and food are constant in beings but ju-
the theme of the talk. There is History of Taste, a talk in the dicipos care to them turns important.
Alamkara Sastra and other branches of knowledge. In Sci- . The whole program was simply educative and elevating the
ence and physiology what the taste means is being victori- minds. That was urging enough that one has to look up for
ously clear and that is explained by the speaker. Food is a happiness, Ecstasy and Relief attending on the formulas and
very important item in life as it originates and maintains en- care on the consumption of Food. Also, the whole lecture
ergy and life and happiness in all. As a result, one has to be with significant slides shared which are included in the Veda
choosy and careful at the menu one consumes perday.YV Ganga Volume 29 released recently. The event is also in
provides a prayer thus: annapate annasya no dhehi NVAK You tube.
Dr. Boddupalli. Raghava,NVAK, Bangalore
ओम् ॥ पूण(॒मदः॒ पूण(॒िमदं॒ पूणा( /
॒ ूण(॒मुद॒1ते । पूण(॒5 Explanation:
पूण(॒मादा॒य पूण(॒मेवाविश॒9ते ॥ As evident from the lucid yet profound commentary
- Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad, 5-1-1 of Sri Adi Sankaracharya there are three major ideas for re-
membering and meditating upon:
Introduction: Everything is Brahman—both the manifest world and the
This mantra is revealed as a Shanti Mantra (Peace pure Consciousness—this is the ultimate truth of our exist-
Prayer) in the Īśāvāsya and the Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upanishads. ence,
Both these Upanishads belong to the Śukla Yajurveda. This There is a cause—effect connect between the Brahman and
mantra is generally chanted as a prayer before the study of the manifest world,
the Upanishad. All living creatures on this earth and the Though this is the truth and the fact, still one has to take in
whole universe originated from the God. In light of this, the (adaya) the reality, do the Sadhana towards acquiring this
mantra proclaims the truth that loving the nature and all knowledge. Else, the truth will remain merely academic and
other living beings itself loves the God. the realization will be elusive.
The completeness of human life can be realized only
Word Meaning: when one engages in the service of the Complete Whole. All
services in this world – whether social, political, communal,
पूण(म् – Omnipresent Brahman; अदः – that (Brah-
international or even interplanetary – will remain incom-
man); पूण(म् – Omnipresent Brahman; इदम् – this phenome- plete until they are dovetailed with the Complete Whole.
nal world; पूत्( णा – from the Omnipresent Brahman; पूण(म् – When everything is dovetailed with the Complete Whole,
Omnipresent Brahman; उद1ते – emerges/is produced; the attached parts and parcels also become complete in
पूण(5 – of the Omnipresent Brahman; पूण(म् – Omnipresent themselves.
Brahman; आदाय – having been taken away; पूण(म् – Omni- Further, this is a Shanti Mantra because peace will
present Brahman; एव – only/even; अविश9ते – is remaining. reign only when this Upaniṣhadic truth about the essential
oneness of our existence is taken in. As long as our existence
Translation is governed by the perceived apparent separateness, there
The Personality of Godhead is perfect and com- will be strife, stress, and suffering. This sincere prayer about
plete, and because He is completely perfect, all emana- the Purnam will flood all the gaps and dents with pure ex-
tions from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are per- istence, knowledge, and bliss (sat-cit-ananda) and grant
fectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is pro- peace.
duced of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself. This is a mantra of the most significant statements ever made
Because He is the Complete Whole, even though so many anywhere on earth at any time. The mantra contains the
complete units emanate from Him, He remains the com- whole secret of the mystic approach towards life. This man-
plete balance. tra contains the essence of the Upanishadic vision. Nothing
is insignificant and nothing is smaller than anything else.
Meaning of the Mantra with the Commentary of Sri San- The part represents the whole (entirety), just as a fig seed
karacharya: contains the strategy for the next generation.
purnam adah - That ultimate Brahman is omnipres-
ent. Nothing remains without being pervaded by Brahman. Benefits of the Mantra
It is like the Akasha—found everywhere, continuous and Practicing Veda mantras systematically, diligently, and with
without a limitation; purnam idam - This, which is perceived total concentration will lead to a state of complete healing
as limited (the manifest world) and is subject to name and energy, and this will allow the physical, mental, and ener-
form, and is involved in (worldly) transactions, is in essence getic body to regain its natural state.
also Brahman; purnat purnam udacyate - This effect-Brah- To truly understand the transformative power of the Veda
man (the manifest world) emerges from the causal-Brah- mantras, we need to realize that any form of sound in the
man; purnasya purnam adaya - By (Atma)-vidya that im- creation is vibrational energy. This mantra is traditionally
parts the oneness of the consciousness everywhere, over- recited 108 times, and it can be done either in silence or out
coming ignorance of separateness and understanding that loud. When recited with intention, the mantra can help to
even the manifest is the expression of that Brahman; purnam bring about inner peace, clarity of mind, and improved phys-
eva avashishyate - Only the omnipresent Brahman, which is ical health. Additionally, the mantra is believed to promote
present both within and without, and which is of the nature spiritual growth and increase our connection to the divine.
of pure knowledge and consciousness, remains. For these reasons, the Om Purnamadah Purnamidam man-
tra is an excellent tool for anyone seeking personal growth
and transformation.
Prabhakar NVAK Veda Student.
The stotra Bodha event by the NVAK & WAVES, Banga- dhuh.) as attested in Lalita sahasranama stotra.. She is the
lore Chapter was organized on12th, the Sunday, the Novem- right hand of Support to Lalita. However, Syamalamba is the
ber 23 on the ‘Essence and importance of syamala danda- Jnana murti and holds in her hand a book which contains the
kam of Kalidas. Key note Speaker was Smt. Sandhya Gali, essence of all Knowledge (cf. Jnanasaratmikam pustakam).
Atlanta, USA, concluding remarks by RitaMatchew , and Further the dandakam is in three parts namely that devi and
elaborate comments and vote of thanks by Dr. Shanta Shai- her beauty exquisite and all excelling, Her mahima par ex-
valini, NVAK well-wisher and Scholar. Sangitanjali was celleance and her Her identifications wholly with the nature
rendered by Smt. Veena Ramesh, NVAK student. Veda- and more. As a result in a brief scope the classical poet has
kusumanjalin was offered by NVAK students. C.L. Prab- covered the grace and kindness, power and execution, love
hakar, the Director of NVAK introduced the speaker and the and affection on bhaktas right form to all in the Creation be-
subject of deliberations for the day. ginning from indra and down to humans and further. It is
Syamala Dandakam is the stotra grantha attributed to famo like the expression glory that she is the guardian of one and
us Poet Kalidasa who lived in 5th century. This is an unique all. Her beauty is so superb that there is no comparison.
composition in prose with 26 sentences of glory bringing the Whole program is on You tube of the NVAK. Smt Rita
beauty, power, and identifications of Devi Syamalamba who Matchew speech was filled with emotional experience that
is the Minister (Mantrinee) of Goddess Tripura Sundari, Sri Syamala devi is live and blessing. Full article on this Dan-
Lalitaparamesvari. Syamalamba has all the the skill and ex- dakam can be noted printed in Vedaganga vol 29 just re-
cutive management of land and people. So Devi entrusted leased on the 29th Annual Day of the NVAK and WAVES,
the supervision of the Rajya on her er (mantrininyasta Rajya Bangalore Chapter.

PROFILE NOTE ON Dr (Mrs) T Seetharamalakshmi, Professor of music (Retd)

Smt Geeta Srinivasan
The term Veda comes from the root 'Vid', to know. The Ve- the very young to the very old and from scholars to the to-
das are the eternal truth, THE ETERNAL KNOWLEDGE tally untrained. Passion was only the key.
revealed by God to the great Rishis of India. The knowledge Her contribution to the genre is more than performing. She
contained in it is vast and varied, covering alchemy and as- has donned several roles – vocalist, violinist, musicologist,
tronomy and music to mathematics. educationist, tireless researcher and head of prestigious in-
Nada Veda Adhyayana Kendra, Bangalore under the able
Administration of Dr. CLP and Dr. Smt.TSRL endeavors to Music is a celebration to her. There are festivities all around
give a thrust to preserving and propagating this great litera- the year in the Kendra with celebrations of Thyagaraja
ture, legacy and heritage. Since the inception in 1994, the Aradana, Purandara dasa mahotsava , Annamayya Aradana
tireless efforts and the contributions of this Kendra towards and performances across religious and cultural institutions
this goal have been phenomenal. and temples all year through. Besides, there are weekly and
Smt Dr TSRL, a musician and a musicologist has vast monthly musical and religious events such as Soundarya La-
knowledge of music and decades of experience in various hari and Narayaneeyam parayanas.
prestigious institutions in senior positions.
She was passionate about music. All her disciples would
As captain who steers the ‘Nada’ wing of this institution her vouch for the engaging and exciting learning cum practice
contribution to the world of Carnatic music and Bhakti sessions they had with her in the somber afternoons in the
Sangeet in particular has been significant. serene central hall of the Kendra. Her interesting explana-
The wing under her leadership has committed to propagat- tions and deeper meanings of the compositions she was
ing and popularizing the literature of the saint composers of about to teach, as an intro, made the students appreciate the
India. Her contribution to the promotion of “Annamayya greater messages of the divine composers. It would feel like
Literature “has been exceptional that needs a special men- a family get to gather. Her musical anecdotes and funny mu-
tion. sical recounts would be so enjoyable they were worth the
week’s wait
An exponent who has mastery over thousands of musical
compositions has pledged to impart her knowledge to the She was inclusive. For every performance, she would lay
betterment of the community. With this goal in mind, she huge emphasis on the students’ interaction and involvement
has been training numerous students’ batch after batch for right from the selection of the compositions, short-listing,
decades. She has had students from all walks of life - from practice schedules, rehearsals to many other nitty-gritties of
the events such as even dress codes. Her child like
enthusiasm is a sight to behold. Though being group perfor- a great guru Smt.Dr.TSRL and its our sincere prayers to the
mances, she would go an extra mile to encourage and show- Lord Almighty to bestow upon her great health and longev-
case the special talents of the individual students also. The ity to continue her noble service to our great heritage and
true mark and characteristic of an ideal guru. culture. She looks young and energetic yet although she has
crossed several decades of active life in all fronts.
It is with great pleasure, pride and reverence we thank God
for having blessed us with the opportunity of learning from


Sri Narayana Theertha
A song written by Narayan tirtha adoptable to Dance
Kūchipūdi.Kuchipudi is a dance drama tradition and derives In this Durga Tharangam, the scene opens with the arrogant
its name from the village of Kūchipūdi, Krishna District, Kamsa’s entry who wanted to kill the eighth child, which is
Andhra Pradesh, a southern state of India. In recent years it a girl child, of Devaki and Vasudeva. As he tries to do the
has evolved as a solo dance for the concert platform and is same, the just born baby girl went high up and showed her
performed by women too, though it was formerly the pre- Yogamaya Swaroopam. She, who is called as Durga, who
serve of men. The female roles were enacted by men and was in her rage, warned Kamsa about the one who has born
even today, the tradition boasts of gifted male dancers en- to kill him.
acting female roles with such consummate artistry that
hardly anyone would notice them as male dancers. Devas, Devis, sages, yakshas kinnaras and all others started
praising Devi Durga for protecting them from this difficult
The movements in Kuchipudi are quicksilver and scintillat- situation. Hearing their praises Devi Durga becomes calm
ing, exciting and intelligent, rounded and fleet-footed. It is and enjoys along with them in the celebration. God Indra
now performed to classical Carnatic music. The main source offers an offering of dance ensemble for Goddess Durga,
of the Chatur- Vidha Abhinaya, the fourfold expressions of with the collaboration of Gandharvas and apasaras. Devi be-
Kuchipudi, is the treatise on dramaturgy, Natya Shastra writ- comes happy and blesses everyone. The praise continues to
ten by Sage Bharatha muni. elaborate Devi Durga's Sundara Charanaaravindham, or the
beautiful lotus feet of the goddess, symbolise divine grace
In 16th-17th century, Kuchipudi style of Yakshagana was and protection. Adorned with anklets that jingle like melo-
conceived by Sri Sidhendra Yogi, who is known as the fa- dies, resonate the Samaveda and they carry the essence of
ther of Kuchipudi, a visionary, who had the capacity to give cosmic energy. The sacred symbols adorning her feet, such
a concrete shape to some of his visions. He was steeped in as conch shells, moon and divine insignias, echo the eternal
the literary Yakshagana tradition guided by his guru Shri power and auspiciousness she embodies. Each delicate toe
Narayana Theertha, who composed Sri Krishna Leela Tha- reflects the precision of cosmic order, while the anklets har-
rangini in Sanskrit. monize with the rhythm of the universe. Devotees find sol-
ace in the sanctity of Devi Durga's feet, recognizing them as
It was Guru Vedantam Lakshmi Narayana Sastry, who in- a source of strength and the embodiment of transcendent
troduced various new elements to this dance style, including beauty.
the solo dancing and training of the female dancers in this
dance style. Here, in one of the Charanams of the Tharangam the dancer
dances on the brass plate. This is one of the salient features
Kuchipudi carries sensuousness and fluidity along with the of Kūchipūdi Tharangam. In the captivating art of Ku-
lined geometrical movements. Like all other classical dance chipudi, the dancer gracefully moves upon a resonating
forms of India, Kuchipudi is both interpretative and lyrical brass plate, invoking a mesmerizing spectacle that echoes
making use of abstract dance sequences as well. Stress on the divine dance of Devi Durga. The rhythmic footwork on
dramatic outlook is one of the salient features of Kuchipudi. the metallic surface produces a symphony, symbolizing the
Because of these qualities and features, Kuchipudi dance en- cosmic energy that flows through the goddess. The delicate
joys great popularity and is recognised as one of the leading tinkling of the devi Durga’s ankle bells, known as noopura
classical dance styles of India. dhwani, becomes a sacred melody, the divine rhythms of
creation. As the dancer enlivens the plate with each step, the
Sri Narayana Theertha (1650-1745 AD), wrote the magnum convergence of artistry and spirituality unfolds, creating a
opus "Sri Krishna Leela Tharangini". Each of these songs profound connection between the earthly performance and
are called Tharangams and are integral to the Kuchipudi the celestial essence embodied by Devi Durga.
dance repertoire. While many songs are on lord Krishna, a
few are on other gods. The Durga Tharangam is on the Under the Theme: Contributions of Ṛṣis and Vyakhyakaras
mother goddess. for Human Welfare and Emancipation I would like to
present this Natya Veda created by Brahma and propagated Annual Day celebrations of Nada veda Adhyayana Kendra
by Sage Bharatha through Kūchipūdi Tharangam. Here is on 17-12-23.
Durga Tharangam a dance performance at the Day II of


Smt. Geeta Siva Raman, Scholar and Dancer, Kerala
Aim: This paper delves into the spiritual experiences of dances performed by Devadasis to praise the gods.
dancers in the context of Mohiniyattam, a classical dance Mohiniyattam, a feminine classical art form from Kerala,
form. The primary objective is to identify and evaluate the draws inspiration from Hindu mythology and sculptures to
aesthetic elements of Mohiniyattam in terms of its spiritual explore the ideology of spirituality. The term 'Mohini'
essence. symbolizes God Vishnu, in his Mohini form and the
narrative often incorporates mythological stories and themes
Many Indian classical dances have deep roots in Hinduism from Hindu epics and puranas. Dancers portrayvarious
and serve as mediums for promoting spiritualism. These characters, including gods, goddesses, and celestial beings,
cultural and ritual activities have historically been evoking profound emotional responses in the audience. The
associated with the moral and spiritual upliftment of dancer, in the role of Nayika,may depict deep love for
individuals, often conducted within temple courtyards. chosen deities such as Krishna or Vishnu, who are revered
Dance, in this context, is not merely a physical art form but as Nayakas. The Narthaki, acting as Atma, seeks union with
is regarded as a means of communication with the divine, Paramatma,and in most Padams, 'Sakhi' assumes the role of
aligning the practitioner with the energy centers, or chakras, a Guru.
within the body.
The Nritya techniques in Mohiniyattam are typically
The presence of a divine element is a common feature in all founded on these spiritual elements, enriching the art form's
Indian dance forms, many of which originated as temple intrinsic beauty.

1. With Saundaryalahari Stotra formulas Saundarya Lahari Havana would be organized on 24-12-23, Sunday at 11 a.m.
as scheduled. Puja and naivedya and arpana to Devi would be done. Welcome
2. On 16th &17-11-23 Sunday 7.00 p.m. IST onwards ,7. NVAK & WAVES, Bangalore Chapter Annual day Celebra-
3. 26-12-23 6.45 p.m. Margaseershamasa suddha Purnima,Lalita Sahasranama Stotra parayanam on zoom Meet..
4. Every Tuesdays and Wednesdays Classes at 7 p.m. IST Central time USA 8.30 a.m. on “Mahanyasa mantras of YV
“held by Dr. C.L. Prabhakar, Director, and Veda Guru. Please note the Zoom: PC 376 656 7221 Code 123321. Notified
in the nadaveda WhatsApp group. On Fridays 7 p.m. Swetasvatara Upanishad over same Zooms
5. Regular Zoom international classes on Veda and scriptures are organized Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday and Sundays on Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Durga Saptasati, Bhagavad-Gita, Veda Suktas / Vishnu
sahasranama, Narayaneeyam, and Sri Srinivasa/Lakshmi Gadyam and Bhagavata saptasati classes respectively by Dr.
C.L. Prabhakar, Guruji, at 8 p.m. (USA EST, (India 6.30 a.m. IST). It on Zoom link. Zoom 876 7828 0582, passcode
842839. Interested need contact for link the Director of 80- 26592489/26596150.
6. Viduraniti sessions on Saturdays at 6.30p.m. IST and 8.00 a.m. CST. meeting id: 821 4769 4896 pass code 542647.
on in the series.
7. Aruna prasna classes same day (Saturday) at .8.00 p.m. IST’. U.S Central time 9.30 a.m. CST. Meeting id 790 5356
7338 passcode: arunaprasn. The classes resumed from 7th July 22.
8. Bhagavata Saptasati Bhashyam on Sundays at5 p m. cst 6p.m. recurring Zoom id 876 7828 0582 passcode 842839
9. Syamala Dandakam sessions on Tuesdays& Thursdays, at 8p.m. EST, 7.p.m. CST,6.300 a.m. IST. Link in Nadaveda
Wapp group.686 847 2875 pass code; mantram
10. Class on Sri Lakshmi Gadyam 6 p.m. Est on Zoom on every Sunday. Same as in for bhagavata saptasati
11. On Saturdays Narayaniyam stotra text session. Time 9 p.m. EST 5.30 a.m. IST, Venue: Zoom same as in item 6.
12. 12-11--23 Sunday Stotra Bodha Meet: topic: Syamala Dandakam: Importance and Signuga by performing sacrifices
and in Kaliyugayicance:Key note Speaqker:Smt Sandhya Gali, Software Engineer, NVAK Engineer,Atlanta,USA,Con-
cluding Remarks: Dr. Shanta Saivalini, Vote of Thanks: Nagaraj Subrhamanyam. MV.Sudha Recites Stotra. Veena
Sangitanjali. Vedic Prayer ‘Siva Lingaiah, NVAK student.
Krute dhyanat jnana siddhih
Tretaayam tapasa tatha!
Dvapare yajanat jnanam
Jnanam Pratima pujaya kalua!! ( Siva Puranam)

In Krutayugam people procured Spiritual Knowledge through Meditation, in Treta yuga through tapas: in Dvapara by per-
forming sacrifices, but jnanam is acquired by performing homadi yajanakriyas in Kali Yuga.

Activity of the NVAK & WAVES, Bangalore at Kendra premises

234 11th B Cross, J. P. Nagar II phase, Bangalore-78.
Program for the DECEMBER 2023
(This year (2022-23) theme: “Competing Practices of Dharma and Adharma: Success &the consequences of their
Votaries in Veda and Later.
Please mark your calendar the dates underneath and attend at Kendra premises.
Veda classes, Yoga classes are organized. For change of venue of classes or other activity please contact Kendra/Sri Suren-
dra Pujar: (ph. 080-26596150) and Sri Vasan, +91 7022244792 for virtual links. Join WhatsApp nadaveda group for more
updating knowledge on Veda and more on the activity on going also.

1. 5044 26-12-23 Sunday, 11 a.m. Samuhika Homa performance of Ganapati (with Atharvaseersha Upanishad mantras),
and Saundaryalahari stotra formulas Homa, (100 ahutis with slokas Recitation). (Venue: 234 11 B cross, 20 main, J.
P Nagar II Phase, Bangalore open to all). Now venue option is open. PLEASE CONTACT KENDRA FOR DETAILS.
2. 5045 26-12-23 MONDAY 6.30 p.m. Kartika suddha Purnima: samuhika Lalita Shasranama Parayanam.

3. 5046 14-12-23 Dhanurmasa begins: KENDRA PREMISES This is important month of months this year as there occurs
Vaikuntha Ekadasi on 22-12-23. More over Krishna said: He is present and likes specifically this month through out.
Masaanam Margaseersho’smi’

4. 5047 16 &17-12-23, Saturday &Sunday XXIX Annual Day celebrations with theme on the Rishis and the
Vaggeyakaras :their contributions to the Human welfare and Emancipation .Each day the program from 6 p.m.-9.30
p.m. IST. Program would be circulated. Watch the Nadaveda Wapp and FB.
5. 5048 18-12-23 Sri Subrahmanya Swamy Shashthi Utsavas. Te birth of Kumar for finishing Tarakasura.

4 5044 25-12-23 Monday, Gita Jayanti Celebrated. Bhagavad gita parayanam. Bhagavadgita paraayanam is beneficial in
many ways. In January we would have talks on Gita and Sri Krishna paraatma.
5 VedaGanga VoXXIX would be released and made available for all.

Printed & Published by Dr. C.L. Prabhakar, NadaVedadhyayana Kendra, # 437, 15th Main, 17th Cross, 5th Phase, J.P
Nagar, and Bengaluru-78. Ph.:80- 26596150, 9113264849/26592489, Email: Websites: www.dig-
ital wisdom, YouTube channel: type: Nada Veda Adhyayana Kendra for record-
ings. Please also visit web: for Vedic wisdom more.

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