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The first computing device, was invented in china in around 2700 to 2300 BCE it was a manual

computing device named abacus, in the 1642 Blaise pascal he is a French mathematician and
philosopher invented the Pascaline, the world first mechanical calculator that can add and subtract.
Then, in the 1673 Gottfried Willheim Leibniz improve the pascal’s invention to create a apparatus. It was
a digital and mechanical calculator known as stepped reckoner or Leibniz wheel because it used fluted
drums instead of gears.

In the early 1820s, Charles Babbage created Different Engine. It was a mechanical computer that can do
basic computations. It was a steamed-powered calculating machine. It used to solve numerical tables
such as logarithmetic tables.

And an American Statician, Herman Hollerith invented a machine in the year 1890. It was called
Tabulating machine it’s a punch card-based mechanical tabulator. It could compute statistics and record
or sort data or information. He manufactured this machine in his company, which ultimately became
Internalional Business Machine (IBM) in 1924.

And Vannevar Bush introduced the First Electrical computer, The differential analyzer dated in 1930.
This machine made up of vacuum tubes that switched electrical impulse in order to do calculation. It’s
capable of performing up to 25 calculations in a matter of minutes.

Moreover in the 1936 The Turing machine was introduced by Alan Turing he created the Turing
machine, which was a theoretical computing device that used an algorithm to process data. He also
played a key role in cracking the German Enigma code during World War II, using an early computer
called the Colossus.

The first commercial computer UNIVAC, was built in 1951 and was used primarily for scientific and
military applications. and the invention of computer storage devices like magnetic tape and diskdrive in
the 1950s and 1960s reconstructed the field of computing, as it allowed for the storage to large the
amount of data. This led to the development of computer networking, with the first Wide Area Network
(WAN) being ARPANET, it was developed by the U.S Department of Defense in the late 1960s.

1970s brought the first personal computers (PCs), with the Altair 8800 being one of the first
commercially successful models. In the 1980s, Apple, IBM, and Microsoft led the way in advancing
computer technology. The apple introduced MAC the first computer that has Graphical User interface
(GUI), and the Microsoft develop the MS-DOS operating system the led to creation of Windows that
many of us are using today.

The advance in technology continued in the 1990s with the developed of the World Wide Web (WWW)
And the Internet. This led to creation of many search engines such as Mozilla, Google, Bing and many
more. The invention of mobile devices in 21st century has given rise of the Internet of Things (IoT)
where devices are interconnected and can communicate with each other, futher to advancing
computing technology.
In conclusion, the history of computing and computers are fascinating journey of innovation and
discovery that has led to the creation of incredibly powerful machines that makes our life easier in every
aspect of modern life.

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