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Animal cruelty

Our planet Earth is a very beautiful place. Here, all the living organisms are
dependent on each other and live together. We, humans, are considered as the
most intelligent species on Earth. But, we sometimes become very insensitive to
the creatures who cannot express themselves, especially the animals. We harm
them just to fulfill our needs. Animals, just like human beings, deserve a peaceful
life. Animals are an important part of our ecosystem and are very useful to us.
But, we sometimes forget that they are also living creatures. We keep on
harassing them and these poor creatures can't even express their feelings and
grief. Cruelty towards animals have become an international matter of concern.
This needs to be addressed as soon as possible and should be eliminated
forever. We become cruel towards animals for two reasons - one to fulfill our
needs and other for fun. We use animals for their fur, their skin, their meat, their
teeth and horns too. Sometimes, we apply colors on them which harm their skin,
we also burn crackers without thinking about them. Sometimes, the tea-shop
keeper pours the hot water on the street dogs, which is a great example of cruel
behavior towards the animals. Another industry that contributes in cruelty to
animals is the cosmetic industry. Whenever we buy any cosmetic products, we
always make sure that the product is safe on our skin. But, we hardly realize that
these products are tested on animals before it reaches us. The chemicals are
often injected in animal’s bodies or applied on their skin. Sometimes, these are
tested on their eyes too. And if the test fails, it sometimes leads to the animal's
death also. These tests cause itching and burning too. But, we the human
beings, keep on torturing the animals for our own purposes. Our progressing
medical science also has a big role in harassing the animals and showing our
cruelty towards them. For the trials of medicines, animals are selected. They are
then injected with the trial medicines without thinking about their pain. They are
often kept in freezing temperatures for the experiments. We also ill-treat the
animals at zoos and circuses. The place where they are kept is not cleaned
often. Also, the feeding methods are not too hygienic. These result in various
diseases and often to their death. Many animals and birds are being sold every
day. These animals are kept in cages or are kept tied with a chain. Most often,
they are beaten up. The street dogs are often beaten up by the shopkeepers if
they are found roaming around. So, cruelty to animals has become a nationwide
problem nowadays. The government has already imposed a few laws and a few
more are needed. Along with that, social awareness is also required. Students
should learn how to treat animals in schools. Parents should also treat their pets
well and teach their children.

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