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Defect/Bug life cycle & S.T.L.

• Soon after a defect is identified tester will report the defect in a defect
reporting tool called ALM or Jira or Mantis , TFS--------- as per company
• Later on Developer will check the new status defects and verify whether
they are valid or invalid.
• If he thinks it is invalid he will reject the bug/defect and keeps the status
• If he thinks the defect is valid then he will keep the status as
• If he find the reported defect is already reported means he will keep the
status as DUPLICATE.
• If he needs any clarification on reported bug he will keep the status as
• For any reason he needs time to fix the bug means he will keep the
• After all the above things are done Developer will concentrate on open
status bugs and starts resolving the defects.
• Once developer resolved the defects, he will keep the status as FIXED
and he will send a modified build to testers stating that raised defects
are fixed.
• Then here again testers will do Re-testing and Regression testing on the
modified build whether they are correctly resolved or not.
• If the previously raised defect is not fixed correctly by developer means
again testers will reopen the defect by keeping status RE-OPEN.
• If the raised defect is correctly fixed means testers will close the defect
by keeping status CLOSED.
* STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle) *

• STLC (Software testing life cycle:-

Test planning(T.M,P.M,T.L)
Test analysis(Testers)
Test design(Testers)
Test Execution(Testers)
Test closure (Testing manager,Team lead)

1. Test Planning:-
Defining a systematic approach to perform the testing
activities at different levels.

1. Project Level :-
Plan is all about the projects that are targeted for a period of
* How many projects are targeted for a period
* How many prokect can take up to test

* Are we having enough testing team members to handle

the projects.

2.Team Level:-
*Plan is all about a single project that is handling by a system
to test and certify
* Number of testers required to test this application alone
* Challenges that will occur while testing and how to handle
* Set of s/w & h/w environments etc.

Test plan template :-

An Test plan Template contains following sections :-
1. Project overview.

2. Document References.

3. Scope of Testing.

4. Testing strategies.

5. Test environments.

6. Staffing plan.

7. Work schedules.

8. Approvals.
Test Analysis :-Here Testers will get the documents called
BRD,FRS,SRS and then testers will start analyzing the
documents and if they need any clarity regarding the
requirements they will update that doubt in a sheet called
RCN(Requirement clarification note),after updating the
doubts of complete team the team lead or BA will explain
their respective doubts in K.T(Knowledge transfer session).
Project Name :- Primus Bank.

Module name :- Personal


Prepared By :- Sai

Prepared Date :- 4/2/2020 Requirement Clarification Clarification Clarification Clarification
specification reference required provided provided by given date

RCN 001 Personal banking Corporate bank , Yes they are Sai 04/2/2020
nri bank req’s also a valid

Test Design :-Here testers will start writing Test cases after
analyzing the documents as per requirements.
Test Execution :- Here Testers will Execute the test cases as
per requirement.

Test Closure :-Test closure will be done when the following

conditions are met:-
1).When all the written test cases are correctly passed and
working as per requirements.
2).When all the raised defects are correctly working as per the

Note:-Test closure will be taken care by Team lead and

project lead and managers.
Retesting Status on 28/12/2020:-

Retested 29 issues and found 3 issue were reopen and remaining 26 were closed & found 15 new
issues while doing Regression Testing :-



New issues:-

Below Zip Folder contains the screenshots of the New Issues:

*Test Scenario :- Whatever the functionalities to be tested in an application is called as test scenario.

EX :- Gmail :- Email id ------P.W --------Next-----Home page.

* Test case :- How to test and what to test in an functionality is called as Test case.

1. Client -----project.

2. Business analyst and product manager will analyze the requirements and then Starts readying project.
BRD:-Business requirement document.
FRS: Functional requirement specifications
SRS:-Software requirement specifications.

3. Developers --------will develop the application as per requirements.

4. Testers ----------------Testers will test the developed application is as per requirements or not.

5. In testing phase after writing test case , it should be approved with 3 signatures :-

1.Author signature :- it is a signature of the tester who writes the test ca


2.Pre-approval signature :- it is a signature of the particular tester team lea


3.Post-approval signature :- It is a signature of the project manager.

6. After this Approvals are done , then only the test case will be ready to excute.

7. Once the test case is avalable to excute ,then also after excuting weather it is passed or failed , it should be routed
for the approvals
in the above same manner like:-

1.Author signature :- it is a signature of the tester who writes the test ca


2.Pre-approval signature :- it is a signature of the particular tester team lead


3.Post-approval signature :- It is a signature of the manager .

8. While Excuting the test case,if tester found any deviation, tester will report it in a defect reporting tool like ALM,

9. If no defects raised then the team lead will close the test cases as per the module . ///////////////////////.......

Testing phases in real time:-

1. S.I.T :- System integration testing.

2. Validation testing.
3. User-acceptance testing.

In all the above 3 phases the testers will write the test cases and excute the test cases which are assigned by the team
lead and sent them
the approvals as said above and finalise the module test cases in the same manner.

*What is testing :- Testing is nothing but evaluating the system with an intension of finding defects or bugs.

*Why testing :- To deliver a risk free and quality product.

*What is manual testing :- What ever the testing it is either security or functional testing done with human effort is c
alled manual testing

*What is automation testing:-What ever the testing it is either security or functional testing done with automation too
ls like QTP,
SELENIUM ,LOAD RUNNER is called Automation testing.

*what is positive testing :- If we test an application with positive perception is called as positive testing.

*What is negative Testing :- If we test an application with negative perception is called as negative testing.

*Difference between Q.A and Q.C :-

Quality assurance:- It is a service based testing .

Quality control :- It is a product based testing .

Note :- QC is also a part of QA.

*Roles of a Tester:- AUT(Application under test).

Smoke Testing
Formal testing:- writing all test cases and test scenarios .
Adhoc testing :- Doing testing without writing test cases and test scenarios.
Finding defects and reporting to developer.
Conduct Retesting and regression testing.
Develop automation test scripts.
Excuting test scripts.(A)
Prepare Test Report.

*Project :- If an application designed for single user means it is called as project.

*Product :- If an application designed for multiple users it is called as product.

*Error :- Any incorrect human action that produces wrong output means it is error.

* Defect :- Deviation between Expected and actual result known as Defect.

*Failure :- If an End user(client/customer) finds the defects means then its a failure.

*Bug :- If an developer accepts the raised defect means its a bug.

******** Principles of Testing *********
It describes how to test an application, here are some principles for testing:-

1.) Exhaustive Testing :- If we check an functionality with complete details , it is

called as Exhaustive testing, which is not required.


Example for Exhaustive Testing:- Take Hdfc bank credential user name as test

User name
Testing the application unwontedly where requirement is not there (or) testing
the application with multiple credentials where it is not required.

Check user name with admin logins

Check user name with bank employee logins

Check user name with customer’s logins.

Example: 2:-

Enter the Amount:-

Here above the requirement is it should accept any number and any decimal
values too.

Now I’m entering value as 101.3692

At the second instance I’m checking with 99.31

At the Third instance I’m checking with 10.311

2.) Defect Clustering:- sometimes a small functionality may produce

more defects in the application when compare with a bigger

Example for Defect clustering :-

Ex:-1:-bank registration form(for developing bank reg form code will be very

EX:2:-Bank payment gateway(for this P.G development writing code is very less.

Note:- Here more issues will be from payment gateway irrespective of their
codes and sizes.

Pesticide Paradox :- If prepared test cases are not able to find the defects
means review the test cases and add new test cases & modify test cases of
required for better testing .

EX:- Pesticide Medicine ==== Test cases.

Insects ============= Defects.
4.)Early Testing :-

Conducting testing as soon as possible in the development life cycle is

called as Early testing, In simple words Conducting testing wright from
the requirements is called as Early Testing.

5.)Testing is application & Situation Dependent :-

T.I.A.D:- Testing approach may slightly change from project to project.

EX:- Testing a calculator application is different from testing online application

like IRCTC.

T.I.S.D:-Sometimes test approach may slightly change based on time availability

& resources availability ,if sufficient time is available we go with formal testing
,if no time is available we will go with informal testing or adhoc testing.
6.)Absence of defects is a fallacy :- Defect free application is impossible, the
major goal of testing is delivering the Risk free Application.

7.) Testing must show the presence of Defects :- Always testing must perform
with an intension of finding defects, because the major goal is we have to
identify defects before customer finds them.


Gathering requirements(P.M,P.L, B.A OR P.A)

Planning(P.M,P.L,T.L,H.R) or (Feasibility study)

Design (BA OR PA)

Coding (Development team)

Testing(Testing team)

Delivery and maintenance (P.M,P.L,T.L)

Gathering requirements: - This will be done by the product manager and business
analyst here they will analyze the requirements.

:: Business Analyst

Collect the information about the application

* What type of application to be implement

* What are the functionalities that needs to implements in the


* UI design of the application

* Time to complete the application development etc.

Planning:- Here also the same product manager, project manager, Cluster head will
plan the project coverage in terms of man power to be splitted in to different teams.
1.Sufficient resources availability.

2. Sufficient Lab Setup Availability.

3. Budget Matters will be discussed.

Design: - Here the development manager and business analyst and product manager
involves and design a high level and low level designs which has U.T & I.T.

This phase is divided into two parts

Ex: House Architecture, Whatsapp, Gmail

High Level Design :: Modularity design of the application

* Brief description and name of each module

* An outline about the functionality of every module

* Interface relationship and dependencies b/w modules

* Complete architecture diagrams along with technology details

Wire Frames-- Flow chart Diagrams.

Low Level Design :: Will provide a detailed information about the

functionalities of each module with logic.

* Functional logic of modules

* Database tables

* Complete details of interface

* List of error messages .

Coding: - Here the developers will develop the code for the functionalities as per
Testing:- Here testers will test the developed application weather it is developed as
per requirements or not.

Delivery and maintenance:-After the development and testing team gives sign-
off the business analyst and product manager will release the application under
delivery and maintenance, Installation of the application in the client
location/deploy it in www servers and make it ready to use by the client/end user.

SDLC :- Will be of 2 types :- 1. Sequential model.

2. Incremental model.

Sequential model :---- 1. Waterfall model

2. V&V-model.

Waterfall model is well designed for the small projects where the requirements are
very clear.

**It is a step by step process

**It is also called as traditional or basic or sequential model

**Once after the requirement gathering is done, it is freezed and final.

Ex:=water poured on steps will not come back.


**Requirement change is not allowed.

**Testing will start only after coding.

**Testers are hired at testing phase.


**Quality of the product is high.

**Req changes are not allowed chances of finding defects are less.

**Initial investments is less as testers are hired at later stages.

** V&V-model is designed for small projects where the requirements are not clear.

**To overcome the problems of waterfall model, v and v model is preferred.

**Verifying CRS,FRS,HLD,LLD, whether they were as per requirements or not.

**It is done before the software is developed and it is done by test engineers.

**While doing verification we see whether we are developing right product or not.

**Testing the functionality of application by executing test cases is called validation.

**Once CRS document is approved product manager will share to dev and testing
team and here testers will do acceptance testing and review the CRS document if any
defects found he will report to developer.

**meanwhile developer will convert the CRS into SRS ,then again its duty of product
manager to share the SRS TO Test engineer.

**Now test engineers will do system testing review the SRS document against the
CRS if they found that it is not converted correctly then again defect will be raised.

** meanwhile developer will convert the SRS into HLD ,then again its duty of product
manager to share the HLD TO Test engineer.

**Now test engineers will do Integration testing and review the HLD document
against the SRS if they found that it is not converted correctly then again defect will
be raised.

** meanwhile developer will convert the HLD into LLD ,then again its duty of product
manager to share the LLD TO Test engineer.

** Now test engineers will do Functional testing and review the LLD document
against the HLD if they found that it is not converted correctly then again defect will
be raised.

** Meanwhile developer will convert the LLD into Coding.

**Developer himself will do WBT once coding part is done.

Test engg starts doing functional testing then integration testing, system testing
,acceptance testing.


**Documentation is more.

**Initial investment is more as both testers and developers are hired at early stages.


Every phase is tested and it is biggest advantage.

Since we have started at early stage, defects will be less.

Time to complete the task will be less.

Incremental Model:- This model is preferred for big projects and has
different models:-

1. RAD Model.

2. SPIRAL Model.


4. AGILE Model.

RAD :- Rapid app development model is nothing but it splits the big
project in to different modules and here each module will be considered
as a different project so for completing big project in small time this is
one of the model preferred.

Spiral model:- This is also preferred for big projects where there are
continuous changes in business requirements. it looks like a spider web.
**It is a step by step process or standard model, overcoming the
drawbacks of waterfall model.

**We follow spiral model when there are dependencies between the

**It is also called as iterative or incremental model.


*Here requirement changes are allowed.

*It is also called as controlled model as we are testing the application

module by module.


*Every cycle of spiral model looks like a waterfall model.

Prototype model:- here it is preferred only when requirements are not

clear means they will create the duplicate values and test the application,
if it works correctly then they will go with the value which Is correct.



A approached b ,then business analyst will connect with A,A have not
given 100 percent requirement because they were new to market and
provided only 75 percent ,then business analyst will go to company and
explain the technical team to develop, they have developed the
application and tested the application, finally the project will be rejected,
In this case we go with prototype model.
**In this web developers will convert text message into image, then
customer thinks this software will be like this.


Req collection--BA

Feasibility study—BA and PM

Design and development of prototype—they will convert text to image


Prototype testing-our test engineers will do prototype testing.

Customer review—finally dummy model will be deployed, if customer

wants any changes then they will do modifications and will update to

If customer is satisfied, the Next stage is Design---Coding—Testing—Del

and Maintenance.


**Time consuming is a lot.

**Investment is high.


We can set high expectations as converting text to image.

Customer will see the software at early stage as we are providing dummy

Requirement changes are allowed.

Agile model :- Here both development and testing team parallel works,
here also big project is divided in to different sprints ,each sprint will be
considered as different team so here early testing will be done , so finding
defects is easy and accuracy of application can be done by following agile

*Here scrum master is product manager, if product manager is not

available means project manager will take care.

*In Daily calls all managers and testers and developers who are working
on same project will be available.

*In Daily meetings will discuss about the yesterday’s work done and
current day’s work which to be done and also discussing about the issues
which we find.

*Daily we will keep a status mail , in that we will keep the status of the
day work which we have done.

Scrum meeting :- Here testing team and development team with

managers and Business analyst, client will be here.

Stand up call:- Here only testing team will be there include test lead and
test manager.
**Agile model is an iterative and incremental approach.

**same process will do repeating is called iterative.

Requirement gathering—Dev—testing—delivery and maintenance

**Incremental model: Module or Feature will be keep on adding, when

ever requirements are keep on changing our company should be flexible
and should accept the changes as we are following the agile methodology,
to deliver the application in short span of time.

**Agile model is preferred where company should follow to deliver the

application very fast.

**In agile model there will be a good communication between all the

**Test engineer or developer will directly interact with client and know
the requirement details.

Agile Testing: It is a type of software testing which we do by following the

principles of agile model is called as agile testing.

Principle / Advantages of Agile model:

*Requirement changes are allowed at any stage of the development.

*Releases will be very fast.

*Customer satisfaction will be high.

*There will be a good communication between developers, testers, BA

and client.

*It is very easy model to adopt.


*There will be less focus on designing and documentation.

*It is difficult to handle long term projects.

*There will be less scope for junior dev or junior testers.

What is Scrum:-It talks about the rules to be followed while following

agile model.

**Product backlog:-It will be created by PM, whatever the things we need

to work on things like homepage, login page, logout page, in order to give
the software to the product in the product backlog.

**Sprint:-When we are developing software customer can’t expect full

100 percent software, Every one week or 2 weeks we are delivering

Sprint planning: It is a meeting conducted by scrum master, PM, BA,

Architect and discusses the things which were available in product
backlog and assign it to the developers and test engineers.

**Scrum master: He is a person who is responsible for delivering the

software to the customer in planned time.

He will be creating user stories and tracking all the persons.

Senior dev, senior testing engineers, PM OR BA can become scrum


**Sprint retrospective meeting:

It is a meeting conducted by Scrum master at the end of the every sprint.

Scrum master will ask every individual on basis of what went well and
what not went well, any challenges facing in order to achieve them good
in the next sprint.

**Bug Triage meeting: It is conducted by test engineer or process owner

and showcase all the open status bugs, and decide which bugs should be
fixed in this sprint and which needs to be fixed in next sprint.

Test Engineers will conduct this meeting one week before the release.

Stories: It describes a single feature or single module.

Epic: It is a collection of stories, under epic different features are


Story points: It is a rough approx estimation given by dev and tester to

complete the task.

EX: One story point = 1 day or 1 hour.

Swag: It’s just like a story point and here testers and dev team will give
approx time in hours.

**Test bed:- It is the combination of hardware and software environment on which

the tests will be executed. It includes hardware configuration, operating system
settings, software configuration, test terminals and other support to perform the test.

**Test lab:- The QA lead sets up a new test lab, selects the tests that should
participate in it, and assigns them to the various testers, Time Management allows
you to better plan and monitor test execution across your entire team.

Api testing :- API TESTING is a software testing type that validates

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) when the UI level application is not

**Impact of bug leakage:- Bug leakage impacts the business of the

Hence, the ways to prevent high defect leakage are:
1. Pick a particular area and perform a detailed analysis and testing.
2. Check for sensitive content and areas.
3. Find components that are prone to high defect leakage.
4. Perform rigorous testing on tiniest components.

***Bug leakage:- A defect which exists during testing yet unfound by the tester
which is eventually found by the tester/end-user is also called bug leakage.

**What is product backlog and sprint backlog in agile?

The Product Backlog is specific to the entire goal of the product. The Sprint
Backlog is specific only to the Sprint goal in a particular Sprint. ... It is the entire set
or list of work that should be completed to develop the product completely. It is a
subset of the Product Backlog and is completed during a Sprint.
**** U.A.T & B.B.T & W.B.T & I.T & U.T ****

User Acceptance Testing :- U.A.T is done by the End-

users(Client/customer) to build a confidence on the developed
application weather it is ready for releasing live into the market or


B—Customer B Requested A to build a software, then A will build

the software and give to B,then B will do acceptance testing.

It is an end to end testing which is held by customer to make sure that

the developed software is as per requirement or not and to make sure
that software is able to handle real time business scenarios or not is
called User acceptance testing.
Here in acceptance testing they won’t test the application by seeing
BRD, They do real time scenarios of business, as in in our testing we
enter the dummy data in fields but in uat real time data will be

There is another way of UAT Testing is Company A person will go to

client premises and customer will provide the scenarios to test
engineer and then test engineer will look in to scenarios and perform
the testing.

There is another way of UAT Testing is Customer will release there

software to customer C and then they will do testing and will let know
their findings.

End to end testing:- Navigating through all the features and make sure
that till last feature the application is working fine or not is called as
End to End testing.

In some companies it is also called as acceptance testing or final

acceptance testing or Red box testing.

Why Red box testing: Because it is last stage of testing.

In How many phases UAT testing is done:

Alpha Testing:-It is the first level of testing done by the client at
application development done premises.

Beta Testing :-It is the last level of testing done by the client at client

Note :- U.A.T testing main intension is done not to find defects, the
main intension is to build the confidence weather it is ready for live or

Black Box Testing:-

*Black box testing is done by the testers as well as domain

experts(95% testers) to check whether the developed application is
correctly developed as per requirements or not.

*Black box testing is done for 100% requirement coverage.

**Testing the functionality of an application without looking into

internal code is called as BBT.

**Now it is the definition for reference: There is a box which is in

black color, inside that there is a code written, now we are testing a
application but the code is not visible.

**Programming knowledge is not required for performing BBT.

**BBT is done by looking into Requirement specifications.

**Here then we will write Test cases and execute those test cases any
deviations found route them for developers, if got fixed then we need
to perform retesting and regression testing.

Functional testing:-Any testing that you do according to the functional

requirement is called as functional testing.

Ex:-Go to corporate process user guide and verify the flows as reject ,
next, cancel.

Non-Functional testing:- Any testing that you do according to the

Performance or scalability or stability side is called as Non-functional

Types of BBT:-As per the Testing standards (ISTQB) the types of BBT
are of three types.

**Functional testing.

**Non Functional testing.

**Regression testing.

Techniques of BBT:-

1. Equivalence testing.

2. Boundary value analysis.

3. State transition testing.

4. Decision table testing.

5. Error guessing.

6. Use Case base testing.

Interview question:-Software testing means both WBT AND BBT and

White Box Testing :-

*White box testing is done by the Software engineers (Developers)

who has complete coding knowledge on the developed source code
weather it is producing correct output or not as per requirements.

**Combination of both Unit testing and Integration testing is called as

White Box Testing.

**It is a software testing technique in which internal structure design

and coding of software are tested to verify flow at input and output.

*White box testing is done for 100% code coverage.

*By using W.B.T finding defects at code level is very easy.

**It is also called as Clear box testing, open box testing, code based
testing, Glass box and transparent testing.

**In BBT we only check what are the inputs provided and what are
outputs displayed.

**In above all names we can see that the entire application view is
very clear and very transparent to perform testing.

**While performing WBT they will perform Statements testing and

branch testing, decision testing, path testing, and control flow testing.
**WBT is internal testing done by software engineers who has coding

Gray Box Testing:-

** It is a combination of both BBT and WBT.

**It is a strategy for the software debugging in which the person has
limited knowledge of internal details of program.

**The testers who has limited knowledge of internal details of a

program is called as grey box testing.

**It is completely depends on tester so if tester is having no coding

knowledge he will do BBT, if he has complete coding knowledge then
he will do WBT, If he has limited knowledge then he will do Grey box

***Grey box testers partially knows internal structure and having idea
on the algorithms of defining a test case is called as Grey box testing.


**Matrix testing:-- It states that status of the report of the project.

**Regression testing:-Rerunning of the test cases.

**Pattern testing:-Rerunning of the new changes with their test cases.

**Orthogonal array testing:-It is used as a subset of all possible

Unit Testing or Component testing :-Unit testing is nothing but testing
done on the smallest part of an application like functions or tables or
programs by developers to ensure that developed code is producing
correct output as per requirement or not is called as unit testing.

Ex:-There is registration page with multiple components like name,

mob number and address, pin code.

***Testing the different components individually of an application

rigorously and thoroughly according to requirements is called as
component testing.

***Thoroughly:-Testing all my components is called as thoroughly.

***Rigorously:- Testing the components with both positive and

negative scenarios is called as rigorously.

***Mobile number only accepts 10 digits number.

As a tester I use to test the mobile number functionality by giving 10
digits number, less than 10 digits, 11 digits number.

Rules we need to follow while doing component testing:-

1. We need to do positive testing first.

2. If positive testing is passed, then only we need to perform negative


3. If Positive testing is having any defects, we should not perform

negative testing and we should raise the defects as soon as possible.

4. As a test engineer we should not assume anything.

5. We have to do optimize testing which covers both positive and

negative testing.

6. In few companies Components testing will be also called as

Functional testing.

Types of Component testing:-

1. Over Testing or Exhaustive testing: (Ex: First name can accept 20-
30 alphabetic characters), here we need to cover both positive
and negative scenarios.

As in the above scenario I have tested with 20,30,19,31.

Now as a test engineer we are not supposed to do 21,22,23,24—
this is called as over testing or exhaustive testing and where it is
not required.
2. Under Testing: One text field is there where it only accepts numeric
digits, as a test engineer we need to perform both positive and
negative scenarios, He can say checking alpha numeric’s and
numeric’s, but he has not covered with only alphabets and only
special characters.

3. Optimized Testing: Testing the components of application with

both Positive and negative scenarios are called as Optimized testing.

*Testing the components of application by not seeing into

requirements is called negative testing.

*Testing the components of application by following the

requirements document is called as positive testing.

Integration Testing:- Once all the unit testing are tested developer will
combine all the units and test the overall unit testing codes by
combining is called Integration testing.

Ex:-Gmail application—Mail has been composed with user 1 logins

and also checked the same scenario whether the composed new mail
is in sent list or not.

Now the same scenario is checking by logging as user 2 and verifying

the sent mail is in the user 2 inbox or not.
Types of Integration testing:

1. Incremental Integration testing: Incrementally adding the

modules and checking the integration (data flow) between them
is called as IIT.

Again IIT has two types:-

1. Top down IIT:- Incrementally adding the modules and checking

the integration(data flow) between them and make sure the
modules that we are adding is the child of the previous module
is called as Top-down IIT.
2. Ex: Gmail: Compose an email, then only it will be available in
sent box, here compose is parent module and Sent box is Child
3. Bottom up IIT:- Incrementally adding the modules and checking
the integration(data flow) between them and make sure the
modules that we are adding is the parent of the previous
Ex: B is my sent box , A is compose, here im checking whether
the parent module is correctly added to child module or not.

Sandwich Testing: Combination of top down and bottom up is

called as sandwich testing.
Non-incremental Integration testing: It is also called as big bank
*We are adding all modules in a single shot and testing the
application is called as Non-Incremental testing.

Whenever we don’t know parent and child modules we go with

this module.
Drawbacks of Non incremental testing:-
1. We might miss some data flows to check.
2. We might test same flows again and again.
3. If we follow this we can’t find the root cause of the defects.

Static and Dynamic Testing:-

**Static testing is done as a part of Verification testing.

**In simple words whenever the testing is started before
software is developed is called as static testing.
**In static testing we do testing to prevent the defects.
**Static testing is Low cost.
** Static testing is done at the early stages.
** In static testing we do Verify CRS—SRS—HLD—LLD----- Etc will
comes under the static testing.
**The purpose of static testing is to prevent the defects at early
stage itself.
**The purpose of static testing is to find out the defects raise it
and fix it.
Dynamic Testing:-

**Dynamic testing will be done as a part of Validation testing.

**In simple words whenever the testing is started after software
is deployed is called as dynamic testing.
**In dynamic testing we do testing to catch the defects and to
fix them.
**Dynamic testing is more cost.
**While doing Dynamic testing Whole code is executed.
**Dynamic testing is done at later stages.

**In dynamic testing we do Verify RC—FS—Design—Coding—

Testing, Here we will perform all system, integration,
component and acceptance testing, performance testing this all
testing will come under Dynamic testing.

**While doing dynamic testing more bugs should not be visible.

**System Testing **

System testing :- Validating both functional and Non-functional

behavior of system is called as System Testing, It is also called
as End To End testing, As verifying the entire features available
in application from start to end and verifying whether the data
flow is correctly moving from start to end is called as system
testing or end to end testing.
S.T = Functional testing + Non-functional testing.
Functional Testing Types:-Validating functional behavior of a
system is called as functional testing. Or it tells How application is
working and how should it work.

First we will perform functional testing and then will perform non-
functional testing.

In functional testing we mainly concentrate on Functional behavior of

the system.

In Non-functional testing we mainly concentrate on Performance

behavior of the system.

All the type of functional testing can be done by manual testing

Non-functional testing cannot be done by manual testing, there is

possibility of doing some non-functional testing.
These are of different types:-

1. Smoke testing: -It is a type of rough quick test done on the

application to check whether the basic functionalities and critical
functionalities are available or not and working correctly or not
and also to check whether it is eligible for future testing or not.

**Now B asks A to complete their software in 30 days.
**Now Requirement collection, Feasibility testing is done
and coding is developed and then WBT is done by
developers so this all things taken 20 days to complete.
**Now we have left only 10 days to test the application
and deliver the application.
Ex:-There are 3 modules each module has 10 components
in it.
**Then tester started and completed module 1 in 2 days it
is working.
**Then tester started and completed module 2 in 4 days it
is working.
**Then tester started and completed module 3 and found
it is not working now as expected as getting blocker.
**Then tester has rejected the build and asks developer to
fix it, then developer accept the defect and he said he
needs 3 days to fix that issue, again developer asked
another more 3 days to fix it.
**As a test engineer they don’t want to take risk to
complete testing in 3 days, they need 10 days to complete
the testing.
**Now 30 days has went another 3 more days then
company needs to pay penalty so to avoid this scenarios
smoke testing is used.

Different names of smoke testing:-

Build verification testing
Confidence testing
Dry Run Testing
Skin Testing
Health check of product
Positive testing.—viewing product and wish listing it and
buying it is called critical and basic functionalities.

First when application comes for testing we need to do

smoke testing.

Types of smoke testing:

1. Formal smoke testing:-If build is coming to test
engineers, then test engineer need to execute formal
test cases, if suppose entire application has 80 test
cases so my basic and critical scenarios will be approx 20
test cases, so we need to execute this 20 test cases first.
**In 20 test cases 15 are passing,5 were failed then we
need to reject the build and ask developer to fix them.
2. Informal smoke testing :- There are many companies
follow this testing, they are not worried whether test
engineer performing smoke testing or not, whether they
are not writing test cases or not, they are not worried
about build acceptance or not, here no documentation
for smoke test cases, there will be no force from
Interview question: Explain the difference between smoke and
sanity testing:
** Smoke testing: Developer develops the code and do WBT,
Then they give it for testing for the first time, then we do
smoke testing and he will see whether the build is acceptable
or not.
3. Formal testing:-If we test an application by following all
planned documents by writing test cases and executing test
cases is called as Formal testing.
4. Adhoc testing:- If we test an application by not following all
planned documents by not writing test cases and not
executing test cases is called as Adhoc or informal testing.

5. Priority based & Risk based testing:- It is nothing but

deciding what to test first, what to test next and what to test

6. Re-testing :- Testing the application again and again is called

as Re-testing.

But as per my real time experience, I can elaborate it in to two

scenarios: -

1. Testing the application with multiple inputs to ensure that

outputs are as per requirements or not.
2. Testing done on the modified build to check whether the
raised defects are correctly resolved or not.

7. Regression testing :-Testing done on the already developed

and tested application to check whether the newly added
code is interacting with any other software codes or not is
called as regression testing.

Testing the unchanged feature of application to make sure that

changes like adding, modification, or fixing the defects make
sure that these changes won’t impact the unchanged features.
Types of Regression Testing:-
1. Unit Regression Testing: Testing only changed part or
modified part is called as regional regression testing.
2. Regional Regression testing: Testing the changed part as
well as impacted parts is called as Regional regression
Impacted areas can be found out by impact analysis
meeting conducted by BA, Developers and PM.
3. Full Regression testing: No matter where developer has
changed the code, doing complete overall testing on the
application is called as Full regression testing.

EX: Your sprint is of 14 days (2 Weeks):-First 12days dev team

has changing code, testers doing continuous testing on changed
parts, and in the last two days we are doing regression testing.

7.End-End Testing :-Testing the overall functionalities including

data migration is called as End-End testing.

Sanity Testing :-It is a kind of software testing which is done on the

new change in a functionality whether the new functionality is
correctly working or not as per requirements.

Non Functional types :-

1. U.I testing :-Checking the appearance and visibility of the
system is called UI Testing .
Ex:- 1.Checking the logo and spelling mistakes(TYPO’S)

2. Checking the alignments of the elements.

3. Checking mandatory fields are highlighted with

asterisks or not.

2. Usabulity Testing :-It is a process of checking how end user

is able to understand the application.

3.Security Testing :-It is a process of checking weather all securitical

conditions are met or not.

Ex :- CVV, Password.

4.Authorization Testing :-It is a process of checking admin able to

create new users or not.

5. Authentication Testing :-It is a process of checking whether the

system able to recognize the user or not.

Ex :- Phone face lock .

6.Compatabulity testing :-Checking the application is properly
working or not in different software environments or not.

7.Perfomance testing :-It is a process of checking various efficiency

char’s of load and stress testing.

P.T = L.T + S.T

8.Load Testing :-validating functional and performance behavior

under various load conditions is called as load testing.

Ex:- Increase users on application.

9.Stress Testing :-It is a process of checking how does the system

behaving under stress conditions.

Ex :- Increasing time than actual time.

***** Test Design Techniques *****
**It is also called as Black Box design techniques.

**Test case design technique is used while writing test cases in order to have best
test case coverage.

1. Equivalence class partitioning.

2. Boundary value analysis.

3. Decision table testing.

4. State transition testing.

5. Use case base testing.

6. Error Guessing.

1. Equivalence class partitioning: - According to Equivalence

class partitioning identify all the possible inputs and make them
into groups , while making groups make sure that all values from
each group belongs to same group or not.
Example 1:-

Ex:-Enter an amount field accepts from 1-500 numbers, its waste of

time to check with all 500 values, so now I’m dividing this into
different classes as given below:

-100 to 0

1 to 100

101 to 200

201 to 300

301 to 400

401 to 500

501 to 600.

Now from each class I’m entering one value from each class and verify
the output, If accepts the whole class will be accepted and working

Example 2:-


Enter a character: -

A a 1 @
B b 2 $
C c 3 ^
D d 4 &

2. Boundary value analysis:-Sometimes developers may make

mistakes while specifying the boundary conditions, so for
eradicating that this technique is used.

**As the name suggests testing done on the boundaries between


**Ex: There is a field which accepts 1 - 15 numbers.

1=lower boundary value

15=upper boundary value.

So here Assume A=1,B=15

Now we have to check: A,A+1,A-1 & B,B+1,B-1

**So here we have design test cases for 6 values as :- 1,2,0,15,16,14

Let’s Take another example:

Example:- There is a field which accepts 50 - 55 numbers.

So here we have design test cases for 6 values as :- 49,50,51,54,55,56.

3.Decision Table Technique :-Sometimes developers may make

mistakes while specifying the Decision conditions, so for eradicating
that this technique is used.

**Here we check with multiple conditions and combinations and Rule


**Here Conditions are inputs and actions are outputs.

**Lets say I have opened a marketing company and if you are my new
customer I will give 15 percent discount, if you are my old customer I
will give 10 percent discount and if the customer has coupon I will
give 30 percent discount.

**No of test cases = No of rules = 2 to the power of conditions=2

power 3=8

**so here my total test cases will be 8.

Rule Rule Rule Rule Rule Rule Rule
Rules/Conditions Rule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
New Customer=25% Discount T T T T F F F F
Old Customer=30% T T F F T T F F
Coupon code Customer=40% T F T F T F T F
Result Fail Fail Pass Pass Pass pass Fail Fail

Example 2 :- Gmail

U.N and P.W match =login page (Actual requirement).

But developer by mistake keeps OR decision in place of AND .

U.N OR P.W match means page is logged in.

So here if I know somebody’s mail id means without p.w I can logged

in to his account, so that is an error, for eradicating this type of
defects we use this technique.

4. State transition Testing: -State transition testing is also known as

Navigation testing, it will check the flows of application whether they
are correctly working or not as per requirement.

**If user is entering wrong password for the 3rd time then he will be

Ex :- ATM Navigations.
5.Use case base Testing :-A use case is a brief description of actor
actions & system responses ,use cases are prepared based on the
customer business requirements.

R.T.M(Requirement traceability matrix) :-

It is nothing but mapping of test cases for all requirements with all
test cases.

Error Guessing:-
**It is one of the test case design technique we are using.

**Here we don’t follow any rules.

**It describes the individual tester analytical thinking to find out the
defect by doing both positive and negative valued scenarios.
*** ALM TOOL (Defect reporting tool Explanation) ***

ALM Tool Description :-

ALM tool has 5 main modules and this tool is customized by our project modules
and user interface.

Modules are:-

1. Dashboard :- Here dashboard describes the overall project details in depth in graphical

2. Management :- This is also describes about Project details only but it mainly concentrates
on Releases terminologies.
*** ALM TOOL (Defect reporting tool Explanation) ***
3. Requirements :- Here in requirements we used mapping of test cases for all requirements
with all test cases that is called R.T.M.

4. Testing :- Here there are 4 sub modules in testing :- 1)Test Resourses. 2)Test plan 3.)Test
labs 4)Test Runs.

Test Resources :- This panel will show the testers details who are assisgned with which modules and

Test plan :- Here we will write the Test cases for assigned functionality.

Test Labs :- Here we will Execute the Test cases and record the Run Id .

Test Runs :- Test runs is used for tracking purpose.

5.) Defects :- Here this panel helps for the testers to record their new defects and if any changes
has to be done for already reported defects here we can have a chance to edit.

Integration Testing:-
1. Incremental integration testing.
2. Non-Incremental integration testing.

A module ---- B module

Top Down incremental testing and Bottom up integration testing.

A module

A module

B Module B module
*** ALM TOOL (Defect reporting tool Explanation) ***

System testing is also called as End to end testing.

Parameters While raising Defects:-
1. Priority- It describes how soon the developer wants to fix that raised defect.

2. Severity—It showcases the impact of the business

3. Defect belongs to which module.

4. Assigning to.

5. Defect belongs to which Sprint.

6. Title of the defect.

7. Reproducible steps / Description.

8. Evidence screenshots of the defect.

9. Ticket type.


2.Ticket type:-
Priority and Severity
Priority:- If an tester raising a defect ,it describes how soon the developer wants
to fix the issue.

 It describes how tester describes the importance of that issue.

** Priority can be described by tester as a parameter while raising a defect as


Po ---- Very High

P1 ---- High

P2 ---- Medium

P3 ---- Low.

Severity: - It describes the impact of the Defect on customer business work flow.
** Severity can be described by tester as a parameter while raising a defect as

1---- Very High

2 ---- High

3 ---- Medium

4 ---- Low.

Note:- Priority parameter can be changed by developer if there is a crucial work

to do on other requirement, but Severity parameter cannot be changed.
Different types of interview questions can ask on this topic:-

1. Can you please explain the example for High Severity and High

A. Login page:-After clicking on login button if it shows the blank page

irrespective of the home page then it is described as high severity and
high priority.

2. Can you please explain the example for High Severity and Low

A. About us :- After clicking on about us link in home page if it shows

blank page then we can describe as High Severity and low priority.

3. Can you please explain the example for Low Severity and High

A. Home Button:- In a home page Home button is having spell

mistake(Typo) then we can describe as Low Severity and High priority.

4. Can you please explain the example for Low Severity and Low
A. Contact us and Email id in Footer section is having spell mistakes
means we can describe them as Low Severity and Low priority.

What is Conditional Sign Off?

When the Software does not meet the exit criteria, the QA can do the Conditional
Sign Off. For example, when the software development activities cross the
deadline and the tester has not completed the testing, they can do the
Conditional Sign Off after communicating with their Test Manager.
Sometimes, when there is a bug present in the app which is not solved yet, the
QAs can actually communicate with the client. If the product owner does not have
any problem, the QAs can do Conditional Sign Off with the “Known Issues”.

Entry and exit criteria

The ENTRY CRITERIA are the conditions that must be met before you can start the
test. For a simple test, this section of the test plan would list the hardware and
software that needs to be operational.

This section also describes the exit criteria, the conditions that must be met
before the test is completed. Exit criteria apply more to function tests than to
other types of tests. For example, the exit criteria for a function test on a new
application might require that all problems be resolved with a permanent fix and
that all testcases be run successfully with the fixes in place.

STLC—Test closure conditions can be the answer.

What is hotfix in manual testing?

Hotfix term is used for a fix targeting a severe bug found at production, reported
by the client.
Bugfix term is used for fixes done for bugs reported by the testers during the
testing cycle.
What’s a coldfix?
Where a hotfix is executed quickly without restarting any systems or hardware, a
coldfix is just the opposite. Implementing a coldfix requires users to log out of the
software while entire systems need to be rebooted for fixes to go into effect.

What is a patch?

A patch is a program that makes changes to software installed on a computer. Software

companies issue patches to fix bugs in their programs, address security problems, or add
Interview Questions

Defect Density:- It describes Number of defects found in software product per size of the code.

Defect density = Total No of Defects / Total lines of Code.

Test Bed:- It is a Combination of both hardware and software on which tests will be executed, it
includes hardware configurations, Operating system settings etc..

Negative test cases:- If suppose there is a functionality called Zip code, there only numerical with 6
digits should be accepted but by checking negatively with spec char’s and alphabets and checking the
data validation error messages is called as negative testing scenarios.

Burn down Chart in Agile methodology: - It describes how much part is remained in a project.

Burn up Chart in Agile methodology: - It describes how much part is completed in a project.

Sprint deliverables In Agile Methodology:-

1. Test cases document.

2. Text execution summary report.

3. User Manuals.

4. Burn Up and Burn Down charts.

Test plan Template Contains What? :-

1. Project overview.

2. Document references.

3. Scope of testing.

4. Test approach and test strategies.

5. Test Environments.

6. Test Deliverables.

7. Test staffing Plan.

8. Risk planning.

9. Work schedules.

10. Approvals.

FSD Test Test Ex

Requiremen Requiremen Test Pre- Input Step Steps
Section Case Case Actor Priority
t ID t Description Description Conditions Data #
# ID Name Be
Defect Reporting Template :-
Defect Defect Reproducible Reproducable Defect Defect Defect Defect Defect
Defect id summary description (Y/NO) steps seveority priority detecte solved detected
d By By and

D001 Login Login page Issue coming Medium Medium Sai Revathi
Issue is not Yes on windows D.2/2/20
displaying OS R.4/2/20

Test scenario table:-

Test scenario Reference module Priority
Test scenario id description

TS001 Check personal Primus bank High

Test case Template:-
Test case id Test case Test case preconditions Step Steps Actual Expected Test Priority Seveority
description summary no description result result case
1. Differentiate between QA and QC?
QA: It is process oriented. it evolves in entire process of software development. Preventing oriented.
QC: It is product oriented. Work to examine the quality of product. Deduction oriented.

2. What is a bug?
Computer bug is an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program that prevents it from working
correctly or produces an incorrect result.

3. What is a test case?

Test case is set of input values, execution preconditions, expected results and execution post conditions,
developed for a particular objective or test conditions, such as to exercise a particular program path or to
verify compliance with a specific requirement.

4. What is the purpose of test plan in your project?

Test plan document is prepared by the test lead, it contains the contents like introduction, objectives, test
strategy, scope, test items, program modules user procedures ,features to be tested features not to tested
approach, pass or fail criteria, testing process, test deliverables, testing, tasks, responsibilities, resources,
schedule, environmental requirements, risks &contingencies, change management procedures, plan
approvals, etc. all these things help a test manager understand the testing he should do &what he should
follow for testing that particular project.

5. When the relationships occur between tester and developer?

Developer is the one who sends the application to the tester by doing all the necessary code in the application
and sends the marshal id to the tester. The tester is the one who gives all the input/output and checks
whether he is getting required output or not. A developer is the one who works on inside interfacing where as
the tester is the one who works on outside interfacing

6. When testing will starts in a project?

The testing is not getting started after the coding. After release the build the testers perform the smoke test.
Smoke test is the first test which is done by the testing team. This is according to the testing team. but, before
the releasing of a build the developers will perform the unit testing.

7. If a bug has high severity then usually that is treated as high priority, then why do priority
given by test engineers/project managers and severity given by testers?
High severity bugs affects the end users ....testers tests an application with the users point of view, hence it is
given as high severity. High priority is given to the bugs which affects the production. Project managers assign
a high priority based on production point of view.
8. What is the difference between functional testing and regression testing?
Functional testing is a testing process where we test the functionality/behavior of each functional component
of the application...i.e. minimize button, transfer button, links etc. i.e. we check what each component is doing
in that application...regression testing is the testing the behavior of the application of the unchanged areas
when there is a change in the build. I.e. we check whether the changed requirement has altered the behavior
of the unchanged areas. The impacted area may be the whole of the application or some part of the

10. Do u know about integration testing, how does u integrate diff modules?
Integration testing means testing an application to verify the data flows between the modules. For example,
when you are testing a bank application, in account balance it shows the100$as the available balance. But in
database it shows the 120$. Main thing is "integration done by the developers and integration testing done by
the testers"

11. Do u know about configuration management tool, what is the purpose of maintaining all
the documents in configuration management tool?
It is focused primarily on maintaining the file changes in the history. Documents are subjected to change For
ex: consider the Test case document .Initially you draft the Test cases document and place it in Version control
tool(Visual SourceSafe for ex).Then you send it for Peer Review .They will provide some comments and that
document will be saved in VSS again. Similarly the document undergoes changes and all the changes history
will be maintained in Version control. It helps in referring to the previous version of a document. Also one
person can work on a document (by checking out) at a time .Also it keeps track that has done the changes,
time and date. Generally all the Test Plan, Test cases, Automation design docs are placed in VSS. Proper access
rights needs to be given so that the documents don’t get deleted or modified.

12. How you test database and explain the procedure?

Database Testing is purely done based on the requirements. You may generalize a few features but they won’t
be complete. In general we look at
1. Data Correctness (Defaults)
2. Data Storage/Retrieval
3. Database Connectivity (across multiple platforms)
4. Database Indexing
5. Data Integrity
6. Data Security.

13. Suppose if you press a link in yahoo shopping site in leads to some other company
website? How to test if any problem in linking from one site to another site?
1) First I will check whether the mouse cursor is turning into hand icon or not?
2) I will check the link is highlighting when I place the cursor on the link or not?
3) The site is opening or not?
4) If the site is opening then i will check is it opening in another window or the same window that the link itself
exist (to check userfriendlyness of the link)
5) How fast that website is opening?
6) Is the correct site is opening according to the link?
7) All the items in the site are opening or not?
8) All other sub links are opening or not?

14. What are the contents of FRS?

F → Function Behaviors
R → Requirements (Outputs) of the System that is defined.
S → Specification (How, What, When, Where, and Way it behaviors).
FRS → Function Requirement Specification. This is a Document which contains the Functional behavior of the
system or a feature. This document is also known as EBS External Behavior Specification - Document. Or EFS
External Function Specification.

15. What is meant by Priority and severity?

Priority means "Importance of the defect with respect to customer requirement”.
Severity means "Seriousness of the defect with respect to functionality".

16. What is meant by Priority and severity?

1. This is assigned by the Test Engineer
2. This is to say how badly the deviation that is occurring is affecting the other modules of the build or release.
1. This is assigned by the Developer.
2. This is to say how soon the bug as to be fixed in the main code, so that it pass the basic requirement.

17. Give me some example for high severity and low priority defect?
If suppose the title of the particular concern is not spelled correctly, it would give a ICICC is
spelled as a title for the project of the concern ICICI. Then it is a high severity, low priority defect.

18. What is basis for test case review?

The main basis for the test case review is
1. Testing techniques oriented review
2. Requirements oriented review
3. Defects oriented review.
19. What are the contents of SRS documents?
Software requirements specifications and Functional requirements specifications.

20. What is difference between the Web application testing and Client Server testing?
Testing the application in intranet (without browser) is an example for client -server. (The company firewalls
for the server are not open to outside world. Outside people cannot access the application.)So there will be
limited number of people using that application. Testing an application in internet (using browser) is called
web testing. The application which is accessible by numerous numbers around the world (World Wide Web .)So
testing web application, apart from the above said two testing’s there are many other testing’s to be done
depending on the type of web application we are testing. If it is a secured application (like banking site- we go
for security testing etc.)If it is a ecommerce testing application we go for Usability testing.

21. Explain your web application architecture?

Web application is tested in 3 phases
1. Web tier testing --> browser compatibility
2. Middle tier testing --> functionality, security
3. Data base tier testing --> database integrity, contents

22. suppose the product/application has to deliver to client at 5.00PM, At that time you or
your team member caught a high severity defect at 3PM. (Remember defect is high
severity)But the client is cannot wait for long time. You should deliver the product at 5.00Pm
exactly. Then what is the procedure you follow?
The bug is high severity only so we send the application to the client and find out the severity is priority or not.
if its priority then we ask him to wait. Here we found defects/bugs in the last minute of the delivery or release
date then we have two options
1. Explain the situation to client and ask some more time to fix the bug.
2. If the client is not ready to give some time then analyze the impact of defect/bug and try to find work
around for the defect and mention these issues in the release notes as known issues or known limitations or
known bugs. Here the workaround means remedy process to be followed to overcome the defect effect.
3. Normally this known issues or known limitations (defects) will be fixed in next version or next release of the

23. Give me examples for high priority and low severity defects?
Suppose in one banking application there is one module ATM Facility. In that ATM facility whenever we are
depositing/withdrawing money it is not showing any conformation message but actually at the back end it is
happening properly without any mistake means only missing of message. In this case as it is happening
properly so there is nothing wrong with the application but as end user is not getting any conformation
message so he/she will be confuse for this. So we can consider this issue as HIGH Priority but LOW Severity
24. Explain about Bug life cycle?
1) tester->2) open defect->3) send to developer4) ->if accepted moves to step5 else sends the bug to tester
gain5) fixed by developer ->6) regression testing->7) no problem inbuilt and signoff8) ->if problem in built
reopen the issue send to step3.

25. How can you report the defect using excel sheet?
To report the defect using excel sheet Mention: The Feature that been effected. mention : Test Case ID (Which
fail you can even mention any other which are dependency on this bug)Mention : Actual Behavior Mention :
Expected Behavior as mentioned in Test Case or EFS or EBS or SRS document with section Mention : Your Test
Setup used during Testing Mention : Steps to Re-Produce the bug Mention : Additional Info Mention : Attach a
Screen Shot if it is a GUI bug Mention : Which other features it is blocking because of this bug that you are
unable to execute the test cases. Mention: How much time you took to execute that test case or follow that
specific TC which leaded to bug.

26. If you have executed 100 test cases, every test case passed but apart from these test
cases you found some defect for which test case is not prepared, then how you can report
the bug?
While reporting this bug into bug tracking tool you will generate the test case mean put the steps to reproduce
the bug.

27. What is the difference between web based application and client server application?
The basic difference between web based application & client server application is that the web application are
3 tiers & client based are 2 tiers. In web based changes are made at one place& it is reflected on other layers
also whereas client based separate changes need be installed on client machine also.

28. What is test plan? And can you tell the test plan contents?
Test plan is a high level document which explains the test strategy, time lines and available resources in detail.
Typically a test plan contains:-Objective-Test strategy-Resources-Entry criteria-Exit criteria-Use cases/Test
cases-Tasks-Features to be tested and not tested-Risks/Assumptions.

29. How many test cases can you write per a day, an average figure?
Complex test cases 4-7 per day Medium test cases 10-15 per day Normal test cases 20-30 per day.

30. Who will prepare FRS (functional requirement documents)? What is the important of
The Business Analyst will pre pare the FRS. Based on this we are going to prepare test cases. It contains 1.
Over view of the project
2. Page elements of the Application (Filed Names)
3. Proto type of the application
4. Business rules and Error States
5. Data Flow diagrams
6. A use case contains Actor and Actions and System Responses.

31. How you can decide the numbers of test cases are enough for testing the given module?
The developed test cases are covered all the functionality of the application we can say test cases are enough.
If u knows the functionality covered or not u can use RTM.

32. What is the difference between Retesting and Data Driven Testing?
Retesting: it is manual process in which application will be tested with entire new set of data. Data Driven
Testing(DDT)-It is a Automated testing process in which application is tested with multiple test data.DDT is very
easy procedure than retesting because the tester should sit and need to give different new inputs manually
from front end and it is very tedious and boring procedure.

33. What is regression testing?

After the Bug fixed, testing the application whether the fixed bug is affecting remaining functionality of the
application or not. Majorly in regression testing Bug fixed module and its connected modules are checked for
their integrity after bug fixation.

34. How does u test web application?

Web application testing web application should have the following features like
1. Attractive User Interface (logos, fonts, alignment)
2. High Usability options
3. Security features (if it has login feature)
4. Database (back end).
5. Performance (appearing speed of the application on client system)
6. Able to work on different Browsers (Browser compatibility) ,O.S compatibility( called as portability)
7. Broken link testing.........etc
So we need to follow out the following test strategy.
1. Functionality Testing
2. Performance Testing (Load, volume, Stress, Scalability)
3. Usability Testing
4. User Interface Testing (colors, fonts, alignments...)
5. Security Testing
6. Browser compatibility Testing (different versions and different browser)
7. Broken link and Navigation Testing
8. Database (backend) Testing (data integrity)
9. Portability testing (Multi O.s Support)....etc

35. How does u perform regression testing, means what test cases u select for regression?
Regression testing will be conducted after any bug fixed or any functionality changed. During defect fixing
procedure some part of coding may be changed or functionality may be manipulated. In this case the old test
cases will be updated or completely re written according to new features of the application where bug fixed
area. Here possible areas are old test cases will be executed as usual or some new test cases will be added to
existing test cases or some test cases may be deleted.

36. What r the client side scripting languages and server side scripting languages?
Client side scripting languages are java script, Vb Script, PHP...etc Server side scripting languages are Perl, JSP,
ASP, PHP, and etc Client side scripting languages are useful to validate the inputs or user actions from user side
or client side. Server side Scripting languages are to validate the inputs at server side. These scripting
languages provide security for the application. And also provides dynamic nature to web or client server
application client side scripting is good because it won’t send the unwanted inputs to server for validation.
From frontend itself it validated the user inputs and restricts the user activities and guides him.

37. If a very low defect (user interface) is detected by u and the developer not compromising
with that defect what will u do?
User interface defect is a high visibility defect and easy to reproduce. Follow the below procedure
1. Reproduce the defect
2. Capture the defect screen shots
3. Document the proper inputs that you are used to get the defect in the defect report
4. Send the defect report with screen shots, procedure for defect reproduction. Before going to this you must
check your computer hard ware configuration that is same as developer system configuration and also check
the system graphic drivers are properly installed or not. If the problems in graphic drivers the User interface
error will come. So first check your sides if it is correct from your side then report the defect by following the
above method.

38.if u r only person in the office and client asked u for some changes and u didn’t get what
the client asked for what will u do?
One thing here is very important. Nobody will ask test engineer to change software that is not your duty, even
if it is related to testing and anybody is not there try to listen carefully if you are not understand ask him again
and inform to the corresponding people immediately. Here the client need speedy service, we(our company)
should not get any blame from customer side.

39. How to get top two salaries from employee tables?

Select * from emp e where 2>=(select count(*) from emp e where Sal>e.sal) order by descsal.
40. How many Test-Cases can be written for the calculator having 0-9 buttons, Add, Equal to
buttons? The test cases should be focused only on add-functionality but not GUI. What are
those test-cases?
Test-Cases for the calculator so here we have 12 buttons totally 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,ADD,Equalto -12 buttons
here u can press at least 4 buttons at a time minimum for example 0+1= for zero u should press zero labeled
button for plus u should press + labeled button for one u should press one labeled button for equal to u should
press equal to labeled button 0+1=here + and = positions will not vary so first number position can be varied
from 0 to 9 i.e. from permutation and combinations u can fill that space in 10 ways in the same way second
number position can be varied from 0 to 9 i.e. from permutation and combinations u can fill that space in 10
ways Total number of possibilities are =10x10=100This is exhaustive testing methodology and this is not
possible in all cases. In mathematics we have one policy that the function satisfies the starting and ending
values of a range then it can satisfy for entire range of values from starting to ending. then we check the
starting conditions i.e. one test case for 0+0= (expected values you know that is 0)then another test case for
9+9=(expected values you know that is 18)only two test cases are enough to test the calculator functionality.

41. What is positive and negative testing explain with example?

Positive Testing - testing the system by giving the valid data.
Negative Testing - testing the system by giving the Invalid data.
For Ex, an application contains a textbox and as per the users Requirements the text box should accept only
Strings. By providing only String as input data to the textbox & to check whether it’s working properly or not
means it is Positive Testing. If giving the input other than String means it is negative Testing..

42. How will you prepare Test plan. What are the techniques involved in preparing the Test
Test plan means planning for the release. This includes Project background Test Objectives: Brief overview and
description of the document Test Scope: setting the boundaries Features being tested (Functionalities)
Hardware requirements Software requirements Entrance Criteria (When to start testing): Test environment
established, Builder received from developer, Test case prepared and reviewed. Exit criteria (when to stop
testing): All bug status cycle are closed, all functionalities are tested, and all high and medium bugs are
resolved. Project milestones: dead lines

43. What is the Defect Life Cycle?

Defect life cycle is also called as bug life cycle. It has 6stages namely
1. new: found new bug
2. Assigned: bug assigned to developer
3. Open: developer is fixing the bug
4. Fixed: developer has fixed the bug
5. Retest: tester retests the application
6. closed/reopened: if it is ok tester gives closed status else he reopens and sends back to developer.

44. Explain about metrics Management?

Metrics: is nothing but a measurement analysis. Measurement analysis and Improvement is one of the process
area in CMMI L2.

45. What is performance Testing and Regression Testing?

Performance Testing:-testing the present working condition of the product.
Regression Testing:-Regression Testing is checking for the newly added functionality causing any errors in
terms of functionality and the common functionality should be stable in the latest and the previous versions.

46. How do you review test case??

Type of Review...types of reviewing test cases depends upon company standards, viz.., peer review, team lead
review, project manager review. Sometimes client may also review the test cases regularly what is approach
following for project.

47. In which way tester get Build a, Build B ...Build Z of an application, just explain the
After preparation of test cases project manager will release software release note in that Document there will
be URL path of the website link from that we will receive the build In case of web server projects, you will be
provided with an URL or a 92.168. ****** (Web address) which will help you access the project using a
browser from your system. In case of Client server, the build is placed in the VSS (Configuration tool) which will
help you get the .exe downloaded to your computer.

48. Apart from bug reporting what is your involvement in project life cycle?
As a Test engineer we design test cases, prepare test cases Execute Test cases, track the bugs, analyze the
results report the bugs. Involved in regression testing, performance of system testing system integration
testing At last preparation of Test summary Report.

49. What are the contents of test report?

Contents of test report there are two documents, which should be prepared at particular phase.1.Test Results
document.2.Test Report document. Test Results doc will be prepared at the phase of each type of Testing like
application. Once you prepared this doc, we will send the doc to our TL and PM. By seeing the Test Results
doc, TL will come to know the coverage part of the test case. Here I am giving you the contents used in the
Test Results doc.1.Build No2.Version Name3.Client OS4.Feature set5.Main Feature6.Defined Test cases on
each feature.7.QA engineer Name8.Test cases executed.(Includes pass and fail)9.Testcases on HOLD(Includes
blocking test cases and deferred Test cases)10.Covereage Report(Which includes the coverage ratings in %
,like % of test cases covered, %of test cases failed)Coming to Test report, generally we will prepare Test report
,once we rolled out the product tour client. This document will be prepared by TL and delivered to the client.
Mainly, this document describes what we have done in the project, achievements we have reached our
learning’s in throughout the project etc...The other name for Test report is Project Closure Report and we will
summarize the all the activities, which have taken place in throughout the project. Here I am giving the
contents covered in the Test Report.1.Test Environment (Should be covered the OS, Application or web
servers, Machine names, Database, etc...)2. Test Methods (Types of Tests, we have done in the project like
Functional Testing, Platform Testing, regression Testing, etc..3. Major areas Covered.4.Bug Tracking Details.
(Includes inflow and outflow of the bus in our delivered project)5.Work schedule(When we start the testing
and we finished)6.Defect Analasys6.1 Defects logged in different types of tests like Functional Test, regression
Test as per areawised.6.2 State of the Defects at end of the Test cycle.6.3 Root cause analysis for the bugs
marked as NOT A BUG.7.QA observations or learning’s throughout the life cycle.
50. Write high level test cases write all the test cases?
Under high level TC, which can be covered the main functionalities like creation, edition, deletion, per
prescribed in the screen. Write all the test cases under low level TC, which can be covered the screen, like
input fields are displayed as per the requirements, buttons are enabled or disabled, and test case for low
priority functionalities. Example a screen contains two edit boxes login and password and a buttons OK and
Reset and check box for the label "Remember my password”. Now let us write high level TC and low level test
cases. HIGH LEVEL TC1.Verify that User is able to login with valid login and valid password.2.Verify that User is
not able to login with invalid login and valid password.etc.....3.Verify that Reset button clears the filled
screen.4.Verify that a pop up message is displayed for blank login.etc...etc..LOW LEVEL TC1.Verify that after
launching the URL of the application below fields are displays in thescreen.1.Login Name 2.Password.3.OK
BUTTON 4.RESET button etc ..5.check box, provided for the label "remember my password" is
unchecked.2.Verify that OK button should be disabled before selecting login and password fields.3.Verify that
OK button should ne enabled after selecting login and password.4.Verify that User is able to check the check
box, provided for the label "remember my password". etc..In this way, we can categorize all the test cases

51. What is test scenario?

Test scenario will be framed on basis of the requirement, which need to be checked. For that, we will frame
set of test cases, in other terms, we can say all the conditions, which can be determined the testing coverage
against business requirement. Please see the below example, which is exactly matched to my explanation. As
we know all most all the application are having login screen, which contains login name and password. Here is
the test scenario for login screen. Scenario: USERS LOGIN Conditions to be checked to test the above scenario:
----------------------------------------------------1.Test login field and Password fields indicisually.2.Try to login with
valid login and valid password.3.Try to login with invalid login and valid password. Etc........................................

52. What is build duration?

it is a tine gap between old version build and new version build in new version build some new extra features
are added

53. What is test deliverables?

Test deliverables are nothing but documents preparing after testing like test plan document test case
template bug report template Test deliverables will be delivered to the client not only for the completed
activities, but also for the activities, which we are implementing for the better productivity. (As per the
companies standards).Here I am giving you some of the Test deliverables in my project.1.QA
TestPlan2.Testcase Docs3.QA Test plan, if we are using Automation.4.Automation scripts5.QA Coverage Matrix
and defect matrix.6.Traceability Matrix7.Test Results doc8.QA Schedule doc (describes the deadlines) 9.Test
Report or Project Closure Report.(Prepared once we rolled out the project to client)10.Weekly status
report(sent by PM to the client)11.Release Notes.
54. What is your involvement in test plan?
Test lead is involved in preparing test plan test engineers are no way related in preparing test plan role TE is
test case design, and execution and bug tracking and reporting them Generally TL is involved in preparation of
the Test Plan. But it is not mandatory only TL will take main part in the preparation of the TP. Test engineer can
suggest to TL, if he (or) she has good understanding on project and resources, if he or she has more exp with
the project, if TL is wrongly given deadlines. If your suggestions are valid, TL will incorporate all of them to the
Test Plan. But in most of the companies Test engineers are just audience.

55. Which test cases are not to be automated?

All the test cases which are related to a feature of the product, that keeps on changing (there are always some
or the other enhancements in it). Frequent enhancements may change the UI, add/remove few controls.
Hence such cases, if automated, would involve lot of a intendance.

56. If a project is long term project, requirements are also changes then test plan will change
or not? Why? Yes... Definitely. If requirement changes, the design documents, specifications (for that
particular module which implements the requirements) will also change. Hence the test plan would also need
to be updated. This is because "Resource Allocation" is one section in the test plan. We would need to write
new test cases, review, and execute it. Hence resource allocation would have to be done accordingly. As a
result the Test plan would change.
57. Explain VSS Virtual Source Safe?
After completion of all phases from development side developer store the code in development folder of VSS,
Testing team copying code from that folder to testing folder, after completing above phages from testing,
testers put the build in base line folder. It is version control Tool Mainly useful to developer, to storing code
and maintains version Copying a code from VSS By developer is called CHECK-IN Upload the code in to VSS is
called CHECK-OUT.

58. Who will assign severity & priority?

The tester/dev should give the priority based on severity of the bug Severity means: is the impact of the bug
on the app. i.e. seriousness of the bug in terms of the functionality. Priority means: is how soon it should get
fixed i.e. importance of the bug in terms of customer

59. What is the Difference between Stub Testing and Driver Testing?
Stub testing: In top down approach, a core module is developed. To test that core module, small dummy
modules r used. So stubs r small dummy modules that test the core module.
Driver testing: in bottom up approach, small modules r developed. To test them a dummy core module called
driver is developed.

60. What is a "Good Tester"?

Is one who tries to break the developers software and in a position to venture the bugs. So that at least 80%
bugs free software can deliver.
61. What is cookie And Session testing?
A small text file of information that certain web sites attach to a user’s hard drive while the user is browsing
the web site. A Cookie can contain information such as user ID, user preferences, archive shopping cart
information, etc. Cookies can contain Personally Identifiable Information. Session is a connection between a
server and client.

62. How would u do performance Testing?

Manually for web site, by noting the time to load page or perform any action with stop watch. I know it sounds
funny but this is the way performance is tested manually.

63. What is use case? Tell me the attribute of use case?

Use Case is description of functionality certain features of an application in terms of Actors, actions and
responsibilities."Use Case attributes are: 1. Information of Document, 2. Description, 3. Objective, 4. Actors,
5.Pre-conditions, 6.Data-element descriptions, conditions, 8.primary flow, 9. Alternative flow and
Business rules/interaction implementations and etc....

64. What is the difference between stress, volume and load testing?
Load Testing: V gradually increase the load and check the performance of the application .check at what point
or maximum load application can sustain.
stress testing: In this testing v check the performance of application under extreme condition which rarely
occurs like(1)Many concurrent user access the application for short time.(2)extra ordinary long
transaction.(3)very short transaction repeated quickly.

65. When will do the beta test? When will do the alpha test?
Alpha and Beta tests comes under User acceptance test. We will conduct these two systems being released.
We are giving opportunity to customer to check all functionalities covered or not. Alpha testing conducting for
software application by real customer at development site. Beta testing conducting for software product by
model customer at customer site.

66. How do you select test cases for Regression Testing (The point is when there is change
code how do you come know which part of code or modules it will affect)?
Consider an example of a form which has a username, password and Login button. There is a code change and
a new button "Reset" is introduced. Regression testing (for that build) will include testing only the "Login"
button and not the Reset button (testing Reset button will be a part of conation testing). Hence the Regression
tester need not worry about the change in code, functionality. But he has to make sure that the existing
functionality is working as desired. Testing of "Reset" button will be included as a part of Regression, for the
next build.
67. Can u explain the example of high seviarity and low priority, low seviarity and high
priority, high seviarity and high priority, low seviarity and low priority?
1. High severity and high priority - Database connectivity cannot be established by multiple users.
2. Low severity and low priority - Small issues like, incorrect number of decimal digits in the output.
3. Low severity and high priority - Images not updated.
4. high severity and low priority - In a module of say 2 interfaces, the link between them is broken or is not
functioning.(1)High priority & High Severity: If u click on explorer icon or any other icon then system
crash.(2)low priority & low severity: In login window ,spell of ok button is "Ko".(3)Low priority & high severity:
In login window ,there is an restriction login name should be8 character if user enter 9 or than 9 in that case
system get crush.(4)High priority & low severi ty :Suppose logo of any brand company is not proper in their
product. So it affects their business.

68. What will be the Test case for ATM Machine & Coffee Machine?
Test cases for ATM Machine
1. Successful insertion of ATM card
2. Un successful operation due to insert card in wrong angle
3. Un successful operation due to invalid account Ex: other bank card or time expired card
4. Successful entry of PIN number
5. Unsuccessful operation due to enter wrong PIN number 3times
6. Successful selection of language
7. Successful selection of account type
8. Unsuccessful operation due to invalid account type
9. Successful selection of with drawl operation
10. Successful selection of amount to be withdraw
12. successful withdraw operation
13. unsuccessful withdraw operation due to wrong denominations
14. Unsuccessful withdraw operation due to amount is greater than day limit
15. unsuccessful withdraw operation due to lack of money in ATM
16. Unsuccessful withdraw operation due to amount is greater than possible balance
17. unsuccessful withdraw operation due to transactions is greater than day limit
18. unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card
19. unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card & pin number
20. unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card , pin number &language
21. unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card , pin number ,language &account
22. unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card , pin number ,language ,account type
& withdraw operation
23.unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card , pin number ,language ,account type
,withdraw operation &amount to be withdraw.

69. Tell me about your daily activities as a test engineer?

Role:1.Understanding the BRS and Use cases Document2.Giving system demo to PM, System analyst, designer,
Dev lead.3.Preparing the Test Actions in xls sheet.4.Updating the Test Actions based on review comments by
System analyst/Business Analyst.5.Preparing the Test cases and Datasets(System level and global level
datasets) in worddocument6.updating the Test Cases based on review comments by System
analyst.7.Installing the application-Testing environment set up.8.Performing Functional, GUI, System,
Compatibility testing(If necessary), Regression testing based on Test cases9.Preparing the defect report, Bug
tracking list and sending daily status report to PM, leads.

70. In SDLC process what is the role of PM, TL, DEVELOPER, tester in each and every phase?
explain me in detail?
In the SDLC we have these phases 1. Initial phase 2. Analysis phase 3. Designing phase 4. coding and maintenance. In the initial phase project manager can prepare a document for
the requirements, team leader will prepare a team which is having test engineers, developer will provided by
the project manager, test engineer will prepare test cases for that particular project Analysis phase all the
members have a meeting to finalize the technology to develop that project, the employee, time ,...Designing
phase the project manager like senior level management will give the directions and source code to the team
members to develop the actual code, that is guidelines will be given in this phase Coding phase developer will
develop the actual code using the source code and they release the application to the test engineer Testing
phase they deploy their test cases to that application and prepare a bug profile document if there is any
defect/bug in that application and send it back to developer, developer may rectify and releases that
application as net build and if the bug not understand it will send to the project lead in the delivery phase the
Senior test eng can deploy the application in the client environment Maintenance phase if the client get any
problem with the application it may solved by the project lead with the help of testers and developers.

71. How do You Test Application with having any requirement and Document?
If it is an existing system or if a build is available then we explore the system while testing. This helps knowing
the functional use of the system, and its usability. By asking questions to end users and how they use it will be
more beneficial. Also, you may work with BA to know more about the system. Black box test is nothing but the
same where you explore the system without having any prior knowledge to the system.
72. What is backend testing using SQL? Executing SQL statements to check if the data
submitted by a GUI program is updated in the database or not?
Executing the statement the data base is connecting to that particular changes, updations or not it will test.
Backend testing is the testing the integration between the application and the database. It is checking the
change made in the database is getting reflected in the application. Example: A new column is added in the
table. Here we test by giving values in the application and value has to be stored in the table.

73. What are the reasons why parameterization is necessary when load testing the Web
server and the database server?
When you test your applications, you may want to check how the application performs the same operations
with multiple sets of data. For example, suppose you want to check how your Web site responds to ten
separate sets of data. You could record ten separate tests, each with its own set of data. Alternatively, you can
create Data Table parameters so that your test runs ten times, each time using a different set of data.

74. Difference between strategic test plan & test plan?

strategic test is a organizational level term which is applied for all the projects in the organization with small
customizations test plan is project level term and which can be applied for that specific project only. Test plan
is a strategic document which describes how to perform testing in an efficient effective and optimized way.
Quality lead test lead can prepare this test plan strategic test plan is a already or new test plan which can be
used in the future for another project also with some changes in the same organization.

75. Draw Backs of automated testing?

DRAW BACKS OF AUTMATION Expensive, lack of epertisation, all the areas we cannot automate

76. When will u make update and modify the test object properties in the repository?
Whenever the developer may change any one of the object properties definitely we have to change the same
in the OR object repository. if new version net build released from the development department we the test
engineers must to modify or update the same is compulsory, otherwise the test will show the bug.

77. What are the documents needed to create a test case? How u tell it is test case?
System requirements specification, Use case document, Test Plan.

78. in customer details form having fields like customer name, customer address. After
completion of this module, client raise the change as insert the two radio buttons after
customer address. How you can check as a tester?
1. First we need to verify whether the radio buttons are there are not?
2. Conform the radio buttons are present after the customer address or not.
3. Verify the no of radio button.
4. Verify only one radio button should be checked initially when we open the Customer details form (if it is
mentioned in FS)
5. Verify the functionality of the radio buttons i.e. if we check one ratio button, second radio button should be
6. Verify the spell check of radio button label name.
7. Verify the alignment of radio buttons in the form.

79. At the time of testing web based applications and client server applications, what you
observed as a tester?
We generally check for the links, data retrieving and posting. We perform load and stress testing especially for
Web based and Client-Server applications.

80. What are the documents required to prepare test plan?

Introduction, scope, test team and their responsibilities, test environment, S/W&H/W requirements, test data
preparation, levels of testing, severity &priority, schedule, risk, automation plan, features to test, bug life cycle
all these are documents of test plan.

81. What is testing policy and testing methodology? And what is the difference?
Testing policy means all types of testing or testing techniques (i.e. functional testing, sanity testing etc).Testing
methodology means white box and black box testing.

82. What is comparison testing?

Comparison Testing means comparing your software with the better one or your Competitor. While
comparison Testing we basically compare the Performance of the software. For ex If you have to do
Comparison Testing of PDF converter(Desktop Based Application) then you will compare your software with
your Competitor on the basis of:-1.Speed of Conversion PDF file into Word.2.Quality of converted file.

83. What is the general testing process?

Testing Process: 1. Test requirements analysis 2. Creation of Test Strategy (Which includes creation of Test
Cases) 3. Creation of Test Plans (Which includes Test Cases and Test Procedures) 4. Execution of test cases5.
Analyze the test results6. Report the defects if any

84. What participation a manual tester can do in documentation? Are there any tools
available for only documentation?
Yes, Manual tester will do Sub Test plan documents, as of my knowledge no tool is used to prepare

85. What is the difference between low and high level test cases? Examples?
High level Test cases are those which cover major functionality in the application (i.e. retrieve, update display,
cancel (functionality related test cases), database test cases).Low level test cases are those which are related
to UI related test cases.
86. is it mandatory to use USECASES or directly one can write test cases from requirements?
It’s not mandatory to write Use Cases, if the requirements are clear you can go ahead with Test Cases. Use
Cases are written to know the business flow of the module/application.

87. How do u develop test harness?

Test Environment +Test Bed Test Environment :S/w and H/w Test Bed: Test Documents like Test Plan
Document ,Test Case Document. Test Environment means• Test Bed installation and configuration• Network
connectivity’s• All the Software/ tools Installation and configuration• Coordination with Vendors and others

88.given requirement collection doc, tester can prepare which test plan?
Test lead can prepare a test plan which performs testing on an application in an efficient effective and in an
optimized way. test development will done by the testers using the test plan in the test plan they prepare the
test strategy.

89. Tester with development knowledge will be more effective .justify? If tester has
experience in Development, it will be useful when testing for logical thinking where the error
occurs, what is the cause? He can guess the functionality of component?
He can easily understand the application environment? Those are plus points which people have development
experience. Precisely he can justify that either functionality is wrong or right and can analyze the defects.

90. Last test case for project will be written in which phase?
As far as the SDLC is concerned last test case will be written for "Maintenance Phase" As far as the STLC is
concerned last test case will be written for "Acceptance Testing"

91. What is test scenario and test case explain detail?

Test Scenario: Test scenario is like laying out plans for testing the product, environmental condition, number of
team members required, making test plans, making test cases and what all features are to be tested for the
product. Test scenario is very much dependent on the product to be tested. Test scenario is made before the
actual testing starts. Test Case: Test case is a document which provides the steps to be executed which has
been planned earlier. It also depends on the type of product to be tested. Number of test cases is not fixed for
any product.

92. What is the difference between Project Based Testing and Product Based Testing?
Project based is nothing but client requirements. Product based is nothing but market requirements. Ex.
stretching shirt is a project based and readymade shirt is product based.

93. What is testing process in related to Application testing?

Testing process is the one which tells you how the application should be tested in order to minimize the bugs
in the application. One main thing no application can be released as bug free application which impossible.
94. What is the difference b/n testing methodology and testing methods?
Testing Methodology define process, set of rules and principle which are follow by group concerned with
testing the application. Here I explain 7 step testing methodology: 1.Test Requirement Analysis2.Test
Plan3.Test Design4.Test execute5. Defect track6. Test Automation7. Test Maintain Testing methods or we can
say that Testing Techniques: White Box Testing (Unit Testing, Integration Testing) Black Box Testing (System
Testing, Functional Testing, Performance Testing>Load testing>stress testing>volume testing & Security
Testing) UAT (done by user/client with actual/live data).

95. What are starting link to test while website testing?

Web based systems are those using the internet, intranet and extranets Web based testing only needs be
done once for any applications using the web. Web based testing are as follows: 1.Functional
correctness2.Integration3.Usability4.Security5.Performance6.Verification of code.

96. How GUI testing will be done in manual testing for a website?
For any testing there should be some set of standards to be followed. Particularly in GUI testing, look and feel
should be good. We should follow the requirements specification documents for GUI testing. There should be
some screen shots (given by client) which we should follow as it is. And for button sizes, font, font size ,colors
used, placing of links, objects and the placing of the objects in the page should be followed some standards. If
we take a button in the page that s hould be some standard size. If the size of that button is more or less the
client feel bad about that. So we should have minimum common sense while testing GUI testing. some time
there may be some mistakes in the screen shots provided by the client also, but that is our responsibility to
raise those issues.

97. What thing should be tested in regression testing?

While doing Regression Testing a tester must check that any new updations or Modification or Change in
Functionality of a Particular Component or Module does not create any disorder and any negative affects on
the functionality of the Application.

98. What are the documents required to prepare during testing?

Normally Test engineers are responsible for any release of a project. Even the release is for staging
environment or change request release or production release The minimum documents are1.Test Plan2.Test
Cases3.Test Case Report4.Bug report.5.Release notes(which contains known issues).6.installation document.

99. What is Test data? Where we are using this in testing process? What are the importances
of this data?
To execute test cases we should have test data. This test data should be for positive and negative testing. for
win runner we can get this test data from keyboard, excel sheets or from data base.

100. What is the difference between test case and test script?
Test case is a description what data to be tested and what data to be inserted what is the actions to be done
to check actual result against expected result what are the actual inputs we will use? What are the expected
results? Is called test script Test Script: Is a short program written in a programming language used to test part
of the functionality of the software system. a written set of steps that should be performed manually can also
be called a test script, however this is more correctly called a test case.

101. What is the difference between bug, error, and defect?

At the time of coding mistake error, when the mistake noticed by the tester defect, tester sends this defect to
development team if the developer agrees then it is bug.

102. What is the difference between quality assurance and system testing explains in detail
with an example?
Quality Assurance: It is nothing but building an adequate confidence in the customer that the developed
software is according to requirements. Entire SDLC comes under QA. It is process oriented. System Testing: It is
the process of executing entire system i.e. checking the s/w as well as parts of system.

103. How do you decide when you have tested enough?

When the 90% of requirements are covered, Maximum defects are rectified except (some) low level defects
are not covered, customer satisfy that project and time is less, then we are closing the testing.

104. What is the difference between Build Management and Release Management? When will
conduct build verification and end to end testing?
Build Management is managing the issue fixture tasks in the builds whereas Release management is managing
the functionality to be incorporated in the Release. Build Verification Test (BVT) is done when the build is first
received by the testers. The basic functionality is checked with valid data. This is done to check whether the
build is testable or not. This is done by testers. End to End testing is also called system testing. Done by senior
test engineers or test lead.

105. What is boundary value analysis? What is the use of it?

Boundary value analysis is a technique for test data selection. Test engineer chooses the values that lie along
the data extremes. It includes max, min, just inside, just outside, typical values and error values. Boundary
Value Analysis is a technique used for writing the test cases...for example: If a particular field accepts the
values from 1 to 1000, then we test that field by entering only 1, 1000, 0, 1001, 999,2.i.e we check on the
boundaries and thenminimum-1 , minimum +1 and maximum+1, maximum-1.

106. What is equivalence partition? What is the use of it?

Equalance nothing but select the valid and valid classes example as per client requirement the edit box access
only3-5 capital alphabets then we divided in ecp like valid values only A-Z invalid values are a-z and special
characters like ^,8<%.

107. If there is no sufficient time for testing & u have to complete the testing then what will u
When I have less time to test the Product then I will take these following steps--- 1) Sanity or smoke testing 2)
Usability Testing 3) Formal Functionality and GUI Testing 4) Walkthrough with the Product.

108. What is meaning by pro type in SDLC?

This is a cyclic version of the linear model. In this model, once the requirement analysis is done and the design
for a prototype is made, the development process gets started. Once the prototype is created, it is given to the
customer for evaluation. The customer tests the package and gives his/her feed back to the developer who
refines the product according to the customer’s exact expectation. After a finite number of iterations, the final
software package is given to the customer. In this methodology, the software is devolved as a result of
periodic shuttling of information between the customer and developer. This is the most popular development
model in the contemporary IT industry. Most of the successful software products have been developed using
this model - as it is very difficult (even for a whiz kid!) to comprehend all the requirements of a customer in
one shot. There are many variations of this model skewed with respect to the project management styles of
the companies. New versions of a software product evolve as a result of prototyping.

109. What is difference between desktop and web application?

The biggest d/f b/w Desktop and web application is- Desktop App (DA) is the machine independent, hence
every change has only reflects at the machine level. Whereas Web App (WA) is the Internet dependent
program, hence any change in the program reflects at everywhere, where it becomes use. EX...... Suppose
there are 5 machines in DA, 5 times installed individually at every machine and if there is any change made in
DA then at every machine change has to be made. In WA where the program or Application at the Server or at
the one common machine, then if changes made at only central or server or common machine all the changes
get reflected at every client machine.

110. Difference between application testing and product testing?

Product testing means when any company does testing for their own (companies) product ex... Norton Anti
Virus is the Symantec’s product; if Symantec test the Norton i.e. called as the Product testing. Where as if any
company take some projects from some other companies like ABC company takes projects from IBM and test
that project on some charges i.e. called as Application Testing.

111. What is a broken link in web testing and how test it?
When we clicked on Hyperlink if it opens Page can’t be displayed then that Hyperlink is called as Broken link.

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