VNS April 2024

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(A Monthly Bulletin of Nada Veda’dhyayana Kendra, Bengaluru)

(For private circulation only)


Chief Editor Dr. C. L. Prabhakar Editors: Dr. Anjaneya Prasad, Sri Surendra Pujar



Om Namo vratapataye namo ganapataye namah pramatha pataye

Namaste astu lambodarayaikadantaya vighna nasine siva sutaya
Sri varada murtaye namah!!
ANNOTATION: This is the popular only mantra known as having only one danta retained. He is the remover of all
Namaskara Mantra and mula mantra in prayer to Lord Ga- kinds of obstacles and impediments. He is the son of Lord
napati found in Ganapati Atharva seersha Upanishad. It is to Siva symbolically also meaning that he is the provider all
be uttered when we perambulate and fall prostrate to the feet peace and complacency of mind. He is the very form of
of Lord Vigneswara. This is the honoring mode to the Lord granting boons to the devotees. He is the Lord of the vraatas,
enlisting a few names of mahima of the deity in signifying a group of people who are ordinary. Actually, Vrata means
words., In this stotra brief, we have the fame (keerti) of Ga- a samuha, a gathering. He is the lord of all gatherings. With
napati thus: 1 Ganapati, 2 Pramatha pati,3Lambodara, 4 is mantra prefixing with om kara and suffixing with svaha
Ekadanta,5 Vighna nasakah,6 Siv sutah 7 varada murthy and kara offerings of food liked by him are offered in a homa
8 Vraata pati, A total surrender and namaskara is performed marked for him at the outset. However, there is good deal of
to please the God. Here he is described to be the Leader and interpretational literature on this Upanishad. He is ga-
Authority over several groups of divine, semi divine and hu- nanayaka the Vignehnesvara. As Puranas speak Ganapati is
man and more in the creation There are pramatha ganas in adi madhya and anta sunyah and he is Lord supreme(parat-
kailas close in service to Lord Siva. He is the leader of them. para). There is plentitude of literature and stotras on this de-
He has huge belly highly symbolic rather signifying that he ity. Among them this Upanishad claims a primary im-
bears the entire visvam in him. Actually, speaking Ganpaati portance.There is ganesha Purana, an descriptionof that is
has many odd (vikaras) in his body -frame as is depicted. He available in our publication Veda Ganga authored by Dr.
actually had two tusks as his head was that of Elephant. But G.B. Ghare
he used one to kill a rakshasa and so he became known as


Sri Vaidyanathaya namah Sivaya!!
This sound of the expression above occurs at the end of each NVAK gave inaugural talk besides introducing the Keynote
sloka. When the same is repeated three times minimum, it speaker. Smt Rita Matchew gave comments on the stotra at
totals to 24 times. The slokas of the composition by Sankara the end of Talk coordinated by the key note Speaker and Dr.
acharya are lucid and clear in meaning at the outset. The Prabhakar.
sounds have the influence that of rightful healing effect. Dr.C.L. Prabhakar pointed out that this stotra is brought into
They shower of the grace of the Deity Siva. It is highly vi- our stotra bodha series on account of Paramacharya’s in-
brating, instructive and inspiring. struction that anybody who makes Upasana or makes mere
repeated recitation of the stotra of 9 slokas would get many
On 10th MARCH2024, THE SUNDAY the monthly meet benefits. They are directly mentioned in the stotra itself by
for stotra bodha series of Nadavedaadhyayana Kendra and the Author Acharya Sankara himself. It provides sure heal-
WAVES, Bangalore Chapter took place. The lecture was of ing and cure of even tough health and other problems and
virtue, Positive, and productive. The program began with difficulties. He said Vaidyanatha is Lord Rudra who is
Vedakusumanjali performed by Sri Ravindra Nuguri, Pasunam pati, who is the Erstwhile Physician divine. The
NVAK Veda Student and a strong member of NVAK. He term Vaidya means one who can diagnose and extend right
started learning Veda suktas beginning from Rudram that measure of medicine and healing thereafter.
begin with namakam in the connotation Rudram in Princi- The stotra begins with the names of deities and Rama who
ple. Sangitanjali was rendered by Smt. Annapurna Duvvuri, worshipped the Vidyanatha Siva for many benefits and
USA.”. Key note speaker was Dr Y.S. Gayatri, Professor of grace. This compliment, the honor of Lord Siva is yet more.
Sanskrit, Bangalore. Dr.C.L. Prabhakar, the Director of the Vaidyanatha Siva would cure many physical ailments
including those which are tough and chronic. Those who good enough to heal and attend the cure of problems con-
have no eyes and capacity to talk or even and suffer deadly nected to Speech, ears, Eyes and such indriyas. Since he is
skin problems etc., they would turn normal. Lord Siva would jitendriya, he would help his devotees to that end. Apart
help them to get all healed up. There are many promises to from the mundane excellence in attending the problems of
provide well-being in principle to the devotees. jivakoti on land, he grants also knowledge in Vedanta
sastras. He is the very embodiment of Jagat itself(jaganma-
This stotra is composed and presented to the world by yah). He is the very embodiment of the Vedic Trinity and
Acharya Sankara. This is workable and relevant for physi- Puranic trinity. He would remove the influence of Evil ef-
cal, mental and vacika problems. Relief is certain. Param- fects. He is so simple that he gets his body smeared wholly
charya of Kanchi peetham saved a heart patient by initiating with ashes. He is very form of Atman(atmasvarupah). Be-
this stotra to the wife of the person who observed upasana sides solving the physical problems, he would bestow fruit-
of the same and got her husband saved from Heart illness. ful children’s suitable spouses (suputra daradi subha-
He lived many years later. Here in the entirety of slokas gyadah). He is also described to as Bhava rogahara.Siva is
Siva’s gracious and powerful traits of his personality are also is a queller of chronic diseases(maha rogadi nivarakah).
marked here. There are significant epithets of power of Ru- All this information is live in the stotra which we realise ac-
dra relevant as mentioned in the phalasruti of this stotra. tually when we recite the stotra repeatedly.As internet prob-
lem cropped up to main speaker , dr Prabhakar supple-
If to name a few features of Lord Siva we mented with explanations now and then.
have, for example thus: The stanzas are in simple Sanskrit that even a lay man can
Sri Neela Kantha,Dayamaya, sustainer of Ganga river over appreciate and understand the purport of the slokas.
his crest, smara kala hanta (killer of manmatha and Kala), Mr. Udaya Ravi recited the stotra in full. Santi mantra was
Bhakta Priya, Tripurantaka, Dushta harah, etc. He is espe- recited by Sri Sivalaingaiah, NVAK Student as a part of
cially functional to relieve pain and suffering in this mangalasamsanam.
manushya loka. He is capable of destroying the ailments in
variety forms (prabhata roga pranasakah). He is a doctor

Report of WAVES Program held on 01/04/2024

World Association for Vedic Studies (WAVES Interna- hai lakśya hamārā," to set a positive and uplifting atmos-
tional), USA, and Wider Association for Vedic Studies phere for the audience.
(WAVES, India) in its WAVES 2024 Webinar Series orga-
nized a special online program of Book Release and Panel After the invocation and the Kulgeet, a short video was pre-
Discussion titled “Applications of Vedic Knowledge in sented to give attendees a glimpse into the ‘WAVES 2022’,
Modern Times"; on 1st April 2024. i.e., 15th International & 26th India conference of WAVES,
highlighting its theme, speakers, and objectives.
The special online program was graced by Shri Dhirendra
A. Shah, treasurer of Waves International as the President of
the session. In his address, he extended gratitude to the pre-
senters and panelists for their invaluable contributions to the
study of Vedic literature, philosophy, and the rich history of
Bhārat. Shri Shah's words resonated deeply with the audi-
ence, emphasizing the collective responsibility to uphold
and cherish knowledge of Vedic Dharma and the need for
Vedic culture to permeate every community to preserve it
from generation to generation.

As the Chief Guest, Prof. Ramesh C. Bhardwaj, the Vice

Chancellor of Maharshi Valmiki Sanskrit University, Har-
yana, delivered an insightful address. During his speech,
Prof. Bhardwaj highlighted the role of Vedic education in
Dr. Aparna Dhir Khandelwal, Secretary, WAVES, India fostering global harmony and peace. He quoted Mahatma
Gandhi, saying that the Hindu civilization is based upon Ve-
moderated the first part of the program, which was the Book
release. The inaugural session commenced with an invoca- dic traditions, which can make the welfare of the whole
tion by Dr. Raghav S Boddupalli, Botanical Scientist and world possible.
WAVES Life Member, Bangalore, setting a spiritual tone by
reciting Veda mantras for the event. This was followed by
playing the auspicious WAVES Kulgeet, "Vedādhyayana
During this segment of the program, one of the moderators
delivered the message by Shri Sashi Kejriwal, regarding his
vision for the WAVES 2024 conference to be held in Flor-
ida, USA; "WAVES' successful virtual conferences in 2022
& 2022 and the acquisition of technical expertise in conduct-
ing such events will help us in our upcoming conference,
even though it is an in-person conference, but we may have
some content or talks through remote means for a wider par-
ticipation. We also had a good concentration of youth pre-
senters and hope to grow that in our future conferences. We
also hope to do better in getting more international partici-
pation in our 2024 conference".
On this occasion, Prof. Ramesh C. Bhardwaj released the
latest WAVES Publication, based on the WAVES 2022 con- Other panelists presented their insights based on their re-
ference, which was jointly organized (virtually) by both search papers that were presented during the 2022 confer-
WAVES International (USA) and WAVES India. The con- ence and which are part of the published book. Additionally,
ference was held under the theme "Innovative Applications other scholars and contributors enthusiastically took part in
of Vedic Knowledge in Modern Times." The book com- the program and were given the opportunity to speak about
prises fifty selected and edited papers from the WAVES their papers featured in the volume. For instance; Shri
2022 conference, representing contributions in English, Charan J.S. Manektala spoke on the relevance of Vedic
Hindi, and Sanskrit. These papers are organized into eight knowledge in understanding contemporary economics and
thematic sections, each delving into different aspects of Ve- social issues. He emphasized the potential of Dharma and
dic traditions. Ṛta to foster balance and harmony in modern times, show-
casing the enduring wisdom of Vedic principles in address-
Of notable significance are the contributions from esteemed ing current challenges and promoting holistic well-being.
overseas delegates, including Prof. Nicholas Kazanas,
Greece, Prof. Bal Ram Singh, USA, Prof. Narayanan M. Following the panel discussion, Dr. Shashi Tiwari, President
Komerath, USA, Dr. Aleh Perzashkevich, Belarus, Dr. Raj of WAVES, India offered profound reflections on
Vedam and Sitaram Ayyagari, USA, Prof. Madan Lal Goel, WAVES's collective academic journey across various ven-
USA, and Dr. Koenraad Elst, Belgium. Dr. Anirban tures. She expressed pride in WAVES's status as a globally
Chakraborty, Dr. Shashi Tiwari, Dr. K. C. Sharma, Brig. J.S. recognized association and its ongoing commitment to fos-
Rajpurohit, Prof. R. S. Kaushal, Prof. Rupa Bhaty, Prof. tering innovative, multidisciplinary scholarship focused on
Soma Basu, and Mr. Anand Gaikwad are a few other distin- Vedic knowledge. She further highlighted the promising cal-
guished contributors from India. Their insightful perspec- iber of the 15th published volume, indicating the in-depth
tives enriched the discourse on Vedic studies and broadened and quality of research contributions. This volume repre-
the understanding of its global significance. The book was sents the culmination of WAVES's dedication to promoting
prepared by Prof. Shashi Tiwari as Chief Editor, along with scholarly inquiry into Vedic traditions.
Shri Sashi Kejriwal, Dr. Aparna Dhir Khandelwal, and Dr.
Kamna Vimal Sharma as Editors. This volume has been The event was well-attended, with nearly 100 guests, and
published by Pratibha Prakashan, a renowned publishing was streamed live on the WAVES' YouTube and Twitter
house for Indological books in India, and is available for platforms. Some of the attendees shared their thoughts on
purchase on their official website. the program. Such as, Reena Kannojiya wrote, "Thanks to
WAVES president Prof. Shashi Tiwari and her team for
The second part of the event was moderated by Dr. (Brig.) bringing out the paper presentations in the form of a book
J.S. Rajpurohit. The panelists who participated in this seg- and release.”; Prof. Soma Basu, Rabindra Bharati Univer-
ment are: sity, Kolkata wrote, “A great event indeed, extremely happy
Shri Sashi Kejriwal, President of WAVES, USA. to be a part of this book release program! Thanks, and re-
Dr. Aleh Perzashkevich, Historian, Belarus. gards to all.”; Dr. Aleh Perzashkevich, one of the panelists,
Dr. Raj Verma Sinha, Philosopher, Delhi. wrote, “It has been a real privilege to be part of all that.
Prof. Bal Ram Singh, Director of WAVES, USA. Thank you again.”; “Beautiful and Inspiring’, message from
Dr. Koenraad Elst, Historian, Belgium. Ms. Satyavani Kakarla, USA; Dr. J.S. Rajpurohit, the mod-
Prof. R. S. Kaushal, Scientist, Delhi. erator of the program, wrote, “It has been an excellent learn-
ing session. I am grateful to all Modern Rishi Panelists for
Ms. Rinika Bansal, Youth Author, USA.
the exposition. Thanks to all the scholars.
Dr. Mousumi Chattopadhyay, Sanskrit, Kolkata.
At the end of the program, Dr. Radhey Shyam Shukla, pub- guests for their support and participation in the event and
lisher of the volume presented the vote of thanks to the edi- wished for the same for future initiatives.
tors and all the contributors of the book. Dr. Kamna Vimal - Report by Supriya Chopra
Sharma, editor, concluded the session and expressed the col-
lective gratitude on behalf of WAVES to all scholars and


Asmin paratman nija paadmakalpe tvamittha utthapita padmayonih!
Ananta bhumaa mama roga raasim nirundhi vatalaya vishno!! 8.13
The sloka above from Narayaneeyam kavya is suggested by subsequent to that deluge is narrated by the poet in an or-
Paramacharya of Kanci as an Universal mantra for getting derly way. After the pralaya -process got completed, the
all happiness -physical and spiritual wellbeing. Narayanee- brahmakalpa began. Brahma, the son of Narayana was born.
yam is a literary Composition in Sanskrit. It is the retelling He got Vedas and power from his father who is called as
of the Bhagavata Kathavastu in Hundred tens of slokas to- Prapitaamah..
taling to one thousand slokas. Actually, the Bhagavata Pu- He started the order of creation in the stipulated order as was
rana contains 18000 slokas but important select episodes of earlier. Brahma created the night and day. All the beings that
the purana are being highlighted briefly by the famous poet entered the stomach of Narayana was released to be born 5.
Narayana Bhattatiri of Kerala,. Each dasakam is titled with Then Phani raja, the Adisesha was born in the waters resting
the kathavastu and description of detaisl about. Infact we a on the serpent bed. Narayana sunk into yoga nidra 6. There
few such summary texts of Bhagavatam. Of late NVAK has came up the kala shakti and that shakti made Narayana to
published one culled by Sri Medavaram Subrahmanya wake up from yoganidra. Then he made the world to be jiva
Sastry of Anantapur in the year 1975 revis3d Edition in De- dhama, the bhu loka 7 the power of kalasakti is undefeatable
vanagari Script. An English translation of the same is in pro- and unassailable. Prabodhayata tvam Kila Visvanatha.8. he
gress. with his sukshma drusti filled up the jivalka fully. He made
This eighth Dasaka with thirteen, slokas covers knowledge himself to be manifesting in all. If this dasakam is kept para-
in brief regarding the occurrence of Deluge, a total Anhila- yanam and more the 13 sloka for jape for 40 days then much
tion(Pralaya). Also, the work of Srishti namely creation good desired and expected would turn fruitful


Dr. Boddupalli. Raghava, NVAK, Bangalore
तेजो॑ िस॒ तेजो॒ मिय॑ धेिह वी॒यर्मिस वी॒यर्म्मिय॑ धेिह ॒ बल॑मिस॒ बल॒म्मिय॑ Self-restraint; बलम् – Body energy; ओजः – Divine power;
धे॒ह्योजो॒स्योजो॒ मिय॑ धेिह म॒न्युरि॑ स म॒न्युम्मिय॑ धेिह ॒ सहो॑ िस॒ सहो॒ मिय॑ मन्युः – Courage, Zeal, Bravery, Boldness, Daring; सहः – Pa-
धेिह ॥ tience, Will, Persistence and strength.
- Vājasanēyī Saṃhitā 19-9
Introduction Mantra Translation
O God, the Supreme Spirit! You are soul power and the en-
This mantra is unique to the Śukla Yajurveda Vājasanēyī ergizing radiance; grant me that force, may YOU infuse in
Saṃhitā (SYV-VS) and revealed in the 19th Adhyāya as 9th me. You are the heroic vigour, that mettle, may YOU infuse
Mantra. All the klēśamulu (pain, suffering, affliction, trou- in me. You are the power and strength, may YOU grant me
bles etc.) related to body and mind are born out of ignorance. the physical energy. You are divine energy and vitality, that
For this mantra, Abhuti is the Ṛṣi and Soma is the Devata. vital potential, may YOU infuse in me. You are the fiery
Knowledge, infinite Wisdom, infinite Glory and infinite Joy zeal, that passion, may YOU infuse in me. You are the Will
are present in this mantra. One devotional practice leading to succeed, that perseverance, may YOU infuse in me.
to the Self-Realization is the famous prayer called ‘Virya-
prarthana’ in the Vājasanēyī Saṃhitā. This mantra prays to Explanation
that ability and power. With a variation in the mantra ap- In this mantra, it is known to pray for courage as well as
pears in the Yajurveda Sandhyāvandana. Also in the ritual- patience. No task should be undertaken without investigat-
istic applications as a Prayer effective. ing the presence of courage and self-restraint power. Be pa-
tient and review the situation. After that one should enter the
Mantra word meaning field of work only if necessary. Patience is strength. Patience
makes nerves strong and powerful.
तेजः – Soul energy; अिस – You are staying; मिय – to me or
in me; तेजः – Soul energy; धेिह – To be gracious, Propitious, Swami Vivekananda attributed the weakness as 'death'. In
Bestow on me; वीयर्म् – Control of the passions, Continence, order to avoid death while living, energy is needed - physical
energy is needed, mental energy is needed and spiritual en- tension. Very nervous people cannot meditate. So, first the
ergy is needed. He also says 'muscles of iron, nerves of steel, tense nerves should be calmed down completely. The wor-
along with that....unrelenting determination'. Muscles simi- shipper should control all the sentiments and feelings, good
lar to those made of iron can be gained through exercise. But or bad. And make the mind passive. The chanter should con-
then how to obtain nerves of steel? It can only be achieved centrate on the Infinite and tune our mind towards the Su-
through ‘patience’. Stress bearing power increases when pa- preme Lord. Fill the mind with the holy image and the har-
tience is practiced. That is why patience is also mentioned monizing vibrations of the holy sound, ‘Om’. Sattvic food,
here as a power. But Swami Vivekananda said that 'this is rhythmic breathing, constant awareness of mind or alertness
the most difficult sādhana of all sādhanas'. and feeling one with the environment are the important re-
quirements for success of mantra chanting and meditation.
Continuous meditating on this mantra provides enormous Patience, good disposition, kind and benevolent attitude to-
strength to the mind and self-confidence. Meditation gives wards others are virtues. Establishing in oneself is important
good relaxation to the tired mind and body. Close your eyes for a harmonious and peaceful life.
and take the name of the Lord and chant the mantra. Medi-
tation should be done with total awareness, not in sleep. A In essence this mantra seeks six blessings namely
man getting up from sleep may be fresh and look refreshed; tejas,veerya,bala,ojas,manyu and sahah from Agni, the Lord
but a man coming out of mediation looks bright, radiant, and of Energy as he himself is the Embodiment of all of them.
more energetic. Meditation helps to calm nerves and reduce


Dr. Boddupalli Raghava
Ritualistic Significance - Vedic Perspective traditionally used to protect cooked foods from toxic radia-
The grass Kuśa (कुश) or Darbha (दभर्) or Barhi / Barhis (बिहर् tion during eclipse. During eclipses, the atmosphere is full
of toxic radiation. It is said that cooked food kept during an
/ बिहर् स्) is considered sacred in the Sanatana Dharma, and is
eclipse will become toxic. If cooked foods are covered in a
traditionally used in many religious rites. The Vedas state container and Darbha grass kept on top, the Darbha will
that the Darbha is an embodiment of Brahma, Viṣṇu and shield the food from toxic rays. The grass aids in providing
Maheswara, the Trinity. Lord Brahma -the Creator is sta- protection from harmful radiation and all forms of negative
tioned at the Root, Lord Viṣṇu - the Protector in the Middle energy (Fig. 8). It is believed that Darbha grass helps in re-
and Lord Śiva - the Destroyer at the Tip of the Darbha, taining energy, during meditation, from being discharged
hence making it significant in all Hindu rituals. The Darbha through our body (mostly through legs and toes) into
or Sacred grass is extensively used in India for thousands of ground, when such a mat is used underneath. In wedding rit-
years in various ritualistic practices. The Taittirīya uals, women wear a belt made of Darbha grass. Similarly,
Brāhmaṇa mantra [1-3-7(40) and TB 3-8-2(5)] reveals । spiritual aspirants (brahmacāris) wear a Darbha grass belt
प॒िवत्रं॒ वै द ॒भार्ः । [। pavitraṃ vai darbhāḥ ।]. The word Darbha during their spiritual initiation ceremonies (Upanayanam).
is derived from the grammatical root words (dhātu) - dṛ + During ancestor worship, Darbha grass is a must in rituals
bhā, dṛṇāti vidārayati dīryatē vā meaning torn to be; torn for the Pitṛus (Ancestors) like Tarpaṇam (a religious rite of-
apart; six darbhas. It is so important that no ritual can be fering of water to the mane of the deceased ancestors). In
performed without using the Darbha grass. It is traditionally various Yajñas, the Ṛtviks / priests, Yajamana (sacrificer),
used to purify and protect the place/space where religious his wife will sit on the mats woven with Darbha grass (Fig.
ceremonies, pujas, and Yajñas are performed (Figs. 5 & 6). 7).
Darbha purifies not only the participants of rituals, but also
the oblations to be offered to Devatas (TB 3-7-4(41). In Origin of Darbha
many rituals, like Darśapūrṇamāsa, Jyōtiṣṭōma and The origin of Dabha is stated thus, “Indra killed Vṛtra in
Aśvamēdha, the oblations such as milk, clarified butter, vicinity of water. Water has two kinds of specific powers –
Caru, Purōḍāśa are purified by the contact of Darba. It is be- human and divine. Of these human (Mānuṣa) power
lieved to create a shield against negative spiritual influences, cleanses the organs of elimination etc. of human body. And
ensuring a sanctified atmosphere for worship. According to the divine (Daiva) is of two kinds – purifying the human
early Buddhist studies, Darbha was the material used by bodies by ablution and purifying the ritualistic utensils by
Buddha for his meditation seat when he attained enlighten- sprinkling. Following the death of Vṛtra, the divine power
ment. of water came onto the earth and turned into Darbha (TB 3-
Darbha grass is used during Surya Grahaṇa (Solar Eclipse) 2-5(35). This legend appears in the TS 6-1-1(7) too and also
and Chandra Grahaṇa (Lunar Eclipse) and is highly recom- it is supported by the SB (SB 7-2-3(2). Maybe, because of
mended to place pieces of Darbha on all the items of the its origin from the divine power, Darbha is considered as
house, including home temples that we do not want to be sacred and purifier.
negatively affected by during the eclipse time. Darbha is
Darbha grass is also known as Piṃjūla in the Vedic texts. care is taken to grow and cut this sacred grass. Usually, this
The word Piṃjūla denotes a ‘bundle’ of grass or stalks, es- sacred dried grass mat and thread are revered to be divine
pecially of Darbha. It is revealed in the TS 6-1-1(7); TB 1- and have a very significant role to play in all the TTD Tem-
7-6(4), 2-7-9(5) and others. In several mantras of Vedic ple festivals. The Darbha Mats and Ropes are prepared by a
texts, the Darbha is also called as Kūrca, used for cleaning team of experts in knitting the same with utmost devotion.
the Yajña Vedi (Fig. 3). Special care is taken in its utilization While handing over the prepared mats and ropes to the tem-
right from sharpening the knife used to cut the grass and ple priests, the TTD conducts it as a ‘Darbha Festival’. The
Mantras are chanted at every step. In Mahāgnicayana, Dar- Darbha Mat used for Dhvajārōhaṇaṃ is six (6) feet width
bha is dipped into the mixture of curd and honey and the and 22 feet in length, while the Darbha rope is 200 feet in
Agni is consecrated by sprinkling. length as it is tied a loft Dhvajastaṃbhaṃ during the annual
The term Śaṣpa is revealed in the Sri Rudra Namaka praśna Brahmōtsavam in the Sri Venkateswara Temple, Tirumala
as । नम॒ श्श॑ष्प्तया च । [। nama śśaśpyāya ca ।] – (TS 4-5-8). (Figs. 9,10,11 & 12).
It is mentioned in the YV Saṃhitās (VS 19-13-81 and VS
21-29), RV Brāhmaṇa (AB 8-5-3 and AB 8-8-4) and in the
YV Brāhmaṇa (SB 12-7-2(8) and SB 12-9-1(2).
Sāyaṇācharya in his commentary on Taittirīya Saṃhita (TS)
mentioned that śaṣpa means a just born Darbha grass on the
banks of the Ganga River. This is a substantial statement on
the pavitrata (sacredness) of the Ganga River and the Dar-
bha grass. It denotes ‘young’ or ‘sprouting grass’ (Mac-
donell and Keith in VINS II pp. 367).
In the Atharvaveda Śaunakīya Saṃhita (AVSS),
Darbha is revealed in the kāṇḍa - 19, sūkta - 28 as a separate
hymn/charm titled ‘darbhamaṇih’. This ritual herb is de-
scribed in mantras/liturgies 1-10. It is mentioned that this
special hymn is used for calming of anger, as an amulet for
protection against the scattering one's hair or the striking of
one's breast and for destruction of enemies.

Veda Mantra References

The following are some of important Veda mantras on the
importance of Darbha in various Yajña and Yāgas that re-
vealed in the Caturvedas. They are: RV 1-191-3, AV 6-43-
2, 8-7-20, 10-4-13, 11-6-15, 19-28-1, 19-28-30, 19-28-32,
19-32-1, 19-32-2; TS 1-5-1(4), TS 5-4-5, TS 5-6-4, TS 6-1-
1(7); TS 6-2, TS 7-5-8(5); TB 1-3-7(40), TB 3-8-2(5), TB
1-7-6(4), TB 2-7-9 (5), TB 3-2-5(35), Kalpa on TB 3-10-1;
TA 2-11, TA 3-8(11); KS 23-1; MS 4-8-7; SB 11-5-3, SB
13-4-3(1); TB 1-7-6(4), 2-7-9(5); KS 23-1; AB 1-3; KB 18- Identification of Darbha grass
8. The botanical name of the grass is called Desmostachya
It is absolutely necessary to wear a sacrificial ring, the Pavit- bipinnata (L.) Stapf. It belongs to the family Poaceae
ram, a ring or knot made of Darbha grass, which is worn on (Gramineae). The two (2) feet tall grass is thin and pointed
the fourth or ring finger while performing either auspicious at the top. It is extremely rough to touch, and if pulled the
or inauspicious Vedic ritual / ceremony (Fig. 4). The follow- wrong way, it could cut the skin. Darbha grass leaves are
ing is the mantra that is recited while wearing the Pavitram with sharp-edged sides and pointed tips (Agra). It is not
(sacrificial ring): supposed to be plucked straight or cut on any day. Darbha
pavitravantaḥ parivājamāsate । pitaiṣāṃ pratno ab- grass is collected on Krishna Pakṣa padyami by reciting
hirakṣati vratam । mahassamudraṃ varuṇastirodadhe . specific mantras from Yajurveda (Fig. 1). The Atharvaveda
described the Darbha grass as to be 'rich in roots' (bhūri-
dhīrā icchekurdharuṇeṣvārabham ।। - Aruṇa Praśna, TA 1-
mūla – AV 6-43-2), to possess a ‘thousand leaves’ (sahasra-
11(48) Parṇa) and a ‘hundred stalks’ (śata-kāṇḍa – AV 19-32-1).
Darbha Festival at Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanams Common Names - Darbha, Kusa, Durbha, Barhi, Darbhah
(TTD), Tirumala (Sanskrit); Sacrificial grass, Sacred grass (English); Durva,
The Forest Department of TTD with designated team of peo- Dabh, Davoli, Dabhena (Hindi); Kush (Assamese); Kush
ple will cut the Darbha on the hills of the Tirumala. Special (Bengali); Dabha, Aswalayana, Darbha (Telugu); Dharbe,
Kusha (Kannada); Taruppai, Darbhaipul, Acamantakam Darbha also has healing properties and is used in Ayurvedic
(Tamil); Darbha, Darbhappullu (Malayalam); Daabh, Dar- medicines. The Darbha plant root is cooling, diuretic, galac-
bha (Marathi); Bikh Dab (Urdu). tagogue and astringent. It used for urinary calculi, and other
diseases of the bladder. The culms are used in menorrhagia,
Ayurvedic Names - Kuśa, Sūchyagra, Yagyabhūṣaṇa, dysentery, diarrhoea and in skin diseases. The Ayurvedic
Kshurapatra Pharmacopoeia of India (API) recommended the use of the
Siddha Name - Tharubai rootstock (50-100 grams for decoction) in dysuria, vaginal
discharges and erysipelas. It has been used to treat diabetes,
What is the benefit of Darbha grass mat? epilepsy, piles, dysentery, and heavy and prolonged men-
It helps in retaining energy, during meditation and yoga struation. It is used to treat repeated abortion and all types
sessions. Sustainable, Eco-friendly and Sweat absorbing of other disorders. It is used to improve the complexion and
grass mat is made of 100% natural fibre and so it is to treat internal and external wounds. It also has tonic effects
biodegradable and organic. The mat wicks away sweat and to help in emaciation, severe debility or after serious ill-
absorbs moisture (Fig. 7). nesses. In nutshell it is said :”pavitravantah parivajamasate

Medicinal Properties

1. With Saundaryalahari Stotra formulas Saundarya Lahari Havanam would be organized on 21-4-24, Sunday at 11 a.m.
as scheduled. Puja and naivedya and arpana to Devi would be done.
2. 23-4-74 Tuesday 6.45 p.m. caitrasuddha Purnima,Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra parayanam on zoom Meet..
3. Wish happy ugadi , rodhanama samvatsaram from9.4.24,tuesdsy, the day Jaya Durga Paramesvari
4. Every Tuesdays and Wednesdays Classes at 7 p.m. IST estern time USA 8.30 a.m. on “Mahanyasa mantras of YV
“held by Dr. C.L. Prabhakar, Director, and Veda Guru. Please note the Zoom: PC 376 656 7221 Code 123321. Notified
in the nadaveda WhatsApp group. On Fridays 7 p.m. BruhadaranyakaUpanishad over same Zooms
5. Regular Zoom international classes on Veda and scriptures are organized Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday and Sundays on Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Saundarya Lahari, Bhagavad-Gita, Veda Suktas / Vishnu
sahasranama, Narayaneeyam, and Sri Srinivasa/Lakshmi Gadyam and Bhagavata saptasati classes respectively by Dr.
C.L. Prabhakar, Guruji, at 8 p.m. (USA EST, (India 6.30 a.m. IST). It on Zoom link. Zoom 876 7828 0582, passcode
842839. Interested need contact for link the Director of 80- 26592489/26596150.
6. Viduraniti sessions on Saturdays at 6.30p.m. IST and 8.00 a.m. CST. meeting id: 821 4769 4896 pass code 542647.
on in the series.
7. Aruna prasna classes same day (Saturday) at .8.00 p.m. IST’. U.S Central time 9.30 a.m. CST. Meeting id 881-4624-
2754 passcode: arunaprasn. The classes resumed from 7th July 22.
8. Bhagavata Saptasati Bhashyam on Sundays at5 p m. cst 6p.m. recurring Zoom id 876 7828 0582 passcode 842839
9. Saundarya lahari sessions on Tuesdays& Thursdays, at 8p.m. EST, 7.p.m. CST,6.300 a.m. IST. Link in Nadaveda Wapp
group.686 847 4081 5304 pass code; 123456. Open to all class at the rate of two slokas or so per session/ in depth
meaning and applications.
10. Class on Sri Lakshmi Gadyam 6 p.m. Est on Zoom on every Sunday. Same as in for Saundarya lahari
11. On Saturdays Narayaniyam stotra text session with meaning and applications. Time 9 p.m. Est 5.30 a.m. IST, Venue:
Zoom same as in item 6.
12. 21-4--24 Sunday 7 p.m. ist 8.30 A.M. Cst Monthly meet 32: topic: Lecture Demonstration on Vidwan and Sangita
guru on The Veggeyakara Syamasastry of Classical Carnatic Music. Key note presenter Dr. Kailash, M.D., andSangita
13. 17-4-24 Wednessday 7 p.m Sriramanavami, the Birth day of Sri Rama the avatar of Vishnu. Talk on Sri Rama ofValmiki
Ramayana Virtual. Key note Speaker Dr C.L. Prabhakar
14. Monthly meet 28-4-24 Sunday at 7 p.m., talk on:Sivamahimna stotram. Key note speaker Dr. C.M.
Neelakanthan, Professor of Sanskrit, Kerala. Vote of thanks and comments Sri Rajagopalan, Memphis.
15. Guruj’is India visit. On 29th March Saundaryalahari homa was organized the house of sri N. Ramesh and Smt
veena at 7th block Jayanagar. Many attended and it was a grand experience of the Devi, live and otain Her
blessings to one and all. Our Kendra student and faculty Sri Vasan took the officiating seat and well conducted
the whole procedure.

Utpatannapi caa akasam
Visannapi rasatalam!
Atannapi maheem krutsnam
Na adattam upatishthati!!
By jumping to sky, entering into rasatalam, (paataalam), roaming whole entire Earth,
one cannot attain that which He (the Paramatma) did not give.
Truthful statement. However, effort and hope to be entertained. The result is daivadheenam.

Activity of the NVAK & WAVES, Bangalore at Kendra premises

234 11th B Cross, J. P. Nagar II phase, Bangalore-78.
Program for the APRIL 2024
(This year (2022-23) theme: Contributions of Rishis and Vyakhyakaras to the Human Welfare and Emancipation
Please mark your calendar the dates underneath and attend at Kendra premises. Also some programs virtual too.

Veda classes, Yoga classes are organized. For change of venue of classes or other activity please contact Kendra/Sri Suren-
dra Pujar: (ph. 080-26596150) and Sri Vasan, +91 7022244792. Also, for virtual links. Join WhatsApp nadaveda group for
more updating knowledge on Veda and more on the activity on going also.

1. 5060 21-4-24 Sunday, 11 a.m. Samuhika Homa performance of Ganapati (with Atharvaseersha Upanishad mantras),
and Saundaryalahari stotra formulas Homa, (100 + Ahutis with slokas Recitation). (Venue: 234 11 B cross, 20 main,
J. P Nagar II Phase, Bangalore open to all). Now venue option is open. PLEASE CONTACT KENDRA FOR DETAILS.
2. 5061 23-4-24Tuesday 6.30 p.m. caitra suddha Purnima: samuhika VishnuShasranama Parayanam. Saundarya
lahari performance Birth day. This homa was inaugurated and performed. Devi Krupa she is graceful that the
Homa is being performed every month on third Sunday at 11.a.m. in Kendra. Benefits and those benefitted are
several. Many have their desires attended by Devi subsequently.
3. 5062 On 24-2-24 at Kendra Premises Vedaganga vol 29 was released. Copies are presented to the participants of the
function then. Anyone really interested in knowledge can obtain a copy (knowledge based ) from Kendra calling Sri
Surendra Pujar .
4 5063 28-4-24 Sunday, Stotra bodha Series Talk No -32. Talk on SivamahimnaStotra of Pushpadanta. Key note speaker
Dr. C.M. Neelakandhan, Professor (Retd), SSU 0f Sanskrit, KALADI, KERALA. Dr. Paramba Yogamaya,Associate
Professor of Sanskrit, Orissa offers concluding remarks. Sri Rajagopalan from Memphis, TN offers Vote of thanks with
comments too. Sri Uday Ravi and Smt MV.Sudha make Stotra for recitation.

Printed & Published by Dr. C.L. Prabhakar, NadaVedadhyayana Kendra, # 437, 15th Main, 17th Cross, 5th Phase, J.P
Nagar, and Bengaluru-78. Ph.:80- 26596150, 9113264849/26592489, Email: Websites: www.dig-
ital wisdom, YouTube channel: type: Nada Veda Adhyayana Kendra for record-
ings. Please also visit web: for Vedic wisdom more.

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