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DigiOne/Signature (Board + Player) Dietpi OS

You have selected Dietpi as OS , see below info about it:
OS download link:

Product informationand manual are available on the Transport/Digione page on

Please follow these startup steps.

1) Connect all RCA /BNC (S/PDIF) cable and accessories to the player.
- 5V Power supply
- Ethernet to router
2) Power on Unit - (Power On Order : 1 st clean Power then RPI power)
Verify Ethernet LEDs status.
3) Find out the IP address of Digione Player from Router or IP scanner or on ROON
controllerrunning on Windows.
Default host name dietpi.
On ROON - list as Dietpi, IP address, kernel version, Audio Device snd_allo_digione
*by default, Allo-DigiOne configured on Allo Web GUI.
4) Open web-browser on locally connected PC to configure the Audio Device.
dietpi.local or IP address of the player

Allo Web GUI Login E-Mail address: :allo

5) Configure Audio Device: System settings ensure ALLO-DIGIONE configured as Sound card.

6) ROON BRIDGE status check Active.

7) Open ROON server- controller Application

Roon server list the snd_allo_digione endpoint available on the same network.

Enable the snd_allo_digione, Select the AUDIO device , Play the Music ……

8) Wi-Fi Enable possible through Terminal / SSH login

SSH login on windows refer:

Wi-Fi settings refer

SSH terminal command outputs

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