Health & Vital Statistics

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1) Crude death rate = Number of deaths during a year x k

Average (mid year) population

2) Speci c death rate = Number of deaths in a speci c subgroup (during a year) x k

Average (mid year) population for the speci c subgroup

3)Cause speci c death rate = Number of deaths from a particular cause or diagnosis (during a year) x k
Average (mid year) population

4) Proportionate mortality= Number of deaths from a particular cause or diagnosis (during a year) x k
Total number of deaths (from all causes) during a year

5) Death-to-case ratio = Number of deaths from a particular cause or diagnosis (during a year) xk
The number of new cases of that disease identi ed (during the same year)

6) Case-fatality rate = Number of cause-speci c deaths among the incident cases X100
Total number of incident cases

7) Adjusted or standardized death rates => comparing between two populations or the same population over time taking into
account population structure (age or gender)

Age-adjusted mortality rate: eliminate the e ect of di erent age distributions in the di erent populations.

8) Maternal Mortality Rate = number of maternal deaths x 1,000

average number of women in the reproductive age (15-49 years)

9) Maternal Mortality Ratio = number of maternal deaths x 100,000

number of live births

10) Infant mortality rate = Number of deaths under 1 year of age (during a year) x k
Number of live births during the year

11) Neonatal mortality rate = Number of deaths under 28 days of age (during a year) x k
Number of live births during the year

12) Fetal death rate = Number of fetal deaths (during a year) xk

Number of live births + number of fetal deaths in the same year

13) Perinatal death rate = Number of fetal deaths(>28 weeks of gestation) +infant deaths under 7 days of age (during a year) x k
Number of live births + Number of fetal deaths (>28 weeks of gestation) in the same year

14) Crude birth rate = Number of live births (during a year) x k

Average (mid year) population

15) General fertility rate = Number of live births (during a year) x k

Total number of women of child bearing age

16) Age-speci c fertility rate= Number of live births to women of a certain age (during a year) x k
Total number of women of the speci ed age

17) Total fertility rate = the sum of each age-speci c rate multiplied by the age interval width
i.e. Age-speci c fertility rate for age group 10-14 = 1.3 & for age group 15-19 = 62.5
age interval width = ‫ شكم عمر اخذنا بكل‬age group = 10-14 = 10,11,12,13,14 => age interval width = 5
Total fertility rate = 1.3(5) + 62.5(5) +…… for the rest age groups

18) Standardized fertility rate (age adjusted general fertility rate): control for the confounding e ect of age before making
comparisons between populations unlike general fertility rate

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