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as the study conducted by Sabir et.

al;(2011) Common pests and disease is the most destructive pest

of Finland during cultivation of cucumber production such as aphids, cucumber beetles, whiteflies
and thrips intensive production system is often severely infested with several pests including fungal
like Anthracnose, bell rot and downy mildew . Fruit fly (Bacrocera cucurbatae (coq) is one of the
most destructive pest often rendering cultivation of cucumber production is seriously constrained by
many factors which include Scarcity of suitable planting material limited access to capital, climatic
conditions, plant pests and diseases l, among others. Vival diseases like fungal and nematodes
pathogens severely affect the cultivation and production of Cucumis sativus (Olawale;2021).

Another important way to avoid insects and disease is to use effective way to optimize plant
resistance to environmental stresses. Lactic acid bacteria is another organic insecticide and pesticide
that helps plants resist pests. Farmers must take appropriate pest control measures by identifying the
pest's name ( kalkura; 2021).

According to Ms. Ramsyaree (2021) Identification of the pest and applying proper organic pesticides
in agriculture is the main key way to stop the losses in the yields of the farmer and Quality of the
food In this study, it aims in controlling common pest and diseases in cucumber using Oriental
Herbal Nutrient (OHN) and Lactic Acid Bacteria LAB) . In promoting natural farming system as
beneficial in terms of good effect to the environment , health ,plants ,and income and this method can
also help preventing unwanted pest and diseases of cucumber . Oriental Herbal Nutrient is very
important input in natural farming. It made from herbs which are full of energy and function to
increase plant robustness to sterilize and keep plants warm. And also, Lactic Acid Bacteria LAB is
very effective for improving soil ventilation and growing fruits and leafy vegetables. Oriental Herbal
Nutrients and Lactic Acid Bacteria as organic pesticides that useful as a replacement to inorganic

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