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Malvaceae (Mallow Family)

● Key Characteristics:
○ Epicalyx: A whorl of bracts below the calyx, forming an extra outer
○ Pentamerous Flowers: Flowers have parts in multiples of five (5 sepals,
5 petals).
○ Monadelphous Stamens: Stamen filaments fused into a tube around the
○ Stellate Hairs: Often present on leaves and stems, giving a velvety or
hairy appearance.
● Floral Formula: EBr K(5) C5 A∞ G(5)
● Examples: Cotton (Gossypium), Hibiscus, Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)

Cruciferae (Brassicaceae / Mustard Family)

● Key Characteristics:
○ Tetradynamous Stamens: Six stamens, two shorter and four longer.
○ Superior Ovary with Parietal Placentation: Ovary above other floral
parts, ovules attached to the walls of the ovary.
○ Siliqua or Silicle Fruit: A long and narrow or short and broad capsule-like
● Floral Formula: EBr K2+2 C4 A2+4 G(2)
● Examples: Mustard (Brassica), Radish (Raphanus), Cabbage, Cauliflower

Leguminosae (Fabaceae / Bean Family)

● Key Characteristics:
○ Papilionaceous Corolla: A butterfly-shaped flower with a standard petal,
two wings, and a keel of two fused petals.
○ Zygomorphic/Bilaterally Symmetrical Flowers: Can be divided into two
equal halves in only one plane.
○ Monocarpellary Superior Ovary: Single carpel, ovary positioned above
other floral parts.
○ Legume Fruit: A dry fruit that splits open along two seams.
● Floral Formula: EBr % K(5) C1+2+2 A(9)+1 G_1_
● Examples: Peas, Beans, Lentils, Pulses, Soybean

Compositae (Asteraceae / Sunflower Family)

● Key Characteristics:
○ Capitulum Inflorescence: A dense head-like inflorescence with many
small, individual flowers (florets) on a common base.
○ Ray and Disc Florets: Often with both ray florets (petal-like structures on
the outer edge) and disc florets (tubular flowers in the center).
○ Pappus: Modified calyx consisting of hairs or scales that aid in seed
● Floral Formula: Variable, but often involves fused floral parts.
● Examples: Sunflower, Aster, Chrysanthemum, Dandelion

Gramineae (Poaceae / Grass Family)

● Key Characteristics:
○ Spikelet Inflorescence: The basic unit of a grass inflorescence,
containing one or more florets.
○ Fibrous Root System: A dense network of thin roots.
○ Hollow and Jointed Stems: Culms with distinct nodes and internodes.
● Floral Formula: Complicated, usually involving small, reduced flowers.
● Examples: Cereals (wheat, rice, maize), Sugarcane, Bamboo

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