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Workforce shortage in Adultcare

The importance of home care cannot be overemphasized,majority of the aged population are leaning
more towards staying in their rather than moving into care home.It is not peculiar for people to want the
comfort of their homes which is why home care significance has grown quite considerably.Home care
needs can range from just basic assistance around the house,assistance with appointments ,grocery
shopping assistance,medication reminders to even just basic companionship.

Apart from the needs home care satisfies there are also numerous benefits it provides such as cost savings
aspect,helps in maintaining self dignity,higher safety benefits,better relationships and also provides some
sentimental benefits as well.This benefits are greatly important and satisfying to the aged population as
most of them are more drawn to the simpler things in life and home care can serve as a great provider for

Waiting list of patients needing care and number of people getting sicker is steadily rising and one of the
major causes of these is shortage of homecare workers.Due to the dwindling numbers of these social
workers thousands of people are forced to stay longer in hospital which inturn is affecting the availability
of care for others.According to the Guardian almost one in four people are unable to be discharged and
sent home just because they are waiting for home care and agencies are unable to provide these workers
for them in time which inturn leads to them being trapped in hospitals for weeks.

The purpose research is to look into the issue and is ever growing effect on health and social care
sector.The research will aim at providing the reasons behind the shortages, the problem it poses and
proffer solutions to how it can be will seek why workers are quittin and the difficulty in
recruiting new ones.Additionally it will try list and explain the effects it has had on health and social and
why addressing it quickly should take will aso focus proposing solutions that will help in
trying to solve this problem

2.2 Aims and objectives of the research topics

In the light of the above discussion this work will aim at emphasizing more on the problem on workforce
shortage and this sector and provide an analysis of why and what is the cause of the dwindling numbers
and policy or procedures that should be employed to address the situation

Specific objectives

● to determine the present number of available workers in ratio to the patients/aged people who are
indeed in need of care .It will aim at seeking if there is actually a decline in the number of social
workers or is it just a view created by the media. These questions will involve engagement with
the current research on the social workers in questio and policies are in place and the relationship
between them.
● To find out how aware people are to this problem and what challenges if any, might have created
for them in taking care of their loved ones.additionally it will also aim at finding the cost
implications on these people and overall health of the society.
● To explore what measures are being employed to solve the problem posed by the shortage and
how it can be improved on

Ethical considerations
Since this project has such a unique nature, certain ethical considerations must be considered. In the first
instance, all participants will be treated respectfully and courteously. As part of our informed consent
strategy, we will make sure that the research's aim and methods are made clear to all participants.The
confidentiality and anonymity of individual respondents will be assured, and consent will be
sought for the interviews before they are recorded.Finally results of these finding will be posted
in the research as well.

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