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London College of Professional Studies

LCPS Assignment Cover Page

Unit title Safeguarding and protecting vulnerable individuals

Unit code Y/617/2659
Submission date 18th September, 2022

I declare that the attached work is entirely my own and that all sources have been acknowledged ☐

1.Details of the concept of safeguarding and protection

According to wikipedia safeguarding is a term used to indicate steps to protect the health,wellbeing and
rights of people,which allows individuals mostly children ,teens and vulnerable adults to be able to be free
from abuse,neglect and harm.
A vulnerable adult is classed as an individual aged 18 and over who for any reason is incapable of taking
care of themselves or preventing themselves against any form of harm,abuse or exploitation. This can be
either a temporary or a permanent state. Any child can also be considered at risk regardless of age,
ethnicity, race,gender or religion(wikipedia)

The Care Act 2014 also refers to safeguarding as “protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from
abuse and neglect.” This means that in general terms, safeguarding aims to protect vulnerable adults (and
children) from abuse and neglect in all circumstances.

Protection can be referred to as an aspect of safeguarding.Protection can be defined as any steps taken to
protect a thing against damages brought about by outside forces.(wikipedia).
Protection in health and social care is one of the most important concept of safeguarding vulnerable adults
and children, this action is a measure to keep them safe from all sort of abuse ranging from physical,
mental to sexual abuse.

2.Information about the legislative framework for safeguarding vulnerable individuals in health and social
Uk in the past years has come up with key government legislations that safeguard vulnerable adults.

Firstly vulnerable adults can simply be defined legally as an adult who is aged over 18years , who is in
need of care and support and at danger of encountering neglect and abuse and are incapable of protecting
themselves from harm or exploitation.(Joanne Rushton 2020).
The laws that need awareness and relevant to safeguarding vulnerable adults will be listed below.

Care Act 2014.

In relation to safeguarding and protecting vulnerable individuals this Act states the responsibilities that
are required by law in respect to safeguard of vulnerable lays out the importance of
partnership working between the local authorities and health and social care organizations.
It sets out more significance on the wellbeing of vulnerable individuals,instead of just on safety and
protection aspects.The most important concepts listed in this are written below:

● Empowerment
● Prevention
● Proportionality
● Protection
● Partnership
● Accountability.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006.

The aim of this law is to ensure the kind of people employed to work with vulnerable individuals are the
right people.people with questionable past like history of crime related to abuse and exploitation are
included on a list which is examined thoroughly before any individual can be accepted to work with
vulnerable individuals.
The aim of the scrutinisation or process of vetting is to prevent potential abuse from ever occurring in
future essentially from people with a past connection of committing abuse.As this type of work is a
special work the vetting process is necessary.

Health and Social Care Act 2012.

The Major component of this act for safeguarding individuals is regulation 13. The section of the act is
there to provide protection for the people within the health and social care system be it the workers or care
receivers.It provides procedures to prevent unethical behaviors from abuse of rights to misuse of

Mental Capacity Act 2005.

It relates to anyone over the age of 16, the most important concepts contained in this act are:
● Capacity presumption –only it can be deduced differently ,except that the adult is capable of
making their own decisions.
● Supporting them when making their own decisions- offering support to someone when they are
making their choices is okay but this be support and not coercion.
● Inability to make proper decisions –Simply because an individual makes wrong or unwise
decisions does not necessarily translate to lack of mental capacity.
● Best interest – When individuals have been considered mentally incapable ,the people tasked with
making decisions on their behalf must act in their best interest.
● Less restriction – when individuals with mental incapacity are involved it is necessary and ethical
to make decisions that are both safe and least inflexible( i.e decisions that allows for the
individual to maintain dignity)
Equality Act 2010.
Contained in this act are protected characteristics of an individual.which are listed below :

● Disability
● Age
● Gender reassignment
● sex
● Sexual orientation
● Race
● Pregnancy and maternity
● Religion or belief
● Marriage and civil partnership

Assessment of vulnerable person based on these nine characteristics must be free from
discrimination.Consistency must be in hand with the choices ,assesments and decisions made.

Human Rights Act 1998.

This is a very extensive and comprehensive piece of legislation ,the total articles outlines based on
everyone’s right are 13 in numbers.Though in the aspect of safeguarding vulnerable individuals there are
four major sections in this act that should be put into consideration
● The second article protects people's basic rights.
● The third article ensures people are free from inhuman or maltreatment.
● The fifth article encompasses people’s right to be secure and free
● The eight article states the right to privacy in any and all settings.
A person has the right to seek legal actions , or have a representative examine the law when they feel their
rights are violated.

Data Protection Act 2018

The data protection Act(DPA) was first introduced in 1998 but as since been overthrown by the 2018 Act
which in turn lead to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) from the European union.It list out
a set of guidelines on how to transfer, use or process personal data.Also included in it is when these data
can be shared.
However ,when vulnerable individuals are involved there are times that these data must be kept safe to
protect the involved individuals.Similarly there are situations where this information must be shared with
the relevant agencies to protect vulnerable individuals.
Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998
Public Interest Disclosure Act allows for employees in the public or private sector to divulge normally
restricted information when it concerns protection of the public is called “whistleblowing” and
the people that commit this act are to be protected from discrimination and victimisation in any setting.
Furthermore it states revealing to authorities about the treatment or perceived issues a person might be
experiencing that are not in line with laws is okay.this act gives workers the protection and right to report
safeguarding concerns especially in regards to vulnerable individuals.

No Secrets 2000, a government White Paper

The key characteristics encompassed in this government white paper have been made obsolete by the care
act 2014,it was designed to safeguard and protect vulnerable individuals. The paper states the duty of
local authority and health and social care providers in regards to safeguarding individuals.It made a
detailed framework to this regard, though these issues are distinctly more interpreted in the Care Act.
Note that the Care Act should be referred to if these issues are to be understood.

3 an analysis of how serious case reviews have influenced safeguarding and protection.
Serious Case Reviews (SCRs) was created under the children act(2004) to examine cases where children
have lost their lives or suffered abuse or harm. SCRs could also be performed even when the child has not
died but come into significant harm resulting from neglect or abuse.the purpose is to create an educational
base to teach agencies and professionals on ways to better their methods of caring for children and even
safeguarding individuals. A local authority inform of the local safeguarding children board(LSCB) can
commission an examination of a situation where alleged abuse or harm must have taken place and use it
to improve their own practice(scie 2019)

Some of the purposes for conducting serious case reviews are to understand why abuse took place, factors
leading to the abuse,agree on actions to prevent future occurrences and agree on how this can be used to
improve safeguarding practices.

Serious case reviews have been able to teach some very important lessons which created ripple effects to
improvements of safeguarding practices. One of such is the winterbourne view, this happened when
individuals with learning disabilities and autism living at winterbourne view hospital encountered
continuous and systematic about by members of the staff.An undercover reporter from BBC filmed the
actual abuse after concerns raised were ignored.This led to the involvement of the SCR, which was able to
ascertain the contributing factors some of which were lack of accountability,neglect to check suitability of
services, lack of efficient record keeping, poor safeguarding systems among others.This findings led to
the following improvements and actions being taken to prevent further recurrences which community
support for people with learning disabilities and autism,increased unannounced visit by CQC, improved
reasons to report abuse and increased communication channels.
Actions to be taken in the event of suspected or actual abuse
Reporting suspected or actual abuse the code of practice most organization will include four key
principles that must be followed :

● Protect
● Report and refer
● Preserve
● record.

4. An analysis of how service provision supports individuals to take risks and make informed choices For
the effectiveness of service provisions put in place to support vulnerable adults to make informed
decisions and access risk it is important for the individual to be put at the center of all concerns.Risk
assessments must be carried out when looking at options regarding an individual’s care and support, and
when helping them make decisions.The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) suggests five steps to risk
assessments, which must be followed before introducing a new activity which can named as follow:

● Recognise the dangers.

● Determine the susceptibility to danger and ways it might occur.
● review the risks and determine provisions to prevent its occurrence.
● Document your discovery and execute them.
● Review the analysis and make improvements where required.

Risk assessment is required by law and was stated under the management of health and safety at work
regulations 1999, and other related health and safety laws.
Supporting an individual to know and understand the level of their own risk and allowing them to make a
decision on their own is known as risk enablement and also where an individual is dissatisfied with
decisions made or choices offered, you should inform them about their complaint rights and the

5. Information on signs and symptoms of abuse.

Abuse according to wikipedia can be referred to as the immoral or unethical use or treatment of
something or someone,often to gain benefits unfairly or improperly.It can also be defined as the
continuous or incessant treatment of someone with violence or inhumanly in one or more ways especially
frequently and regularly.Abuse can take different forms.

● Neglect
● Physical abuse
● Domestic abuse
● Sexual abuse
● Emotional abuse
● Bullying
● Mordern slavery
● discrimination

They are many sign and symptoms of abuse .The most common ones will be mentioed as follows which
can be relatable to all kinds of abuse:

● Low self esteem

● Poor personal hygiene
● Becoming withdrawn
● Multiple bruises
● Withdrawal and mood changes
● Deterioration of health with no obvious cause
● Severe anxiety
● Disturbed sleep pattern
● Aggression towards others
● Self harming
● Reluctance to be specific individuals
● Lack of money
● Disappearance of valuable items

The above mentioned signs and symptoms are just one of the many tells of abuse.

6. Measures to be taken to avoid abuse.

Abuse is a common occurrence in our society and statistics show that 1 in 10 children have experienced
abuse, 1 in 4 children have been physically abused , 1 in 42 adults above the age of 85 have required
safeguarding enquiries.Therefore to reduce the rate at which abuse occurs it is important to put measures
in place to combat abuse.

According to bolton burdon kemp, these are some of the tips to prevent abuse in vulnerable adults
● Be vigilant and take note of family ,friends and neighbors who are vulnerable to abuse.
● Be aware that abuse can happen to anyone
● If the isolation of an individual is a concern, discuss ways to limit such occurrences.
● When you have suspicions of abuse , speak to the person in concern.
● Never ignore suspicions of abuse rather report it
● Educate the people around you on the importance of safeguarding vulnerable individuals.
Prevent child abuse America also currated methods to stop child abuse.
● Be supportive as a parent
● Lend helping hands to whoever needs it from friends, relatives to neighbors.
● Help yourself
● Teach yourself
● Be involved
● Help in developing parenting resources
● Encourage initiative in schools.
● Observe tv and internet exposure of children.
● Do some volunteer work in regards to child abuse.
● Report cases of suspected abuse or neglect.

Having mentioned some of these measures that can assist in preventing it is important to implement these
measures to safeguard all vulnerable adults and children.

7. Practice that maintains the safety and protection of vulnerable individuals.

Measures need to be put in place to stop harassment and abuse of vulnerable individuals whether it be in
the form of abuse in the care homes or anywhere else, it is so important to understand what constitutes
safeguarding best practices.

Following the Care Act 2014

Following its full implementation in 2015, The Care Act was one of the most important improvements to
the care and support system ,essentially providing adults and those responsible for their care a more
efficient guideline on how support and care should function. The Care Act 2014 sets out several principles
that should underpin the way in which employees work with vulnerable adults

● Empowerment:in situations where people are motivated and reinforced into making their own
choices in regards to their care with a more enlightened understanding or consent.this gives the
individual receiving care more understanding and allows them to have the final decisions on what
happens to them.
● Prevention:This principle maintains the simple notion that it is better to take actions to prevent
an incident occurring before any harm is caused.
● Proportionality,when the route taken to deliver care is less interrupting or respectfully compared
to the importance of particular risks. This ensures that the care receiver lives their lives as
smoothly as possible with little to no outside interference.
● Protection, this is to ensure that risks are minimized to the smallest possible outcome when
providing support and representation for those in need of it.while those with more complicated
demands have access to all the care and support they need to address as many concerns as
● Partnership,Any organization with which an individual works should work closely together to
better ensure positive outcomes. The sharing of information should be in line with the individual’s
needs, ensuring that anything pertaining to abuse is taken seriously and acted on so that the best
outcome for the individual is possible.
● Accountability,open and honest delivery of safeguarding concerns in cases when there is
breakdown at any given point.this ensures that whatever the the issue might be, it can be attended
to in a swift and effective manner without affecting the level of care service delivery.

Raising safeguarding concerns

Raising safeguarding concerns should not be taken lightly at any point.When or if you encounter a
safeguarding incident be it while providing care or between an interaction with a vulnerable
is your duty to take responsibility of the situation to ensure immediate and adequate action is made to
enable the person concerned to receive the proper protection.

● All initial assessment should be carried out, including potential involvement of emergency
● Remain calm while ensuring immediate safety and wellbeing of the concerned individual.
● Understand their point of view relating to the safeguarding issues and follow all necessary steps.
● Show some comprehension and state your issues.
● Ensure any evidence linked to the concern is not tampered with.
● Follow all set procedures for reporting incidents.
● Ensure no promises are made not to share whatever information is given while explaining why
and what will be shared and ensure that they understand reasons behind it.
● Make a written statement of the individuals in their own words accompanied with your comments
and the steps employed.

Carrying out your duty of care.

When vulnerable adults or individuals receiving care are under your supervision it is your duty to care for
them and also for your colleagues who help carry safeguarding responsibilities with you.all individuals
receiving care have the right to be treated fairly and equally with dignity and respect, they also should
have a sense of feel that the care being provided is for their support. This includes any decisions made by
the individual in question to refuse care or treatment, as emphasized in the empowerment principle.Part of
your duty is to ensure the full understanding of associated risk in the case of care refusal, especially in
situations you believe are immediate and dire. The duty of care can be said to have been reasonably met

● All procedures have been followed with the receiver of care.

● Evaluation steps employed are thorough, with necessary data collected.
● Choices made by the person in concern are properly documented and moved to the necessary
● All rules and regulations set in place are adhered to..
● Colleagues of higher hierarchy can get access to the necessary details and actively trying to better
understand the scenario.

(virtual college 2020)

When you ensure your care in agreement with all the mentioned areas, protection provision for vulnerable
individuals can be guaranteed against harm , abuse , neglect or exploitation and also in the process of
doing this still respect and trust the clients in the decision making process.

In conclusion trainees should be able to understand what it means by safeguarding and protection and the
importance of these concepts in regards to vulnerable individuals.You should also be able to state the laws
in relation to safeguarding and practice the key principles of these laws.The importance of serious case
review influences on safeguarding and reason individuals should be supported to take risk and make
informed choices have also been communicated.

Information on abuse from the signs and symptoms and steps taken when you encounter abuse coupled
with the best practices when safety and protection is involved have all been stated in these training
Reference page

● wikipedia(2007) safeguarding Available

used,from%20abuse%2C%20harm%20and%20neglect.[ accessed 28th August,2022]
● Joanne Rushtone (2020) legislations and policies that surround safeguarding vulnerable adults.
-safeguarding-vulnerable-adults/[ accessed 28th August,2022].
● Safeguarding adults:What is a serious case review? Available
from:[ accessed 28th
● Virtual college(2020). What is safeguarding adults review. Available from:[ accessed 30th
● Virtual college(2012) Serious case review:winterbourne view.Available
accessed 28th August,2022].
● Social care institute for excellence( 2019) safeguarding children in education.Available
accessed 30th August,2022].
● Washington state department of children,youth and families. Ten thingsyou can do to prevent
child abuse. Available from:[ accessed 28th
● Bolt burdon kemp.How to reduce risk of abuse in adults.Available from:
[ accessed 28th August,2022].
● Ten ways to prevent child abuse. Available from:[ accessed 28th
● Virtual college (2020).Best practice for safeguarding adults.Available from:[ accessed 28th
● Analysis of service provision that support vulnerable adults to access risk
and make informed choices. Available from:
dults-to-assess-risks-and-make-informed-choices/[ accessed 29th August,2022].
1.An explanation of the agreed protocols for working in partnership.
According NHS care home is a place where accommodation or care which could be inform of personal or
even medical care is provided all together as a service,this could short or long term depending on
preference.Sometimes certain people only have the care home as their sole residency so they stay
permanently though they never have legal ownership on it.The care and the premises are all under
regulation of care quality commission.NHS UK went further to classify care homes into two care homes
with and care homes without nursing.
Partnership working in care homes can be defined as the coming together of different groups to achieve a
common goal in this case the caregiver,family and friends,advocates ,supervisors, care managers and
experts from other related areas coming together to provide the best possible care for individuals who
need the support.
In order for partnership working to be effective in a care home , agreed protocols should be established
.These arrangements should cover aspects such as data sharing , communication and policies.
Confidentiality is a crucial right of the individual receiving care and support,it should be respected as it is
a legal requirement.Information related to an individual should be classified and therefore agreed ways of
sharing should be established.This data should be shared only in situation where it is absolutely necessary
and shared only with the individual’s consent for example information should only be shared between
organization if the individual involved is provided care by all parties and required to improve or alter care
plans..Data transfer methods should be defined with all parties involved , filing systems, supervised
computers and ways to deal with information breaches should be established.
Developing a communication strategy that sets clear methods of communication ,effective
communication must be open and two way,accurate, understandable ,right language should be used and
free of jargon to allow individuals to understand.
Working policies must be created as it is important for all partners involved in care delivery to understand
the policies that are crucial from person centred approach, to values and belief,discrimination policies and
penalties involved when these policies are ignored.

2. An evaluation of the importance of working in partnership with others in relation to safeguarding.

Safeguarding Vulnerable individuals is not an easy task, one sector of the care home is incapable of
carrying out alone.Therefore understanding and cooperation from all parties involved in service delivery
of the care home is crucial.
The major working relationships in social care can be categorized in five ways :

● Individuals and their advocates – an advocate is a person without affiliation either personal or
professional with the paid organization providing the care ,who represents the person in need of
care by conveying the needs of the individual they represent ,their choices and wants while
making sure they do not coerce their own views or others' decision on the person.
● Friends and family – these are either blood relatives and people who hold significant importance
in the individual’s lives.
● Your colleagues and Managers –your colleagues ,supervisors and managers all working
together to provide care services all day, also share their views, opinions and communicate
important information while bringing together their skills all to provide better care.
● Other professionals such as social workers, district nurses and occupational therapists etc. –
There are also other professionals involved in the care home ranging from medical practitioners
and even social workers . all these people pool their expertise and resources together to provide
better care.
● Volunteer and community groups – people or even groups offer to volunteer in helping provide
support or additional care and allow the people receiving a way to feel among the community.

The caregiver is a crucial partner and gets in close contact with the individual receiving care and often
ought to be the party who notices safeguarding concerns.However they are cases whereby the caregivers
aren’t quick to notice when an individual is being abused and require support from others involved in the
home to spot abuse.

Cases also arise when the caregiver are the ones committing the abuse,situations like this the family and
friends and sometimes advocates are the ones that realize the safeguard issues. Partnership working with
them is very essential in ensuring the safety of the individual , their presence also ensures the rights are
being upheld.

They are also agencies and professionals involved in care home partnership working in relation to
safeguarding and protecting.It is important that they work together.

Active care also created a list of some of the importance of working in partnership.The following are just
some of the many significance when safeguarding is concerned:
● It understands the strengths of clients and this can help in addressing their needs.
● It encourages the clients to be involved actively in their own care rather than just watch the care
take place.
● Every client has the right to be seeked for advice.
● It is person- centered
● It gives everyone involved clarity on their roles and responsibilities.
● Ensures that clients can exert their rights.
● It is inclusive and ensures clients are not marginalized and discriminated against.
● It stops the caregivers from thrusting their own values or opinions and process of doing things on that process creates balance by making them work with rather than for them.
● Some partnership working is required by law for instance in relation to mental capacity act.
● It enables understanding, trust and respect and makes sure no perspective is undervalued.
● It ensures that caregivers can make their own responses when caring for people or satisfying their
● Prevents carers from working alone i.e. isolation.
● There are times it provides protection for caregivers when they are in danger like in their private
● It encourages the cares to be more person centered rather than just seeing it as a job that needs to
be done and failing to see the person.
● It acknowledges diversity in the different ways of working and encourages the diverse styles.
● It ensures that any available resource is used to its maximum potential while providing
synchronized responses.
● It stops services from getting replicated.
● It is significant when stopping abuse within proper and set out safeguarding and protection
● It prevents undervalue of perspectives and promotes respect and understanding
● It allows organizations to create well structured plans and practices which work hand in hand
together to create seamless partnership.
● It allows us to come up with innovative ways to communicate and converse with one another and
remove the barriers that come with working in partnerships.

3. An assessment of the importance of the involvement of individual in the review of systems and
procedures in services.
When service users are involved in their own care and also allowed to examine and scrutinize the care
they receive down to the procedures of services it leads to a more productive effect on the quality of care.
When the users and carers are involved in service delivery the aim is to strengthen the power of the public
in the health and social care sector.there are numerous advantages in involving care users in the review
process and examination of systems and procedures and these mainly fall into two major categories:
demographic principles and service improvement.

Democratic principles
● In an organization with proper structure like the NHS involving users and carers in care plan
can encourage
- freedom in participation.
- responsibility of the community.
- clarity (Nilsen et al 2006).
● When the user is involved it creates an understanding of their ability when you allow them
opinion in their own care. The WHO’s Declaration of Alma Ata states that “people have a right
and duty to participate individually and collectively in the planning and implementation of
their health care” (WHO 1978).
● Commitment to understand and influence their own care is also a heavy influence of involving
the drives them to want to understand the care they receive. (Entwistle and Hanley,

Service improvement
● User involvement can ensure that the level of health delivery improves(Entwistle and Hanley,
2006). For example, patients suffering fatal illnesses or even long term sickness have better
understanding on what type of care they mostly need and what the system is lacking.
● Carers and users have a duty of loyalty unlike policy makers and medical professionals do(i.e
they may have loyalty conflicts which may be in the form of finances).
● Creates partnership between public and medical experts.
● When the users are involved in their own care this can essentially help create better
accessibility to healthcare and health related research and this in turn helps create better
findings.(Nilsen et al 2006).

(Rebecca Steinbach 2009)

According to the NHS they are four main importance to the involving of individuals

● Improve health and wellbeing:People’s lives can be People’s lives can be greatly improved when
they have a sense of control over their own health and well being ,when they are also giving the
ability to mold their care and support to tailor their needs and what matters to them.involving the
care user in choices concerning their health (such as through personalized care and support
planning or shared decision making) they tend to lean towards treatment packages and support
systems that are in line with their own bias and goals.therefore, they make choices that help them
improve their mental and physical wellbeing, improve outcomes, and reduce social isolation and
● Improves care quality:research and evidence has shown the people involved in decision making
process concerning their health and care tend to result in greater level of satisfaction when they
receive services.this in turn results in fewer complaints and a general happiness about the
decisions they have been supported to make.
● Improves financial sustainability and enables efficient allocation of resources: enabling care users
to be more involved in their own care and also creating opportunities for them allows them to
increase their skill set ,knowledge and confidence. These sets of people have the ability to
motivate themselves and effectively self manage their conditions.
● Legal duty:encouraging the involvement of users in their own care according to CCGS’ and NHS
England are legal duties of any health and social organization.


As mentioned above the individual involvement in service procedures and system reviews in a care home
can’t be overemphasized as the rewards are overwhelming .

4. A review of a work setting’s procedures and practice against current legislation and policy in relation to
safeguarding and protecting vulnerable individuals

All organizations involved in the health and social care including care hoes all have the legal obligation to
provide procedures that are in accordance with laws and policy in regards to safeguarding and protecting
all vulnerable individuals.

Duty of care which is the moral obligation to ensure the safety and wellbeing must be present and must
put the interest of the people first.This underpins all codes of practice in the care home should influence
practice on a day to day level.

Demonstrate ownership of the safeguarding agenda

● Keep records of abuse in pristine form.

● Adhere to safe employment practices including DBS checks (by the Disclosure and Barring
● Ensure the safety of the premises or residents at all times.
● Ensure every employee is aware of their roles and responsibilities.
● Any issues encountered must be reported immediately.
● Be vigilante in respect vulnerable individuals (take note of signs and symptoms of abuse)
● Ensure that they are provisions in cases of whistleblowing.
● Have an open door policy.
● Allow for cooperation concerning any investigations with adult social care or any local
● Support any protection plan put in place

(Will Davies 2021.)

Good practice also requires that all issues and lessons from serious case reviews over time should form a
template for training programmes and day to day activities.policies that address safeguarding issues
against vulnerable individuals or staff should be established. Proper record keeping and regular line
management is essential and should be practiced at all times.

A Care home should practice these procedures to be in line with legislations which are safeguard related.

This essay explains and reviews the approaches of care homes to partnership working. It states the agreed
protocols should be involved in partnership working , the importance of working partnership when
safeguarding and protecting vulnerable individuals is concerned. It also states the importance of involving
individuals in procedures and service delivery and what procedures and practices should be employed in
accordance with legislations relating to safeguarding and protection of vulnerable individuals.
Reference page

● Student assignment help(2021). expalin agreed protocols for working in partnership with other
r-working-in-partnership-with-other-organizations-nvq-level-4/[ accessed 2nd,September,2022]
● Social care institute for excellence(2012). Safeguarding and quality in commissioning care
homes. Available from:[
accessed 2nd,September,2022].
● Active social care limited.The Main Working Relationships in a Social Care Setting. Available
accessed 2nd,September,2022]
● NHS England. Involving people in their own health and care.Available from
nce.pdf [ accessed 2nd,September,2022]
● Will Davies(2021).What should a Safeguarding Policy include? Available
accessed 3rd,September,2022]
● Data dictionary nhs (2022). Available from:[ accessed
● Rebecca Steinbach (2009). User and carer involvement in service planning. Available from:
/4c-equality-equity-policy/user-carer-involvement[ accessed 2nd,September,2022]
● West yorkshire consortium inter agency safeguarding and child protection procedures(2020).
Working in Partnership with Families. Available from: [accessed 2nd,September,2022]

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