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The "Kartilya ng Katipunan" (Primer of the Katipunan) is a set of guiding principles and ideals

that served as the foundation of the Katipunan, a Philippine revolutionary society founded by
anti-colonial Filipinos in 1892. Emilio Jacinto, known as the "Brains of the Katipunan," was the
author of this significant document. The Kartilya laid out the philosophical and moral backbone
of the organization, emphasizing values such as love of country, personal honor, and civic duty,
alongside the importance of education, good manners, and the virtues of hard work and self-
sacrifice for the greater good.

The document consists of a series of teachings which were intended to guide the members of the
Katipunan in leading lives that were righteous and noble. It espoused the idea that the worth of
an individual is not based on wealth or power, but on moral character and the commitment to
the nationalist cause. The Kartilya also highlighted the importance of equality among Filipinos
and the eradication of class divisions.

Jacinto's Kartilya replaced Andrés Bonifacio's earlier Decalogue, and it was intended to be more
inclusive and less religious in tone, focusing instead on universal values and ethical conduct. The
principles outlined in the Kartilya ng Katipunan were crucial in shaping the ethical foundation of
the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule, aiming to foster a sense of national
identity and unity among Filipinos in their struggle for independence.

"Liwanag at Dilim" (Light and Darkness) is a collection of essays written by Emilio Jacinto, a
Filipino revolutionary and intellectual known for his deep involvement with the Katipunan, the
movement that sought Philippine independence from Spanish colonial rule. Written during the
late 19th century, these essays reflect Jacinto's philosophical and political thoughts, advocating
for social reforms, national liberation, and the enlightenment of the Filipino people.

The work delves into various themes, such as the fight against oppression, the importance of
education, the value of liberty, and the necessity of moral integrity among the leaders and the
masses. Jacinto criticizes the social injustices and the exploitation experienced under Spanish
colonial rule and calls for a unified struggle towards freedom and the establishment of a just and
humane society.

"Liwanag at Dilim" is notable for its impassioned prose and its emphasis on the power of
knowledge and enlightenment as tools for liberation. Jacinto argues that ignorance is a significant
barrier to freedom and that education is crucial in empowering the Filipino people to stand up
against tyranny and injustice.

Through this collection, Jacinto contributes significantly to the intellectual underpinnings of the
Philippine Revolution, offering both a critique of colonial society and a vision for a future founded
on equality, justice, and national sovereignty. "Liwanag at Dilim" remains an important work in
Philippine literature and history, reflecting the depth of Emilio Jacinto's commitment to his
country and his people's struggle for independence.
List of References:

V. Almario (Ed.), Sagisag Kultura (Vol 1). Manila: National Commission for Culture and the Arts.
Retrieved from

Ang Liwanag at Dilim ni Emilio Jacinto. (2022, April 18). Areté


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