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Patricia 1md

A Foreigner in Britain
1. Why is the Globe Theatre famous?

2. In Shakespeare's time !ho playe" the female roles in his plays an" !hy?

#. What is a $o%kney?

&. Who built the %ity of ork?

(. What is a guesthouse or B)B?

*. What might you hear at night in the $astle +useum?

,. What is spe%ial about -for" /ni0ersity?

1. Why !as Antonio "isappointe" !hen he arri0e" in -for"?

. What unusual tra"ition is there in -for" in +ay +orning after the +ay Ball?

34. Why "i" Antonio en5oy himself on $hristmas 60e?

33. What is the tra"itional menu of a British $hristmas "inner?

32. What $hristmas presents "i" Antonio re%ei0e?

3#. What is a $hristmas %ra%ker?

3&. Why "oes Gareth tell Antonio to gi0e Anghara" a lo0e spoon?

3(. 7o! su%%essful !as Antonio's arti%le for the maga8ine?

3*. 6plain briefly ho! Antonio an" +artin met.

3,. What is tartan an" !hat is ma"e from it?

31. What is 9essie?

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