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HYPOTHALAMUS Thyrotropin-releasing Stimulates secretion of thyroid- Peptide
hormone stimulating hormone and prolactin
Corticotropin-releasing Causes release of adrenocorticotropic Peptide
hormone hormone
Growth hormone- Causes release of growth hormone Peptide
Growth hormone Inhibits release of growth hormone Peptide
inhibitory hormone
Gonadotropin-releasing Causes release of luteinizing hormone
hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone
Dopamine or prolactin- Inhibits release of prolactin Amine
inhibiting factor
ANTERIOR Growth hormone Stimulates protein synthesis and overall Peptide
growth of most cells and tissues
Thyroid-stimulating Stimulates synthesis and secretion of Peptide
hormone thyroid hormones (thyroxine and
Adrenocorticotropic Stimulates synthesis and secretion of Peptide
hormone adrenocortical hormones (cortisol,
androgens and aldosterone)
Prolactin Promotes development of the female Peptide
breasts and secretion of milk
Follicle-stimulating Causes growth of follicles in the ovaries Peptide
hormone (FSH) and sperm maturation of the Sertoli cells
of the testes
Luteinizing hormone Stimulates testosterone synthesis of Peptide
Leydig cells of testes; stimulates
ovulation, formation of corpus luteum,
and estrogen and progesterone synthesis
in ovaries
POSTERIOR Antidiuretic hormone Increases water reabsorption by the Peptide
(Vasopressin) kidneys and causes vasoconstriction and
PITUITARY increased blood pressure
Oxytocin Stimulates milk ejection from breasts and Peptide
uterine contractions
THYROID Thyroxine (T4) and Increases the rates of chemical reactions Amine
triiodothyronine (T3) in most cells, thus increasing body
metabolic rate
Calcitonin Promotes deposition of calcium in the Peptide
bones and decreases extracellular fluid
calcium ion concentration
ADRENAL CORTEX Cortisol Has multiple metabolic functions for Steroid
controlling metabolism of proteins,
carbohydrates and fats; also has anti-
inflammatory effects
Aldosterone Increases renal sodium reabsorption, Steroid
potassium secretion and hydrogen ion
ADRENAL Norepinephrine, Same effects as sympathetic stimulation Amine
PANCREAS Insulin (β cells) Promotes glucose entry in many cells and Peptide
is this way controls carbohydrate
Glucagon (α cells) Increases synthesis and release of Peptide
glucose from the liver into the body fluids
PARATHYROID Parathyroid Hormone Controls serum calcium ion concentration Peptide
by increasing calcium absorption by the
gut and kidneys and releasing calcium
from bones
TESTES Testosterone Promotes development of male Steroids
reproductive system and male secondary
sexual characteristics
OVARIES Estrogens Promotes growth and development of Steroids
female reproductive system, female
breasts and female secondary sexual
Progesterone Stimulates secretion of “uterine milk” by
the uterine endometrial glands and
promotes development of secretory
apparatus of breasts
PLACENTA Human chorionic Promotes growth of corpus luteum and Peptide
gonadotropin secretion of estrogen and progesterone
by corpus luteum
Human Probably helps promote development of Peptide
somatomammotropin some fetal issues, as well as the mother’s
Estrogens See actions of ESTROGEN Steroid
Progesterone See actions of PROGESTERONE Steroid
KIDNEY Renin Catalyzes conversion of angiotensinogen Peptide
to angiotensin I (acts as an enzyme)
1,25- Increases intestinal absorption of calcium Steroid
Dihydroxycholecalciferol and bone mineralization
Erythropoietin Increases erythrocyte production Peptide
HEART Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Increases excretion by kidneys; reduces Peptide
blood pressure
STOMACH Gastrin Stimulates hydrogen chloride secretion Peptide
by parietal cells
SMALL Secretion Stimulates pancreatic acinar cells to Peptide
release bicarbonate and water
Cholecystokinin Stimulates gallbladder contraction and Peptide
release of pancreatic enzymes
ADIPOCYTES Leptin Inhibits appetite, stimulates Peptide

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