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Calea be clon cay V2 208 Vara’ Sue has a dog called Max. Which unit would be the most appropriate to measure the weight of Max? kilograms Kilojoules kilometres kilowatts There are 10 balls, numbered from 1 to 10, in a basket. ‘Three balls are taken out of the basket, oné ata time, and not replaced, ‘The frst ball taken outs 8, Which ofthe following cannot happen? The second ball is 7 The third bal is 8. The second ball is an even number. ‘The third ball isan odd number, Jasper draws a shape on some grid paper, He puts a pin through the dot ie then rotates the paper a quarter tum anti-clockwise Which ofthe following shows Jasper's shape after the rotation? q Ag it a 02 4 Which of these shows the top view of this collection of eylinders? 5 park are $20 for an adult and $9 fora child A group of 6 people paid $98 in total to visit the reptle park. How many adults are inthe group? 6 4 3 2 Be A. bezosos s su ep sng uo son ony aup uaaasyaq aouazoyrp axnyesadinayayp sem IeHM, ‘Do 91 Sem azoxp amyesoduaay xp 3 Pres ASO ‘ojuozoy, ur sony ows ‘S504 puauy 394 pauo\d ays Sep sures 3H, ‘D.¥esem amozodisas ap Up 9UO “SUE WSANH ARO] ° ° ° ° osooe Tw o80 smog 88 2omour 941 UE ST BR RL NOH "amour tp om HO Jo (1) san Og pu ond 30 (1) sanz spe ekang “po uta joned Supaus 49 spews sory amon [pm Jo no sun amOW a SoU OE SOY suno[ ag Fuytous seg gy ° ° ° ° e]esies) [a] smu) [a[obuew] [Ff oeume zj-eva) [z[ ane} fe] ona} [| _ona zpednd| [z[eana) [etwand} — [r[ oxind] ed rf woiek) = [eT moret) == [ewok] Fp | wonar zy ee} fool em} §= fat pa) Ce mar roy 21 Ue ZOpIO SIEOK PST EEEE —-g ° ° ° ° a se x a zaupaBoyre agn anus sop sy20Kq Aumue op ‘oqro Z au! 0} SPo|g aos sasm Egy ° ° ° ° 8 s ’ 1 LAURIN, pres shog wey si8 ax0ur Aureus MOET og 0p oreo Ey RR RRR SMITE tog EL ea fo 0094 -soq 2p 205 ‘8 onp 20) synsaz tp moys 03 ydos8 ammypyd v sMexp exe ‘pear ye peu Loup Yooq eyo youn Aatp yeyM spuaLy ay parse wey PUP RIE] —-g xp moys 0} ydes8 uno v saexp wey (GaMOTI HOLW1NOTS) AOWHAWAN ZHV3A 40 soymumur ag sunoy 5 soymumur gy sin0y ¢ soynumur gz sinoy ¢ says gg oy 1 soymuur sy sinoy z coup Burky p01 s.AqeX SHEN wd ost wd ozer we sti ws 006 ‘eyoen ony | eueqsna uedag | eueqsua exuy | sumoqien uedoq “uMoNS s aIMparpS HEF SAIN, “Aeypoyy of aueqstag ‘wous au0 pu auegsig 0} suunoqayy woss 240 sIUBIY OMy ayes YoU AS ;pujsusond) ut Keypoyy oy aumogyayy wos; Sunes st AE pL anny oe sp Sep fo eq ft mop amor eae depp o$ soon op “hop yo s80q gz sey ype atgusod oust ayoid e zs fpoer9 zg) exgump anon youd earonpe oy dn pun ang ype a om od yey 0g $0) ou peop cj rep Jo 90 ses eT ois 09 (we #0} sda a9 sox OT, 91 st ob 90 sa s o om e {stiods asaup jo on 3809] 10 ul aed ogred soyapRE asap JO AUNLE MOH ‘qnp sods ee parayo suresfoid yods ‘ang axp ur jedonted oy sone jo soquunuraip sous ureomp UUDA SRL pected er weaberey : pe kazen steppe at Se er ee eee eee -depuoyy uo aves ays se sparg Kueur se 201m es aus epson UO spag ve mes eyoury “epuoyy UD a] a 7 18 Steve is playing golf with 4 friends, ‘Their positions are shown on the diagram below. Ah tebe $e] | © golfer ABCODEFGH IV Ross is playing tothe south-west of Steve, and Peters playing to Steve's south. What is Steve's position? Ds Ds 4 5B 5 Diane works for an advertising company. ‘She wants to estimate the numberof ears that deve pasta poster each hous Which method of data collection should she se? ‘Count the number of ers in the ear parks near the poster each hou. ‘Survey her friends about how often they drive past the poster. Survey businesses near the poster about the umber of customers they have each hour x ‘Count the numberof cars that drive past the poster at different times of / ‘the moming Count the number of cars that drive past the poster at diferent times / ‘throughout the day. 08 soso761 il 9 2 Fatima has 1000 apples to pack into boxes. ‘When full, each box holds layers of apples with 26 apples in each layer, Fatima packs as many fall boxes as possible. How many apples are left over? 0 R @ 64 ‘The table below compares the approximate populations of two countries, couniy | Monae opin a a Approximately how many more people live in Rwanda than in Haiti? 32800 42.800 328000 428.000 Mim drew this shape on some grid paper. Select the two shapes with the same area as Mim's shape, S a Ac no. soso761 MINE IMUM » e se ro 29 ofa UY ag EM stenmeD Aueus MoE ko ve} oe | 2 |e | [ssewnos yo soquiny e{s[trfefe]e olla ‘ped pea uy szaquno> yo zaquanu ayy pronay 0 agen e dn savexp 2p] Zaid bot = i! es “srounen o sped Bugs woyed oquamu e Supper st wus Et a 2 a v 001 949 BuRYDNOE 5} A9ey NLA 2009 a4 uo agro axp sed 94S s ola -doy wo st 09) 3oeIg a4) EHH “2qno & ont au snp SPOS HY sz ve 036s ones ans ons tked ay soop ypmus mop] ‘ump 004, op su suossa 2 St 98940 OOT + HOP =9 “eUAOYaxy 6g paras souesnsut mys, poduys amp Supped aye Jo aouR aN SMoUS DUT AQT PREM Bhaaba "wopues ye sanys-1 g9saip yo au0 sped ae, ez zz. ‘What isthe value of A? a ' tt tt tt tt HH w 18 175 1315 182 1995 19 ‘Amy measured the mass ofthe books in her school backpack on 3 occasions. ‘She noticed that her science book was half the mass of her notes folder. Monday Tuesday Wednesday = Eiih Notes folder Notes folder Engh ‘Science ‘Selence Notes foder ) ® () What i the mass of her maths book? Lkg 15 kg. 2kg 25kg 12 sosc7e1 — MMI NRE HE 28 29 30 ‘A teacher has a box of sports equipment: ‘There are 17 ropes and 8 hoops. ‘The teacher gives one piece of equipment at random to each student ina dass. ‘The table shows the piece of equipment given tothe fist five students ‘Student zac | Moo | dan | dev | Kate | Equipment rope | rope | rope | rope | rope ‘What isthe chance thatthe next student is given a hoop? 100% 40% 30% 0% ‘Ava calculates an amount, in dollars, on her calculator. Round the amount shown on the calculator to the nearest 5 cents. 8 Jake paints a picture ona square piece of cardboard which has an area of 36 square centimetres, He makes a frame using 4 pieces of wood. Each piece is 2 centimetres longer than the length of the picture. What i the total length of the 4 pieces of wood he uses to make the frame? 2 centimetres 28centimetres _S2centimetes 42 centimetres Aa 05761 | MMIENII NIL 31 32 33 ‘There are approximately 14.000 people living ina country town. ‘The population is increasing by about 500 each year. ‘Which ofthese will give the best estimate of the population inthis country town. in years time? 4000+ 500+ (24.000 + 500) 4 (14.000 +4)» 500 4.000 +4» 500 ak ‘What isthe value of in this diagram? ot to scale 8 2 6 2 A fish tank in the shape of a cube has side lengths of 30 centimetres, What isthe capacity of the fish tank in tres? 14 34 35, ‘The total amount of edging for a rectangular garden bed is 9.8 metees. ‘The length of the garden bed is 32 metres 32m ——_ Bo ® Be Bo eg am " me Re? Je Bee, @ a not to scale How wide is the garden bed? Write your answer, in metres, to one decimal place. metres A brand of breakfast cereal is sold in two different packets. song ness a ste ieee ine pe eri of se Wo pdt ef KO 45 bezosos oh Rey Vv LuWd 40 GN3- dOLS $ 29805 0} pao. ‘pee apex pue er spremor yea oobs panes Apwosye ancy A2UL sy tod gzgg s1ys09 uoHepounesDe PO} PUI. ‘poos uo Aep ypea uosed sad cpg puads o1 ada fay ov z I #51 €¢0 jo ssour reper e sey algo sy 2jp01q Siping jo pups y>v9 jo aud sea] ye Buys ypalgo ue sprENg Uf ‘peut ancy »po18 21ge3 © ur yoo1g Supra Jo pity y>eo Jo sseus stp eps0d.: “9019 Surping yo spuny aap sey 6c | ¥ezosos ye ele ene ele Lee een exe Tex€ eaIM wg saop wopssazdia wR ‘Kyauzo9 si030e) sumsd S30 yonpoad ayy se 61g satEm HES sonowonry apafoqpe und foxp pip saxawoypy reur MOH, ‘ud wow 89] son AMIOT So‘ Her UE uh] uo axow sanaWoP FO Hex Hes OP GEL wes UA aOeY WHER wa son stpuou anoj asamp SuyzNp qua ur ue Aoupg uy rogues yon aug Sem 033 ‘rayeai$ ypnux mory muon JequareN —_s2qo;99 _soquioidog yond 0s ee [ro wag =] —— - a - ost aquaKoN 0} asniny wos yung puw Aaupés uy sieges ypuous ay serdaxp yes? sig, & e oz ey z 6am awe 4s3i 40 GN3-dOLS o o oS o $ sonawgez sangre sanaugyt — senmeseT axrnoosp ay sie hued ap fa pred sada sens yy : aoe om yo ua 2 SEM SUMoDsIp HOI Puan azan Kou sonore ‘000 046 €$ y10% woysAs sayndeno> sau v Buying sem redinod aS yg = @ @ ou | ‘sonpw oF st REN pue 19 ay Jo WABUA| THO 9H ° S a fy Buo] sanau 6ez 309 suns y ° ° ° ° son aay sMojoy yeep sioqusme 30 sm] v Bune st aul 9» ve cd a ap US ype wo nd wee xp s90p 9Y009 Aue MH, ° ° ° ° ° ap ur usoq ane pn Aes ype ur seuana yo snquam sopor8 a S349, sued 7207 8 papreme som Seg suede | Sued7 | auede Pug, 9 uapIN{ ap wos sAdde aye, ueDswpris CuMED Ty —_Z | ° 3 ° ° cavauons s sis osos epee gumty soma MoH, i oss oses “satdans a 30309 wo aN

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