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Final Test

1) Fill in the missing words:

1. The police received an anonymous __ (from an unknown person) tip about who had started the
2. Talking to the public about his experiences on the streets gave the homeless man a sense of _
reward _.
3. After he was arrested he was locked in a cell___ (small room in prison) for the night.
4. When the police found my stolen car in perfect condition, it really made my __day_____! I was
so happy to have it back!
5. I noticed a strange (possibly dishonest or dangerous) person hanging around outside my
building so I called the police.
6. If you wait a bit, I'll give you a _hand______ with cleaning the kitchen.
7. The police are offering a reward____ (prize) of £10,000 to anyone who can help find the
8. The criminal tries to take advantage______ (unfair demands) of elderly people by offering to
help them and then stealing their money and valuables.
9. A kind word can really make a _ difference___ to a homeless person who generally feels alone
and ignored.
10. He's accused of theft _____ (the act of stealing) and mugging.
11. Stacey tries to do at least one good____deed_________ (action) every day to show that she
cares about people.
12. My friend Dan is always doing favours for people, and he asks for nothing in return ____.
2) Use the correct passive form of the verbs:
1. It's the first time that a local market _______ has been organised ___________ (organise) in my
2. A large amount of money ___ was raised _____(raise) by the charity last weekend.
3. I really hope the burglars ______ will be punished _________ (punish) severely.
4. The woman explained that her book _____ was published ________ (publish) before the accident
took place.
5. 3 We know who the murderer is and the man ____ is being looked for _____ (look for) around the
country now.
6. Two drug dealers ______ have been arrested ____ (arrest) today in the city centre.

3) Use have something done to complete the sentences:

1. He was too busy, so he asked someone to post the letter for him.
He _____ had the letter posted_______ because he was too busy to do it himself.
2. Every five years someone paints a new portrait of the Queen.
Every five years the Queen___ has her portrait painted___.
3. Are you sure that someone will water your plants when you're on holiday?
Are you sure that you _____ will have your plants watered______ when you're on holiday?
3. Obviously, they didn't fix their car on their own.
Obviously, they ___ had their car fixed _______.
4. I think that someone has sent this book to me by mistake.
I think that I ______________ have had this book sent to me ______ by mistake.
5. Last weekend someone was painting Monica's kitchen.
Last weekend Monica ______ was having her kitchen painted ___________.
6. Someone is writing a new song for me right now.
I ___ am having a new song written ______ right now.

4) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Do not change the
order of the words.
1. You can't go into the living room – the (carpets / clean) ___ carpets are being cleaned ______ by a
professional company right now.
2. An important criminal (just / arrest)___ has just been arrested________, so the police are preparing
a press conference.
3. Next week the Canadian police might (release / dangerous / hacker / prison) _____release a
dangerous hacker from prison_____________.
4. Yesterday in court, the accused (find / guilty / crime) ___ was found guilty of the crime______ she
had been charged with.
5. A fourteen-year-old (exclude / school) ___ was excluded from school ______________________
after she organised a protest in the canteen.
6. I don't agree with William but I have to accept (point / view) ______ his point of view__.

5) Fill in the missing words:

A recent study has shown that the most common question among people 0 who want to rent a house is:
‘Is there an Internet connection?’ If the answer is negative, the following question tends to be, ‘Can it
1 _ be __ installed, then?’ What else do people worry about while looking for a place to live? About
their security. It's hardly surprising as most people don't want to 2 __ have____ their house burgled.
That's the reason why a few UK public institutions have started a special web page where you can find
information about crime rates in your area. For example, you will be able to see how many people 3
___ broke___ the law last month and how serious their crimes were. You will even see how many
cases are 4 ____ being______ investigated at the moment. This will help people protect 5 ___
themselves__ from danger.

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