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Product Data Modeling = Hybris comes with “out of the box base data model” for each extension

you choose
to enable. It has all things that you expect for an E-Commerce platform, products, categories, classifications…

Note: - Don’t remove anything from this data model, but you extend with new types & attributes specific to
your application. If you don’t want “any out of the box items / attributes” then simply not populate them.

Q: What are the “Out of the box” -- Core I18N Features? =

(1) Languages (localizations of business objects)

(2) Countries and Regions (tax regulations)

(3) Currencies (currency formats, rounding)

(4) Number Formats (separation characters)

Catalog =
• Catalogs provide functionality to hold, structure & manage products and product information
• A catalog is a list of available catalog-aware items
• Products are basic elements of each catalog & Catalogs allow you to set up visibility
• Several catalog versions can be available in your platform
Products & Categories =
• A catalog contains one or more catalog versions (e.g. staging & online)
• A catalog version has a hierarchy of categories, containing products
• Products are the basic element of a catalog, and correspond to SKUs
• Categories can have multiple parent categories
• Products can belong to multiple categories

Catalog Versions - Synchronization

• Synchronization copies specified content from source to target catalog versions
• Referenced items are updated to their counterparts in the target version
• Synchronization can be launched either manually (or) through a CronJob
• Can affect the entire catalog version, or only selected categories or products
• If needed, define rules to specify how product data should be copied to target

Contact us for more information  (Java–Salesforce–SAP Portal–UI5/Fiori–Hybris)

Q1 -- Tell me the steps to take an item in a restaurant? =
Menu – Veg -- NonVeg
– Starters -- Starters
-- Main Course -- Main Course
-- Desserts -- Desserts
Goal = Min Steps are required to reach the items. Like Binary Search (Not Liner Search).
Note: - Doing too much normalization also not good.
Q2 -- You have money & you want to buy Samsung TV. You did go to Store. They have TV’s. Shopkeeper is
ready to sell TV’s. Can I Buy It? = No (Bcoz Samsung TV is generic term. Samsung TV LCD / LED … with 32 inch
/ 48 inch … only you can buy).
Note: - When you define Product Catalog, remember min steps required to reach the items (flipkart): -
Catalog = (Electronic)
=============== (Catalog Version = Online / Staged) ============
Categories = (Mobiles)
Sub Categories = (Samsung)
Sub Categories = (Apple)
Product = (iPhone)
Variant = (iPhone 5 / 6)
Sub Variant = (iPhone Color – White / Sliver)
Sub Variant = (iPhone Memory – 16GB / 32GB)
...... You can only Buy This Product
Categories = (Laptops)
Sub Categories = (Mouse)
Sub Categories = (Keyboard)
Product =
After reaching product, whatever u drilldown is going to be Variant.
Till you are reaching product, whatever u drilldown is Categories.
Note: - Sub Categories also type of Categories. For Sub Categories, we can specify ‘SuperCategories”
Sub Variants also type of Variants. For Sub Variants, we can specify the “Product Variants”.

Contact us for more information  (Java–Salesforce–SAP Portal–UI5/Fiori–Hybris)

Product Catalog Management: -
Go To (hMC) = http://localhost:9001/hmc/hybris
It’s same as “Toad/SQL Developer”. You can use hMC to perform CURD Operations on Hybris Item Types (DB).
Note: - Generally we don't create / update data from hMC. We will do through ImpEx.
Step 1 = Create New Catalogs / Product Catalog (Called "Electronics & Men")
 Catalog  Catalogs  Create  Catalog
We have 3 options: - (1) Catalog (2) Content Catalog (3) Classification System.
Generally, when we say Catalog means it is Product Catalog.
We Can see 2 Tabs (Common & Administration).
ID, Name .... are called Attributes.
Whatever Attributes (Example ID) you see in Bold are Mandatory fields.
Enter ID = Electronics & Name = Electronics
Note: - Versions of this Catalog = Generally We define 2 types (Staged & Online). Names need not be same.
Staged = Will have Test Data. Not Final Data. Once everything is good then We will push the data to Online.
In Staged, we may have junk data. Online is final data. We can push data from Staged to Online with ImpEx.
Online = (Make It Active) Final data available.
RMB on "The list is empty" of "Catalog Versions:" area.  Create New  Catalog Version
Catalog Version = Staged (Don't Check Active)
Create one more as ... Catalog Version = Online (Make It Active)
 Save (Now go & see the results.  Catalog  Search).
Note: - Repeat above Steps for "Men" Catalogs.

Step 2 = Create New Categories (Called "Mobiles & Laptops") & Keep those under Electronics Catalogs.
 hMC  Catalog  Categories  Create  Category
Identifier = Mobiles & Name = Mobiles
Catalog Version = Electronics - Staged (Always put this Staged. Once everything is good then push
to Online using ImpEx).
 Create (Now go & see the results.  Catalogs  Search  Electronics ...)
Note: - Every ENV have Staged & Online (Dev -- Have Staged & Online, QA -- Have Staged & Online, Prod -- Have
Staged & Online).
Note: - Repeat above steps for "Laptops" Categories.

Contact us for more information  (Java–Salesforce–SAP Portal–UI5/Fiori–Hybris)

Q: How to move / push data from Staged to Online? = Using ImpEx (Real-time) & You can also manually.

Step 3 = Create Sub Categories (Called "Samsung & Apple") & Keep those under Mobiles Categories.
Note: - Sub Categories is also type of Categories. For Sub Categories, we specify the SuperCategories.
 Catalog  Categories  Create  Category
Identifier = Samsung & Name = Samsung
Catalog version = Electronics - Staged
 Category Structure & SuperCategories = Mobiles
 Create (Now go & see the results.  Catalogs  Search  Electronics ...)
Note: - Repeat above steps for "Apple" Sub Categories.

Step 4 = Create Products (Called "Samsung Galax & Samsung Note") & Keep Those Under Samsung Sub
 hMC  Catalog  Products  Create  Product
We have 3 fields Mandatory (Article Number, Catalog Version, Approval).
Q: What are different approval options = 3 (Check / Approved / Unapproved). Default Value = Check.
Note: - Whenever a product is created then it will go for approvals. Someone will be approving this.
Article Number = Samsung Galax & Identifier = Samsung Galax
Catalog Version = Electronics - Staged
 Category System & SuperCategories = Samsung - Samsung
 Create (Now go & see the results.  Catalogs  Search  Electronics ...)
Note: - Repeat above steps for "Samsung Note" Products.

Step 5 = Create Variants (Called "Galaxy J5 & Galaxy J2")

 hMC  Catalog  Product Variant Types  Create Product Variant Type
Identifier = SGJ5  Create
Note: - Repeat above steps for "Galaxy J2(SGJ2)" also.
 Products (Search for Samsung Galax)  Variants (Tab)
Product Variants Type = SGJ5
Product Variants (RMB  Create[SGJ5])

Contact us for more information  (Java–Salesforce–SAP Portal–UI5/Fiori–Hybris)

Article Number = SmasungGalaxJ5 & Identifier = blue color
Approval = Check
Catalog Version = Electronics - Staged  Save
Product Variants (RMB  Create[SG55])
Article Number = SmasungGalaxJ2 & Identifier = white color
Approval = Check
Catalog Version = Electronics - Staged  Save
Now go & see the results.
Note: - Create Sub Variants (Called 16GB & 32 GB) Under "SGJ5" Variants (SmasungGalaxJ5).
 Products  Search  Goto " blue color" Variant (SmasungGalaxJ5)  Variants (Tab)
Product Variants Type = SGJ5
Product Variants = (RMB  Create[SGJ5)
Article Number = SmasungGalaxJ511 & Identifier = M.Size - 16GB
Approval = Check
Catalog Version = Electronics - Staged  Save
Product Variants (RMB  Create)
Article Number = SmasungGalaxJ522 & Identifier = M.Size - 32GB
Approval = Check
Catalog Version = Electronics - Staged  Save
Note: - Repeat above steps for "white color" Variants (SmasungGalaxJ2).
Now Go & See the Results.
Finally, our product catalog structure for staged version is ready.

Step 6 = How to move / push catalog data from Staged version to Online Version?
Online version, will have data / products which are available for selling.
The Concept of moving / pushing data from Staged to Online is called "Synchronization".
To do the Synchronization -- We need to have "Source Catalog & Target Catalog".
For Running Synchronization activities, Hybris internally uses CornJobs.
We will be having Staged website & Online Website. So, Staged data Can be seen from Staged Website.
 Got to hMC  Catalog  Catalogs  Electronics - Staged (Click on it)
We can see several tabs (BMEcat, Catalog version, Content, Catalog Versions, Permissions & Admin.).
Contact us for more information  (Java–Salesforce–SAP Portal–UI5/Fiori–Hybris)
 Catalog Versions  Dependent Catalog Versions (RMB)  Create New  Synchronization
Sync. Source = Electronics – Staged & Sync. Target = Electronics - Online
Note: - Whenever we create Sync. Rule, we must specify the Syn. Language.
If we don't specify Sync. Language then we don't see names coming properly.
 Sync. Languages (RMB)  Add Language  Select English  Use  Save

Q: How to push Full staged data to online?

 hMC  Catalogs  Electronics - Staged  Synchronize Catalog Version (It will be there on Top)
Now you can select whatever you want. We want Full data, so select "Electronics Staged"  Start
 Start (You can see the progress of Synchronization).  Done
Now go back to Catalogs (Electronics) & See the results of Electronics - Online.
Q: How to push required Staged data to online?
 hMC  Catalogs  Click on what you want to send (Samsung)  Start Syn. for this category
We you can specify what you want (Categories, Include Subcategories / not)  Start  Done.
Note: - We create Syn. Rule only once for lifetime.
Q: Is there any possibility to push 1 staged data to 100 online version?
Ans: - Yes. But not suggestable. In this case, Source will be same & Many Target will be there.

Contact us for more information  (Java–Salesforce–SAP Portal–UI5/Fiori–Hybris)

Note: - Jalo Layer is traditional hybris Commerce Suite functional layer. It combines data model aspects and
business logic aspects. "Jalo" is short for "Jakarta Logic". "Jakarta" being original name of the hybris Platform.

Contact us for more information  (Java–Salesforce–SAP Portal–UI5/Fiori–Hybris)

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