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Objective No.

How do you maintain a learning environment that is responsive to your community’s context? Describe the context in your area and share practices
that contribute to further improvement of your community.

Maintaining a learning environment that is responsive to the community's context requires building relationships, incorporating cultural
relevance, addressing social and emotional needs and providing opportunities for community involvement.
Building relationships with students and their families is crucial for understanding their needs and challenges. This can be done through
regular communication, home visits, and community events.
Incorporating cultural relevance into the curriculum and teaching practices helps to engage students and create a sense of belonging.
This can be done through the use of culturally responsive teaching strategies and incorporating the community's culture and history into lessons.
Addressing the social and emotional needs of students is important for creating a supportive learning environment. This can be done
through the use of restorative practices and providing resources for mental health support.
Providing opportunities for community involvement, such as volunteering and service projects, helps to create a sense of community and
promote social responsibility among students.
By following these practices, teachers can contribute to the further improvement of their community by promoting equity and creating a
supportive learning environment for all students.
Objective No. 7
How do you develop your teaching practice in accordance with the existing laws that apply to teaching and the responsibilities specified in the Code
of Ethics for Professional Teachers? How do you develop your teaching practice in accordance with existing regulations?

Teachers have the responsibility to push their learners to their full potential and to develop their personality.Teachers have great influence
in the lives of their learners. They are expected to be professionally competent in the practice of their profession. Moreover, they need also to
possess good reputation not only in the school but in the entire community.
As a professional teacher, it is essential to develop my teaching practice in accordance with the existing laws and regulations that apply
to teaching. This includes the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, which outlines the standards and principles
of ethical conduct for teachers in the Philippines.To ensure that my teaching practice is in compliance with these laws and regulations, I regularly
review and familiarize myself with them. This involves reading and understanding relevant laws, policies, and guidelines, such as the Philippine
Constitution, the Education Act, and the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.In addition, I participate in ongoing professional development to
enhance my knowledge and skills in teaching and to stay current on changes and updates in education laws and regulations. This may include
attending seminars, workshops, and conferences, as well as collaborating with other teachers, school administrators, and education professionals.


Objective 8
Which practices do you show care, respect, and integrity to learners, colleagues, parents, and other education stakeholders? How do these
practices uphold the dignity of the teaching profession?
As a professional teacher, I believe that showing care, respect, and integrity to learners, colleagues, parents, and other education
stakeholders is essential to upholding the dignity of the teaching profession. There are several practices that I follow to demonstrate these values in
my work.
Firstly, I make a point to listen attentively to my learners, colleagues, and parents and show empathy towards their needs and concerns. I
recognize that each individual has unique circumstances and experiences, and I strive to be understanding and accommodating.
Secondly, I maintain a professional demeanor and exhibit fairness and transparency in my dealings with others. This includes being
honest and accountable for my actions, adhering to ethical principles, and treating others with impartiality and respect.
Thirdly, I promote a positive learning environment that is inclusive and welcoming to all learners. This involves recognizing and valuing
diversity in all its forms, and providing opportunities for learners to express themselves and contribute to the classroom community.
Overall, these practices are intended to demonstrate care, respect, and integrity towards all education stakeholders, and to uphold the
dignity of the teaching profession.

Objective 9
What co-curricular and/or extra-curricular organizations and/or activities did you participate in,that enabled you to share your knowledge and
enhance your teaching practice? How did your membership in this organization/ participation in this activity contribute to your professional

I have participated in co-curricular and extra-curricular organizations and activities through out my teaching career to enhance my
knowledge and teaching practice. One organization that I have been a member of is the Professional Association in my community. Through this
organization, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with other professionals in my field,attend training sessions, and engage in discussions about
current issues and best practices in education.Additionally, I am a volunteer at one of the organization (teaching non-reader) in my community. As a
volunteer, I work with students in a variety of ways, from tutoring and mentoring to organizing community service projects. Through this experience,
I have been able to share my knowledge and skills with students outside of the classroom, and help them develop important life skills. Finally, I am
also an officer in my purok, a local community organization. Through my involvement in this group, I have been able to connect with other
community leaders and collaborate on initiatives that benefit our community as a whole.My participation in these co-curricular and extra-curricular
organizations and activities has contributed significantly to my professional development. Through these experiences, I have gained valuable
insights and perspectives, learned new teaching strategies and techniques, and built strong relationships with my colleagues and students.
Objective 10
The task given to the students is to research the roles of the given workers in the community by asking their parents or anyone with knowledge of
the roles. It is divided into 2 sets. The Set A used the terms which are familiar to the modern community, while the Set B used terms that are familiar
in the older or indigenous community.
For my classroom with a presence of Indigenous students, this type of assessment promotes culture- sensitivity, fairness, inclusive,
contextualization and is very much, with respect to how IP students must be assessed, appropriate.
This kind of assessment is very appropriate to my classroom which has Indigenous students because it acknowledges the culture of
these learners. According to an article, Ways of teaching & engaging Aboriginal students in an effective classroom with IP students must be
culturally relevant and responsive. The assessment test reflects the teacher’s knowledge and sensitivity to the culture of the IPs by including their
own culture and vocabulary in the assessment test. Further, the assessment also did not ask the learners to use technology to find out the roles of
these people in the community but instead, the teacher asked them to utilize the community itself and elders to provide the answers. This hits two
birds; one, the teacher acknowledges that not all students, specially IPs have computers or gadgets to search for the answers, this is very much
appropriate in teaching students from Indigenous Groups, second, it involves community members which is a very strong strategy for teaching
Indigenous students (Korff, 2021). This kind of assessment also, respective of the culture and the stronger presence of contextualization in our
curriculum shows that the teacher did not limit the IP learners to their own culture and vocabulary but also introduced the culture and vocabulary of
non-IP community and the same goes for the non-IP students in the class.

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