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Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

SAPS Provincial: Organisational Development & Strategic Management


SAPS Provincial: Organisational Development & Strategic Management

The Provincial Commissioner
Provincial Head Organisational Development & Strategic Management
South African Police Service

ISBN: 978-0-621-49921-6

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


4IR Fourth Industrial Revolution
AFIS Automated Fingerprint Identification System
AGSA Auditor General of South Africa
ANPR Automated Number-Plate Recognition System
AOP Annual Operational Plan
APP Annual Performance Plan
AVL Automated Vehicle Locator
B2B Back to Basics
CAS Crime Administration System
CCG Core Command Group
CCTV Close Circuit Television
CI Crime Intelligence
CJS Criminal Justice System
CMA Criminal Matters Amendment Act
COGTA Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
CPF Community Policing Forum
CR & CSM Criminal Record and Crime Scene Management
CSPS Civilian Secretariat for the Police Service
CTA Crime Threat Analysis
DED Department of Economic Development
DFO Designated Firearm Officer
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
DOCC District Operational Command Centre
DOCS Department Of Community Safety
DOH Department of Health
DOJ Department of Justice
DPC Deputy Provincial Commissioner
DPCI Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation
DPME Department of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation
DPSA Department of Public Service and Administration
DSD Department of Social Development
DTI Department of Trade and Industry
DVA Domestic Violence Act
E2 Eyes to Ears
ECCG Extended Core Command Group
EHW Employee Health and Wellness
EIS Efficiency Index System
EMCS Enhanced Movement Control System
ERAP Emergency Response Action Plan
ETD Education, Training and Development
FCS Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit
FE Fixed Establishment
FICA Financial Intelligence Centre Act
FRC Firearms Registration Centre
FSDM Frontline Service Delivery Monitoring
FSW Forensic Social Workers
Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

GBV / GBVF Gender Based Violence and Femicide

GDE Gauteng Department of Education
GGT2030 Growing Gauteng Together
GLEAF Gauteng Law Enforcement Agencies Forum
GSS Gauteng Safety Strategy
HRD Human Resource Development
HSRC Human Sciences Research Council
I/O Investigating Officer
IA Internal Audit
IBIS Integrated Ballistics Identification System
ICASA Independent Communication Authority of South Africa
ICDMS Integrated Case Docket Management System
IPID Independent Police Investigative Directorate
IT / ITC Information Technology and Communication
JCPS Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster
JPC Joint Planning Committee
LEA Law Enforcement Agency
LGBTQI Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MEC Member of the Executive Council
MItoP Malicious injury / damage to property
MMS Middle Management Service
MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework
MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework
NDP National Development Plan
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
NHO National Head Office
NI National Instruction
NKP National Key Point
NPIS National Photo Imaging System
OCC Operational Command Centre
OCTA Organised Crime Threat Assessment
PCCF Provincial Crime Combating Forum
PEP Performance Enhancement Process
PERMC Provincial Enterprise Risk Management Committee
PFMA Public Finance Management Act
PIU Provincial Investigation Unit
PIVA Persons Identification Verification Application
PMF Provincial Management Forum
POCC Provincial Operational Command Centre
POE Portfolio of Evidence
PSIRA Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority
PTCAP Provincial Trio Crime Action Plan
PVS Person Verification System
QRS Quarterly Review Session
ROC Resolving Of Crime
ROT Results of Trial
RSS Rural Safety Strategy
SABRIC South African Banking Risk Information Centre
Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

SAICB South African Insurance Crime Bureau

SANDF South African National Defence Force
SANEF South African National Editors Forum
SAPS South African Police Service
SARS South African Revenue Services
SASREA Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act
SCM Supply Chain Management
SDIP Service Delivery Improvement Programme
SITA State Information Technology Agency
SLA Service Level Agreement
SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time bound
SMS Senior Management Service
SO Standing Order
SOEG Stella Officii Egregii (Gold Medal for Outstanding Service)
SONA State of the Nation Address
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SOPA State of the Province Address
SSA State Security Agency
STATSSA Statistics South Africa
TAS Training Administration System
TID Technical Indicator Description
TPP Training Provisioning Plan
TRT Tactical Response Team

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Table of Contents
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS / ACRONYMS .............................................................................................................. 3
FOREWORD OF THE MEC OF COMMUNITY SAFETY .......................................................................................... 8
INTRODUCTION BY THE PROVINCIAL COMMISSIONER .................................................................................... 10
OFFICIAL SIGN OFF ........................................................................................................................................... 12
PART A: OUR MANDATE................................................................................................................................... 13
1. CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE .............................................................................................................. 14
1.1 POLICIES AND STRATEGIES.................................................................................................................. 15
1.2 RELEVANT COURT RULINGS ................................................................................................................ 15
PART B: OUR STRATEGIC FOCUS ...................................................................................................................... 16
SAPS VISION AND MISSION .......................................................................................................................... 17
SAPS CODE OF CONDUCT ............................................................................................................................. 18
BATHO PELE PRINCIPLES .............................................................................................................................. 19
CODE OF ETHICS ........................................................................................................................................... 20
2. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 21
2.1 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT ..................................................................................................................... 21
2.2 INTERNAL SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................ 25
2.3 STATE OF THE NATION ADDRESS (SONA)............................................................................................... 27
2.4 STATE OF THE PROVINCE ADDRESS (SOPA) ........................................................................................... 28
3. PROFILE: GAUTENG PROVINCE ........................................................................................................... 29
3.1 DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE ........................................................................................................................ 29
3.2 ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE: ORGANIGRAM .......................................................................................... 30
3.3 Organisational Profile: Human Resources ............................................................................................. 31
3.4 Vehicle Fleet ........................................................................................................................................... 32
3.5 Overview of the Budget and MTEF Estimates ........................................................................................ 32
PART C: PROGRAMMES AND SUB-PROGRAMMES .......................................................................................... 33
4. INSTITUTIONAL PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INFORMATION ......................................................... 34
4.1 Programme 1: Administration................................................................................................................ 34
4.1.1 PROGRAMME 1: Administration - Output Indicators, Annual and Quarterly Targets ....................... 50
4.2 Programme 2: Visible Policing................................................................................................................ 53
4.2.1 PROGRAMME 2: Visible Policing - Output Indicators, Annual and Quarterly Targets........................ 75
4.3 Programme 3: Detective Services .......................................................................................................... 77
4.3.1 PROGRAMME 3: Detective Services - Output Indicators, Annual and Quarterly Targets ................... 92
PART D: LINKS TO OTHER PLANS ..................................................................................................................... 94

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

5. RISK MANAGEMENT............................................................................................................................ 95
6. SERVICE DELIVERY IMPROVEMENT PLAN ........................................................................................... 99
7. GROWING GAUTENG TOGETHER (GGT) 5-YEAR POLICING PLAN ..................................................... 106
8. OPERATION O KAE MOLAO ............................................................................................................... 107

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


Gauteng province as the country’s economic hub is undergoing multiple

transitions due to dominant trends such as demographic shifts, climate
change, increasing levels of urbanisation, rapid technological change and
the high levels of crime. It is therefore critical that the policing fraternity
adopts resilient long-term plans and transformative policies that will meet
the needs of the growing populations in an environment where crime
levels are unacceptably high.

Building safer communities remains an apex priority for the Gauteng

Provincial Government. Due to the increase in serious crimes in recent
times, the Department has committed resources for continuous
intelligence gathering, preparedness and responsiveness to all incidents
reported. In line with the Growing Gauteng Together policing plan, it is our
considered view that these crimes can be eradicated if all sectors of society work together.

The Gauteng Provincial Government has established a war room on fighting crime as part of building safer
communities and 5-year Policing Plan. The War Room on crime brings together all spheres of government,
civil society, the private sector and critical stakeholders to ensure that we build a safer Gauteng for all. The
collaboration and sharing of resources between government, private security industry and business should
be encouraged in crime prevention initiatives.

The Department of Community Safety will, through the Growing Gauteng Together 2030 “GGT2030” Plan,
work with the police and communities to ensure a safer Gauteng for all residents and tourists alike. The
Department will strive to bring on board collaborative partners that will work with law enforcement in the
fight against crime and ensure that the impact is felt by the communities.

It is important that the police recruit informants within the Detective Services component. The glaring gaps
in intelligence gathering capacity of the South African Police Services (SAPS) has been exposed during the
2021 large scale looting and unrest. The violent protests resulted in fatalities, injuries and millions of Rands
of damage across the province. During that period, the province relied more on social media as opposed to
Crime Intelligence Gathering institutions for information.

It is for this reason that informer networks be strengthened to gather intelligence and to avert criminal
activities of such nature in future. It is of critical importance that effective communication and closer
cooperation between the police and communities be enhanced. I am delighted that following these
incidents, a contingency plan was put in place to ensure that there is no recurrence of this scale of unrest.
Community Police Forums (CPFs) remain a critical component in the effective implementation of Community
Policing and the fight against crime in the province.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed stark inequalities to the fore and compound all existing forms of social
injustice, including gender inequality in its various manifestations of which Gender-Based Violence and
Femicide (GBVF) is the most abhorrent. Crimes against women and children remains a priority as the
decrease in these crime categories have not been significant. The Department, as part of GBVF co-ordination,
is continuously strengthening partnership towards elimination of gender-based violence.

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

The Gauteng Provincial Government is delighted that the multi-disciplinary forces of “Operation O Kae
Molao” is continuously making significant strides in the fight against crime in the province. Police have
ensured that criminals have nowhere to hide, this is evident by the number of suspects arrested during the
integrated operations. Going forward the operations must be intensified and strengthened in collaboration
with private security companies.

In conclusion, I would like to thank all law enforcement officers under the watchful eye and guidance of
Gauteng Provincial Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Elias Mawela, for their commitment in serving
the people of this beautiful province.

Ms. Faith Mazibuko MPL
Executive Authority for the Department of Community Safety
Gauteng Provincial Government

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


The 2022/2023 Annual Operational Plan is the third Annual Plan in the
implementation of the SAPS 2020/2025 Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is
aligned to the 2019/2024 MTSF

During this financial year my priorities include the following:

 Serious & Violent Crime
 Organised Crime: Effective implementation of the OCTA Process
 Gender Based Violence and Femicide
 Drug-and Human trafficking
 Counter measures to address Corruption
 Community collaboration and participation

During the 2021/2022 financial year, we have achieved numerous successes in the fight against crime. This
was possible through participation and collaboration with other law enforcement agencies in Operation O
Kae Molao, which was taken to a new level during the 2021/2022 financial year where Support Services
Provincial Heads were also expected to address support-related concerns at the relevant Police Station
where the weekly operation is taking place. The focus will continue to be at priority Police Stations to stem
the rise of crime in these areas.

Our relationship with the office of the Premier grows from strength to strength. The generous sponsorship
of vehicles to aid our boots on the ground has already yielded positive results. The Highway Patrol Unit was
reinforced which allowed for the deployment of additional resources at key hotspot areas.

We are venturing into uncharted times with the COVID-19 variants that have plagued us during the past 2
years. The hard lock down forced us to re-evaluate our policing practises and procedures and gave us an
insight into what we would now call the “new normal”

The mandate of the SAPS demands of us to lead the process of securing gatherings and to allow all South
Africans to exercise their democratic right to protest, picket and participate in strike action without any fear
of intimidation or any other forms of criminality. The Looting and civil unrest during July and August 2021
was unprecedented in our young democracy. Our counterparts in the province of Kwa Zulu Natal also faced
the same challenges. We have to be well prepared to address this type of unrest in future to ensure it does
not reach these levels. We are reminded of the fact that together we are stronger and will spare no effort
when it comes to matters of civil unrest.

Our risk assessment processes will be enhanced to ensure that we are proactive in mitigating internal and
external risks. Our aim is to ensure that all members within the province understand the concept in order to
analyse and evaluate the risk associated with any hazard. This will also assist the Province holistically in
mitigating these risks which threatens the achievement of our objectives and seeks to reduce the number of
repeat findings by the Auditor General of South Africa and Internal Audit as well as to reduce civil claims and
improve service delivery.

Commanders at all levels will be held accountable for any dereliction of duty, including those at the lowest
level as this is where audit findings emanate from. The promotion and appointment of a number of new

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Station Commanders during the 2021/2022 financial year will serve to also strengthen the management
capacity and capability of the Province.

Community engagement has always been a pivotal part of addressing root causes of crime and to this end I
have instructed all SAPS Act members stationed at the Provincial office to adopt a school closest to their
place of residence.

Gauteng has always been the centre of activities in South Africa be it in business or tourism and therefore
we remain steadfast in our commitment in proving a world class service to all the inhabitants as well as its
visitors of our beautiful province. Tourism Safety Plans were developed at all Districts and an approved work
study investigation into the establishment of a Tourism Safety capacity at District level will be implemented.

We need to focus our efforts on reclaiming the streets and making it safer for our women and children.
Gender-based violence (GBV) is one of the most systematic and widespread human rights violations. It
affects people across all ages, socio-economic status, educational and geographic boundaries. It is a major
obstacle to ending gender inequality and discrimination globally and an indictment on us as a society and as
law enforcement, it is our moral and constitutional duty to ensure that this scourge is rooted out.

Crime itself has evolved as criminals try new and ingenuous ways to commit crime. We remain resolute in
bringing these criminals to book. Technology has become a crime fighting tool on which we rely on heavily
as part of e-policing in line with the Growing Gauteng Together (GGT) Policing Plan.

Corruption remains a thorn in our side and in order to ensure that we overcome this, we have put measures
in place to ensure that integrity prevails amongst our ranks.

The appointment of a new Deputy Provincial Commissioner responsible for Crime Detection in the Province
as well as Provincial Heads in the environments of Organised Crime and Family Violence, Child Protection
and Sexual Offences (FCS) will enhance the energy, vigour and leadership necessary to elevate the detective
performance in the Province to a higher level.

As law enforcement, we should remember the following when it comes to crime fighting: “The people who
were trying to make this world worse are not taking the day off. Why should I?” – Bob Marley.


Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


It is hereby certified that this Annual Operational Plan:

 Was developed by the management of the South African Police Service: Gauteng Province under the
guidance of the Provincial Commissioner.

 Takes into account all the relevant policies, legislation and other mandates applicable to the South
African Police Service.

 Accurately reflects the Outcomes and outputs the South African Police Service, Gauteng will
endeavor to achieve during the 2022/2023 financial year.

Major General DT Mthombeni

DPC: Policing Signature:

Major General MM Khumalo

DPC: Crime Detection Signature:

Major General PA Rampota

DPC: Corporate Services Signature:

Major General GM Mbele

DPC: Management Advisory Services Signature:

Lieutenant General E Mawela (SOEG)

Provincial Commissioner Signature:

Ms Faith Mazibuko
MEC: Gauteng Department of Community Safety Signature:

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

The SAPS derives its mandate from Section 205 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996.
The objects of policing are to -
 prevent, combat and investigate crime;
 maintain public order;
 protect and secure the inhabitants of the Republic and their property; and
 uphold and enforce the law.

The mandate of the SAPS is executed in relation to the following key pieces of legislation:
• The South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No. 68 of 1995), as amended by the South African Police
Service Amendment Act, 2008 (Act No. 57 of 2008
• Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorist and Related Activities Act, 2004 (Act No. 33 of
• Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act No. 60 of 2000)
• Explosives Act, 1956 (Act No. 26 of 1956)
• Tear-gas Act, 1964 (Act No. 16 of 1964)
• Dangerous Weapons Act, 2013 (Act No 15 of 2013)
• Control of Access to Public Premises and Vehicles Act, 1985 (Act No. 53 of 1985)
• National Key Points Act, 1980 (Act No. 102 of 1980)
• Intimidation Act, 1982 (Act No. 72 of 1982)
• Second-hand Goods Act, 2009 (Act No 6 of 2009)
• The Private Security-Industry Regulation Act, 2001 (Act No. 56 of 2001)

The SAPS derives its powers and functions from the following legislation, which enables the
activities undertaken in pursuance of its mandate in terms of Section 205 of the Constitution:
• The South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No. 68 of 1995), as amended by the South African Police
Service Amendment Act, (Act No. 57 of 2008)
• The Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977)
• The Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Related Information Act, 2002 (Act
No. 70 of 2002)
• The National Strategic Intelligence Act, 1994 (Act No. 39 of 1994)
• The Domestic Violence Act, 1998 (Act No. 116 of 1998)
• The Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, 2004 (Act No. 12 of 2004)
• The Inter-Governmental Relations Framework Act, 2005 (Act No 13 of 2005)
• The Sexual Offences Act, 2007 (Act No. 32 of 2007)
• Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act No.75 of 2008)
• Children’s Act, 2005 (Act No. 38 of 2005)
• Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures), Act, 2010 (Act No. 6 of 2010)

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


The Gauteng Provincial SAPS will continue to implement existing National Policies and Strategies.
In addition, the following Provincial Strategies and Plans will be implemented:
 The Growing Gauteng Together (GGT) 5 Year Plan through Operation O Kae Molao
 Gauteng GBV Response Plan


Gun Owners of South Africa and National Commissioner of the Police and the Minister of Police – North
Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa:
“The Supreme Court of Appeal set aside the interim order of the High Court, which means that the Firearms
Control Act can be enforced, in that a firearm owner whose firearm licence has expired is in unlawful
possession of same and can be prosecuted, as there is no longer an interdict prohibiting same.”

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

The South African Police Service in Gauteng operates in the context that requires an analysis of both the
internal and external environments within which it functions. Among our roles is not only to identify internal
challenges, but also to leverage opportunities presented to achieve its mandate.

The Provincial Management of Gauteng and other Law Enforcement Agencies as well as the Chairperson of
the Provincial Community Policing Board and delegates from the Department of Community Safety
convened for an Annual Planning session from 29th November to 1st December 2021. The purpose of this
exercise was to have deliberations concerning Output Indicators, Action Steps as well as to identify risks for
the compilation of the Annual Operational Plan and Risk Register for the 2022/2023 financial year. Attendees
were divided into three commissions aligned with the three Financial Programmes, ensuring that subject
experts at all levels form a part of the solution. This includes setting measurable targets with specific
timeframes, outlining key policy trade-offs and setting out the sequence of activities required in achieving
such objectives, whilst understanding that policing has to evolve within the “new normal”.


The Safer Cities Framework, which is expected to be finalised in 2022, provides an overarching strategy for
adopting a collaborative approach to strengthening safety and security in Gauteng. SAPS in Gauteng has
recognised that functioning CPF’s are central to the successful implementation of the framework as these
forums provide a critical interface between the police at local level and the communities they serve.

The Safer Cities Framework includes the Creation of a shared safer city vision in order to attract investment
into through a crime free, conducive investor climate in cities. The Framework has been initiated in both the
City of Johannesburg and Tshwane.


This plan focuses on improving service delivery, which includes the reduction of all crime categories, with
specific emphasis on Gender Based Violence and Femicide. The implementation of the National Strategic
Plan on Gender Based Violence and Femicide, the SAPS Gender Based Violence and Sexual Offences Action
Plan as well as the Gauteng Gender Based Violence Response Plan is focussed on reducing this scourge.
There has been a steady population growth in Gauteng over the last few years. This, together with the influx
of undocumented foreign nationals into Gauteng places additional demands on policing. Due to the increase
of serious crime over the first three quarters, the province has committed resources to continuous
intelligence gathering, preparedness and responsiveness to all incidents reported in order to adapt and
decisively respond to all reported crime.
Although there has been a decrease in Contact Crimes overall, there was a marked increase in Trio Crimes
which has a negative impact on the feeling of safety in communities and the economy. Crimes against
Women and Children remains a priority as the decrease in these crime categories have not been significant.

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

As a model to improve accountability, SAPS Gauteng will continue to monitor performance in order to
determine the level of impact of actions implemented to improve performance and where necessary,
innovate to sustain any gains.
The violent unrest and protests in Gauteng during the month of July 2021, whereby shopping centres were
targeted, attacked and looted resulted in fatalities, injuries and millions of Rands of damage across the
Province. Members from some Law Enforcement Agencies who responded to the unrests were injured and
one member from EMPD was killed. Following these incidents, a Contingency Plan was drafted to ensure a
recurrence of this scale of unrest is prevented.


In an effort to ensure that communities feel safe and protected as mandated by Section 205(3) of the
Constitution, 1996, Gauteng SAPS uses “Operation O Kae Molao” as the vehicle to implement the Growing
Gauteng Together 5 Year Policing Plan.

The operation is an integrated multidisciplinary approach seeking to deal with any form of criminal activities
in the province, with the support of various law enforcement agencies such as the Traffic Department, Metro
Police Departments, and Immigration from the Department of Home Affairs, Community Police Forum,
Tracker and Fidelity.
The objectives of Operation O Kae Molao are as follows:

Creating a conducive
Maintaining law, order, peace, environment for all people of
security and stability Gauteng to participate in social
and economic activities

Enforcing all laws and by-laws

Reclaiming the space and areas without fear or favour –
controlled by criminals Stamping the Authority of the

Creating a safe and secure

environment for all

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


The Central Firearms Register is mandated to administer firearm applications in accordance with the
prescripts of the Firearm Control Act of 2000. Its primary objective is to prevent the proliferation of illegally
possessed firearms, providing for the removal of these firearms from society, improving control over legally
possessed firearms and promoting responsible firearm ownership in Gauteng and South Africa as a whole.

The South African Police Service plays a pivotal role in enforcing compliance to National and Provincial Liquor
Legislation. The existing partnership between the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, the
national Liquor Authority and the SAPS, to address enforcement of compliance to the Liquor Act of 2003 was
strengthened through the appointment of SAPS Members as liquor inspectors, thereby assisting in the
enhanced enforcement of compliance to the Act.


The threat of criminal attacks on farmers and residents of smallholdings remains a national priority for
SAPS. Such crimes lead to a multitude of economic and socio-economic strains and continue to threaten the
food security of the Republic. The prevention of these criminal attacks and continued joint operational
interventions remains pivotal in ensuring we create a safe and secure environment for all rural communities
in Gauteng.

The National Development Plan (NDP) 2030, Chapter 12 “Building Safer Communities” states that all
vulnerable groups including women, children and rural communities should enjoy equal protection and their
fear of crime should be eradicated through effective, coordinated responses of the police, business,
community and civil society.

It is in line with this, that the Gauteng SAPS has implemented the National Revised Rural Safety Strategy
2020 to 2025. The 8 Pillars contained in this strategy are as follows:

PILLAR 1: Building an effective Capacity (human & physical) and capability

PILLAR 2: Improving policing in rural and rural / urban areas

PILLAR 3: Improve policing infrastructure in rural and rural / urban police stations

PILLAR 4: Improve governance system for rural areas

PILLAR 5: Improve communication and marketing for rural areas

PILLAR 6: Community involvement and stakeholder collaboration

PILLAR 7: Implementation of Organised Crime Threat Assessment (OCTA) process

PILLAR 8: Monitoring and evaluation

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


The implementation of the School Safety Strategy 2020/2025 is guided by the School Safety Protocol which
was entered into SAPS and Department of Basic Education in 2011.

Gauteng continue to implement the School Safety 2020-2025 concept which was sponsored by the
Guidelines on School –Based Crime Prevention document that seeks to address the following:
 Reduce the incidence of crime in society;
 Develop a better relationship between the police and the youth in communities;
 Create in young people an understanding of police’s role in society;
 Extend the concept of crime prevention; and
 Equip young people with the necessary skills to avoid dangerous and threatening situations.

To realise the objectives of the protocol, the SAPS is to link schools to local Police Stations and effectively
implement Adopt-A-Cop initiatives to raise awareness among children and young learners regarding crime
and violence, as well as its impact on individuals, families and education.

Schools are identified on the basis of crime prevalence or threats of crime and violence. The Province identify
schools to address activities relating to specific crimes and/or challenges, focusing on:
 Bullying;
 Sexual offences;
 Substance abuse;
 Vandalism;
 Burglary;
 Dangerous weapons; and
 Gangsterism.

All five Districts in the Province compiled and implemented Tourism Safety Plans to improve the safety of
tourists in the Province. The component, Organisational Development and Strategic Management conducted
a work study investigation into the establishment of a Tourism Safety capacity at District level which was
approved for implementation.

The Detection Rate in various crime categories continues to be a challenge, however through various
interventions initiated by Crime Detection and inspections at prioritised underperforming stations,
improvement of performance in the detective environment is envisaged.
The detection of crime is the process which extends from the time that the SAPS becomes aware of a crime
and where a case docket is subsequently opened for investigation, until time a suspect has been arrested
and charged or the case docket has been closed off as unfounded or withdrawn before court.

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023



Over the past two years, the country has been combatting a new enemy, the COVID-19 pandemic that
affected policing and members of the SAPS as well as all other Law Enforcement Agencies across the
Province. Members of the SAPS are essential, frontline workers and are exposed to people on a daily basis
which places them at a high risk for contracting COVID-19. It has been a huge challenge for members to carry
out their duties and protect themselves from the pandemic at the same time. Various police officers lost
their lives after testing positive and some were hospitalized due to complications from the virus, while other
members are still fighting the battle in hospitals and at home.
Although we have not yet won the battle, we are adjusting to this ‘new normal’ in order to continue fighting
crime and serving the community.


SAPS has embarked on a restructuring process in order to reduce the compensation budget. This has been
necessitated due to a reduction in the SAPS’ overall budget. The implementation of the restructuring plan
has been authorised and all relevant role players are ready for the final implementation in accordance with
the project plan.
To boost the Detective environment and performance, the Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Crime
Detection post was filled. This will contribute in achieving the goal of improving ways of managing in the
SAPS by ensuring that criminals are brought to book.
In order to enhance service delivery and improve performance throughout the Province, the following
Provincial Heads and Station Commanders were appointed during the previous financial year:
Provincial Heads: Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences (FCS), Organised Crime, Corporate
Communication and Supply Chain Management.
Station Commanders: Orange Farms, Temba, Roodepoort, Krugersdorp, Evaton, Jeppe, Soshanguve,
Kempton Park and Rietgat.
The newly appointed Brigadiers are cognizant of their responsibilities within their new roles as Provincial
Heads and Stations Commanders. The Department is improving with respect to the 50% target of women
appointed in Senior Management posts.


The National Commissioner of SAPS introduced the Junior Management Core (JMC) with the aim to
transform the Organisation as required by the National Development Plan (NDP). The JMC was then
established in the Province and is engaging in awareness campaigns targeting the youth and making them
aware about crimes that affect them, seeking partnership with them in the fight against crime.

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

One of the objectives of the JMC is to ensure that junior members are innovative and allow themselves to
lead and to be led. They have improved themselves, supporting each other and are working harder to
progress as well as sharing practices that can be implemented to improve policing.
It is clear that the introduction of JMC participative management is a key driver in the implementation and
realisation of the new vision for the Organisation.


SAPS Gauteng has employed 1.41% persons with disabilities against the government’s target of 2%. To
improve on this target, the Province will recruit more people with disability within the framework of the
prescribed recruitment processes and ensure that people with disabilities already employed in the
Organisation register on the database of people with disabilities.


Training and expertise of employees determine the skills available. Adaptability of employees determines
key aspects of strategic flexibility of the Organisation. Commitment and loyalty of employees determines
the capacity to attain and maintain service delivery. Training of members during the pandemic was a big
challenge since many courses had to be put on hold during the 2020/21 and the start of the 2021/22 financial
years. Training is however currently continuing, aligned with the relevant COVID-19 protocols.


Gauteng SAPS embarked on an initiative in commencing with a pilot project to train police officials in sign
language to bridge the gap in delivering services to members of the deaf community. Despite many
challenges amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, nineteen members graduated in the Basic Sign Language course.
It is envisaged that more members will be trained in sign language to ensure services offered by the SAPS
are accessible to all communities.


Supply Chain Management commenced with a project of performing unannounced station visits and
conducting vehicle inspections. The main aim of this project is to ensure members and commanders maintain
state resources and ensure compliance with prescripts.

The project is also aimed towards awareness with regards to the proper documentation needed for vehicle
repairs and maintenance at SAPS Garages.


In order to improve police safety, especially at work places, SAPS buildings that are most vulnerable to
attacks, have been identified for the installation of CCTV cameras. The project has been partially funded by
National Head Office, while the Provincial budget is utilised to supplement it.

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

While social distancing restricted people from meeting and sharing of ideas, the South African Police Service
utilised computing platforms and media enabled virtual cyber gatherings through webinars, Microsoft
teams, etc.

Not only has such computing technologies enabled social interaction and sharing of ideas, it also suggested
that massive costs can be cut in the process. Cost saving opportunities brought about new computing
technologies will be continuously explored.


On 10 February 2022, President Cyril Ramaphosa, during the State of the Nation Address, once again
reiterated that to safeguard our democracy, the government has taken steps to protect our economic
infrastructure and build safer communities for all.

With regards to the civil unrest in July 2021, the President stated that the expert panel report which was
released, paints a deeply disturbing picture of the capabilities of security services and the structures that
exist to coordinate their work. It further concludes that the police operational planning was poor, there was
poor coordination between the state security and intelligence services, and police are not always embedded
in the communities they serve. A national response plan will be developed to address the weaknesses that
the panel has identified.

Concerning staffing, the President said that critical vacancies in the State Security Agency and Crime
Intelligence will be filled and that leadership changes in a number of security agencies will be announced to
strengthen our security structures. In addition, the staffing of the Public Order Policing Unit will be improved,
with appropriate training courses in place. An additional 12,000 new police personnel will be recruited and
trained to ensure that the SAPS urgently gets the capacity it needs.

The criminal gangs that invade construction sites and other business places to extort money from companies,
also known as the illicit business forums, must be confronted with a focused and coordinated response. The
President announced that specialised multi-disciplinary units were established to address economic
sabotage, extortion at construction sites and vandalism of infrastructure, which has damaged confidence
and severely constrained economic growth, investment and job creation.

Another area of immediate attention will be the re-establishment of community policing forums to improve
relations and coordination between local police and residents of the areas they serve.

The National Strategic Plan on GBVF and other measures to promote the empowerment of women are being
implemented in the fight against gender-based violence and femicide. Three new pieces of legislation were
signed into law to strengthened the criminal justice system, promoting accountability across the state and
support survivors.

Regarding the backlog in DNA processing, the President indicated that it was reduced from 210,000 exhibits
in April 2021 to around 58,000 at the time of the State of the Nation Address.

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


During the State of the Province Address on 21 February 2022, Premier David Makhura stated that the top
priority for the Province is to build safer communities, with specific emphasis on violence against women
and children, murder and house robberies.

The Premier stated that 45 high powered vehicles and 3 mobile police stations have been procured and 221
CPF members, patrollers included were trained. The patrollers’ database is being updated to enable the
determination of deployment per ward.

As part of fighting crimes against women and children, GBV brigades were deployed in all wards and 30
dedicated GBVF social workers were appointed. The Department of Community Safety has also managed to
rope in 610 safety volunteers participating as GBV brigades. The number of “Green Doors” were increased
to 36 and since 2019, 1151 GBV and crime victims have accessed and received support in these shelters.

The Floor Management Programme within police stations were launched to limit secondary victimisation
and waiting times for those reporting GBVF crimes.

In protecting children in schools, all new staff members are subjected to vetting. A total of 5355 patrollers
were added, not only at schools, but also to improve safety in communities.

The war room on fighting crime was established in order to bring together all spheres of government, civil
society, the private sector and critical stakeholders in order to build a safer Gauteng.

Regarding Operation O Kae Molao, the Premier said that there were positive results in the past and going
forward, the operations will be intensified and strengthened in collaboration with private law enforcement
agencies through the Eyes & Ears Programme.

Lastly, the Premier called upon all people in the Province to join hands with the government in the
fight against crime.

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023



Gauteng comprises the largest share of the South African population, with 26.3% of the total populace living in the
province. Three of the six metropolitan municipalities in the country fall within its boundaries as well as two district
municipalities as follows:
Metropolitan West Rand District Sedibeng District
Municipalities Municipality Municipality

Johannesburg Merafong Emfuleni

Tshwane Mogale City Midvaal

Ekurhuleni RandWest Lesedi

Estimated Land Surface Unemployment

Population Rate
•15 810 388 (26.3% •18 178 square •37% (STATSSA
of total population kilometres (1.4% of Statistical release:
in South Africa) total RSA surface P0211: Quarterly
(STATSSA: Mid-year area) (STATSSA Labour Force
Population Statistical release: Survey: Quarter
estimates 2021– P0301.4) 3:2021)

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023



Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Salary Level 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Salary Level 14 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 5 9
Salary Level 13 6 1 7 2 4 3 24 17 64
Salary Level 12 29 17 13 5 6 7 109 43 229
Salary Level 10 98 63 34 11 21 20 368 211 826
Salary Level 8 296 200 43 17 52 28 934 462 2032
Salary Level 7 754 231 37 15 67 37 2763 462 4366
Salary Level 6 107 256 30 20 69 61 7924 3794 12261
Salary Level 5 86 172 28 42 195 217 4432 4051 9223
Salary Level 4 0 3 0 0 0 1 16 28 48
Salary Level 3 5 4 0 0 5 8 197 145 364
Salary Level 2 2 4 0 0 7 13 240 318 584
Salary Level 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
TOTALS 1383 951 192 112 427 395 17011 9537 30008
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Lt. General 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Maj. General 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 5 9
Brigadier 6 1 7 2 4 3 24 17 64
Colonel 29 17 13 5 6 7 109 43 229
Lt. Colonel 98 63 34 11 21 20 368 211 826
Captain 294 173 43 16 52 27 932 455 1992
Warrant Officer 742 172 32 3 60 16 2592 254 3871
Sergeant 104 47 28 12 68 38 7892 3630 11819
Constable 60 11 20 9 160 89 3849 2491 6689
Student Const. 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 4
TOTALS 1334 484 177 58 372 200 15772 7107 25504
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Salary Level 8 2 27 0 1 0 1 2 7 40
Salary Level 7 12 59 5 12 7 21 171 208 495
Salary Level 6 3 209 2 8 1 23 32 164 442
Salary Level 5 26 161 8 33 35 128 583 1560 2534
Salary Level 4 0 3 0 0 0 1 15 28 47
Salary Level 3 4 4 0 0 5 8 196 145 362
Salary Level 2 2 4 0 0 7 13 240 318 584
Salary Level 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTALS 49 467 15 54 55 195 1239 2430 4504

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023



Active vehicles (Sedans, hatchbacks, minibuses, LDV’s, Panel vans) 9926
Trailers 213
Motorcycles 115
Boats 9
Machinery (Forklifts, Agriculture, etc.) 8
TOTAL 10271


Budget allocation per programme

Average Medium-term expenditure estimate
Programme Allocation
2021/2022 (%) 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25
Programme 1
71 873 000 5% 73 310 460 74 776 669 76 272 203
Programme 2
997 162 200 69,33% 1 017 105 444 1 037 447 553 1 058 196 504
Visible Policing
Programme 3
369 301 800 25,68% 376 687 836 384 221 593 391 906 025
Detective Services
TOTAL 1 438 337 000 100% 1 467 103 740 1 496 445 815 1 526 374 731

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023



Purpose: Provide strategic leadership, management and support services to the South African Police Service

Output: Improved regulation of firearms

Outcome: The law upheld and enforced, to support the stamping (asserting) of the authority of the State
Sub-outcome: Reduced availability of illegal firearms
Quarterly Budget per taken to
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity Address the
Number of SAPS- 110 Reduce by Q1: 25 Ensuring effective control over official firearms through: -
owned firearms 10% to 99 Q2: 25 1. Monitoring compliance in respect of prescribed bi-annual SAPS 108 Bi-
confirmed as Q3: 25 inspections annually
stolen/lost1 Q4: 24 2. Initiating awareness campaigns dealing with the loss and safeguarding of
firearms Provincial
3. Implementation of Section 102 and 103 findings with regards to the All Financial Periodical Head:
removal of firearms from members Ongoing
Programmes Co-operation reminders / Supply Chain
4. All members issued with a SAPS 108 firearm to be in possession of a Operational of managers circulars to Management
bolted safe budget at all levels all e-mail and
5. Ensure the formation of firearm Risk Committees at Provincial Districts users commanders
& Accounting Stations at all levels
6. Ensure the inspection of strong rooms
7. Ensuring the withdrawal of firearms from members on long periods of
8. Oversee the removal of excess firearms from the CSC

This Indicator is cross cutting – applicable to all Programmes
Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Improved access to Policing

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS
Sub-outcome: Ensure an effective and adequately resourced policing capability, in response to the demand
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Percentage of 52.38% 70% Q1: 70% Contribute to the improvement of infrastructure development and public -
feasibility studies (11 / 21) Q2: 70% access to policing services through:
finalised within 90 Q3: 70% 1. The registering and finalization of Feasibility Studies as per approved Organisational
2022-06-30 Provincial Head:
days Q4: 70% priority list Development
2. Timeous registration of work study for requests relating to new / Ongoing and Strategic
None - Development and
additional service points Until Management
3. Ensuring the finalisation and submission of completed feasibility 2023-03-31 Operational
studies in accordance with standards contained in NI 7/2015 budget

Output: Enhancement of security at prioritised sites

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS

Sub-outcome: Ensure an effective and adequately resourced policing capability, in response to the demand
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Number of New 18 Q1 – 1. Identification of potential sites for prioritisation Provincial Head:
identified Closed indicator Q2 – Scheduled Technology
2. Submission of needs Allocation SITA’s
Circuit Television Q3 – Ongoing Installations Management
3. Coordinating implementation of the CCTV of Budget Installation
(CCTV) sites Q4: 18 Until and Services
by – and
implemented 2023-03-31 Maintenance and Station /
Divisional Maintenance
by SITA’s Detective / Vispol
TMS Contract
Contractors commanders at all

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Modernisation of the SAPS network and prioritised sites

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS

Sub-outcome: Ensure an effective and adequately resourced policing capability, in response to the demand
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Percentage 97.51% 90%2 Q1: 90% 1. Drawing of weekly system reports Provincial Head:
utilisation of NPIS Q2: 90% Technology
2. Circulating weekly reports to all stakeholders
Q3: 90% Management
Q4: 90% 3. Presentation of reports at Management Meetings Availability of Services
Weekly - Fault reports
the System and Station /
Detective / Vispol
commanders at all

Output: Improved capability of SAPS members

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS
Sub-outcome: Ensure an effective and adequately resourced policing capability, in response to the demand
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Percentage of 99.97% 97% - Q1: 97% - 1. Compilation of the identification of training needs in terms of the
learners assessed (11 253 / 99.97% 99.97% PEP and related processes
and declared 11 256) Q2: 97% - 2. Implementation of the Provincial Training Provisioning Plan in
competent upon 99.97% accordance with standards as set out in the ETD Provisioning
completion of their Q3: 97% - Practice Guidelines Procurement
2023-03-31 Enhanced, Provincial Head:
training in terms of 99.97% 3. Monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the functionaries Training process for
procurement Human Resource
the TPP Q4: 97% - responsible for the complete and correct capturing of training Budget provisioning
process Management
99.97% interventions on TAS of training
Percentage of 100% 97% - 100% Q1: 97% - 4. Providing for the conducive structural and technological facilities for
learners assessed (6 283 / 100% successful training

The Target is lower than the Baseline due to over performance of the Province for this indicator during the previous financial year.
Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Improved capability of SAPS members

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS
Sub-outcome: Ensure an effective and adequately resourced policing capability, in response to the demand
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
and declared 6 283) Q2: 97% - 5. Continuous development of training facilitators
competent upon 100%
completion of Q3: 97% - 6. Keeping abreast with industry trends and standards
specified training in 100%
prioritised training Q4: 97% - 7. One on one training sessions to be facilitated where deficiencies
areas 100% exist
(Crime prevention)
Percentage of 99.78% 97% - Q1: 97% -
learners assessed (1 404 / 99.78% 99.78%
and declared 1 407) Q2: 97% -
competent upon 99.78%
completion of Q3: 97% -
specified training in 99.78%
prioritised training Q4: 97% -
areas 99.78%
(Crimes committed
against women and

Percentage of 100% 97% - 100% Q1: 97% -

learners assessed (853 / 853) 100%
and declared Q2: 97% -
competent upon 100%
completion of Q3: 97% -
specified training in 100%
prioritised training Q4: 97% -
areas 100%

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Improved employee health and wellness

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS
Sub-outcome: Ensure an effective and adequately resourced policing capability, in response to the demand
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Percentage of 65.36% 40%3 Q1: 10% Improve the employee health and wellness profile to promote a
employees (27 070 / Q2: 10% healthy, dedicated, responsive and productive Police Service through:
reached through 41 416) Q3: 10% 1. Wellness programmes to be synchronized during tours of duty
proactive EHW Q4: 10% 2. Provision to be made for EHW programmes during training
interventions interventions Timeous Provincial Head:
3. Utilisation of external role players to support proactive programmes 2023-03-31 HRM Attendance of circulation of Human Resource
4. Station personnel are addressed during Station Lectures Operational sessions by notices of Management
5. EHW personnel to market services offered by the conducting of Budget personnel EHW and commanders at
surveys interventions. all levels

Provincial 3.26% 3.25% Q1: 3.25% Provide for an improved Absenteeism Rate by:
absenteeism Q2: 3.25% 1. Strict enforcement of National instruction 9/2019 (Management of
tolerance rate Q3: 3.25% Absenteeism)
(sick leave) Q4: 3.25% 2. Monitoring of the Absenteeism Rate of business units
3. Addressing identified and analysing root causes on areas of high
absenteeism 2023-03-31 HRM Provincial Head:
4. Implementing remedial interventions to address the late capturing Operational - - Human Resource
of leave Budget Management
5. Conducting regular health and wellness programmes such as flu
vaccine drives, wellness testing for onsite wellness programmes in
conjunction with external role players
6. Encouraging the physical fitness of employees

The Target is lower than the Baseline as certain interventions have been eliminated from the measurements and a distinct count of attendees have been introduced. This distinct count of
attendees means that any attendee to any or all of the interventions will only be counted once, irrespective of the number of interventions attended by each individual employee. Gauteng
HRM (EHW) also serves all National Components situated within the Province, which increases the total number of employees to attended to.
Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Business units adequately capacitated

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS
Sub-outcome: Ensure an effective and adequately resourced policing capability, in response to the demand
Action taken to
Quarterly Budget per
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Address the Responsibility
Target Activity
Percentage 94.64% Increase to Q1: 98% Establishing an adequate Human Resource Capability by means of:
workforce (30 413 / 98% Q2: 98% 1. Periodically requesting NHO to advertise posts externally
maintained 32 133) Q3: 98% 2. Quarterly submission of all identified vacancies to NHO
against the Q1: 98% Continuous
3. Immediate reporting of all critical vacant funded posts (Station Advertising of
approved requests for the
Commander / Visible Policing Commander / Detective Commander posts by NHO
establishment advertisement
and Support Head)
of posts
4. The Transfer Committee to exercise decisions based on
recommendations received on the transfer application 2023-03-
5. Adherence to prescripts as facilitated at the Ministerial Imbizo 31
Budget Identification of
6. Lateral post advertisements from other provinces to be considered Correct
7. Posts outside the establishment to be addressed so as to facilitate placement of
placement by
the advertisement of critical posts personnel on
headcounts /
8. Correct placement of personnel according to the Fixed Establishment PERSAL Provincial
9. Enforcing of Service arrangements instructions Head: Human
10. Monitoring of the functioning of the PIRMC (Provincial Integrated
Resource Management Committee)
Percentage 80.55% 80%4 Q1: 80% Ensure effective management of Service Terminations through: Submission of
service (928 / 1152) Q2: 80% 1. Compliance to the Service Terminations process flow documents by Circulation of
terminations Q3: 80% 2. Correctly completing the checklist prior to submission to Head Office business units correspondence
submitted to Q4: 80% 3. The sensitization of members on requirements prior to service within to improve
National Head termination prescribed compliance.
Office within 60 2023-03- timeframe.
4. Conducting monthly accountability sessions to ensure compliance Operational
calendar days 31
5. Submissions of service terminations documents three months prior Budget
Finalisation of
to retirement
terminations Improved
6. Sensitize members on timeframes on the submission of resignation dependent on dispute
documentation family resolution

The target of 80% is lower than the baseline, this target was set by National Head Office taking into account all the factors impacting the deliverability of this indicator. A number of service
termination cases goes through court processes due to beneficiaries not being registered with the relevant pension funds.
Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Improvement of requisite resources to sustain quality service delivery on strategic priorities
Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS
Sub-outcome: Ensure an effective and adequately resourced policing capability, in response to the demand
Action taken to
Quarterly Budget per
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Address the Responsibility
Target Activity
Percentage of 78.5% Increase to Q1: 85% Ensuring the effective functioning of Vehicle Risk Committees at all levels, SCM Correct
total vehicle fleet (7 784 / 85% Q2: 85% including: Operational completion of
available for 9 916) Q3: 85% 1. Enforcement of weekly vehicle inspections as well as timeous servicing Budget and documents to
policing Q4: 85% at all levels budget of garages.
to create Provincial Head:
2023-03- relevant
awareness wrt Supply Chain
2. Accelerated turnaround time at the garages to be monitored daily 31 business
completion of Management
unit Sufficient
(servicing budget and
3. Command and control of vehicle utilisation (AVL) and repairs personnel at
of vehicles) garages

Output: Implemented Ethics and Integrity

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS
Sub-outcome: Ethics and Integrity institutionalised within the SAPS
Budget Action taken to
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date per Dependencies Address the Responsibility
Activity Dependency
Percentage 100% 100% Q1: 100% Implementation of the Ethics and Integrity Plan by: Absent personnel Contacting
compliance with the (68 / 68) Q2: - (ie leave / sick members who are
1. Monitoring the submission of financial disclosures by all Senior Provincial Head:
SAPS’ Ethics and Q3: - leave not having absent from duty
Managers by 2022-04-30 Human
Integrity Plan Q4: - access to e- to make
2. Implementation of consequence management for non-compliance Resource
(Percentage of disclosure arrangements for
3. Utilisation of DPSA/NSG assistance and course Management
financial disclosures capturing e-
of SMS officers 4. Establishment of the office of the Provincial Risk and Integrity Delay by disclosure
2022-04-30 Operation
submitted within the Management in line with the approved structure members to
al Budget Implement
timeframe) 5. Establishment of an Ethics Committee capture
information on e-
6. Advocating awareness of corruption related cases management

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Implemented Ethics and Integrity

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS
Sub-outcome: Ethics and Integrity institutionalised within the SAPS
Budget Action taken to
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date per Dependencies Address the Responsibility
Activity Dependency
Percentage New 100% Q1: 100% Implementation of the Ethics and Integrity Plan by:
compliance with the Indicator Q2: - 1. Monitoring the submission of financial disclosures by all Lt. Colonels
SAPS’ Ethics and Q3: - by 2022-06-30
Integrity Plan Q4: - 2. Implementation of consequence management for non-compliance
(Percentage of 3. Utilisation of DPSA/NSG assistance and course
financial disclosures 2022-06-30 Absent personnel Contacting
4. Establishment of the office of the Provincial Risk and Integrity (ie leave / sick members who are
of Lt Colonels
Management in line with the approved structure leave not having absent from duty
submitted within the
timeframe) 5. Establishment of an Ethics Committee access to e- to make
6. Advocating awareness of corruption related cases disclosure arrangements for Provincial Head:
Percentage 100% 100% Q1: 100% Implementation of the Ethics and Integrity Plan by: capturing e- Human
compliance with the Q2: 100% disclosure Resource
1. Ensuring the submission of financial disclosure within 30 days of al Budget
SAPS’ Ethics and Q3: 100% Delay by Management
appointment to SMS members and Lt. Colonels
Integrity Plan Q4: 100% members to
2. Utilisation of DPSA/NSG assistance and course
(Percentage of capture Implement
3. Giving one-on-one assistance to personnel newly appointed to the Within 30
financial disclosures information on e- consequence
relevant offices days of
of newly appointed disclosure management
4. Vetting of members within the Procurement Chain appointment
SMS, and Lt.
Colonels within 30
days of

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Implemented Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)-related recommendations

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS

Sub-outcome: Ethics and Integrity institutionalised within the SAPS

Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Percentage of IPID 100% 100% Q1: 100% Provide for the timeous initiation of IPID-related disciplinary cases by: Immediate
recommendations (83 / 83) Q2: 100% initiation
initiated within the Q3: 100% 1. Prioritising the initiation and capturing of IPID investigations upon
- -
prescribed Q4: 100% receipt
timeframe 2. Regular meetings with representatives from IPID to discuss Proper
Availability of
recommendations Monthly meeting
role players
arrangement Provincial
Percentage of IPID- 100% 90%5 Q1: 90% Provide for an effective Disciplinary process for the initiation and Head: Human
related cases (26 / 26) Q2: 90% finalisation of IPID-related disciplinary cases by: HRM
finalised within the Q3: 90% 1. Monitoring adherence to prescribed time frames Operational
prescribed Q4: 90% Budget Availability of Create
2. Prioritising the finalization of IPID-related investigations Within 60
timeframe (60 functionaries sufficient
calendar days) 3. Prioritising of all IPID recommendations finalised accordingly to finalise pool of
cases functionaries
4. Continuous core related training of functionaries
5. Regular meetings with representatives from IPID to discuss

The lower target was set by National Head Office as Provinces are not in control of all departmental hearings within the Province. Certain hearings are initiated at National Head Office
from time to time and is finalised at that level. This office also has to rely on co-operation from other departments to finalise these matters and thus timeframes may be exceeded.
Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Finalisation of disciplinary hearings

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS
Sub-outcome: Ethics and Integrity institutionalised within the SAPS
Action taken
Output Quarterly Budget per to Address
Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Indicator Target Activity the
Percentage of 85.44% 90% Q1: 90% Provide for an effective Disciplinary process and the finalisation of
disciplinary (88 / 103) Q2: 90% disciplinary cases by:
hearings Q3: 90% 1. Enhancing the capacity of the Provincial Disciplinary Section
finalised within Q4: 90% 2. Analysing factors causing the delay in finalisation of disciplinary cases
the prescribed 3. Overseeing the implementation of remedial action
timeframe Availability of Create
4. Monitoring adherence to prescribed time frames Within 60 HRM Provincial Head:
functionaries sufficient
5. Monitoring the finalisation rate of all disciplinary cases calendar Operational Human Resource
to finalise pool of
6. Continuous core related training of functionaries days Budget Management
cases functionaries
7. Utilising all trained officers as functionaries in terms of the discipline
8. Job shadowing of officers during disciplinary procedures

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Professional response to service complaints against SAPS members

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS

Sub-outcome: Ethics and Integrity institutionalised within the SAPS

Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Percentage -13.60% Reduce by Q1: 652 1. Ensure service complaints coordinators are appointed and details
reduction in (2 744) 5% to communicated and displayed.
Q2: 652
service 2 607
2. Monthly Provincial service complaints forum meeting for accountability
complaints Q3: 652
sessions are held Inspectorate
against SAPS Provincial Head:
Q4: 651 2023-03-31 operational - -
members 3. Identify high contributing stations and types of complaints in order to Inspectorate
allow for redress and training

4. Consequence management to be instituted against the delinquent


The finalisation 84.04% 72%6 Q1: 72% 1. Enforce consequence management for non-compliance
rate of
Q2: 72% 2. Improve analysis and screening of complaints before distribution to
complaints (2 387 /
business units
against the 2 840) Q3: 72%
Service in terms 3. Distinguish between internal and external complaints
Q4: 72%
of approved time
4. Re-enforce the attendance of Complaints Forum meetings where all Inspectorate
standards per Provincial Head:
outstanding complaints are addressed 2023-03-31 operational - -
category of Inspectorate
complaints budget
5. Upon receipt thereof, the Immediate circulation of complaints to
(30 days) applicable stations for attention.

6. Open communication between all levels of coordinators to expedite the

turn-around time

7. Ensure the implementation of the new NI 6 of 2017

The Target is lower than the Baseline as the Target of 72% was determined by NHO.
Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Sound financial management

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS
Sub-outcome: Sound Corporate Governance
Output Due Budget per taken to
Baseline Target Quarterly Target Activities Dependencies Address the Responsibility
Indicator Date Activity

Percentage +160% Reduce by Q1: 1 1. Establishing of a Provincial Budget Management Forum Awareness,
decrease in the (13) 70% to 4 Q2: 1 2. Revisiting the delegation of authority on expenditure within the various knowledge
number of Q3: 1 levels and
incidents of Q4: 1 3. Requesting the signing of priority contracts at the beginning of the financial compliance of
confirmed year in terms of identified needs SCM the PFMA and Provincial Head:
2023-03- circulation
Irregular 4. Revising the terms of reference for Resource Committees operational relevant Supply Chain
31 of relevant
expenditure 5. Conduct awareness/ workshop/in-service training to ensure compliance to budget directives Management
prescripts with regards
at all levels.
Number of 0 0 Q1: 0 6. New instruction to be accompanied by a checklist and communicated to
incidents of Q2: 0 station level
unauthorised Q3: 0 7. Identify stations in need of in-service training
expenditure Q4: 0 8. Update the intranet with all new prescripts Awareness,
9. The enforcement of compliance to national instruction and treasury knowledge
regulations and
10. The implementation of the terms of reference for Integrated Resource compliance of
Financial Re-
Committee the PFMA and Provincial Head:
2023-03- Management circulation
Percentage -95.54% Reduce by Q1: 0 11. Monitoring and distribution of reports relevant Financial
31 operational of relevant
decrease in the (9) 80% to 2 Q2: 1 12. Establishing of a Provincial Budget Management Forum directives Management
budget directives.
number of Q3: 0 with regards
13. Revisiting the delegation of authority on expenditure within the various
incidents of Q4: 1 to
confirmed procurement
14. Revising the terms of reference for Resource Committees
fruitless and at all levels.
15. Implementation of a directive on the handling of penalties emanating from
the licensing of vehicles
16. Monitoring of vehicle licence renewals on a monthly basis

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Sound financial management

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS
Sub-outcome: Sound Corporate Governance
Output Due Budget per taken to
Baseline Target Quarterly Target Activities Dependencies Address the Responsibility
Indicator Date Activity

Percentage of 98.95% 97% - 100% Q1: 24.25% - 25% Provide for a sound financial management process through:
expenditure (R1 502 Q2: 48.5% - 50% 1. Assessing financial expenditure at all provincial Organisational levels
versus budget 262 283 / Q3: 72.75% - 75% 2. Expediting the distribution of budget allocations to the different business Timeous
allocation R1 518 268 Q4: 97% -100% units in the Province upon receipt from NHO allocation of
000 3. Monitoring and distribution of Early Warning Reports budget to
4. Establishing of a Provincial Budget Management Forum Province
2023-03- Management
5. Revisiting the delegation of authority on expenditure within the various -
31 operational
levels Improved
6. SCM and Finance to request the signing of priority contracts at the vehicle
beginning of the financial year in terms of identified needs procurement
7. Drafting of a comprehensive budget plan (e.g. calendar of events for PMF, processes
QRS as well as planning sessions) at the beginning of the financial year
8. Monitoring of Enhanced turnaround time in the processing of claims.

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Inculcated a culture of regulatory compliance and performance management

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS
Sub-outcome: Sound Corporate Governance
Action taken
Quarterly Due Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Activities Dependencies Responsibility
Baseline Target Target Date Activity the
Percentage of audits 100% 100% Q1: 25% 1. Identification of Audit sites and compilation of the Internal Audit Plan Utilising
completed in terms (8 / 8) Q2: 50% for approval Internal Audit video
2023-03- Protocols Provincial Head:
of the approved Q3: 75% 2. Executing audits as per approved Internal Audit Plan operational conferencing
31 lifted / Internal Audit
Internal Audit Plan Q4: 100% 3. Issuing signed final report of audits executed Budget where
Percentage of 585.71% 100% Q1: 25% Conducting of the following inspections at identified Business Units:
inspections executed Planned: 21 Q2: 50% Utilising
1. Service delivery evaluations Covid-19
in terms of the Conducted: Q3: 75% Inspectorate video
2. Ad-hoc inspections / evaluations 2023-03- Protocols Provincial Head:
approved Inspection 123 Q4: 100% operational conferencing
3. Interventions at identified underperforming business units 31 lifted / Inspectorate
Plan budget where
4. Co-ordination of findings by assurance providers
Percentage of AGSA 100% 100% Q1: 100% Mitigate findings by Auditor General through:
audit reports (1 / 1) Q2: 100% 1. Preparing the audit site by means of conducting pre-audit visits
analysed and Q3: 100% Organisational
2. Compiling an Action plan with a view to form Task teams from the Provincial Head:
distributed Q4: 100% Development
various financial programmes to execute compliance inspections Organisational
2023-03- and Strategic
3. The circulation of Technical Indicator Description to all business units - - Development
31 Management
4. The analysis of reports to identify transversal and repeat findings and Strategic
5. Distribution of audit reports to business units for implementation of Management
corrective action and intervention
6. Conduct regular AGSA meetings

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Inculcated a culture of regulatory compliance and performance management

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS
Sub-outcome: Sound Corporate Governance
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies to Address the Responsibility
Target Activity
Percentage 6.56% Reduce by Q1: 721 Monitor the effective implementation of the National Civil Claim Action Plan by:
decrease in civil 3 003 4% to 2 883 Q2: 721 1. Complying to Policy and Legislative imperatives
claims against the Q3: 721 2. Summoning the highest contributing business units to account at the PRMC
SAPS Q4: 720 with special focus on priority areas by creating intervention plans
3. Instituting consequence management for the issuing of unlawful
4. Prioritising integrated work sessions for all new employees on the
prevention of civil claims and risk awareness
5. Enforcement of National Instruction on Civil Claims 25/2019
6. Compliance to PFMA directives
7. Effective implementation of National Instruction 10/2016 on Debt Recovery Legal and Provincial Head:
8. Ensure the receipt of relevant documentations from custodian Policy Compliance Re-circulation Legal and Policy
9. Conduct awareness drives (refresher courses on updated prescripts) relating 2023-03-31 Services with SAPS of relevant Services and
to legal document operational directives directives commanders at
10. Station lectures to be revived budget all levels
11. Proper benchmarking expedited
12. Ensure the implementation of the NI at station level
13. Mandate to be given to station commanders to appoint experienced officer
to liaise with provincial office
14. Conduct a root course analysis into civil claims
15. Roles and responsibilities to be expanded on
16. Ensure quality of investigation of cases that lead to civil claims
17. Office responsible for civil claims to conduct an analysis/study into civil
18. Ensure that legal prescripts are made available in the intranet

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Improve the public perception of the SAPS

Outcome: A professional and capable SAPS
Sub-outcome: Sound Corporate Governance
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Baseline Target Target Activity the
Number of 70 Maintain 70 Q1: 18 Facilitate the improvement of public perception of the SAPS through:
awareness Q2: 18 1. Developing and marketing an internal Communications Strategy
campaigns Q3: 17 2. Monitoring and Evaluation of the implementation of the Communications Provincial Head:
conducted to Q4: 17 Strategy 2023-03-31 - - Corporate
promote the 3. Embarking on awareness campaigns internally and externally Communication
image of the 4. Request a detail survey from Research Component

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Improved regulation of Reduce by 10% to
Number of SAPS-owned firearms confirmed as stolen/lost 25 25 25 24
firearms 99

Improved access to Policing Percentage of feasibility studies finalised within 90 days 70% 70% 70% 70% 70%

Enhancement of security at
Number of identified Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) sites implemented 18 - - - 18
prioritised sites
Modernisation of the SAPS
Percentage utilisation of NPIS 90% 90% 90% 90% 90%
network and prioritised sites
Percentage of learners assessed and declared competent upon completion of their training in 97% - 97% -
97% - 99.97% 97% - 99.97% 97% - 99.97%
terms of the TPP 99.97% 99.97%
Percentage of learners assessed and declared competent upon completion of specified
97% -
training in prioritised training areas 97% - 100% 97% - 100% 97% - 100% 97% - 100%
Improved capability of SAPS (Crime prevention)
members Percentage of learners assessed and declared competent upon completion of specified
97% - 97% -
training in prioritised training areas 97% - 99.78% 97% - 99.78% 97% - 99.78%
99.78% 99.78%
(Crimes committed against women and children)
Percentage of learners assessed and declared competent upon completion of specified
97% -
training in prioritised training areas 97% - 100% 97% - 100% 97% - 100% 97% - 100%
(Crime Investigations)

Percentage of employees reached through proactive EHW interventions 40% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Improved employee health
and wellness
Provincial absenteeism tolerance rate (sick leave) 3.25% 3.25% 3.25% 3.25% 3.25%

Increase to
Percentage workforce maintained against the approved establishment 98% 98% 98% 98%
Business units adequately 98%
capacitated Percentage service terminations submitted to National Head Office within prescribed
80% 80% 80% 80% 80%
Improvement of requisite
resources to sustain quality
Percentage of total vehicle fleet available for policing Increase to 85% 85% 85% 85% 85%
service delivery on strategic

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Percentage compliance with the SAPS’ Ethics and Integrity Plan
100% 100% - - -
(Percentage of financial disclosures of SMS officers submitted within the timeframe)

Implemented Ethics and Percentage compliance with the SAPS’ Ethics and Integrity Plan
100% 100% - - -
Integrity (Percentage of financial disclosures of Lt. Colonels submitted within the timeframe)
Percentage compliance with the SAPS’ Ethics and Integrity Plan
(Percentage of financial disclosures of newly appointed SMS and Lt, Colonels within 30 days of 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Implemented Independent
Police Investigative Percentage of IPID recommendations initiated within the prescribed timeframe 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Directorate (IPID)-related
recommendations Percentage of IPID-related cases finalised within the prescribed timeframe (60 calendar days) 90% 90% 90% 90% 90%

Finalisation of disciplinary
Percentage of disciplinary hearings finalised within the prescribed timeframe 90% 90% 90% 90% 90%
Reduce by 5% to
Professional response to Percentage reduction in service complaints against SAPS members 652 652 652 651
2 607
service complaints against
SAPS members The finalisation rate of complaints against the Service in terms of approved time standards
72% 72% 72% 72% 72%
per category of complaints (30 days)
Percentage decrease in the number of incidents of confirmed
Reduce by 70% to 4 1 1 1 1
Irregular expenditure

Number of incidents of unauthorised expenditure 0 0 0 0 0

Sound financial management
Percentage decrease in the number of incidents of confirmed fruitless and wasteful
Reduce by 80% to 2 0 1 0 1

Percentage of expenditure versus budget allocation 97% - 100% 24.25% - 25% 48.5% - 50% 72.75% - 75% 97% -100%

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

Percentage of audits completed in terms of the approved Internal Audit Plan 100% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Inculcated a culture of Percentage of inspections completed in terms of the approved Inspection Plan 100% 25% 50% 75% 100%
regulatory compliance and
performance management Percentage of AGSA audit reports analysed and distributed 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Reduce by 4% to
Percentage decrease in civil claims against the SAPS 721 721 721 720
2 883

Improve the public

Number of awareness campaigns conducted to promote the image of the SAPS Maintain 70 18 18 17 17
perception of the SAPS

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


Purpose: Enable police stations to institute and preserve safety and security; and to provide for specialised interventions and the policing of
South Africa’s borders
Sub-programme: Crime Prevention

Output: Reduced levels of Contact Crime

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Percentage 171301 Reduce by - Q1: -7.48% 1. Overseeing policing to facilitate a reduction in Contact Crime by:
reduction in the 7.48% to Q2: -7.48% 1.1 Registering, retaining and effective utilisation of informers
number of 158488 Q3: -7.48% 1.2 Intelligence led strategic deployment of resources at identified hot spots
reported Contact Q4: -7.48% 1.3 Implementation of Social Crime Prevention initiatives including target
Crimes hardening - crime awareness campaigns and safety tips
1.4 A focused approach in terms of the policing of the National Top Stations
contributing to contact crimes
1.5 Sustaining interventions and operations Effective
1.6 The marketing of the MySAPS app to communities Sufficient management
Visible DPC: Policing
1.7 Effective Utilisation of drones and CCTV cameras resources of resources
2023-03- Policing
1.8 Utilisation of community patrols / community in blue 31 Operational Provincial Head:
1.9 Create well targeted social crime prevention sustainable programmes Cooperation Improved
budget Visible Policing
by all LEA’s relationship
1.10 Effective utilisation of GBV Brigades in partnership with Social Crime
with LEA’s
1.11 Identify hotspot areas with high prevalence of Contact Crimes and saturate
the area
1.12 Ensure effective utilisation of Vehicle booths at LCRC after recovery of
robbed and stolen vehicles
1.13 Confiscation of dangerous weapons
1.14 Policing of B-crimes / crime generators in order to prevent escalation of
these minor offences to reduce Contact Crimes

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Reduced levels of Contact Crime

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
2. Enforce compliance of Liquor Legislation as a generator of Contact Crimes
2.1 The maintenance of a fully equipped and capacitated Provincial Compliance
Team resorting under the Provincial Head: Visible Policing
2.2 Foster and maintain partnerships between all law enforcement, NPA,
Gauteng Liquor Board, SARS and Customs and Excise
2.3 Enhance community based intelligence, providing information on
problematic and illegal liquor outlets
2.4 Enforce opening and closing times are adhered to by all liquor outlets
2.5 Rapid response on any non-compliance issues reported
2.6 Continuous training and capacitation of DLO’s at all police stations
2.7 Awareness campaigns on the sale of liquor and adherence to Liquor

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Reduced levels of Contact Crime

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Output Quarterly Budget per to Address
Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Indicator Target Activity the
Percentage 45 231 Reduce by Q1: -7.48% Overseeing policing at priority police station areas to facilitate a reduction in
reduction in the 7.48% to Q2: -7.48% crime by:
number of 41 848 Q3: -7.48% 1. Intelligence-led deployment of the highway patrol unit
reported Q4: -7.48% 2. Tactical and combat approach in response to Contact Crimes Sufficient
Contact Crimes 3. Deployment of TRT to prevent Aggravated Robberies resources
at the Top 17 Visible DPC: Policing
4. Tactical and combat approach in station operations of resources
High Contact 2023-03- Policing
5. Social crime prevention through enhanced community awareness
Crime Weight 31 Operational Cooperation Provincial Head:
6. Enhanced Liquor and Second Hand Goods compliance inspections Improved
Stations budget by all LEA’s Visible Policing
7. Integrated operations with other LEA’s relationship
8. Conducting of cross border operations with neighbouring provinces with LEA’s
9. Cross-border (between police stations) policing – move SAPS members
between different police stations
10. Effective implementation of the PAAP (Post Audit Action Plan)
Number of 94 Decrease to Q1: 23 Provide for effective custody management by:
escapees from 92 (-2%) Q2: 46 1. Utilisation of tactical escorts for high profile prisoners
police custody Q3: 69 2. Collaborating with DOJ with regards to escorts in high profile cases
Q4: 92 3. Reviewing of the safety standards of vehicles transporting prisoners
4. The effective utilisation of restraining equipment
5. Proper inspection of accused property
Visible Compliance DPC: Policing
6. Effective implementation of the SAPS Detention Management Strategy i.e. 2023-03- Implement
Policing with directives
conducting of cell visits, including in court cells consequence
31 Operational wrt custody Provincial Head:
7. Overseeing the continuous evaluation of infrastructure, personnel and management
budget management Visible Policing
equipment utilized for the safe guarding of arrestees
8. Conducting of critical analysis on all escapes from police custody to
identify risk factors
9. Update and distribute the Provincial Prevention of Escapes Plan
10. Evaluate steps against members involved
11. Implement the expeditious process in terms of disciplinary procedures

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

12. Institute and departmental and criminal proceedings against SAPS

personnel where applicable
13. Increasing command and control to ensure the implementation of
14. Implementation of the High Court plan to prevent escapes
15. Conduct a threat assessment of all escapes to identify and address
16. Visits and searches at court holding cells
17. Evaluate and update all court safety plans
18. Alignment of Provincial Detention and Escort Management Plan to the
national plan
19. Capacitate court cell guards in order to prevent the same guards from
transporting and guarding prisoners
20. Prevention of swapping of identities in cells – implementation of wrist tag
21. Detention of undocumented foreign nationals – at specific approved
22. Effective utilisation of NPIS to aid in re-arrest of escapees

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Reduced levels of Contact Crime

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing

Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities

Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the

Number of 13 662 Maintain Q1: 3 417 1. Monitoring the effective implementation of the ANPR (Automatic Number
stolen/robbed 13 662 Q2: 6 832 Plate Recognition)
vehicles Q3: 10 247 2. Enhancing the capacity of members to identify stolen vehicles
recovered Q4: 13 662 3. Compliance inspections at second hand goods dealers dealing with second
hand vehicles as well as panel beaters / scrap yards Sufficient Effective
4. Strategic intelligence driven deployment at identified hotspots and resources management
Visible DPC: Policing
targeted routes of resources
5. Effective coordination with Border Policing 2023-03-31 Cooperation
Operational Provincial Head:
6. Initiate the training of personnel in the identification of stolen and robbed by all LEA’s Improved
budget Visible Policing
vehicles relationship
7. Initiate the training of personnel, including MPD’s, in the identification of with LEA’s
stolen and robbed vehicles
8. Ensure an increase in testing of vehicles
9. Reduction or elimination of AGSA audit findings related to the recovery of
motor vehicles

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Reduced levels of Serious Crime

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Percentage 408 271 Reduce by Q1: -2% 1. Conducting Impact Assessments of operations
reduction in the 2% to Q2: -2% 2. Enhancing operational partnerships with security and other role players to
number of 400 106 Q3: -2% address hotspots
reported Serious Q4: -2% 3. Conducting integrated, targeted and robust operations at all levels to Effective
Crimes address serious crimes and by-law enforcement management
Visible resources DPC: Policing
of resources
4. Effective implementation of the O Kae Molao and GGT 5 Year Policing Plan Policing
5. Maximise the multi-disciplinary approach in mobilising and sustaining Operational Cooperation Provincial Head:
crime prevention initiatives through the development and implementation budget by all LEA’s Visible Policing
of integrated community safety plans at all levels
with LEA’s
6. Continued implementation of the Ministerial Priorities action plan
7. Initiate the utilisation of drones
8. Effective utilisation of informers

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Reduced levels of Serious Crime

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Percentage 91 151 Reduce by 2% Q1: -2% 1. Collaborating and integrating of all Law Enforcement Agencies through
reduction in the to 89 328 Q2: -2% GLEAF
number of Q3: -2% 2. Review of the GLEAF strategy
reported Q4: -2% 3. Identifying and addressing contributing factors of crime relating to supply
Property Crimes and demand
4. Maximising the use of technology
5. Enhancing the communication channel for whistle blowers to report crimes
and ensuring anonymity
6. Overseeing policing to facilitate a reduction in Property Crime through:
6.1 Addressing the Illicit economy through the implementation of the Premier’s
Priorities Action Plan
6.2 Effective implementation of safety plans to address property crimes
Sufficient Effective
6.3 Mobilisation of security companies at identified hot spots
resources management
6.4 Enhanced community awareness of safety tips including Crime prevention Visible DPC: Policing
of resources
through environmental design 2023-03- Policing
6.5 Deployment of the community patrollers at identified hotspots areas for the 31 Operational Provincial Head:
by all LEA’s Improved
prevention of vehicle related crimes budget Visible Policing
6.6 Creating awareness in terms of minimizing opportunity by removing valuable
with LEA’s
items from the vehicles
7. Overseeing the following in order to reduce Stock Theft:
7.1 The Implementation of the revised Rural Safety Strategy at identified rural
Police Stations
7.2 Compliance checks at stock auctions and abattoirs
7.3 Regular cross border operations
7.4 Awareness campaigns on farmers to brand their stock
7.5 Capacitation of Rural Safety Coordinators to identify brand marks
7.6 Forging partnership with Department of Agriculture for the transportation
7.7 Integrated joint operations with rural communities to prevent stock theft
and crimes

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Reduced levels of Serious Crime

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
7.8 Encourage the utilization of technology by farmers

Output: Reduced levels of Serious Crime

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Percentage 29 477 Reduce by Q1: -2% Facilitating the reduction of Contact Related Crime through:
reduction in the 2% to Q2: -2% 1. Improved data integrity with regards to the registration of cases (i.e. public
number of 28 888 Q3: -2% violence / Arson)
reported Contact Q4: -2% 2. Effective implementation of the DVA
Related Crimes 3. Enhancing communication and community mobilisation
4. Effective policing of public protests / gatherings Effective
5. Improved monitoring of the process of ensuring that data is correctly Visible management DPC: Policing
captured Policing Sufficient of resources
6. Awareness campaigns in conjunction with the GBV brigades in terms of 2023-03-31
Operational resources Provincial Head:
Domestic Violence-related MITP budget Report vacant Visible Policing
7. Creating awareness in terms of minimizing opportunity by removing posts
valuable items from vehicles to prevent vehicle-related offences
8. Effectively addressing housing disputes and other service delivery related
9. Immediate activation of other stakeholders to address root causes of
10. Intensify community intelligence for early warning systems

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Reduced levels of Serious Crime

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Percentage 116 342 Reduce by Q1:- 2% 1. Conducting of community awareness programmes
reduction in the 2% Q2: -2% 2. Mobilisation of business sectors and security companies
number of 114 016 Q3: -2% 3. The effective functioning and the capacitation of the established E2
reported Other Q4: -2% partnership with Business Against Crime and the Security Industry
Serious Crimes 4. Evidence based policing of crime, especially damage to and theft of
essential infrastructure
5. Addressing the market for stolen goods
6. Reduction in the number of Commercial Crimes (Fraud), through:
6.1 Enforcement of the Criminal Matters Amendment Act 18/2015 (CMA)
Visible management DPC: Policing
6.2 Strengthening the communication channel for whistle blowers to report Policing Sufficient of resources
crimes and ensure that they remain anonymous 2023-03-31
Operational resources Provincial Head:
6.3 Effective enforcement of RICA
budget Report vacant Visible Policing
6.4 Awareness in terms of online crime i.e secure websites posts
6.5 Initiate ongoing projects with Corporate Communications for awareness
on both social media and electronic / print media
6.6 Collaboration with government departments i.e Housing, Labour, Social
Development and SASSA to improve systems to reduce incidents of Fraud
6.7 Encourage Insurance companies to do thorough investigation into the
reporting of theft of cellphones
6.8 Thorough interview of complainants prior to the registration of offences
6.9 Effective enforcement of the Cybercrime Act

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Reduced levels of Serious Crime

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Percentage 24 638 Reduce by Q1: -7.48% 1. Daily analysis of Trio Crimes at POCC to establish links
reduction in the 7.48% to Q2:- 7.48% 2.1 Overseeing the following in order to reduce Carjacking:
number of 22 796 Q3: -7.48% 2.2 Intelligence led deployment of the highway patrol
reported Trio Q4: -7.48% 2.3 Foster sustainable partnerships with vehicle tracking companies and
Crimes security companies
2.4 Strategic joint deployment with special attention to the high crime weight
2.5 Enhanced inspections at second hand dealers
2.6 Effective tasking of informers
2.7 Conducting air-to-ground operations at identified hot spots
2.8 Task Crime Intelligence with the collection and analysis of crime data
2.9 Effective utilisation of technology Sufficient Effective
2.10 Strategic static deployment of all law enforcement agencies resources management
Visible DPC: Policing
2.11 Acquire and effective utilization of technology of resources
2.12 Enhancing collaboration with other relevant Departments such as SANRAL 2023-03-31 Operational Cooperation
Provincial Head:
and the Department of Human Settlements by all LEA’s Improved
budget Visible Policing
2.13 The effective implementation of the GGT plan with regard to policing of relationship
hotspots including hostels through e-policing with LEA’s
2.14 Collaboration with municipalities to mount crime hotspots warning signs
2.15 Constant communications of crime tips/hotspots
2.16 Intensify sustainable high crime awareness programmes to reduce trio
3. Overseeing the following in order to reduce Business Robberies:
3.1 Crime awareness campaigns to be conducted at formal and informal
businesses to improve security
3.2 Conducting of business compliance operations
3.3 Establish a platform for engagement between SABRIC / DTI and informal
businesses for the education of business owners
3.4 Intensifying integrated operations at High Crime Weight Stations

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

4. Overseeing the following in order to reduce House Robberies:

4.1 Intensify awareness programmes in conjunction with neighbourhood
watch committees
4.2 Effective utilisation of E2 project at all areas with special attention at High
Crime Weight Stations
4.3 Developing and implementing E2 Project Response Plan in all areas
including townships
2.4. Effective utilisation of technology including drones
4.5 Activation of relevant stakeholders in a joint collaborated operation at
profiled hotspots
4.6 Improved cooperation with external stakeholders with specific reference
to the Parole Board / Department of Correctional Services

Output: Enhanced personal safety of members

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Percentage 7 Reduce by Q1: 1 1. Enforcing and monitoring compliance with the Police Safety Plan
reduction in 10% to 6 Q2: 2 2. Conducting a Risk Assessment and compiling a Risk Response Plan based
police officials Q3: 1 on Risk Factors as determined by Provincial Head Office and Division
murdered on Q4: 2 Visible Policing
duty 3. Enforcing regular compliance inspections of all operational members and
4. Promoting police safety through internal campaigns and workshops Visible Creating DPC: Policing
Policing awareness of
5. Enhancing the functioning of the Provincial Police Safety Committee 2023-03-31 with the Police
operational the Police Provincial Head:
6. Include training on Section 49 Criminal Procedure Act in Crime Prevention Safety Plan
budget Safety Plan Visible Policing
workshops / training
7. Intensify safety measures at prioritised police stations
8. Ensure operational briefing and debriefing at on and off duty parades
9. Identify local indoor shooting ranges to ensure continuous maintenance
shooting practice Tactical 1 and Tactical 2
10. Initiate the procurement of mobile lazer shooting simulators

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Reduced levels of GBVF, through strengthened community partnerships

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing
Sub-outcome: Responsive policing of GBVF
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Percentage of 100% 100% Q1: 100% Providing an effective victim friendly service to victims of crime by:
functional police (143 / Q2: 100% 1. Private furnished room/structure at all stations to render this service
stations 143) Q3: 100% 2. Monitor and evaluate the use of the private furnished room / structure at
rendering a Q4: 100% Implementation
all stations through SDIP Visible DPC: Policing
victim friendly of the NSP on Implement
3. Compliance with directives/guidelines in respect of NGO’s and National Policing
service to victims 2023-03-31 GBVF and the Consequence
Instruction 2/2012 Operational Provincial Head:
of crime GBV Response management
4. Conduct regular inspections at Victim Friendly Facilities budget Visible Policing
including GBVF Plan
5. Ensure officer/member is dedicated to the victim friendly facility in order
to ensure compliance in line with the relevant directives and guidelines
6. Collaboration with DCS to provide GBVF training to dedicated members

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Reduced violence against women / children

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing
Sub-outcome: Responsive policing of GBVF
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies to Address the Responsibility
Target Activity
Percentage 45 924 Reduce by Q1: -6.9% 1. Cooperation between relevant government departments e.g. DSD on all
reduction in the 6.9% to Q2: -6.9% levels in order to address contributing factors of crimes against women
number of 42 756 Q3: -6.9% 2. Target hardening - crime awareness campaigns (safety tips) vigorously
reported Contact Q4: -6.9% implemented
Crimes Against 3. Implementation of Social Crime Prevention initiatives
Women (18 years 4. Promote the MySAPS app to communities
and above) 5. Effective implementation of the GBV and Sexual Offences Action Plan and
the GGT GBV Response Plan
Percentage 8 208 Reduce by Q1: -6.73% 6. Ensure that VEC’s are operational 24 hrs a day Implementation
reduction in the 6.73% to Q2: -6.73% 7. Visible DPC: Policing
Conducting awareness campaigns with regard to the withdrawal of cases of the NSP on Implement
number of 7 656 Q3: -6.73% 8. Policing
Initiation of partnership between SAPS and GBV brigades 2023-03-31 GBVF and the Consequence
reported Contact Q4: -6.73% 9. Operational Provincial Head:
Create well targeted social crime prevention sustainable programmes GBV Response management
Crimes Against budget Visible Policing
10. Effective utilisation of GBV Brigades in partnership with Social Crime Plan
Children (below
18 years)
11. Liquor Board – Project to ensure compliance at identified police stations
(Liquor Traders Associations)
12. School Safety / Awareness programmes – education of potential victims,
including the withdrawal of cases, in collaboration with DCS
13. Immediate serving of protection orders
14. Collaboration with DCS and DSD with regards to the Domestic Violence
Compliance Forum

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Reduced reaction time to complaints

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing
Sub-outcome: Reaction to complaints
Action taken to
Quarterly Due Budget per
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Dependencies Address the Responsibility
Target Date Activity
Average reaction time 12:56 12:56 Q1: 12:56 1. Improve complaints response time by ensuring the following:
to Alpha complaints Q2: 12:56 1.1 Continuous monitoring of outstanding complaints on the CAS / ICDMS
Q3: 12:56 / EIS
Q4: 12:56 1.2 Consequence management in terms of late and non-attendance of
Average reaction time 14:06 14:06 Q1: 14:06 1.3 Identification of poor performing stations and conducting
to Bravo complaints Q2: 14:06 accountability sessions Radio Urgent DPC: Policing
Q3: 14:06 1.4 Identify high contributing Districts and Stations infrastructure attention to any
2023-03- Policing
Q4: 14:06 1.5 Collaboration with the Department of Health with regards to fast operational at interruptions to Provincial Head:
31 Operational
all times radio Rapid Response
tracking of assistance with patients in police custody, including mental budget
communications Services
health patients to reduce the time spent on such complaints
Average reaction time 13:34 13:34 Q1: 13:34 1.6 Acquire and utilise technology for the accurate reporting of Reaction
to Charlie complaints Q2: 13:34 Time
Q3: 13:34 1.7 Ensure pocket book inspection as per S.O. 256 and 259
Q4: 13:34

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Strengthened community partnerships

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing
Sub-outcome: Citizenry actively supporting the fight against crime
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies to Address the Responsibility
Target Activity
Percentage of 100% 100% Q1: 100% Provide for an effective CPF through:
functional police (143 / 143) Q2: 100% 1. Effective implementation of the Community Policing Strategy
stations that have Q3: 100% 2. Compliance with the directives regarding the functioning of CPFs (including
functional Q4: 100% subsidiary structures)
Community Create
3. Receipt of prescribed returns relating to the functioning of CPFs (including
Police Forums awareness
subsidiary structures) Visible Implementation DPC: Policing
and re-
4. Monitoring of the implementation of CPF action plans Policing of Community
2023-03-31 circulate the
5. Active participation in Community Safety Forums to give effect to Operational Policing Provincial Head:
Integrated Development Planning through programme and project budget Strategy Visible Policing
development and implementation
6. Ensure the screening of all elected members of the CPF
7. Capacitating of CPF coordinators at Police Stations
8. Enhancing Community Mobilisation Plans at all levels to align actions taken
to identified Crime Prevention needs

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Increased Police Visibility

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing

Sub-outcome: Citizenry actively supporting the fight against crime

Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the

Number of Districts in which New 5 Q1: 5 1. Issue a Provincial Instruction to maintain the Community-in-Blue Visible Creation of DPC: Policing
the Community in Blue Indicator Q2: 5 Concept an
Q3: 5 2023-03- Policing
Concept has been - integrated
Q4: 5 2. Submit feedback reports to NHO with the confirmation of 31 Operational
maintained working Provincial Head:
registration forms budget committee Visible Policing

Number of Police Stations in New 2 Q1: - 1. Ensure an appointment letter is issued to the Sector Commander
which the Traditional Indicator Q2: - / Rural Safety Coordinator and a copy of his / her Job description
Policing Concept has been Q3: -
reflecting the duties of the Coordinator for each are sector / area
initiated Q4: 2
where the Traditional Policing Concept has been initiated Visible Involvement Creation of DPC: Policing
2. Implement a database of Traditional Leadership structures Policing of Traditional an
Leaders in integrated
3. Quarterly activity report. Operational relevant working Provincial Head:
budget policing areas committee Visible Policing
4. Relevant schedule and data set.

Request Traditional Leaders at the relevant policing precincts

to delegate one person to form part of the CPF.

Number of cities and towns 2 27 Q1: - 1. Ensuring effective implementation of the Safer City Framework by:
in which the initiation of the Q2: -
Q3: - 2. Consultation with stakeholders
SAPS Safer Cities Project has
Q4: 2 Visible Creation of DPC: Policing
been confirmed 3. Implementation of the Safer City Plans
Policing Support of an
4. Defining roles and responsibilities Municipality / integrated
31 Operational City working Provincial Head:
5. The establishment and continuous functioning of a Project Teams budget committee Visible Policing
6. Emphasise on active participation by city managers and mayors

7. Signing of MOU between all role-players

The Traditional Policing Concept was approved for implementation at Bronkhorstspruit and Temba Police Stations in Tshwane District.
Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Increased Police Visibility

Outcome: Collaborative and consultative approach to policing

Sub-outcome: Citizenry actively supporting the fight against crime

Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the

Percentage increase in the 927 Increase by Q1: +2% 1. Profiling of identified places of interest
number of Sexual offences: 2% to 945
Q2: +2% 2. Establishment of joint integrated teams at District level
Detected as a result of
police action Q3: +2% 3. Conducting of awareness campaigns
Q4: +2% Visible DPC: Policing
4. Conducting of raids at identified hotspots
Policing Effective
2023-03- Sufficient
5. Intensify of informers network and arrests management
31 Operational resources
of resources Provincial Head:
6. Enforcement of entrapment system Section 252(a) budget Visible Policing
7. The implementation of Human Trafficking in Persons Act

8. Enhance police visibility in hotspots areas

9. Enforce liquor compliance and drug operations in hotspots areas

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Improved regulation of firearms

Outcome: The law upheld and enforced, to support the stamping (asserting) of the authority of the State
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Number of 1 435 Increase to Q1: 363 1. Address contributors to crime, through:
stolen, lost and 1 449 Q2: 726 1.1 Conducting multi-disciplinary intelligence led operations with other Law
illegal firearms (+1%) Q3: 1 089 Enforcement Agencies
recovered Q4: 1 449 1.2 Coordinating deployment of Visible Policing Specialised Units
1.3 Minimizing the proliferation of and enhancing the control over firearms
1.4 Intensify of informers network and arrests
1.5 Enhance community intelligence Monitor non-
compliance to
1.6 Conducting of stop and search operations at identified hotspots such as
known criminal funerals, night clubs and liquor outlets Visible Timeous DPC: Policing
1.7 Recognition and awarding members for the recovery of firearms Policing circulation of
2023-03-31 circulation of
Number of 107 Increase to Q1: 30 1. Procurement of instrumentation to identify Dot Peen marked SAPS Operational stolen/lost Provincial Head:
firearms and
identifiable 118 (+10%) Q2: 59 firearms budget firearms Visible Policing
stolen/lost SAPS Q3: 89 2. Enforcement of the SOP/Loss Management process in respect of losses of
firearms Q4: 118 official firearms
recovered 3. Enhancing the process of the circulation and final cancellation of firearms
4. Intensify informers network
5. Enhance community intelligence
6. Conducting of stop and search operations at identified hotspots such as
known criminal funerals, night clubs and liquor outlets
7. Recognition and awarding members for the recovery of firearms
Percentage of 8.44% 90% within Q1: 90% 1. Oversee the administration of the firearms licensing process by: Request for
applications for (3 742 / 120 Q2: 90% Sufficient
2. Timeously processing applications for firearm licenses, permits, the filling of
new firearm 44 332) working Q3: 90% Visible trained DPC: Policing
authorisations, competency certificates and renewals vacant posts
licenses finalised days Q4: 90% Policing personnel to
3. Conducting Provincial inspections at DFO offices 2023-03-31
Operational capture Provincial Head:
4. Effective management and maintenance of all equipment needed to Monitor
budget applications Visible Policing
finalize firearm licensing within the Province compliance to
5. Provide for the skills retention of DFO’s policies

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Improved regulation of firearms

Outcome: The law upheld and enforced, to support the stamping (asserting) of the authority of the State
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
6. Capacitating the Firearm Centres at Station and Provincial level with relating to
qualified, competent personnel to eliminate shortcomings firearm
7. Conducting work sessions on the amended Firearms Control Act applications
8. Capacitating the Provincial FRC Centre with regards to IT infrastructure
9. Develop and implement plan to address the timeous processing of firearm

Output: Reduced availability of illegal liquor

Outcome: The law upheld and enforced, to support the stamping (asserting) of the authority of the State
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken to
Quarterly Budget per
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Address the Responsibility
Target Activity
The percentage 100% 100% Q1: 100% Directing for the closing of identified illegal liquor outlets by:
of identified (4 192 / Q2: 100% 1. Managing the effective utilisation of informers Identification
illegal liquor 4 192) Q3: 100% 2. Conducting intelligence driven joint operations focused on identified and closure of
outlets closed Q4: 100% illegal liquor outlets and conducting illegal liquor Request
3. Conducting integrated regular raiding operations on identified hotspot premises by assistance from
areas police stations the Liquor Board
Visible DPC: Policing
4. Ensuring accurate records are kept of unlicensed liquor outlets closed and for the
2023-03- Policing
correctly registered on the OPAM system as well as signed off by Station Capturing of identification of
31 operational Provincial Head:
Commanders illegal liquor false / fake
budget Visible Policing
5. Ensuring follow up visits are conducted to places after closure as an outlets closed licences
unlicensed premises to ensure trade has stopped on OPAM and
6. Capacitation of members on liquor enforcement, ie training in Regulations CAS/ICDMS
of the Liquor Act Systems
7. Enhance collaboration with Liquor Board in order to obtain (list of licence
liquor premises per station area)

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Effective exhibit management

Outcome: The law upheld and enforced, to support the stamping (asserting) of the authority of the State
Sub-outcome: Effective management of exhibits
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies to Address the Responsibility
Target Activity
Number of SAPS 50 Maintain Q1: 13 1. The implementation of the SAPS 13 Store Action Plan including:
13 compliance 50 Q2: 12 1.1 Conducting Provincial inspections in accordance with set directives
audits conducted Q3: 13 1.2 The disposal of exhibits in accordance to prescripts
Q4: 12 1.3 Monitoring corrective action for non-compliance of directives
1.4 Establishment of Clearance Committees at station, district and provincial
levels to fast track the clearance of all SAPS 13 exhibits on hand
1.5 Evaluation of the capacity of storage facilities to ensure it conforms to
Visible DPC: Policing
1.6 Make provision in SAPS Stores to keep goods confiscated during By-law 2023-03-31 - -
operational Provincial Head:
Policing Operations
budget Visible Policing
1.7 Provide a Directive to all SAPS Stations in regard to the storage of
confiscated goods as well as evidence emanating from By-law
operations/interventions (SAPS 13 and register)
1.8 Implement consequence management for non- compliance
1.9 Follow-up on disposal orders by Crime Detection
1.10 Identify stations with a SAPS 13 backlog and establish District Teams to
address these stations
Percentage -23.79% Reduce by Q1: -1.25% 1. Ensuring effective management of exhibits to enhance the chain of
reduction of (67 568) 5% to Q2: -2.5% evidence by:
firearms kept in 64 190 Q3:-3.75% 1.1 The implementation of the SAPS 13 Store Action Plan including:
the SAPS 13 Q4: -5% 1.2 Conducting Provincial inspections in accordance with set directives Firearms Request for
stores at police 1.3 The disposal of exhibits in accordance to prescripts Visible destruction the DPC: Policing
stations 1.4 Monitoring corrective action for non-compliance of directives Policing arranged / destruction of
1.5 Establishment of Clearance Committees at station, district and provincial operational finalisation of firearms Provincial Head:
levels to fast track the clearance of all SAPS 13 exhibits on hand budget cases Visible Policing
1.6 Evaluation of the capacity of storage facilities to ensure it conforms to
1.7 Make provision in SAPS Stores to keep goods confiscated during By-law
Policing Operations

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

1.8 Provide a Directive to all SAPS Stations in regard to the storage of

confiscated goods as well as evidence emanating from By-law
operations/interventions (SAPS 13 and register)

Sub-programme: Border Security and Specialised Interventions

Output: Border security effectively managed

Outcome: The law upheld and enforced, to support the stamping (asserting) of the authority of the State
Sub-outcome: Balanced between trade and security at ports of entry ensured
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies to Address the Responsibility
Target Activity
Percentage of 100% Maintain Q1: 100% Manage peaceful, sporadic, spontaneous gatherings as per the Public Order
peaceful crowd (1 604 / 100% Q2: 100% mandate according to the Gatherings Act, Act No 205 of 1993:
management 1604) Q3: 100% 1. Section 3 notice received
incidents policed Q4: 100% 2. Responding to sporadic incidents of damage to infrastructure emanating
from public violence
Percentage of 100% Maintain Q1: 100% 1. Response to early warnings received in respect of anticipated gatherings DPC: Policing
unrest crowd (626 / 626) 100% Q2: 100% and marches Sufficient Request for
management Q3: 100% ORS members First
2. Responding to sporadic incidents of damage to infrastructure emanating Provincial Head
incidents Q4: 100% 2023-03-31 operational trained in First Responder
from public violence Operational
stabilised budget Responder training
3. Render support to local authorities with regards to land invasion Response
4. Collection of information by information officers at POP units, and sharing Services
thereof with relevant role-players
5. Utilization of technology e.g. drones
6. Provide for training of additional members as first responders at all law
enforcement agencies
7. Facilitate dispute resolution by counsellors

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Border security effectively managed

Outcome: The law upheld and enforced, to support the stamping (asserting) of the authority of the State
Sub-outcome: Balance between trade and security at ports of entry ensured
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Percentage of crime-related 100% Maintain Q1: 100% Ensure that crime related hits are reacted to as a result of the
hits reacted to as a result of (2 / 2) 100% Q2: 100% Movement Control System (MCS) and Enhanced Movement Control
the Movement Control Q3: 100% System (EMCS) screening on wanted persons and goods by focussing on: DPC: Policing
System(MCS) and Enhanced Q4: 100% 1. The conducting of intelligence driven operations ORS
Movement Control System 2. The monitoring and policing of small private airstrips 2023-03- Provincial Head
operational - -
(EMCS) 31 Operational
• Wanted persons 3. Identify and monitor alternative routes for the transportation of Response
• Circulated stolen stolen goods and vehicles Services
or robbed vehicles

Output: Border security effectively managed

Outcome: The law upheld and enforced, to support the stamping (asserting) of the authority of the State
Sub-outcome: Balance between trade and security at ports of entry ensured
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Percentage of 100% Maintain Q1: 100% 1. Conducting operational profiling and searching at ports of entry with
profiled cargo (773 / 773) 100% Q2: 100% special emphasis on cargo consignments
consignment at Q3: 100%
land ports / Q4: 100%
DPC: Policing
airports searched
for illegal
2023-03-31 operational - - Provincial Head
facilitation of
budget Operational
Response Services
contraband, illicit
goods and/or

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


Sub programme: Crime Prevention

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Reduce by 7.48% to
Percentage reduction in the number of reported Contact Crimes -7.48% -7.48% -7.48% -7.48%
158 488
Percentage reduction in the number of reported Contact Crimes at the Reduce by 7.48% to
Reduced levels of Contact Crime -7.48% -7.48% -7.48% -7.48%
Top 17 High Contact Crime Weight Stations 41 848
Number of escapees from custody Decrease to 92 (-2%) 23 46 69 92
Number of stolen/robbed vehicles recovered Maintain 13 662 3 417 6 832 10 247 13 662
Reduce by 2% to
Percentage reduction in the number of reported Serious Crimes -2% -2% -2% -2%
400 106
Percentage reduction in the number of reported Property Crimes Reduce by 2% to 89 328 -2% -2% -2% -2%
Percentage reduction in the number of reported Contact Related Reduce by 2% to
-2% -2% -2% -2%
Reduced levels of Serious Crime Crimes 28 888
Reduce by 2% to
Percentage reduction in the number of reported Other Serious Crimes -2% -2% -2% -2%
114 016
Reduce by 7.48% to
Percentage reduction in the number of reported Trio Crimes -7.48% -7.48% -7.48% -7.48%
22 796
Enhanced personal safety of
Percentage reduction in police officials murdered on duty Reduce by 10% to 6 1 2 1 2
Reduced levels of GBVF, through
Percentage of police stations rendering a victim friendly service to
strengthened community 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
victims of crime including GBVF
Percentage reduction in the number of Contact Crimes Against Reduce by 6.9% to
-6.9% -6.9% -6.9% -6.9%
Reduced violence against women / Women (18 years and above) 42 756
children Percentage reduction in the number of Contact Crimes Against Reduce by 6.73% to
-6.73% -6.73% -6.73% -6.73%
Children (below 18 years) 7 656
Average reaction time to Alpha complaints 12:56 12:56 12:56 12:56 12:56
Reduced reaction time to 14:06 14:06 14:06 14:06 14:06
Average reaction time to Bravo complaints
Average reaction time to Charlie complaints 13:34 13:34 13:34 13:34 13:34
Strengthened community Percentage of functional police stations that have functional
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
partnerships Community Police Forums

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Number of Districts in which the Community in Blue Concept has been
5 5 5 5 5
Number of Police Stations in which the Traditional Policing Concept
2 - - - 2
has been initiated
Increased Police Visibility
Number of cities and towns in which the initiation of the SAPS Safer
2 - - - 2
Cities Project has been confirmed
Percentage increase in the number of Sexual offences: Detected as a
Increase by 2% to 945 2% 2% 2% 2%
result of police action

Number of stolen, lost and illegal firearms recovered Increase to 1 449 (+1%) 363 726 1 089 1 449

Improved regulation of firearms Number of identifiable stolen/lost SAPS firearms recovered Increase to 118 (+10%) 30 59 89 118

Percentage of applications for new firearm licenses finalised within 90% within 120 working 90% within 120 90% within 120 90% within 120 90% within 120
120 working days days working days working days working days working days

Reduced availability of illegal liquor The percentage of identified illegal liquor outlets closed 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Number of SAPS 13 compliance audits conducted Maintain 50 13 12 13 12

Effective exhibit management Percentage reduction of firearms kept in the SAPS 13 stores at police Reduce by 5% to
-1.25% -2.5% -3.75% -5%
stations 64 190

Sub-programme: Border Security and Specialised Interventions

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Incidents of public disorder and Percentage of peaceful crowd management incidents policed Maintain 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
crowd management, policed in
accordance with the Constitution Percentage of unrest crowd management incidents stabilised Maintain 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Percentage of crime-related hits reacted to as a result of the Movement
Maintain 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Control System and Enhanced Movement Control System
Border security effectively
managed Percentage of profiled cargo consignment at land ports / airports
searched for illegal facilitation of persons, contraband, illicit goods and/or Maintain 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
stolen/robbed property

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


Purpose: Enable the investigative work of the South African Police Service, including providing support to investigators, in terms of forensic
evidence and criminal records.
Sub-programme: Crime Investigations

Output: Reduced levels of Contact Crime

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Detection Rate for 34.67% 52.77% Q1: 52.77% 1. Sustain and effectively implement suspect raid operations to assist in
contact crimes Q2: 52.77% the tracing and apprehension of suspects Supply list of
Q3: 52.77% 2. Institute directives for all levels to implement daily monitoring of Wanted
Q4: 52.77% suspects charged on all counts Suspects
3. Provide oversight to enforce the reduction of investigative leads Crime Cooperation of DPC Crime
Detection role players at Recirculate
through capturing and monitoring Detection
operational all levels, ie directives
Detection Rate for 39.53% 52.77% Q1: 52.77% 4. Ensure effective crime scene attendance and application of crime
contact crimes at Q2: 52.77% scene management principles to improve the detection 2023-03-31 budget Detective Skills audit Provincial
the 17 High Q3: 52.77% 5. Incorporating Trio Crime Task Team members into the Murder and Commanders at and Heads,
Contact Crime Q4: 52.77% Robbery Units on approval of the work study investigation District and application Detective
Weight Stations 6. Providing for the effective utilisation of informers Station level for post Service
7. Utilisation of media, including social media platforms to trace
Submit phots
of suspects
8. Facilitate the re-introduce placement of controlled data typists to
improve data integrity

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Reduced levels of Contact Crime

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Output Quarterly Budget per to Address
Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Indicator Target Activity the
Percentage of -18.05% -15.09% Q1: -3.77% 1. Conduct an age analysis of all contact crime cases under investigation
outstanding Q2: -7.55% for finalisation
case dockets Q3: -11.32% 2. Sustain and effectively implement suspect raid operations to assist in
related to Q4: -15.09% the tracing and apprehension of suspects
contact crimes 3. Addressing of AFIS dockets and IBIS links
older than 3- 4. Introduce the implementation of a timeframe criteria for finalisation
yrs finalised of certain crime categories
5. Utilisation of informers in order to locate and apprehend
perpetrators on the Wanted List
6. Audit on Wanted List and ensuring that the reduction thereof be a
DPC Crime
weekly standing Agenda point in the SCCF and DCCF Crime
7. Sustaining and monitoring the Cold case project Detection
Percentage of -8.09% -12% Q1: -3% 1. Monitor data integrity to ensure purification of information on the 2023-03-31 operational - - Provincial
outstanding Q2: -6% Wanted Persons List budget
wanted Q3: -9% 2. Monitor the profiling of all arrested suspects Detective
persons Q4: -12% 3. Ensure and monitor the effective utilisation of PIVA and other Service
already investigative aids in an effort to reduce outstanding wanted persons
circulated at 4. Facilitating the publishing of wanted persons in the media
the 17 High 5. Prioritisation of the prosecution of cases where wanted persons are
Contact Crime the accused
Weight 6. Addressing of the repeat offenders with regards to trio crimes
7. Expedite wanted letters to respective detective units
8. Operationalise database leads (IBIS, DNA, AFIS) and linkages
9. Prioritisation of 212 statements
10. Optimal utilisation of ID kits

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Reduced levels of violence against women / children

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime

Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities

Action taken
Output Quarterly Budget per to Address
Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Indicator Target Activity the
Detection Rate 64.99% 72.25% Q1: 72.25% Improve the Detection Rate of Crimes Against Women through:
for crimes Q2: 72.25% 1. Conduct regular docket inspections including surprise docket inspections
Against Women Q3: 72.25%
(18 years and Q4: 72.25% 2. Sustain DNA task teams to address all DNA Leads
above) 3. Stakeholder engagement with DPCI and Human Right Commission in Sufficient Report DPC Crime
relation to Human Trafficking Crime personnel at vacant posts Detection
4. Ensure that victims / survivors and their families are provided with Detection Detective and request
2023-03-31 Provincial
information relating to the relevant services available operational Service at for the filling Heads,
5. Development of a victimology profile to assist with the linking of suspects budget Police Stations of vacant Detective
6. Prioritisation of rape victims to reduce secondary victimisation and improve and FCS Units funded posts Service
the collection of forensic evidence.
7. Expediting of arrests of suspects for crimes against women
8. Ensuring the conducting of intelligence driven awareness campaigns
Detection Rate 52.61% 67.15% Q1: 67.15% Improve the Detection Rate of Crimes Against Children through the:
for crimes Q2: 67.15% 1. Implementation and communication of National Instruction 3 of 2010
Against Children Q3: 67.15% regarding the Care and Protection of Children and Act 38 of 2005.
(below 18 years) Q4: 67.15% 2. Strengthening of partnership with external role players such as Department
of Social Development
3. Department of Social Development to supply the probation officers reports
Crime Sufficient Report
on alleged perpetrators in order to determine criminal capacity and status DPC Crime
Detection personnel at vacant posts
4. Capacitation of forensic social workers in order to assess vulnerability of Detection
Detective and request
children 2023-03-31 operational
budget Service at for the filling Provincial
5. Sustain DNA task teams that work on all DNA Leads Police Stations of vacant Head FCS
6. Stakeholder engagement with DPCI and Human Right Commission in and FCS Units funded posts
relation to Human Trafficking
7. Emphasis to be placed more on Awareness Campaigns by FCS and Social
Crime Prevention
8. Strengthening and enhancing relationship with forensic labs
9. Development of a victimology profile to assist with the linking of suspects

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Reduced levels of violence against women / children

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime

Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities

Action taken
Output Quarterly Budget per to Address
Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Indicator Target Activity the
10. Prioritisation of rape victims to reduce secondary victimisation and improve
the collection of forensic evidence.
11. Expediting of arrests of suspects for crimes against women
12. Ensuring the conducting of intelligence driven awareness campaigns

Output: Serious Crime effectively investigated

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime
Sub- Increased feelings of safety in communities
Output Quarterly Budget per taken to
Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Indicator Target Activity Address the
Detection 32.73% 32.95% Q1: 32.95% Ensure the improvement of the Detection Rate of Serious Crime by
Rate for Q2: 32.95% ensuring:
Serious Q3: 32.95% 1. The reduction of alleged perpetrators on the Wanted List by
Crimes Q4: 32.95% conducting focused operations monitored by District Detective
2. Attendance of serious crime scenes by commissioned officers to Sufficient DPC Crime
Crime vacant posts
provide guidance to investigation officers personnel at Detection
Detection and request
3. An increase in Second Hand Dealer/chop shops operations and Detective
for the
circulation of stolen / robbed goods 2023-03-31 operational Service at Provincial
budget filling of Heads,
4. Ensure mentoring and effective docket inspections by Detective vacant Detective
Stations and
Team Leaders funded Service
FCS Units
5. Sustain and effectively implement suspect raid operations to assist in posts
the tracing and apprehension of suspects
6. Utilisation of informers in order to locate and apprehend
perpetrators who are on the Wanted List

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

7. Audit on Wanted List and reduction thereof to be a weekly standing

Agenda point in the DCCF
8. Prioritisation of the prosecution of identified serious crime cases
9. Ensuring the immediate arrest of known suspects

Output: Serious Crime effectively investigated

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Output Quarterly Budget per to Address
Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Indicator Target Activity the
Detection Rate 9.89% 12.94% Q1: 12.94% Ensure the improvement of the Detection Rate of Property Related Crime by
for Property Q2: 12.94% ensuring:
Related Crimes Q3: 12.94% 1. The reduction of wanted persons by ensuring the focused operations are
Q4: 12.94% conducted at station level and monitored by District Detective
2. Attendance of serious crime scenes by commissioned officers to provide
guidance to investigation officers
3. Ensure a holistic approach in the implementation of the Second Hand
Goods Act, including visiting of dealers/chop shops with the relevant
equipment to identify stolen items
4. Ensuring the compliance to processes relating to charging of suspects, Sufficient Report
and the capturing of docket transactions is conducted timeously Crime personnel at vacant posts DPC Crime
5. Monitor the utilisation of all investigative aids Detection Detective and request Detection
6. Operational Successes to be captured and ensure it corresponds with operational Service at for the filling Provincial Heads,
data provided budge Police Stations of vacant Detective Service
and FCS Units funded posts
7. Coordination of investigation with SAICB in relation to property related
8. Enhanced the relationship with external role-layers such as Consumer
Goods Council
9. Consistent inspections to be conducted through Commanders at District
and Station level with clear step by step guidelines to ensure strict
10. Commanders to analyse the SAPS 6 to determine the challenges and
make a diagnosis on Function 13.1

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

11. Directive to be compiled indicating that fingerprints to be taken at all

Property Related Crime incidents
12. Establish working relationship with other stakeholders for example car
13. Ensure mentoring and effective docket inspections by Detective Team
14. Utilisation of corporate systems such as PVS to capture all arrested
15. Ensuring the attendance of all relevant property crime scenes by LCRC
16. Identify and address repeat offenders by following the relevant processes
with regards to the SAPS 192
17. Ensuring the compilation of ID kits and utilisation of media for
18. Utilisation of the updated parolees list to recruit them as informers
19. Ensuring the effective utilisation of informers
20. Enhancement of working relationship with external stakeholders such as
car dealerships

Output: Serious Crime effectively investigated

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Detection Rate 51.7% 51.7% Q1: 51.7% 1. Institute directives for District/Station/Unit level to implement daily
for Contact Q2: 51.7% monitoring of suspects charged on all counts
Related Crimes Q3: 51.7% 2. Provide oversight to enforce the reduction of investigative leads through Sufficient Report vacant
Crime personnel at posts and DPC Crime
Q4: 51.7% capturing and monitoring, progress to be given in accountability sessions
Detection Detective request for Detection
at all levels 2023-03-31
3. Sustain the regulation of management of crime scenes and ensure Senior operational Service at the filling of Provincial Heads,
Officers attend scenes of crime and provide guidance to adhere to crime budget Police Stations vacant Detective Service
scene principles and FCS Units funded posts
4. Addressing of AFIS dockets and IBIS links by monitoring the addressing of
suspects on a weekly basis

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Serious Crime effectively investigated

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
5. The reduction of alleged perpetrators on the Wanted List by conducting
focused operations monitored by District Detective Coordinators
6. Attendance of serious crime scenes by commissioned officers to provide
guidance to investigation officers
7. Ensure mentoring and effective docket inspections by Detective Team
Leaders and Detective Commanders

Output: Serious Crime effectively investigated

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Target Activity the
Detection Rate 28.13% 33.9% Q1: 33.9% 1. Ensure the monitoring and evaluation of operations conducted at District
for Other Serious Q2: 33.9% level and Provincial Units and success rate to Contact Crimes
Crimes Q3: 33.9% 2. Institute directives for District/Station/Unit level to implement daily Sufficient Report vacant
Q4: 33.9% monitoring of suspects charged on all counts Crime personnel at posts and DPC Crime
3. Provide oversight to enforce the reduction of investigative leads through Detection Detective request for Detection
capturing and monitoring, progress to be given in accountability sessions 2023-03-31 operational Service at the filling of Provincial Heads,
with Management at District and Station level budget Police Stations vacant Detective Service
4. Introduce the implementation of a timeframe criteria for finalisation of and FCS Units funded posts
certain crime categories (eg, Fraud related cases)
5. On-the-job training for investigating officers in Commercial and Cyber
Crime by DPCI

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Trio Crime effectively investigated

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Output Quarterly Budget per to Address
Baseline Target Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Indicator Target Activity the
Detection Rate 8.35% 15.85% Q1: 15.85% Improvement of the Trio-Crime Detection rate through:
for Trio Crimes Q2: 15.85% 1. Sustaining current control activities in relation to immediate response to
Q3: 15.85% Trio Crimes scenes and intensified the interview process
Q4: 15.85% 2. Ensuring all Trio Crime scenes are visited by an officer and Trio Crime
investigators and crime scene is cordoned off to ensure efficient evidence
3. Monthly feedback to be provided by District Coordinators on Operations
undertaken to trace repeat offenders
4. Utilisation of investigative leads in order to trace suspects
5. Utilisation of the OCTA process to identify and arrest criminal groupings
6. Intensified inspections of Trio Crime dockets to ensure through the office
of the District Coordinators to ensure all data is captured and all evidence Sufficient Report vacant
is collected and captured. Crime personnel at posts and DPC Crime
7. Profiling of all arrested suspects arrested on Trio Crimes (Parolee Project Detection Detective request for Detection
monitors the number of parolees that have been arrested and have 2023-03-31
operational Service at the filling of Provincial Heads,
subsequently been involved in a trio crime incident) budget Police Stations vacant Detective Service
8. Enhance and monitor the utilisation of the AFIS list to identify linked and FCS Units funded posts
9. Utilisation of the Modus Operandi database to assist with the linking of
10. Establish working relationship with other stakeholders for example car
dealerships, CGSA, SAICB, BACSA, SABRIC, etc.
11. Incorporating Trio Crime Task Team members into the Murder and
Robbery Units on approval of the work study investigation
12. All crime scenes to be visited by Trio Teams
13. Cooperation with the National Truck Hijacking Forum and establishment
of the Priority Committee of stakeholders
14. Capacitation of the Organised Crime Threat Desk at OCI

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Improved ratio of registered informers

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime
Sub-outcome: Increased feelings of safety in communities
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Baseline Target Target Activity the
Ratio of registered 0.90:1 3:1 Q1: 3:1 Correct and enhance procedures relating to the use of informers by:
informers versus (5 039 / 5 542) Q2: 3:1 1. Intensifying the monitoring of registered informers per District through New
detectives (I/O) Q3: 3:1 and conducting regular inspections National
Q4: 3:1 2. Effectively utilising Recruiting informers according to crime category Instruction
3. Recruitment of ex-SANDF, ex-SAPS, parolees, current serving inmates as 1/2021
DPC Crime
well as patrollers and Uber/taxi drivers as informers Cooperation disseminated
Ratio of registered 1.17:1 2:1 Q1: 2:1 4. In-service training of members in the effective utilisation of informers from all to all
informers versus (885 / 758) Q2: 2:1 members Provincial
5. Identify and training financially responsible officials according to National Detection Detective
detectives Q3: 2:1 instruction 2/2001 2023-03-31 Service Heads,
(Commissioned Q4: 2:1 Nominating Detective
6. Enforce compliance with the prescripts of National Instruction 1/2021 budget commanders
Offices) members Service
according to
availability of

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Reduction of drug syndicates (through the implementation of the Narcotics Intervention Strategy and Drug Master Plan)
Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime
Sub-outcome: Reduced Organised Crime
Output Quarterly taken to
Activities Due Date per Dependencies Responsibility
Indicator Baseline Target Target Address the
Percentage of 100% 70%8 Q1: - 1. Effective utilisation of informers in the identification of drug syndicates
identified drug (16 / 16) Q2: - 2. Registration of organised crime project investigations in line with the OCTA
syndicates Q3: - Process
neutralised with Q4: 70% 3. Continuous monitoring of ongoing project investigations and initiate new
arrests projects in line with identified threats
4. Enhance cooperation with other role players including Crime Intelligence,
5. identification of organised groups through multi-disciplinary working
Cooperation of DOCS and
relationship with the DPCI and district level
all internal and POCS DPC Crime
6. Ensure that there is a desk focusing on drugs syndicates
Crime external role reports Detection
7. Ensure the effective functionality of Organised Crime Desk at provincial Detection players such as
level Monthly Provincial
budget Crime
Percentage -1.39% Increase by 5% Q1: 1.3% 1. Effective utilisation of informers to increase the number of arrests for 2023-03-31 stakeholder Head
including Intelligence,
increase in the (141) to 148 Q2: 2.5% dealing in drugs meetings Organised
Informer NPA, SARS,
number of Q3: 3.7% 2. Enhance cooperation with other role players including Crime Intelligence, budget SABRIC, etc. OCI desk Crime
arrests for Q4: 5% NPA, SARS, SABRIC, etc. established Investigation
dealing in illicit 3. Ensure the effective functionality of Organised Crime Desk at provincial / analysis
drugs level reports
4. Intensify intelligence gathering in order to identify and address drug
laboratories and high flyers
5. Monitoring of chemical companies to ensure compliance with relevant
6. Sharing of intelligence between Crime Detection: Organised Crime and DPCI
7. Facilitate proactive media communication in reporting successes in order to
gain community trust and change perceptions

Target is set by National Head Office as 70% (lower than the baseline) due to the long period taken to infiltrate and neutralise syndicates.
Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Reduction of organised criminal groups and gangs

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime
Sub-outcome: Reduced Organised Crime
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Baseline Target Target Activity the
Percentage of 85% 70%9 Q1: - 1. Effective utilisation of informers in the identification of organised criminal Monthly DOCS
identified (33 / 39) Q2: - groupings Cooperation of and POCS
organised Q3: - 2. Registration of organised crime project investigations in line with the all internal and reports
Crime external role DPC Crime
criminal groups Q4: 70% OCTA Process
Detection players such as Monthly Detection
neutralised with 3. Continuous monitoring of ongoing project investigations and initiate new
budget Crime stakeholder
arrests projects in line with identified threats 2023-03-31 Provincial Head
including Intelligence, meetings
4. Provide guidance to investigating officers Informer Organised Crime
5. Enhance cooperation with other role players including Crime Intelligence, budget Investigation
SABRIC, etc. established /
6. identification of organised groups through multi-disciplinary working
relationship with the DPCI and district level

Target is set by National Head Office as 70% (lower than the baseline) due to the long period taken to infiltrate and neutralise syndicates.
Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Enhanced DNA Database

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime
Sub-outcome: Comprehensive utilisation of forensic investigative aids in the investigation of crime
Quarterly taken to
Output Indicator Activities Due Date per Dependencies Responsibility
Baseline Target Target Address the
Percentage 96.91% Maintain Q1: 96.91% Directing for the improved taking of Buccal samples through: Continuous
compliance with the 96.91% Q2: 96.91% 1. Monitoring the Buccal sample process flow Sufficient requisition
taking of buccal Q3: 96.91% 2. Ensuring the timeous submission of exhibits to Forensic Services in Buccal sample for Buccal DPC Crime
samples from Q4: 96.91% terms of DNA and ballistics kits and sample kits Detection
Schedule 8 arrested 3. Ensuring the capturing / updating of all Buccal samples on CAS / ICDMS 2023-03-31 Detection members where Provincial
offenders 4. Development of Investigating Officers in the effective taking and trained in the needed Heads
taking of
handling of Buccal samples Application Detective
5. Ensuring the submission of Buccal samples to Forensic Services within for training Service
the prescribed timeframes

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Forensic investigative leads comprehensively utilised

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime
Sub-outcome: Comprehensive utilisation of forensic investigative aids in the investigation of crime
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Baseline Target Target Activity the
Percentage of -47.3% Reduce by Q1: -4.38% Manage the effective utilisation of investigative aids as follows:
person-to-crime 17.5% Q2: -8.75% 1. Enhancing the process of addressing DNA leads relating to the linkage of
DNA leads finalised Q3: -13.13% crime scenes
Q4: -17.5% 2. Conducting effective identification and linking of suspects through DNA
3. Effective utilisation of CR & CSM as well as the CRIM System monitoring
4 Enforce and monitor the capturing of all investigative leads in order for of FSL
DPC Crime
targets to be reached on CAS function 5.16 Crime FSL – Timeous reports on
Percentage of -17.2% Reduce by Q1: -1.58% 4. Enhancing the process of addressing DNA leads 2023-03-31 Detection finalisation of the DNA
crime-to-crime 6.3% Q2: -3.15% 5. Monitoring and addressing of outstanding forensic investigative leads budget analysis leads Provincial Heads,
DNA leads finalised Q3: -4.73% 6. Monitoring the printing and filing of Section 212 Statements from Detective Service
Requests for
Q4: -6.3% Forensic Services in case docket expediting
7. Utilisation of IPU (Investigative Psychological Unit) cases to FSL
8 Enforce and monitor the capturing of all investigative leads in order for
targets to be reached on CAS function 5.16

Percentage of -62.9% Reduce by 7% Q1: -1.75% 1. Establish a weekly report and monitor the utilisation of the AFIS list DPC Crime
fingerprint leads Q2: -3.5% 2. Ensure the AFIS is a standing agenda point within Crime Combating Crime Detection
finalised Q3: -5.25% Forum meetings at all levels 2023-03-31 Detection - - Provincial Heads,
Q4: -7% 3. Enforce and monitor the capturing of all investigative leads in order for budget Detective Service
targets to be reached on CAS function 5.16
4. Purification of the AFIS list and continuous circulation of the updated list
Percentage of -12.3% Reduce by Q1: -3.38% 1. Ensure that all ballistic evidence is collected on crime scenes and
Integrated 13.5% Q2: -6.75% timeously submitted to the FSL in order to ensure capturing on the IBIS Monthly DPC Crime
Ballistics Q3: -10.16% database Crime Timeous monitoring Detection
Identification Q4: -13.5% 2. Enforce and monitor the capturing of all investigative leads in order for 2023-03-31 Detection finalisation of of
System (IBIS) leads targets to be reached on CAS function 5.16 budget analysis outstanding Provincial Heads,
finalised 3. Centralization of all cases where linkages are made IBIS analysis Detective Service
4. Purification of the AFIS list and continuous circulation of the updated list

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Forensic investigative leads comprehensively utilised

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime
Sub-outcome: Comprehensive utilisation of forensic investigative aids in the investigation of crime
Action taken
Quarterly Budget per to Address
Output Indicator Activities Due Date Dependencies Responsibility
Baseline Target Target Activity the
Percentage of 100% 100% Q1: 100% 1. Ensure feedback is provided on successes stemming from downloads
cell phones (1 248 / Q2: 100% 2. Provision of a proforma document in order to consolidate and report on
downloaded and 1 248) Q3: 100% successes in Provincial, District, Unit and Station level.
analysed in Q4: 100% Licence /
3. Facilitating the provisioning of products for the downloading of phones, to
relation to the software for Application
ensure the effective downloading of cell phones Operational Provincial Head
number received 2023-03-31 the for additional
4 Apply for the retrieval of information for devises via a J 51 Search and POCC budget POCC
downloading of licences
Seizure Warrant from a Magistrate
Percentage of 100% 100% Q1: 100% 4. Referral of identified priority cases to DPCI for urgent downloading of cell
image downloads (108 / Q2: 100% phone data
(i.e. CCTV 108) Q3: 100% 5. Facilitate effective internal marketing of services provided by POCC
cameras) Q4: 100%

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Output: Effective docket management

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime
Sub-outcome: Comprehensive utilisation of forensic investigative aids in the investigation of crime
Action taken to
Output Quarterly Budget per Address the Responsibility
Activities Due Date Dependencies
Indicator Baseline Target Target Activity Dependency

Percentage of 62.36% Maintain Q1: 62.36% Improve the submission of SAPS 76’s by:
SAPS 76’s 62.36% Q2: 62.36% 1. Establishing and improving existing accountability by verifying data
submitted Q3: 62.36% 2. Sustaining the monthly and weekly feedback on the submission of 76’s
within the Q4: 62.36% 3. Reintroduction of weekly accountability sessions on submission of 76’s
prescribed time Application for DPC Crime
4. Inviting the local LCRC Commander to be part of monthly accountability Crime
frame the Detection
sessions at District level Detection Synchronisation
5. Applying for the syncing of the ICDMS/CAS and FIPS system in order to 2023-03-31 synchronisation Provincial
operational of systems
avoid duplication of efforts and provide purified information of the systems Heads, Detective
6. Dispatching time bound taskings to District Coordinators to ensure to TMS Service
shortcomings identified are addressed timeously
7. Ensuring that commanders are utilizing the relevant CAS/ICDMS functions
8. Providing early warning reports to District Detective Commanders

Output: Effective docket management

Outcome: Thorough and responsive investigation of crime
Sub-outcome: Comprehensive utilisation of forensic investigative aids in the investigation of crime
Action taken to
Output Quarterly Budget per Address the Responsibility
Activities Due Date Dependencies
Indicator Baseline Target Target Activity Dependency

Percentage 1.35% Reduce by Q1: -2% Decrease the percentage of fingerprints without Result of Trial by:
decrease of (778 173) 8% to Q2: -4% 1. Establishing and improving existing accountability by verifying Application for DPC Crime
fingerprints 715 919 Q3: -6% information Crime Detection
without Result Q4: -8% 2. Reintroduction of weekly accountability sessions on outstanding ROT’s Detection Synchronisation
2023-03-31 synchronisation Provincial
of Trial (ROT) 3. Facilitating the appointment of a Data typist and Officer at Brigadier operational of systems
of the systems Heads, Detective
Stations to deal specifically with the ROT’s budget
to TMS Service
4. Dispatching time bound taskings to District Coordinators to ensure
shortcomings identified are addressed timeously

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Detection Rate for contact crimes 52.77% 52.77% 52.77% 52.77% 52.77%
Detection Rate for contact crimes at the 17 High Contact Crime Weight
52.77% 52.77% 52.77% 52.77% 52.77%
Reduced levels of Contact Crime Percentage of outstanding case dockets related to contact crimes older
-15.09% -3.77% -7.55% -11.32% -15.09%
than 3-yrs finalised
Percentage of outstanding wanted persons already circulated at the 17
-12% -3% -6% -9% -12%
High Contact Crime Weight Stations finalised
Reduced levels of violence
Detection Rate for Crimes Against Women (18 years and above) 72.25% 72.25% 72.25% 72.25% 72.25%
against women
Reduced levels of violence
Detection Rate for Crimes Against Children (below 18 years) 67.15% 67.15% 67.15% 67.15% 67.15%
against children
Detection Rate for Serious Crimes 32.95% 32.95% 32.95% 32.95% 32.95%
Serious Crime effectively Detection Rate for Property Related Crimes 12.94% 12.94% 12.94% 12.94% 12.94%
investigated Detection Rate for Contact Related Crimes 51.7% 51.7% 51.7% 51.7% 51.7%
Detection Rate for Other Serious Crimes 33.9% 33.9% 33.9% 33.9% 33.9%
Trio Crime effectively
Detection Rate for Trio Crimes 15.85% 15.85% 15.85% 15.85% 15.85%
Improved ratio of registered Ratio of registered informers versus detectives (I/O) 3:1 3:1 3:1 3:1 3:1
informers Ratio of registered informers versus detectives (Commissioned Offices) 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1
Reduction of drug syndicates
(through the implementation of Percentage of identified drug syndicates neutralised with arrests 70% - - - 70%
the Narcotics Intervention
Strategy and Drug Master Plan) Percentage increase in the number of arrests for dealing in illicit drugs Increase by 5% to 148 1.3% 2.5% 3.7% 5%
Reduction of organised criminal Percentage of identified organised criminal groups neutralised with
70% - - - 70%
groups and gangs arrests
Percentage compliance with the taking of buccal samples from Schedule
Enhanced DNA Database Maintain 96.91% 96.91% 96.91% 96.91% 96.91%
8 arrested offenders

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Percentage of person-to-crime DNA leads finalised Reduce by 17.5% -4.38% -8.75% -13.13% -17.5%
Percentage of crime-to-crime DNA leads finalised Reduce by 6.3% -1.58% -3.15% -4.73% -6.3%
Percentage of fingerprint leads finalised Reduce by 7% -1.75% -3.5% -5.25% -7%
Forensic investigative leads
Percentage of Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS) leads
comprehensively utilised Reduce by 13.5% -3.38% -6.75% -10.16% -13.5%
Percentage of cell phones downloaded and analysed in relation to the
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
number received
Percentage of image downloads (i.e. CCTV cameras) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Percentage of SAPS 76’s submitted within the prescribed time frame Maintain 62.36% 62.36% 62.36% 62.36% 62.36%
Effective docket management Reduce by 8% to
Percentage decrease of fingerprints without Result of Trial (ROT) -2% -4% -6% -8%
715 919

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Risks are mitigated through the implementation of specific controls, designed to prevent the risk from
happening or, in the event of the risk happening, to minimise its impact on the organisation, its members,
resources and stakeholders.

Controls are the directives that the organisation have developed, and which should be implemented to
regulate the way we do business. Standing Orders and National Instructions are internal controls, as it
directs how matters should be addressed. An example of this is National Instruction 4 of 2011, which should
be utilised to manage the use of official vehicles. There are three types of controls:
 Preventive Controls are controls designed to ensure that a particular risk does not actually occur;
 Detective controls are controls that assist the organisation in determining if a risk has happened and we
are perhaps unaware of the risk (please note that despite the name detective controls, these controls
are not applicable only to the Detective Service, but to the entire SAPS); and
 Corrective controls are controls that assist the organisation in correcting or fixing the issues that resulted
in the risk and returning the situation to what it was before the risk occurred.

Once a risk has been identified as impacting on an organisation’s ability to achieve its objectives and
priorities, that organisation must either develop specific controls to prevent the risk from occurring or
ensure that existing controls are well designed and properly implemented. This requires the development
of a Risk Response Plan, which clearly indicates what should be done, i.e. what controls should be
implemented to prevent the risk or minimise its impact if it occurs.

The Gauteng Provincial Enterprise Risk Management Committee undertook a Risk Assessment process upon
which, based upon a qualitative process, risks impacting Gauteng were identified and voted on in order to
provide adequate responses on the most prevalent risks negatively impacting performance in the Province.

Linked to
Strategic Linked Performance Indicator Risk Description Existing Controls
1. A professional  Percentage of IPID Misconduct and / or - National Instruction 13 of 2016: Duties
and capable recommendations initiated negligence by SAPS of a Station Commander.
SAPS within the prescribed members, including - Standing Order (General) 256: Duties
timeframe unlawful and criminal Of The Commanders On A Relief
 Percentage of IPID-related actions. - Standing Order (General) 91: General
cases finalised within the Discipline
prescribed timeframe - Standing Order (General) 123: Conduct
 Percentage of disciplinary and Morals
hearings finalised within - SAPS Discipline Regulations
the prescribed timeframe - National Instruction 25 of 2019:
Management of Civil Claims against the

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Linked to
Strategic Linked Performance Indicator Risk Description Existing Controls
2. Thorough and Percentage increase in the Inadequate case - National Instruction 1 of 2015: Crime
responsive Detection Rate for: docket management Scene Management.
investigation of and investigation - National Instruction 13 of 2016: Duties
crime  Contact Crime of a Station Commander.
 Crimes against Women - Standing Order (General) 256: Duties of
 Crimes against Children the Commanders on a relief and the
 Serious Crime investigation of charges.
 Property Related Crime - Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures
 Contact Related Crime Amendment Act, Act No 37 of 2013
 Other Serious Crime (“DNA Act”).
 Trio Crime - National Instruction 13 of 2017: Case
Docket Management
3. A professional  Percentage of IPID High levels of - National Instruction 13 of 2016: Duties
and capable recommendations initiated Corruption of a Station Commander.
SAPS within the prescribed - Standing Order (General) 256: Duties
timeframe Of The Commanders On A Relief
 Percentage of IPID-related - Standing Order (General) 91: General
cases finalised within the Discipline
prescribed timeframe - Standing Order (General) 123: Conduct
 Percentage of disciplinary and Morals
hearings finalised within - SAPS Discipline Regulations
the prescribed timeframe - National Instruction 25 of 2019:
Management of Civil Claims against the
4. Collaborative Percentage reduction in Inadequate - National Instruction 13 of 2016 Duties
and consultative police officials murdered on personnel security of a Station Commander, 3 (2) (d).
approach to duty leading to attacks on - National Instruction 18 of 1998,
policing and the murder of Debriefing of Employees who have
SAPS members, on Experienced Traumatic Incidents.
and off duty. - National Instruction 3 of 2003,
Employee Assistance Programme.
- Police Safety Strategy
5. A professional Percentage decrease in civil Members issued with - National Instruction 3 of 2019.
and capable claims against the SAPS SAPS firearms not - National Instruction 13 of 2016: Duties
SAPS competent of a Station Commander
6. A professional Percentage workforce Insufficient Human - Section 27 of the Police Service Act, No
and capable maintained against the Resources 68 of 1995 (and Section 212(4) of the
SAPS approved establishment Constitution
- National Instruction 13 of 2016: Duties
of a Station Commander.

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Linked to
Strategic Linked Performance Indicator Risk Description Existing Controls
7. Thorough and  Percentage increase in Inadequate - National Instruction 2 of 2013: The
responsive compliance with the taking utilisation of Management of Fingerprints, Body-
investigation of of Buccal samples from investigative aids / Prints and Photographic Images.
crime Schedule 8 arrested forensic leads in - Crime Scene Policy.
offenders support of the - National Instruction 1 of 2015: Crime
 Percentage of outstanding investigation of Scene Management.
person-to-crime DNA serious crime. - Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures
investigative leads finalised Amendment Act, Act No 37 of 2013
 Percentage of outstanding (“DNA Act”).
crime-to-crime investigative - National Instruction 13 of 2016: Duties
leads finalised of a Station Commander.
 Percentage of outstanding - National Instruction 8 of 2017,
fingerprint investigative Property and Exhibit Management
leads finalised - Standing Order (General) 256: Duties
 Percentage of outstanding of the Commanders on a relief and the
Integrated Ballistics investigation of charges
Identification System (IBIS)
investigative leads finalised
8. Thorough and Percentage increase in the Inaccurate Data - National Instruction 6 of 2019:
responsive Detection Rate for: Integrity (Crime Notification of Lost, Stolen or Found
investigation of  Contact Crime Detection) Firearms.
crime  Crimes against Women - National Instruction 13 of 2016: Duties
 Crimes against Children of a Station Commander.
Serious Crime - National Instruction 7 of 2019: Second
 Property Related Crime Hand Goods: Accreditation of Second
 Contact Related Crime Hand Goods
 Other Serious Crime - Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures
 Trio Crime Amendment Act, Act No 37 of 2013
(“DNA Act”).
- National Instruction 13 of 2017: Case
Docket Management
9. A professional  Percentage of audits Repeat findings by - National Instruction 13 of 2016: Duties
and capable completed in terms of the internal and external of a Station Commander.
SAPS approved Internal Audit assurance providers - Standing Order (General) 256: Duties
Plan Of The Commanders On A Relief
 Percentage of AGSA audit - Standing Order (General) 91: General
reports analysed and Discipline
distributed - Standing Order (General) 123: Conduct
and Morals
- SAPS Discipline Regulations
10. The law upheld Number of SAPS-owned Inefficient resource - National Instruction 5 of 2010: Storage,
and enforced, firearms reported as management, loss handling and transportation of
to support the stolen/lost and theft of SAPS ammunition, pyrotechnics, tear gas and
stamping firearms explosive ordnance.
(asserting) of - National Instruction 13 of 2016: Duties
the authority of of a Station Commander.
the State - Standing Order (General) 256: Duties
of the Commanders on a relief and the
investigation of charges.
11. A professional Provincial absenteeism Inadequate Human - National Instruction 9 of 2019:
and capable tolerance rate (sick leave) Resource Absenteeism Management.
SAPS management relating - National Instruction 13 of 2016: Duties
to the management of a Station Commander.
of absenteeism.

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

Linked to
Strategic Linked Performance Indicator Risk Description Existing Controls
12. A professional Percentage of total vehicle Inefficient vehicle - Standing Order (General) 256: Duties
and capable fleet available for policing fleet management, of the Commanders on a relief and the
SAPS misuse and abuse of investigation of charges.
vehicles. - National Instruction 4 of 2011: State
- National Instruction 13 of 2016: Duties
of a Station Commander.
13. A professional Provincial absenteeism Coronavirus (COVID- - Government Gazette, 43107, dated 18
and capable tolerance rate (sick leave) 19) pandemic March 2020
SAPS potentially affecting - Section 8 of the Occupational Health
essential services of and Safety Act 1993, and regulation 53
the SAPS of the Public Service Regulations.
- International Health Regulations (2005)
- National Treasury Irregular Expenditure
- PFMA Act Section 13, 22 and 38
14. A professional -Percentage utilisation of NPIS Ineffective Utilisation - National Instruction 13 of 2016: Duties
and capable of TMS systems in of a Station Commander.
SAPS order to improve - Policy No. 4 of 2016: Information
policing System / Information Communication
Technology (IS/ICT) Security Policy
15. A professional -Number of incidents of Ineffective financial - National Instruction 13 of 2016: Duties
and capable unauthorised expenditure management, of a Station Commander.
SAPS -Percentage decrease in the fruitless and - National Treasury Irregular Expenditure
number of incidents of wasteful, irregular Framework.
confirmed and unauthorised - PFMA Section 13, 22 and 38
Irregular expenditure expenditure - Policy No. 4 of 2018: Cost Containment
-Percentage decrease in the Measures for the South African Police
number of incidents of Service in terms of National Treasury
Fruitless and wasteful Instructions 2017 / 2018

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


The Constitution of 1996 through the Public Service Regulations and White Papers of the Transformation of
the Public Service and of Public Service Delivery (Batho Pele), make provision for Service Delivery
Improvement Plans (SDIPs) to improve service delivery. In terms of the Public Service Regulations, all national
and provincial government departments are required to develop and implement SDIPs. Regulation 38 of the
Public Service Regulation, 2016, provides that an executive authority shall establish and maintain a SDIP,
aligned to the strategic plan, specifying the main services to be improved to the different types of actual and
potential service recipients, as identified by the Department.
Over the past decade, government has been gradually moving from an “inside-out” approach basing service
delivery on what the organisation saw as important—to an “outside-in” approach basing service delivery on
citizens’ needs and expectations. The continuous and measurable improvement of client satisfaction is the
most reliable indicator of improvement in service quality and service performance. To better serve citizens
and business clients, the SAPS needs to fully understand their service needs. This is the crux of service
improvement – better understanding, leading to better service, leading to greater satisfaction, while making
service easier to access.
In response to the strategic direction, given by the Minister of Police, the Honourable General Bheki Cele, it
is incumbent on us, as employees of the South African Police Service, to ensure that “The dream of a young
women walking the streets of South Africa without fear of rape and attack is realised.” In support of the
Ministers direction the SAPS will identify key actions that will support the five key focus areas.
How will we get there? This involves the creation of a SDIP for the organisation, which will be supported by
activities set out in the Service Delivery Improvement Action Plans at all levels. These activities are centred on
the belief set – We belong, We care, We serve, which must truly be realised by clients who access our services
by bringing the principles of Batho Pele to life. As public servants we must encourage a spirit of culture and
practice of collaboration, teamwork and integrity, appreciating the trust that communities have in us to
police the country – thereby creating a better life for all.
Public servants should be courteous when providing services to the public, by listening to their problems,
apologising when we fail to meet the standards and serving people with empathy and a true willingness to
resolve their hardship.
How do we make it happen? This plan will be implemented through Service Delivery Improvement Action
Plans, at all levels of the organisation .This will be followed by quarterly monitoring and reporting on activities
for improvement. In carrying out these activities we must be cognisant of the Batho Pele principles and align
these with the Constitutional ideals of:
 Promoting and maintaining high professional standards of professional ethics;
 Providing service impartiality; fairly, equitably and without bias;
 Utilising resources efficiently and effectively
 Responding to people’s needs
 Rendering and accountable, transparent and development orientated public administration

An initial task to begin service improvement initiatives will be to identify the key services that will be
prioritised for improvement for the 2021/2022 financial year. The SAPS has amended the services that were
Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

identified during the 2019/2020 financial year, to provide more clarity to the service that must be improved.
It will be important that the leadership, i.e. Provincial Commissioners, Divisional Commissioners, National
Component Heads, District Commanders and Station Commanders within the respective levels take
responsibility for overseeing implementation of these initiatives by, establishing accountability systems and
to lead implementation of the Service Delivery Improvement Action Plans.

How will the Province benefit from implementing the proposed Service Delivery Improvement

The main objective of SDIP is to ensure

effective and efficient service delivery,
which is better, faster and more responsive
to the needs of the people

The process of implementing the Service

Ensures that SAPS’ institutionalises Batho Delivery Improvement Action Plan informs
Pele initiatives and principles, through an and assist the station in addressing the
integrated approach to manage the service actual areas of failure or challenges that
delivery improvement initiatives have to be addressed through the
Department’s value chain

Provides information to facilitate It will improve communication with

monitoring by the various levels within the employees, to encourage them to focus on
organisation continuous, improved service delivery

It motivates members to improve their

performance levels

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023





1.1 The station must prioritise the following clients, who report to the  Provincial Commissioner
Community Service Centre (CSC), who should not be expected to wait  Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Policing
in long queues:
o Pregnant;
o Disabled;
o Elderly clients; and
o Victims of sensitive crimes
1.2 A member of a relief must be assigned with the responsibility of  Provincial Commissioner
marshalling the queues in the CSC, daily.  Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Policing
1.3 The floor marshal duties must be recorded in the SAPS 15 or Duty List.  Provincial Commissioner
 Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Policing
1.4 A Suggestion Box must be put in place for clients to use when they  Provincial Commissioner
receive poor services or want to extend compliments and must include  Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Policing
the following:
o Suggestion Box with a lock;
o Suggestion Box Register; and
o Appointment of a committee to manage complaints and
1.5 The complaints coordinator at the station must be assigned to handle  Provincial Commissioner
all complaints that are placed in the Suggestion Box.  Deputy Provincial Commissioner:
Corporate Services
1.6 The Station Commander must implement mechanisms to improve  Provincial Commissioner
areas pertaining to poor service delivery through communication  Provincial Head: Corporate
initiatives, which are directed at the public. Communication and Liaison
1.7 The station must implement the National Instruction 6 of 2017:  Provincial Commissioner
Management of Complaints against the SAPS and display the  Provincial Head: Inspectorate
complaints procedure, in the CSC, where it is easily accessible to the
clients. (This could be in the Service Charter and any other manner
that the station decides)
1.8 The Service Delivery Charter is displayed in the Community Service  Provincial Commissioner
Centre and is easily accessible to the public. In addition, the following  Deputy Provincial Commissioner:
contact numbers must also be made available: Corporate Services
o Contact details of the Provincial Complaints Nodal Point.
o Contact details of the appointed station or District member dealing
with complaints.
1.9 The station has communicated the Action Plan to police people with  Provincial Commissioner
disability, including all vulnerable groups.  Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Policing
1.10 The station submitted a report following a visit by the Department of  Provincial Commissioner
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation’s (DPME) for Frontline Service  Deputy Provincial Commissioner:
Delivery Monitoring and Support (FSDMS) visits during the financial Management Advisory Services
year 2021/2022
1.11 The CSC prioritises complaints, in line with the stations’ baseline and  Provincial Commissioner
ensures that immediate response is provided by the patrol van.  Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Policing
o Alpha;
o Bravo; and
o Charlie has improved.
If not what mechanisms are put in place to improve response time?

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

2.1 The station must provide a victim-friendly service, to all victims of crime  Provincial Commissioner
who, report cases at the CSC to:  Deputy Provincial Commissioner:
o eliminate secondary victimisation in the criminal justice process; Policing
o ensure that victims remain central to the criminal justice process;
o clarify the service standards that can be expected by and are to be
accorded to victims whenever they come into contact with the
criminal justice system; and
o make provision for victims’ recourse when standards are not met
The relief commander of a shift must ensure that members refer victims
of sensitive cases, for further external support and counselling,
depending on the type of case/crime.

2.2 The station must be maintained in a clean, acceptable and hygienic  Provincial Commissioner
condition, as per National Instruction 22 of 2019. Areas such as the CSC ,  Deputy Provincial Commissioner:
toilets, victim friendly-facility, interview rooms must always be in a Policing
clean state, throughout the day to accommodate and treat victims of
 Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Crime
crime in an acceptable environment
2.3 Does the Detective Branch have special or dedicated facilities to conduct  Provincial Commissioner
interviews such as interview rooms, or victim rooms to attend to  Deputy Provincial Commissioner:
sensitive cases? (If the answer is no please explain how are victims of Policing
sensitive cases accommodated by the investigating officer at the
 Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Crime
Detective Branch)
2.4 Does the station have sufficient evidence collection kits and are the  Provincial Commissioner
stock levels monitored monthly (crime kits):  Deputy Provincial Commissioner:
o Paediatric Sexual Assault; Policing
o Adult Sexual Assault;
o Buccal swaps; and
o Other (specify).

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


3.1 Does the station conduct police initiated activities, such as:  Provincial Commissioner
o Conducting and maintaining high visibility in crime hotspots;  Deputy Provincial Commissioner:
o Conduct stop and search operations; Policing
o Conduct operations for raiding of unlicensed liquor
o Monitor licenced liquor outlets for compliance;
o Conduct roadblocks;
o Conduct farm visits;
o Visits/inspections of second-hand dealers;
o Conduct school visits; and
o Visits/inspections of firearms dealers.
3.2 Ensure that all vehicles that are used by operational members, in uniform,  Deputy Provincial Commissioner:
are marked, as this enhances police visibility, in terms of National Policing
Instruction 4 of 2011, as specified in paragraph 12 (1) and (2).  Provincial Head Supply Chain
3.3 What measures are put in place by the station to take services to the  Provincial Commissioner
peoples (Khawuleza –Taking services to the people)? This refers to  Deputy Provincial Commissioner:
communities, who cannot easily access policing services. Policing
3.4 The station conducts crime awareness campaigns within communities  Provincial Commissioner
within communities which include disabled communities by providing  Deputy Provincial Commissioner:
crime prevention tips/hints and information to the community it serves Policing
o Crime awareness campaigns, by Crime Prevention.
o Crime awareness campaigns, by Detective Service and/or
o Joint crime awareness campaigns
o Distributions of pamphlets with crime hints and crime tips
o Articles on crime trends in local newspapers
o Talk shows with local radio stations to communities and to provide
crime related information and hints.

3.5 The station encourages public participation by establishing and  Provincial Commissioner
maintaining partnerships between the community and SAPS, through the  Deputy Provincial Commissioner:
following structures but not limited to: Policing
o Community Policing Forum;
o Sector Policing Forum;
o Traditional Leaders;
o Religious Leaders;
o Civil Organisations; and
o Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s)

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023






4.1 Do Investigating Officers provide feedback to complainants at the initial  Provincial Commissioner
phase of the investigation of a case docket, by completing a SAP 429-at  Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Crime
the initial receipt of the case docket and provide the complainant with a Detection

4.2 Regular feedback is provided throughout the life cycle of each case docket  Provincial Commissioner
and CAS is updated regularly, to ensure that an electronic SMS can be  Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Crime
sent to the complainant/victim Detection
4.3 Before a case docket is submitted for filing, the investigating officer must  Provincial Commissioner
make an endorsement in the investigation diary that the  Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Crime
victim/complainant has been informed of the status of the case. Detection
4.4 The Station Commander conducts monthly inspections of at least 30 case  Provincial Commissioner
dockets and these reflect that the complainants are contacted in each of  Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Crime
these cases, regarding progress of the investigation, in terms of National Detection
Instruction 13 of 2016, paragraph 27.
4.5 The Branch Commander has implemented security measures, to  Provincial Commissioner
strengthen security and to ensure the safety of detective offices to guard  Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Crime
against any loss/ theft of dockets or assets. Detection
 Provide a list of case dockets that have been reported lost and
where a duplicate case docket was compiled/printed
4.6 Do all investigating offices have registered informers, to assist them in the  Provincial Commissioner
successful investigation of cases under investigation?  Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Crime
Where investigating officers do not have active informers what has the Detection
branch commander done to address this matter? Please explain.

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


5.1 The province must participate in Africa  Provincial Commissioner  Participation in APSD activities, to be
Public Service Day (APSD) initiatives as  Deputy Provincial guided by the APSD Action Plan and
directed by the National Plan Commissioner: theme.
Management Advisory
5.2 The province must participate in Public  Provincial Commissioner  Participation in PSM activities, to be
Service Month (PSM) initiatives as  Deputy Provincial guided by the PSM Action Plan and
directed by the National Plan Commissioner: theme.
 Management Advisory
5.3 Does the station develop an annual  Provincial Commissioner  The stations have Station Profiles for
station profile,  Deputy Provincial 2021/2022, which is updated, annually.
 Is the profile informed by the Commissioner :  The AOP of stations is developed and
following generators (but not Management Advisory implemented and the situational
limited to) of crime or factors, that Services analysis highlights the crime generators
hinder policing service delivery: as per the profile.
o Alcohol and Drug Abuse.
o Informal settlement.
o Undocumented persons.
o Increase in infrastructure and
population in the policing area.
o High rate of unemployment,
resulting in an increase in
specific crimes
o High school dropout
5.4 The Station Commander has instituted  Provincial Commissioner  The Station Commander conducts
measures to address the root causes of  Provincial Head: Legal and awareness sessions, in terms of SOP’s
civil claims at the station such as: Policy Services for affecting arrests.
o Unlawful arrests;  Provincial Head  Quarterly Civil Claims reports are
o Unlawful Detention; Inspectorate submitted.
o Assaults;  Distribution of information to
o Shooting Incidents; and members, through circulars in the IB
o Motor vehicle accidents. and discussed at on-and-off duty
Is the station contributing to a high parades.
number of civil claims?  A certificate signed by the Station
Commander that all members under his
Commander, are fully cognisant of the
National Instruction on Civil Claims (an
attendance register with all the
members’ signatures.
 Number of civil claims registered
against the station.
 Number of members involved.

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


This plan draws from the analysis of crime statistics of the previous administration and interventions made.
This cabinet memorandum focuses on the crime trends of the last five years and the impact that the
initiatives, interventions and strategies have had in crime reduction in the province.
These policing strategies and interventions include, amongst others:
 The revised Gauteng Safety Strategy (2015-19),
 Gauteng Integrated Policing Plan,
 O Kae Molao,
 Deliverology,
 Gauteng Information on Police Performance System (GIPPS) and
 Quarterly Review Sessions (QRS) with law enforcement agencies to track and account for their

As part of finalizing Growing Gauteng Together 2030 vision, the Premier convened a discussion between
his office, the Department of Community Safety and the South African Police Service.
The Premier then instructed that this plan be developed and tabled with the Executive Council for
Policing should be driven by a data intensive process and research analysis, and more research
partnerships should be mobilized.
This is an integrated plan which was approved by the Provincial Executive Council, operationalised through
Operation O Kae Molao and has the following objectives:

Quality of
Improved Service Station
Service Specific
Delivery Plans

E-Policing Police

GGT 5 Year

Reducing of Firearms

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

The Policing Plan prioritizes the reduction of following crime categories in the period between 2019 - 2024:
 Contact crimes,
 Robberies,
 Sexual offences (crimes against women and children included),
 Crimes linked to counterfeit/illicit/unregulated economy,
 Organized crimes,
 Firearm-related and public-order related crimes.

In addition, the following identified Crime Generators are addressed through the implementation of the
 Illegal Mining
 Liquor Outlets
 Land Invasion and Informal settlements
 Socio-economic factors exacerbated by COVID 19
 Proliferation of Firearms
 Bank Following
 Spaza Shops / Malls
 Corruption
 Taxi Violence
 Hijacked / Bad Buildings
 Gangsterism
 Poor By-law Enforcement
 Illicit Business Forums
 Rapid population growth
 Xenophobia
 Initiation Schools


The National Commissioner of Police’s Turn-Around Vision called for the “Turning the creation of a safe
and secure environment into a crime-free conducive climate for economic and social stability in support
of a better life for all”. The Provincial Commissioner of Gauteng answered and Operation O Kae Molao
was initiated in 2018.
O Kae Molao involves not only the South African Police Service, but all other Law Enforcement Agencies
within the Province to deal with the root causes of crime and to improve overall performance in an effort
to address the JCPS Outcome 3: “All people in South Africa are and feel safe”.
O Kae Molao is a multi-disciplinary integrated strategic and operational plan which seeks to respond to
urgent calls to eliminate lawlessness, to restore the safety of communities and rekindle the public
confidence in the police. Heightening of the multi-disciplinary integrated approach, the plan is managed
under the auspices of Mutingati and the Economic Stimulus Package as the over-arching whole of
Government’s Crime Prevention and Combating Framework.
The core objectives of O Kae Molao includes, but is not limited to:

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023

 Maintaining law, order, peace, security and stability;

 Creating a conducive environment for all people of Gauteng to participate in social and economic
 Reclaiming the space and areas controlled by criminals;
 Enforcing all laws and by-laws without fear or favour – Stamping the Authority of the State; and
 Creating a safe and secure environment for all.

Following the finalisation of the pan, an Implementation Plan was compiled in collaboration with all MPD’s
and the Gauteng Traffic Department in order to address the following Objectives:
 To build capacity to ensure joint integration of stakeholders
 To implement intelligence led policing that will reduce the levels of priority crime
 To Reduce the occurrence of Serious Crime by addressing the Root Causes of Crime
 To build capacity and respond to policing demands
 To discourage all crimes by providing a proactive and responsive policing service that will reduce the
levels of priority crime
 To contribute to the successful prosecution of offenders by investigating, gathering and analysing
 Win back the hearts and minds of the community

This will be achieved by implementing and sustaining the following five pillars:

Gauteng South African Police Service Annual Operational Plan 2022/2023


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