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• Biodiversity- encompasses Earth's diverse living species, including plants,

animals, bacteria, and fungi. Despite its richness, many species are threatened
by extinction due to human activities.

When did Biodiversity start?

during the Phanerozoic era begins with the rapid growth of the Cambrian explosion —
the period in which most phyla of multicellular organisms appeared

What part of Earth has the most biodiversity and why?

along the equator in tropical rainforests and coral reefs.

What will happen if the biodiversity destroyed?

health impact if ecosystem services are no longer adequate to meet social needs.
6 reasons why we need biodiversity
1. Climate change- Destruction of forests, tundras and oceans releases
greenhouse, gases, accelerating global warming
2. Food Security- This renders our food system vulnerable to extreme weather, pests and
3. Clean Air and Water- Trees turn to CO2 into oxygen. Plants use solar energy to
grow. Shellfish purify the water. Bacteria break down organic materials into
4. Natural resources and Feedstock- Our food, energy, feedstock, building
materials and medicine are provided by nature.
5. Preventing diseases and pests- Predators and prey, the animals and plants
they eat, fungi in the soil and roots of trees
6. Quality of life- Nature and Biodiversity are beneficial to our health, well-being
and quality of life.

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