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Life Cycle Assessment of Carbon

Dioxide–Based Production of Methane
and Methanol and Derived Polymers
Wieland Hoppe,1 Nils Thonemann,2 and Stefan Bringezu1,3
Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology UMSICHT, Oberhausen, Germany
Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, and Energy, Wuppertal, Germany

carbon capture and utilization (CCU)
CO2 capture and use Previous studies showed that using carbon dioxide (CO2 ) as a raw material for chemical
life cycle assessment (LCA) syntheses may provide an opportunity for achieving greenhouse gas (GHG) savings and a
global warming potential low-carbon economy. Nevertheless, it is not clear whether carbon capture and utilization
power-to-X benefits the environment in terms of resource efficiency. We analyzed the production of
resource efficiency
methane, methanol, and synthesis gas as basic chemicals and derived polyoxymethylene,
polyethylene, and polypropylene as polymers by calculating the output-oriented indicator
Supporting information is linked
global warming impact (GWI) and the resource-based indicators raw material input (RMI)
to this article on the JIE website and total material requirement (TMR) on a cradle-to-gate basis. As carbon source, we
analyzed the capturing of CO2 from air, raw biogas, cement plants, lignite-fired power, and
municipal waste incineration plants. Wind power serves as an energy source for hydrogen
production. Our data were derived from both industrial processes and process simulations.
The results demonstrate that the analyzed CO2 -based process chains reduce the amount of
GHG emissions in comparison to the conventional ones. At the same time, the CO2 -based
process chains require an increased amount of (abiotic) resources. This trade-off between
decreased GHG emissions and increased resource use is assessed. The decision about
whether or not to recycle CO2 into hydrocarbons depends largely on the source and
amount of energy used to produce hydrogen.

Introduction can be captured from flue gases or raw biogas, whereas renewable
power can generate hydrogen (H2 ) from water by electrolysis.
Establishing an industrial carbon cycle could lead to a lower
These two inputs can then be combined to produce basic chem-
input of primary fossil resources—in particular, oil, coal, or nat-
icals, such as methane or methanol, which may be used for the
ural gas—for chemical production (Quadrelli et al. 2011; Peters
production of polymers.
et al. 2011). Currently, the chemical industry uses these fossil
Following the utilization phase of polymers, waste manage-
raw materials as sources of carbon and energy. The increasing
ment can recover a part of the energy content and capture
availability of renewable energy, however, provides the option
CO2 from gases generated by incineration or biogas production.
to separate carbon from energy sources. Carbon dioxide (CO2 )

Conflict of interest statement: The authors have no conflict to declare.

Address correspondence to: Wieland Hoppe, Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR), University of Kassel, Wilhelmshöher Allee 47, D-34117 Kassel, Germany.

© 2017 by Yale University

DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12583 Editor managing review: Alexis Laurent

Volume 22, Number 2 Journal of Industrial Ecology 327

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The use of CO2 as a raw material (in the following also called and Lindorfer (2015) investigate the global warming impacts
alternative routes) could thus complement the material recy- (GWIs) of CO2 -based methane. Both of them conclude that
cling of carbon-rich materials, such as waste plastics, and be- the ecological performance depends mainly on the scope, for
come part of an industrial carbon recycling that increasingly instance, the electricity mix for electrolysis. Sternberg and
substitutes the linear flow of fossil carbon from the earth crust Bardow (2015) focus on an LCA on GWI and fossil depletion of
to the atmosphere. methane, synthesis gas, and methanol. They observe reductions
Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) is a growing field of of GWI for all CO2 -based chemicals. Schäffner and colleagues
research. It should be clearly distinguished from carbon capture (2014) investigate different impacts like the GWI of fatty acid
and storage, where CO2 is compressed and stored instead of esters from CO2 . Von der Assen and Bardow (2014) analyze the
producing chemicals (Bruhn et al. 2016). GWI and other impacts of the production of CO2 -based poly-
An overview of CCU with possible routes for CO2 utiliza- ols. A recent study from von der Assen and colleagues (2015)
tion and the policy context is given by Styring and colleagues investigate the impacts of production and utilization of poly-
(2011). Mikkelsen and colleagues (2010) give a chemical-based oxymethylene (POM) units for polyurethane production. This
overview on transformation options of CO2 to valuable prod- study focuses on the GWI of the polymer. Cuéllar-Franca and
ucts like methanol. Markewitz and colleagues (2012) provide a Azapagic (2015) observe that the environmental assessment of
technical review of the status quo of CCU, including CO2 and their considered studies is mostly based on GWI of different
H2 production and the synthesis of hydrocarbons. products. Other common impact categories are acidification
Cuéllar-Franca and Azapagic (2015) present a summary of and eutrophication.
publications in the research area of CCU, with a focus on the Recently published LCA studies on the production of CO2 -
comparison of life cycle environmental impacts. By consid- based chemicals like methane or methanol indicate that the
ering 16 studies on CCU, they identify postcombustion cap- GWI could be lowered compared to fossil-based production
ture of CO2 using monoethanolamine as one of the methods (von der Assen et al. 2013; Sternberg and Bardow 2015; Hoppe
most applied for capturing CO2 . Only the study by Aresta and et al. 2016). The result, however, strongly depends on the
Galatola (1999) considers the production of CO2 -based chem- energy source for electrolysis and the chosen CO2 input. Fur-
icals by further reaction of captured CO2 from postcombustion ther, the type of use (heat, electricity, and chemical prod-
technologies and H2 . Their study conducts a life cycle assess- ucts) of the CO2 -based products influences their environmental
ment (LCA) of CO2 -based dimethyl carbonate. performance.
Trost and colleagues (2012) and Schaaf and colleagues So far, the following aspects have not yet been studied at all
(2014) consider CO2 -based methane production for energy or at least not sufficiently:
storage of fluctuating renewable energies. Both of them analyze
the quantitative potential of power-to-gas plants in Germany. 1) Resource requirements: The material intensity of CCU
Besides methane, another focus of CO2 -based chemicals is needs to be investigated. Given that climate-friendly
on methanol. The potential use of methanol as fuel and feed- CCU requires renewable energies, the resource require-
stock was first described by Asinger (1986), who focused on the ments for their infrastructure have to be considered.
mobilization of coal. Olah and colleagues (2009) and Bertau Resource policies in countries like Germany and Japan
and colleagues (2014) took up the idea of a “methanol econ- and in the European Union (EU) demand higher resource
omy,” although with a focus on the practical use of hydrogen, efficiency (Bahn-Walkowiak and Steger 2015; EEA
which would allow becoming more independent of fossil fuels 2016). Their implementation requires a cross-scale ap-
(FFs) if hydrogen is produced with renewable energies. plication of material-flow–based indicators, which have
Several studies consider options for the production of CO2 - been adopted in statistical guidelines of the European
based polymers. In this way, the catalytic copolymerization of Commission (EC) (EC 2001), Eurostat (2013), and the
epoxides with CO2 for polyols and polycarbonates production Organization for Economic Cooperation and Develop-
is of special interest. For instance, Klaus and colleagues (2011) ment (OECD) (OECD 2008), and become more and
review several studies regarding reaction mechanism and rese- more established (Fischer-Kowalski et al. 2011; Schandl
arch progress. Kember and Williams (2012) suggest to vary et al. 2016).
the reaction conditions. Bayer, as a chemical company, take 2) Process integration: Heat requirements for capturing CO2
up this idea for producing polyols from CO2 and epoxides from different sources could be reduced by using waste
for polyurethanes (Langanke et al. 2014). Recently, Trott and heat from subsequent processes, which might influence
colleagues (2016) summarize and review publications on ring- the environmental impacts of process chains (Zhang
opening copolymerization of CO2 and epoxides. Other CO2 - et al. 2015). Given that the thermal performance of pro-
based polymers like methane- and methanol-derived ones are cesses for the production of base chemicals from CO2
investigated rather rarely so far. differ, varying options for process integration have to be
LCAs of CO2 -based basic chemicals, intermediates, and considered.
polymers were carried out in several studies. Von der Assen 3) The methanol-to-olefins (MTO) process chain: The MTO
and colleagues (2013) provide a general insight in the method- route is gaining increasing importance for the CO2 -based
ology of environmental assessments in the field of CCU. Reiter production of bulk chemicals (Olah et al. 2011) whereas

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its environmental performance is insufficiently consid- For the polymers, 1 kg of POM, PE, or PP is regarded as the
ered so far. A detailed LCA of methane and methanol functional unit.
production as an intermediate step for CO2 -based bulk The GWI is a measure for greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-
chemicals is also required. sions. It is given in kg CO2 equivalents (CO2 -eq). Measur-
ing the material use of chemical production, we calculated the
Our study intends to fill these research gaps and compares input-oriented indicators, RMI and TMR, in kg. Both indi-
the CO2 -based and the conventional production methods of cators are usually economy-wide indicators (EC 2001; OECD
relevant chemicals. The third point leads to the question of 2008; Eurostat 2013), but have also been developed for prod-
which chemicals could play an important role within a future ucts and infrastructures.1 For instance, Wiesen and colleagues
CCU scheme and are relevant for our analysis. (2013) determined the TMR of wind power. The rationale of
We consider methane because it is a key platform chemical those mass-flow–based indicators has been described elsewhere
for methanol and CO2 -based polymers (von der Assen et al. (Bringezu et al. 2003). The idea behind both indicators is that
2015). Methanol itself can be used for a large amount of CO2 - they consider primary materials taken from nature. Whereas
based final products, including polymers (Benvenuto 2014). RMI focuses on used materials only, the TMR is a measure for
Synthesis gas shall be considered as well because it is an in- both used and “unused” primary materials (both purposefully
termediate for methanol production from methane (Benvenuto moved). The former represents the product output of the pri-
2014). mary sector (mining, agriculture, etc.) and the latter its input
We assess both polyphenyl ether (PE) and polypropylene by technical means (total excavation, cuttings, etc.). We are
(PP) production because they are the most demanded polymers classifying material inputs in biotic and abiotic raw materials.
in Europe (PlasticsEurope et al. 2012). In contrast to those Biotic raw materials are referring to plant biomass from culti-
high-volume polymers, POM is a specialty polymer. Its higher vation and biomass from uncultivated areas. Abiotic raw mate-
quality and price may make a market entry of CO2 -based POM rials comprise metals, industrial minerals, construction miner-
more likely than for large-volume, low-price polymers. POM is als, and FFs (Saurat and Ritthoff 2013). After developing and
one of the few polymers whose carbon content could mostly be analyzing the process chains, we verify the results in a sensitivity
delivered from CO2 without any fossil raw materials. analysis.
The goal of the study is to investigate key life cycle per-
formance indicators of selected CCU routes based on differ-
Process Chains
ent sources of CO2 . Steinmann and colleagues (2016) found
that the life-cycle–wide input of fossil energy, materials, land, The process chains are classified according to the products,
and water (“resource footprints”) together explains 84% of the methane, synthesis gas, methanol, POM, PE, and PP (figure 1).
variance of all LCA impact categories covered in a standard Five CO2 sources (air, biogas, flue gases from cement, waste
database such as ecoinvent. For our study, we consider land and incineration, and lignite-fired power plants) are considered for
water less relevant and focus our analysis on a comparison of the each product. We assume identical qualities of CO2 -based basic
GWI using the 100-year global warming potentials, the material chemicals compared to the conventionally produced ones.
input (raw material input [RMI] and the total material requirement Technologies and data considered represent conditions in
[TMR]) of CO2 -based and conventional process chains. Western Europe. The potential CO2 sources, which could be
used in Germany and their specifications, are given in table 1.
CO2 from biogas and flue gases (cement production, lignite, and
Methodology waste incineration) are point sources with relatively high con-
centration of CO2 . Capturing CO2 from air (also called direct
General Approach
air capture [DAC]) has the advantage of being spatially inde-
The process chains for the production of chemicals were pendent, but is challenged with a relatively low concentration
analyzed by an attributional LCA. We used ecoinvent 3.1 as a of CO2 in the air.
data basis in background processes (Weidema et al. 2013) and Amine scrubbing is used for CO2 capture because of a
OpenLCA 1.4.1 as software for modeling and calculating. As a high purity and amount of captured CO2 (Markewitz et al.
functional unit, we considered the production of 1 kilogram (kg) 2012). CO2 is absorbed by an amine-based substance (e.g., mo-
of methane, synthesis gas, or methanol. Methane is considered noethanolamine) and is thereby captured from flue gases. Heat-
to be delivered at 80 bar, taking into account the infeed into the ing then separates the solvent from CO2 , which evaporates
public high-pressure gas grid. We used the methane content of and can be used for the following processes while the amine is
CO2 -based and conventionally produced synthetic or natural regenerated. Cleaning of CO2 after amine scrubbing is not nec-
gas (NG), respectively, as comparable value, because we are only essary because of high purity of the gas. The need for electricity
interested i chemical use of methane for synthesis gas and the for CO2 capturing is of minor importance (Markewitz et al.
regarded polymers. Further information on the calculation of 2012). Capturing CO2 from air is considered as practiced by
the methane content and, in consequence thereof, the amount Climeworks company, where a special kind of an amine-based
of NG needed for 1 kg of methane are provided in section 1 of compound is used (Gebald et al. 2011). The capture method is
the supporting information available on the Journal’s website. largely comparable to the described amine scrubbing, although

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Figure 1 Overview of analyzed routes of CO2 based and conventional production (relevant products are circled in bold). CO2 = carbon
dioxide; H2 = hydrogen; MTO = methanol-to-olefins; PE = polyethylene; POM = polyoxymethylene; PP = polypropylene.

Table 1 Potential CO2 sources in Germany

Concentration of CO2 in the flue

CO2 source No. of plants Amount of CO2 emitted [Mt/a] gas/mixture of gases/air [%]

Air — — 0.040110 (2015)

Biogas 8,726 (2014)1 75.55 (2014)1, 5 25 to 6011

Cement plant 55 (2014)2 18.84 (2012)6 2512

Lignite-fired power plant 48 (2015)3 163 (2013)7 10 to 1513

Waste incineration plant 73 (2012)4 16.51 (2009)8, 9 10 to 1513

Note: 1: German Biogas Association (2016); 2: VDZ e.V. (2015); 3: Statistik der Kohlenwirtschaft (2013); 4: BMUB (2012); 5: Götz and colleagues
(2016) (yield of CO2 per biogas plant); 6: VDZ (2013); 7: Icha (2015); 8: Urban (2007); 9: Spohn (2013); 10: ESRL (2016); 11: Bilitewski and Härdtle
(2013); 12: IEA (2008); 13: Styring (2015).
CO2 = carbon dioxide; Mt/a = megatonnes per annum.

the mentioned amine-based adsorbent might lead to slightly methanol production, heat recovery is also assumed. However,
different capture characteristics. because the reaction is less exothermic, only a small amount of
The heat sources for CO2 capture are given in table 2. heat can directly be used for CO2 capture, and the main part is
Biogas and cement production itself are not affected by assumed to be delivered from external sources.
capturing CO2 , whereas a work loss in electricity production The production of synthesis gas and POM is based on
was assumed for lignite-fired power plants (additional energy methane. Polyolefins are produced on the basis of methanol.
from the lignite-fired power plant for CO2 capture) and waste Methanol is assumed to be directly formed from H2 and CO2
incineration plants (substituted by electricity from the grid). (figure 1).
In contrast to biogas and cement plants, using heat to capture The environmental impacts of incineration, biogas produc-
CO2 is regarded as coupled to reduced power production in tion, and cement production are not considered because un-
both plants. This is in line with other studies (Oyenekan and captured and unpurified CO2 is classified as waste. This means
Rochelle 2006, 2007; Jassim and Rochelle 2006). that the economic value of CO2 is around zero (it could also
For methane production, heat for CO2 capture from DAC, be negative with regard to CO2 emission trade systems). The
biogas, and cement production is recovered directly from captured CO2 , however, is regarded as (valuable) raw material
methanation, which is a highly exothermic reaction. For for the following chemical conversions (von der Assen et al.

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Table 2 Heat sources for CO2 capture

CO2 source Methanation (also for synthesis gas, and POM) Methanol Synthesis (also for PE and PP)

Air Heat recovery from methanation/natural gas burning Heat recovery from methanol synthesis/
natural gas burning
Biogas Heat recovery from methanation Heat recovery from methanol synthesis/
natural gas burning
Cement plant Heat recovery from methanation and kiln exhaust gases Heat recovery from methanol synthesis and
kiln exhaust gases/natural gas burning
Lignite-fired power plant Work loss of lignite-fired power plant Work loss of lignite-fired power plant

Waste incineration plant Work loss of waste incineration plant Work loss of waste incineration plant

Note: CO2 = carbon dioxide; POM = polyoxymethylene; PE = polyphenyl ether; PP = polypropylene.

2013). According to LCA conventions, a cut-off approach is process is used for the production of conventional synthesis gas,
followed. We account for the input of CO2 into the system synthesis gas from CCU and from NG is comparable.
and its effect on GWI. The steps before capturing CO2 (bio-
Steam methane reforming (SMR) :
gas production, etc.) are not included. The life cycle effects of
the production of H2 are considered to contain all upstream CH4 + H2 O → CO + 3H2 (HR 0 = +206.4kJ/mol) (2)
processes. In a cradle-to-gate analysis, the process chains begin
with the raw material extraction and end with the provision CO2 and H2 are also the sole inputs in the CO2 -based
of the final product. Further use and waste management of the methanol production (equation 3). Compared to methane,
chemicals are not accounted for. Transport processes are not however, a smaller stoichiometric amount of CO2 and H2 is
considered. needed for the production of 1 kg of methanol.
H2 is produced by electrolysis. The use of renewable energies
for electrolysis is necessary if one does not want to accept higher CO2 -based methanol synthesis:
GHG emissions by incinerating FFs for energy production than CO2 + 3H2 → CH3 OH + H2 O (HR 0 = −49.2kJ/mol) (3)
GHG savings by using CO2 (Ozbilen et al. 2013; Olah et al.
2009). We assume the supply of wind energy for electrolysis and The production of CO2 -based and conventionally produced
the German electricity mix for all other processes. Wind power basic chemicals is visualized in sections 2 to 5 of the supporting
is a suitable energy source because it is the most important kind information on the Web.
of all renewable energies in Germany (BMWi 2016). Attributed We consider conventional methane as a component of NG.
to the fact that surplus electricity has to be curtailed, wind power The production of NG includes all upstream processes, such
is mostly affected by curtailment (Bundesnetzagentur 2016). as resource extraction, purification, and transport in pipelines
In addition, direct sourcing of wind power by CO2 -processing to and within Germany. The German market for NG in 2014
plants may be possible through contracting or in the case of serves as a reference for the origin of NG (bafa 2015).
close-by location. We therefore focused on wind power as an Carbon monoxide (CO) and H2 as components in conven-
appropriate energy source for the electrolysis. The output of tional synthesis gas (molar ratio of CO:H2 = 1:3) are produced
oxygen (O2 ) from electrolysis is not further considered in our by SMR from methane from NG and water (equation 2).
analysis. Methanol from NG is produced by SMR (equation 2) from
Sabatier first described the production of methane from CO2 synthesis gas (equation 4). The production of methanol from
and H2 (also called methanation of CO2 ) in 1902 (equation 1). SMR-based synthesis gas is assumed to take place in Germany.
Methanation: Conventional methanol synthesis:
CO2 + 4H2 → CH4 + 2H2 O (HR = −253.2kJ/mol) (1)
CO + 2H2 → CH3 OH (HR 0 = −90.4kJ/mol) (4)

Although there are different options for the production of The differences of CO2 -based and conventionally pro-
synthesis gas, we consider steam methane reforming (SMR) duced POM are premised on different reactants (we considered
for the production of CO2 -based synthesis gas (equation 2). CO2 -based methane and methane from NG as reactants for
Other processes for synthesis gas production, like dry reform- the required methanol production according to PlasticsEurope
ing or reverse water gas shift reaction, limit the number of [2011]). The other reaction pathways (polymerization and so
suitable industrial processes attributed to their stoichiometry on) are identical and therefore not differentiated.
(Schwab et al. 2015). Further, SMR is state of the art (Moseley We consider two types of POM: POM-h (homopolymer) and
and Garche 2014; Schwab et al. 2015). Given that the same POM-c (co-polymer). In both cases, formaldehyde is produced

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by partial oxidation of methanol (equation (5)). POM-h is pro- waste incineration plant and higher lignite use for the lignite-
duced by polymerization of formaldehyde (equation (6)). The fired power plant. The reason for this assumption is the avail-
production of POM-c is slightly different. A various number of ability of the feed: Using electricity from a waste incineration
co-monomers can be used to produce a copolymer. The data we plant can hardly be compensated by incinerating more waste.
used reflect a mix of both reaction types of POM (PlasticsEurope Whereas the purpose of the waste incinerator is to convert the
2011). available waste to energy, the purpose of a lignite-fired power
plant is to generate electricity (and heat). A growing internal
Partial oxidation:
energy demand would be compensated by incinerating a higher
CH3 OH + 1/2O2 → CH2 O + H2 O (HR 0 = −157kJ/mol) (5) amount of lignite in the first place. Therefore, we considered
a work loss of 0.24 kWh/kg of CO2 for the waste incinera-
tion plant and of 0.164 kWh/kg of CO2 for the lignite-fired
Polymerization: n ∗ CH2 O → (CH2 O)n (6)
power plant (Rochelle et al. 2011). This is in line with Moser
The amount of carbon in POM mostly (>99.5 %) originates (2015) who refers to an existing lignite-fired power plant in
from CO2 . The low input of 0.35 kg of methane per kg of Niederaußem, Germany. Values for the work loss in lignite-
POM results stoichiometrically from other noncarbon inputs, fired power plants found in the literature are slightly higher. For
especially water (H2 O) and O2 . H2 O is used as a co-reactant in instance, Zhang and colleagues (2015) calculate 0.23 kWh of
steam reforming (equation 2) for the production of synthesis gas, work loss/kg of CO2 . Vasudevan and colleagues (2016) assume
which is used for methanol synthesis. Oxygen is the co-reactant 0.22 kWh of work loss/kg of CO2 . Slightly different capture
in partial oxidation of methanol (equation 5) for formaldehyde plants and processes may explain the difference.
production. As inputs for H2 O electrolysis, we consider a wind power
Whereas ethylene and propylene (called olefins) are pro- input of 54.73 kWh/kg of H2 and an ultrapure H2 O requirement
duced from CO2 -based methanol by a methanol-to-olefins of 8.92 kg of H2 O/kg of H2 (BTS et al. 2014; Hotellier 2014). O2
(MTO) process (see equation 7 for ethylene [C2 H4 ] produc- as a by-product from electrolysis was not considered for further
tion as an example), dimethyl ether serves as an intermediate. use.
Polymerization of both olefins is the final production step to PE The production of methane was calculated with informa-
and PP. tion from the simulation of Müller and colleagues (2011). We
assumed an electrical power input of 0.33 kWh/kg methane, a
MTO-process (ethylene prod.):
CO2 requirement of 2.75 kg of CO2 /kg of methane and a H2
2CH3 OH → CH3 OCH3 + H2 O; CH3 OCH3 → C2 H4 + H2 O (7) input of 0.52 kg of H2 /kg of methane. Attributed to negative
reaction enthalpy of methanation, we considered a heat recov-
Crude oil is the basis for the production of conventional ery of 1.02 kWh/kg of CO2 for CO2 capture. The methane
polyolefins. It is cracked and processed into ethylene, propy- concentration in the CO2 -based product is 97.5% (Müller
lene, and other components. The polymerization step of ethy- et al. 2011). In NG, it is around 90.4% (DVGW 2011; bafa
lene and propylene to PE and PP is considered to be equal for 2015; WEG 2015).
conventional and CO2 -based polyolefins. The methanation of equation (1) is the first step of synthe-
sis gas production. The second step (SMR) is equal for both
conventional and CO2 -based methane. We adopted data from
Data Basis
BTS and colleagues (2014) and assumed an input of 0.71 kWh
Table S1 in the supporting information on the Web of electricity/kg of synthesis gas, 1.96 kWh of heat from NG/kg
(section 6) provides a comprehensive overview of the life cycle of synthesis gas, 0.53 kg of ultrapure H2 O/kg of synthesis gas,
inventory data. Key assumptions and data are explained here. and 0.47 kg of NG/kg of synthesis gas.
First, 0.25 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity and 1.75 kWh of We took data for methanol production from the simulation
heat are required if 1 kg of CO2 is captured from air (Wurzbacher by Rihko-Struckmann and colleagues (2010) and considered a
2014). These are technical data of a capture plant from Clime- material input of 1.37 kg CO2 /kg of methanol, 0.19 kg of H2 /kg
works. We assumed biogas with a CO2 content of 49%. In methanol, and a power input of 1.27 kWh of electrical energy/kg
this case, capturing CO2 requires 0.11 kWh of electricity and of methanol. The output of heat attributed to the exothermic
0.67 kWh of heat per kg of CO2 (MT-Biomethan GmbH 2012). reaction is relatively low (0.10 kWh/kg of methanol).
Heat recovery from exhaust kiln gases for CO2 capture in ce- Data for POM production were mostly adopted from
ment plants (0.34 kWh/kg of CO2 ) was calculated based on PlasticsEurope (2011). For instance, we used these data directly
data from Engin and Ari (2005). Regardless of heat recovery, for the calculation of conventional POM production from NG.
0.02 kWh of electricity and 1.20 kWh of heat are required for CO2 -based POM was calculated by exchanging methane from
capturing 1 kg of CO2 from a cement plant (Element Energy NG into the equivalent amount of CO2 -based methane (0.35 kg
Ltd. et al. 2014). The calculation of the energy requirement for of methane/kg of POM).
waste incineration is equal to the requirement in a lignite-fired Data for the production of polyolefins were taken from differ-
power plant (efficiency loss of 6.5%). We assumed electricity ent sources. We used data from ecoinvent 3.1 for the production
from the grid as a substitute for less exported energy for the of conventional high-density polyethylene (PE-HD) and PP

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granulate from crude oil. For the MTO process (production of Raw Material Input and Total Material Requirement
olefins from methanol), data from Xiang and colleagues (2014)
In terms of the input-oriented indicator, RMI, a different
were considered for both ethylene and propylene. We calcu-
picture occurs (figure 3). The total material intensity of conven-
lated an input of 2.57 kg of methanol, 0.46 kWh of electrical
tionally produced basic chemicals and polymers is lower than
energy, and 1.55 kWh of steam per kg of olefin. The polymer-
the total material intensity of their CO2 -based alternatives.
ization as the last step of polyolefin production was calculated
The route by CO2 from cement plants demonstrates the lowest
with data from Keim (2006). We considered the “Ziegler pro-
total material intensity of all CO2 -based production methods.
cess” for the production of PE-HD. Regarding this process, we
The results shown contain both the abiotic and biotic parts of
assumed an input of 1.015 kg of ethylene, 0.015 kg of butene,
RMI and TMR. Given that the biotic amounts are negligible,
0.45 kWh of electricity, 0.4 kg of steam, and 0.17 cubic meters
(below 0.1 kg/kg for all cases), no visual distinction was made in
(m³) of cooling water under normal conditions per kg of PE.
figures 3 and 4.
Assuming a turnover of around 98% propylene for 1 kg of PP
The same pattern results for TMR (figure 4), although with
in the gas-phase polypropylene process, we considered a propy-
higher values, because TMR includes the RMI. Conventionally
lene requirement of 1.02 kg, an electricity input of 0.33 kWh, a
produced basic chemicals and polymers have the lowest TMR.
steam input of 0.2 kg, and an input of cooling water of 0.085 m³
Again, the CO2 capture by cement plants demonstrates the
under normal conditions per kg of PP (Keim 2006).
lowest material intensity in all process chains.
Data for the energy infrastructure (pipelines, cables, power
and heat generation, etc.) are included in all ecoinvent pro-
cesses as described above. We do not consider the construction Normalization
of the methane, methanol, SMR, and polyolefin production
In order to analyze the trade-off between GHG emissions
plant of the CO2 -based process chains attributed to lack of data
(GWI) and material intensity (RMI and TMR), we carried
and assume negligible impacts. This is in line with other LCA
out a normalization. We calculated the saved GHG emissions
studies on CCU (e.g., Collet et al. 2016; Reiter and Lindorfer
( GWI) and the increased RMI ( RMI) and TMR ( TMR)
for the substitution of fossil by CO2 -based basic chemicals and
polymers (based on 1 kg). For the normalization, we used val-
ues of the German economy: GWI 926,424*106 kg CO2 -eq in
2012 (UBA 2016); RMI 2.774*1012 kg in 2011 (DESTATIS
Global Warming Impacts 2016); and TMR 7.853*1012 kg in 2012 (WI 2016).2 Setting
the difference values () in relation to the national order of
We compare GWI, RMI, and TMR of conventional and
magnitude of those indicators shows the proportional extent to
CO2 -based chemicals derived from different CO2 sources
which those environmental pressures are changed. As a result,
(figures 2 to 4). A cross-product comparison, for instance,
GWI savings for the production of basic chemicals and POM
methane versus methanol, is not intended and would be ham-
are relatively higher than the additional pressure by RMI and
pered by the fact that the functional unit (kg) does not reflect
TMR (figure 5). Considering the polyolefins, the increase of
the different properties of the chemicals. Nevertheless, combin-
material intensity based on RMI is approximately equal to the
ing the results for the different products in those figures allows
savings of GWI, whereas resource intensity increase based on
visualizing how the indicators change along the production
TMR would be somewhat higher. The different performance of
chain from platform chemicals to polymers.
PE and PP is caused by the energy-intensive MTO process as
The CO2 -based basic chemicals have a lower GWI than
part of the CO2 -based process chain.
the conventional ones (figure 2). Highest GHG savings for
methane and synthesis gas production occur if CO2 is captured
from cement plants. Producing methanol from CO2 captured
either from waste incineration or cement plants shows the high-
est differences in terms of GWI compared to the conventional Negative values of GWI for CO2 -based methane produc-
production. The production of PE and PP by CO2 captured tion occur because of the input of CO2 , whereas 2.75 kg of
from point sources would be more favorable than the conven- CO2 are used for the CO2 -based production of 1 kg of methane
tional processes. The alternative CO2 -based routes have nearly and 1.37 kg of CO2 for the production of 1 kg of methanol.
similar performance, with waste incineration and cement kilns In our analysis, modeled methane production by CO2 from ce-
as the most favorable carbon sources. In contrast, the DAC ment plants is the alternative with the lowest GWI, because
routes would emit even more GHG attributed to the excessive heat recovery from methanation and heat recovery from the
heat and electricity demand. All alternative processing routes cement plant itself are assumed to satisfy the heat demand for
of POM production show lower GWI compared to the con- CO2 capturing in a way that just a low amount of external elec-
ventional route. The route by CO2 captured at cement plants tricity is needed. In the case of methanol, production by CO2
reflects again the lowest impact. The difference between the from waste incineration shows the lowest GWI attributed to a
alternative routes and the conventional pathways is rather low. relatively low electricity demand (0.69 kg CO2 -eq/kWh) and
This is attributed to the low input of CO2 per kg of POM. no need of external heat supply. Higher GHG emissions result

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Figure 2 Global warming impact (GWI) for production of basic chemicals and polymers from different CO2 sources compared to the
conventional method. kg CO2 -eq/kg = kilograms carbon dioxide equivalents per kilogram; PE = polyethylene; POM = polyoxymethylene;
PP = polypropylene.

Figure 3 Raw material input (RMI) for production of basic chemicals and polymers from different CO2 sources compared to the
conventional method. CO2 = carbon dioxide; kg = kilogram(s); PE = polyethylene; POM = polyoxymethylene; PP = polypropylene.

through external heat supply from NG (0.26 kg CO2 -eq/kWh) for capturing CO2 is low or accessible burden free, given that
for capturing CO2 from a biogas and cement plant and by work methanol synthesis is less exothermal than methanation.
loss of lignite-fired power plants (1.2 kg CO2 -eq/kWh). DAC is CO2 capture plays a minor role in CO2 -based production in
the most GHG-emitting and material-intensive CO2 -capturing terms of GWI (figure 6). For methane production, electrolysis
option for methane and methanol production attributed to the dominates the GWI, whereas, in the case of methanol, the elec-
high heat and electricity demand. tricity requirement for synthesis is the most important driver.
In conclusion, impacts on GHG emissions of methane and The input of CO2 leads to a negative GWI in both cases, which
methane-based polymer production are relatively low if the is significant for methane and rather balanced for methanol. In
demand of electrical energy for capturing CO2 is low. The the case of methane, the input of CO2 dominates the GWI. The
demand of heat for capturing CO2 can be neglected when recov- GWI of methanol is almost zero attributable to an equal benefit
ering heat from methanation. CO2 -based routes for methanol for CO2 input and expenses for CO2 capture, H2 production,
production are most favorable if the thermal energy demand and methanation.

334 Journal of Industrial Ecology

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Figure 4 Total material requirement (TMR) for production of basic chemicals and polymers from different CO2 sources compared to the
conventional method. CO2 = carbon dioxide; kg = kilogram(s); PE = polyethylene; POM = polyoxymethylene; PP = polypropylene.

Figure 5 Normalized reductions (minus) and increases (plus) of environmental pressures through substitution of CO2 based for
fossil-based basic chemicals and polymers. CO2 = carbon dioxide; GWI = global warming impact; PE = polyethylene; POM =
polyoxymethylene; PP = polypropylene; RMI = raw material input; TMR = total material input.

The results of CO2 -based routes for synthesis gas, PE, PP, and higher material demand of CO2 -based routes results mainly
POM depend on the impacts of the underlying basic chemicals. from the energy intensity of the electrolysis. In the case of
Given that the input of methane for the production of 1 kg of methanation (assumed CO2 source: biogas), 80% of RMI and
POM (0.35 kg of methane/kg of POM) is lower than the input 65% of TMR result from the construction and maintenance
of methanol for PE and PP (around 2.6 kg of methanol/kg of PE of the wind energy plant. The TMR and RMI for methanol
or PP), higher savings of GHG emissions result for CO2 -based production are below these values because of the lower stoi-
polyolefins. chiometric input of hydrogen and therefore lower demand for
Considering the material intensity of the different produc- wind energy. The RMI—which consists mostly of abiotic pri-
tion routes, the CO2 -based alternatives exhibit a greater mate- mary materials—and the TMR for wind power were calculated
rial intensity compared to the conventional paths. CO2 from with 0.05 kg/kWh and 0.10 kg/kWh, respectively. These val-
a cement plants shows the lowest material intensity. This is ues are derived for a single wind turbine (0.8 megawatts [MW]
attributed to the lower electricity demand of capturing CO2 peak power) with an operating time of 20 years and 1,680 wind
from flue gases of a cement plant compared to other CO2 load hours per year. Wind parks with 5-MW turbines produce
sources. Another reason for the relatively low material intensity electricity offshore with 0.18 kg/kWh of TMR (Wiesen 2010)
is the lower heat demand attributed to heat recovery from the and onshore with 0.09 kg/kWh (Wiesen et al. 2013). There-
cement plant and from methanation/methanol synthesis. The fore, the figures provided here represent nearly the same range

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Figure 6 Processes determining global warming impact (GWI) balance in methane and methanol production (assumed CO2 source:
biogas). CO2 = carbon dioxide; H2 = hydrogen; kg CO2 -eq/kg = kilograms carbon dioxide equivalents per kilogram.

of primary material requirements of wind power. The TMR and The RMI would decrease by 18% and the TMR by 33% in this
RMI of fossil energy sources like coal-based electricity would be case (not yet considering lower primary material requirements
higher. reduced by higher recycled input in particular for the metals).
As explained above, a trade-off between GWI and material If the energy requirement of waste incineration plants for
resource requirements has to be taken into account to assess CO2 capture were equivalent to that of lignite-fired power
the environmental burden of CCU. The normalization rep- plants (0.164 kWh/kg of CO2 , as described in Data Basis), the
resents one way of comparing different environmental pres- GWI would decrease by 8% and the material intensity would
sures. The results presented may be interpreted in a way that decrease by 5% to 9%. Heat recovery from the cement plant
the CO2 -based production of methane, methanol, synthesis for CO2 capture (0.18 kWh/kg of CO2 ) is advantageous for
gas, and POM would be reasonable given that the savings of methane production. If NG were used as a heat source instead
GWI—in relation to the absolute pressures at economy-wide of heat recovery from a cement kiln, the GWI would increase by
level—would be higher than the additional material resource around 0.10 kg CO2 -eq/kg of methane and the RMI and TMR
requirements. This result is mainly caused by the input of CO2 . by 0.04 and 0.06 kg/kg of methane, respectively. The increases
In contrast, the production of CO2 -based polyolefins by MTO for methanol production are in a similar range. Whereas the
would not be reasonable if one could not accept that the re- GWI would rise by approximately 0.09 kg CO2 -eq, the RMI
duced GHG emissions go along with disproportionate higher and TMR would increase by approximately 0.04 and 0.05 kg/kg
resource requirements. This is caused by the energy-intensive of methanol, respectively.
MTO process, which causes a relatively high GWI. Although In the case that waste heat from external sources could be
we calculated an input of 3.59 kg of CO2 /kg of PE, the  GWI used—in chemical industry, exothermal reaction often requires
between conventional and CO2 -based production is only cooling—and substitute NG for CO2 capture from air, the GWI
0.73 kg CO2 -eq/kg of PE. In contrast, the increase of TMR would be lowered by around 0.5 kg CO2 -eq or 45%. The effects
is around 11.9 kg/kg of PE. In the case of PP, the savings of on the TMR and RMI would be negligible (–5% to –10%)
GWI are counterbalanced by the increased RMI. The normal- attributed to the low material intensity of NG. This means that
ized TMR, however, is 22.5 % higher than the normalized GWI GHG emissions of DAC would be comparable to or lower than
of PP. that of point sources as long as burden-free thermal energy is
A sensitivity analysis for the example of methane production accessible. There are no effects of using burden-free thermal
from CO2 in raw biogas indicates that the use of electricity energy for methane production from CO2 point sources (biogas
from renewable sources, such as wind power for electrolysis, is a and cement) given that heat recovery from a co-located metha-
necessary condition for reducing GWI, RMI, and TMR. Using nation plant would already be sufficient. Using heat burden free
electricity from the grid instead of wind, GWI would increase to for methanol synthesis from biogas, the GWI would decrease
17.2 kg CO2 -eq/kg of methane. Further, RMI and TMR would by approximately 0.19 kg CO2 -eq/kg of methanol.
grow by around 914% and 1,561%, respectively (indicating Attributed to the fact that we used simulation data
that power supply by conventional plants is significantly more instead of real data, the significance of our results is limited.
material intensive than energy from wind turbines). If wind For methane production, we compared our GWI results with an
power were used for all main processes as an electricity source, existing methanation plant. In practice, methanation technolo-
in particular for capturing of CO2 and methanation, the GWI of gies exhibit 17% to 28% lower GHG savings compared to the
the whole process chain would decrease further by around 23%. simulation.

336 Journal of Industrial Ecology

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Given that CCU is a new field of research, only a few stud- negative GWI and a low resource input for the production of
ies about the environmental performance of CO2 -based basic polymers.
chemicals and polymers are published. Sternberg and Bardow Last, but not least, cross-sectoral analysis should clarify
(2015) consider a lignite-fired power plant as a CO2 source. whether CO2 -based methanol produced with renewable en-
Concerning the CO2 -based production of methane, methanol, ergy could be better used as feedstock for chemical syntheses or
and synthesis gas, they calculate a lower GWI compared to the as fuel for energetic purposes (for methane, Hoppe et al. [2016]
conventional production alternatives. This corresponds with got first insights). For that purpose, the both environmental
our findings. A study by von der Assen and colleagues (2015) and economic performance of production routes will have to be
investigates the impacts of production and utilization of POM studied.
units for polyurethane production. They also state environmen-
tal benefits of CO2 -based polymers compared to conventionally
produced polymers. A more detailed comparison is hardly pos- Acknowledgment
sible attributable to not mentioned individual results for POM.
The authors thank the German Federal Ministry of Educa-
tion and Research (BMBF) within the framework of CO2 plus
for their support.
The aim of our study was to identify GHG and resource im-
plications of CO2 -based production routes for selected chemi- Notes
cals. The results indicate that for methane and methanol pro-
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duction and subsequent synthesis stages, using cement kilns Issue:
and waste incinerators as a CO2 source could be a promising resource-management - published
option for saving GHG emissions. The beneficial use of point 2. The data for RMI are preliminary, given that the method adopted
sources depends strongly on local conditions such as availability by DESTATIS is still under development. The data for TMR have
of waste heat. been derived independently.
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Supporting Information
Supporting information is linked to this article on the JIE website:
Supporting Information S1: This supporting information provides information on methane as a component of natural gas
(section 1), the figures of the considered process chains (sections 2 to 5), a life cycle inventory table (section 6), and changes
of base metal process data attributed to inconsistencies in the ecoinvent Database (section 7). We visualized, in sections 2
to 5 both the CO2 -based and conventional process chains, which are the basis for the life cycle assessment. Because of the
comprehensive processes, we focused on the most important steps and the material exchange with the environment. The
system boundary identifies the relevant processes for the life cycle assessment.

340 Journal of Industrial Ecology

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